Updated on 2024-03-15 GMT+08:00

Managing Tags

Tags facilitate Nacos engine identification and management.

If your organization has configured tag policies for Nacos engines, add tags to engines based on the policies. If a tag does not comply with the tag policies, engine creation may fail. Contact your administrator to learn more about tag policies.

You can add tags to a Nacos engine when creating the engine or add tags on the details page of the created engine. Up to 20 tags can be added to an engine. Tags can be modified and deleted.

A tag consists of a tag key and a tag value. Table 1 lists the tag key and value requirements.

Table 1 Tag naming rules




  • Cannot be left blank.
  • Must be unique for the same instance.
  • Contain a maximum of 63 characters.
  • Contain letters, digits, spaces, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
  • Cannot start or end with a space.
  • Cannot start with _sys_, cse.engine, app, higress, or sidecar.istio.ioinject.


  • Contain a maximum of 63 characters.
  • Contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).
  • Start and end with a letter or digit.


  1. Log in to CSE.
  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Registry/Configuration Cente.
  3. Click the target engine. The details page is displayed.
  4. In the Basic Information area, perform the following operations in the Tag field as required:

    • Add a tag

      Adding tags will affect Nacos engine services for about 10 seconds. Add tags during off-peak hours.

      1. Click Tag Management. The Edit Tag dialog box is displayed.
      2. Click Add Tag. You can enter tag information in Tag Key and Tag Value.
      3. Click OK.
    • Modify a tag

      Modifying tags will affect Nacos engine services for about 10 seconds. Modify tags during off-peak hours.

      1. Click Tag Management. The Edit Tag dialog box is displayed.
      2. You can modify the tag key and value in the original text boxes.
      3. Click OK.
    • Delete a tag

      Click in the row that contains the tag to be deleted. In the dialog box that is displayed, click OK to delete the tag.