Updated on 2022-08-16 GMT+08:00

Pulling an Image


You can run the docker pull command to pull images from SWR.


  1. Log in to the VM running the container engine as the root user.
  2. Obtain a login command by referring to Step 1 and access SWR.
  3. Log in to the SWR console.
  4. In the navigation pane, choose My Images and click the target image.
  5. On the Image Tags tab page, in the same row as the target image tag, click in the Image Pull Command column to copy the command.
  6. Run the image pull command obtained in Step 5 on the VM.

    Run the docker images command to check whether the images are successfully pulled.

    # docker images
    REPOSITORY                                  TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED         SIZE
    xxx/group/nginx                             v2.0.0    22f2bf2e2b4f   5 hours ago     22.8MB

  7. (Optional) Run the following command to save the image as an archive file:

    docker save [Image name:tag name] > [Archive file name]