Updated on 2023-03-10 GMT+08:00

Establishing Network Connectivity


Establish network connectivity using Direct Connect if cloud servers in your VPC need to communicate with your on-premises data center.


  1. Apply for a connection from your account manager. If you do not have an account manager, contact customer service.
  2. Log in to the management console.
  3. In the service list, choose Network > Direct Connect.
  4. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Direct Connect > Virtual Gateways.
  5. Click Create Virtual Gateway.
  6. Configure the parameters.
    Table 1 Parameter description




    Specifies the virtual gateway name.

    The name can contain 1 to 64 characters, including letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).


    Specifies whether the virtual gateway is associated with a VPC or attached to an enterprise router.


    Specifies the VPC to be associated with the virtual gateway.

    This parameter is mandatory when you set Attachment to VPC.

    Enterprise Router

    Specifies the enterprise router that the virtual gateway is attached to.

    This parameter is mandatory when you set Attachment to Enterprise Router.

    Subnet CIDR Block

    Specifies the CIDR blocks of subnets in the VPC to connect to the on-premises network.

    This parameter is mandatory when you set Attachment to VPC.


    Provides supplementary information about the virtual gateway.

    You can enter 0 to 128 characters.

    Configuration Fee

    Shows the prices of the enterprise router attachment and of the traffic used by the enterprise router.

    This parameter is displayed when you set Attachment to Enterprise Router.

  7. Click OK.
  8. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Direct Connect > Virtual Interfaces.
  9. Click Create Virtual Interface.
  10. Set the parameters as prompted and then click Create Now.
    Table 2 Parameter description




    Select the region of the VPC that needs to communicate with the on-premises data center.


    Specifies the virtual interface name.

    The name can contain 1 to 64 characters, including letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).


    Specifies the connection with which the virtual interface is to be associated.

    A virtual interface can be associated with only one connection.

    Virtual Gateway

    Select the virtual gateway with which the virtual interface is to be associated.

    A virtual interface can be associated with only one virtual gateway.


    Specifies the virtual interface VLAN ID.

    You need to configure the VLAN if you create a standard connection.

    The VLAN for a hosted connection will be allocated by the carrier or partner. You do not need to configure the VLAN.


    Specifies the virtual interface bandwidth in the unit of Mbit/s.

    If the selected connection is a hosted connection, the virtual interface exclusively uses the connection bandwidth.

    IP Address Family

    The value can be IPv4 or IPv6.

    If the address type of the selected virtual gateway does not match the address type of the virtual interface peer, the virtual interfaces cannot communicate with each other after being created.


    Direct Connect allows you to create virtual interface peers to support IPv4/IPv6 dual stack. The IP address type of a virtual interface peer is determined by the associated connection.

    Local Gateway

    Specifies the IP address for connecting to the cloud network.

    Remote Gateway

    Specifies the IP address for connecting to your on-premises network.

    Remote Subnet

    Specifies the subnets used by the on-premises network.

    Specifies the remote subnet using CIDR notation. You can enter a maximum of 50 subnets. Ensure that each subnet is unique and separate every two subnets with commas (,).

    Routing Mode

    Specifies the routing mode. Two options are available, Static and BGP.

    If there are two or more connections, select BGP routing.


    Specifies the autonomous system number (ASN) of the BGP peer.

    BGP MD5 Authentication Key

    Specifies the MD5 password of the BGP peer.


    Provides supplementary information about the virtual interface.

    You can enter 0 to 128 characters.