Updated on 2024-06-19 GMT+08:00

VPN/Direct Connect Access


If your local data center or private network cannot access SWR through a public network, you can use Direct Connect or VPN to connect to Huawei Cloud VPC and use a VPC endpoint to access SWR.

This solution applies only to pushing images through SWR. To pull images, you also need to configure a VPC endpoint for accessing OBS using the OBS private address.


  1. Create a VPC. For details, see Creating a VPC.
  2. Create a Direct Connect connection or VPN so that the data center can connect to the VPC through Direct Connect or VPN.
  3. Buy a VPC endpoint.

    a. Log in to the management console.

    b. Click at the upper left corner and select the desired region and project.

    c. In the Service List at the upper left corner, choose Networking > VPC Endpoint.

    d. On the displayed page, click Buy VPC Endpoint.

    e. Configure the parameters as prompted.

    f. Click Next.

    g. Confirm the order details and click Submit.

  4. Obtain the private network IP address and domain name for accessing the VPC.

    By default, the domain name resolution rule is automatically added to Huawei Cloud VPCs.

    You only need to configure hosts for non-Huawei Cloud endpoints.

    a. Go to the endpoint list.

    b. Locate the purchased endpoint and click the endpoint ID to go to the details page.

    c. On the page displayed, you can view the IP address and private network domain name of the endpoint.

    Figure 1 Endpoint details page

  5. Configure hosts of the local data center. The hosts IP address consists of the IP address and private network domain name of the endpoint. Example:

    Figure 2 Example hosts

    In this section, 172.xx.xx.xx swr.ap-southeast-1.myhuaweicloud.com is only an example. Replace it with the actual IP address and private network domain name.

    There are two configuration methods:

    Configuring Hosts for Linux

    Customizing DNS Hosts

    • Configuring Hosts for Linux:
    1. Run the following command to open the /etc/hosts file:
      sudo vim /etc/hosts
    2. Add a custom domain name in the format of xx.xx.xx.xx swr.xx -xx.myhuaweicloud.com.

      xx.xx.xx.xx and swr.xx -xx.myhuaweicloud.com indicate the IP address and domain name obtained in Step 4, respectively.

    3. Run the following command to restart the network.
    sudo/etc/init.d/networking restart
    • Customizing DNS Hosts:
    1. Obtain the IP address of the VPC endpoint by referring to 4.
    2. Configure DNS forwarding rules on the DNS server in the local data center.

      The method of configuring DNS forwarding rules varies depending onOSs. For details, see the operation guide of the corresponding DNS software.

      This step uses the Linux OS and Bind (common DNS software) as an example.

      1. Edit the /etc/named.conf file to add a zone.
        zone " swr.xx-xx.myhuaweicloud.com " IN {
          type master;
          file " /var/named/swr.xx-xx.myhuaweicloud.com.zone"; 

        swr.xx-xx.myhuaweicloud.com indicates the private network domain name obtained in Step 4.

      2. Configure forward DNS resolution. Create the /var/named/swr.xx-xx.myhuaweicloud.com.zone file corresponding to the file in a.
        $TTL     604800
        @ IN      SOA       swr.xx-xx.myhuaweicloud.com. root.localhost. (
                                   2         ; Serial
                              604800         ; Refresh
                               86400         ; Retry
                             2419200         ; Expire
                              604800 )       ; Negative Cache TTL
        @    IN   NS   swr.xx-xx.myhuaweicloud.com.
        swr.xx-xx.myhuaweicloud.com.    IN   A     xx.xx.xx.xx
      3. Restart the service.

        /sbin/service named restart

      • If no DNS server is available in the local data center, add the endpoint IP address for accessing DNS to the /etc/resolv.conf file of the local data center.
      • swr.xx-xx.myhuaweicloud.com indicates the IP address obtained in Step 4.

  6. Run the following command to verify the configuration and check the output.

    ping swr.xx -xx.myhuaweicloud.com

  7. Use this domain name (swr.xx -xx.myhuaweicloud.com) in the later access to SWR.