Help Center> Software Repository for Container> FAQs> Login Issues> What Are the Differences Between Long-Term Valid Login Commands and Temporary Login Commands?
Updated on 2023-09-18 GMT+08:00

What Are the Differences Between Long-Term Valid Login Commands and Temporary Login Commands?

  • Temporary login commands will expire after 6 hours. A temporary login command can be used in scenarios such as temporary use and one-time external authorization. For production clusters that have high security requirements, it can also be used with periodic refresh.
  • Long-term valid login commands are permanently valid. A long-term valid login command can be used in scenarios such as preliminary tests, CI/CD pipelines, and image pull from container clusters.

After you obtain a long-term valid login command, your temporary login commands will still be valid as long as they are in their validity periods.

The long-term valid and temporary login commands can be used by multiple users to log in to the system at the same time.

Login Issues FAQs
