Querying the Details of a Warehouse
This interface is used to obtain warehouse information based on the warehouse UUID (returned by the CreateRepository interface). The returned information contains the ID, name, group name, and repository access URL.
GET /v2/repositories/{repository_uuid}
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
repository_uuid |
Yes |
String |
UUID of the repository. |
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
X-Auth-Token |
Yes |
String |
Specifies a user token. It can be obtained by calling an IAM API. The value of X-Subject-Token in the response header is the user token. |
Response Parameters
Status code: 200
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
error |
Error object |
Response error. |
result |
RepoInfoV2 object |
Result |
status |
String |
Response status. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
created_at |
String |
Created |
creator_name |
String |
User name of the creator. If the user is a tenant, the user name is the same as the tenant name. |
domain_name |
String |
Tenant name of the creator. |
group_name |
String |
Repository group name (Example: git@repo.alpha.devcloud.inhuawei.com:Demo00228/testword.git Group name: Demo00228) |
https_url |
String |
URL used when HTTPS is used to clone the repository. |
iam_user_uuid |
String |
IAM user UUID of the user. |
is_owner |
Integer |
Indicates whether the current user is the creator of the warehouse. 1: yes; 0: no |
lfs_size |
String |
LFS capacity of the warehouse, in MB. If the capacity is greater than 1024 MB, the unit is GB. |
project_is_deleted |
String |
Whether the project is deleted |
project_uuid |
String |
Project UUID. |
repository_id |
Integer |
Warehouse Primary Key ID |
repository_name |
String |
Repository name |
repository_size |
String |
Total repository capacity = Repository LFS capacity + Git repository capacity. The unit is MB. If the value is greater than 1024 MB, the unit is GB. |
repository_uuid |
String |
Repository UUID, which is returned by the CreateRepository API. |
ssh_url |
String |
URL used for cloning the repository in SSH mode. |
star |
Boolean |
Indicates whether the current user adds the warehouse to favorites. |
status |
Integer |
Warehouse status. 0: The warehouse is successfully created. 1: The repository is being created. 2: creation failed 3: The warehouse is frozen. 4: The warehouse has been closed. |
updated_at |
String |
Update time. |
userRole |
Integer |
User permission in the repository. The options are as follows: 20: read-only member 30: common member 40: administrator |
visibility_level |
Integer |
Indicates whether the repository is visible. The options are 0 (private repository) and 20 (public repository). |
web_url |
String |
Web URL. If you access the URL, the repository details page is displayed. |
Example Requests
GET https://{endpoint}/v2/repositories/{repository_uuid}
Example Responses
Status code: 200
{ "result" : { "repository_uuid" : "045ceabb9aea40579d5a759e84fa7f0a", "repository_id" : 468485, "repository_name" : "CreatRepository_MI9Af", "ssh_url" : "git@repo.alpha.devcloud.inhuawei.com:Demo00228/CreatRepository_MI9Af.git", "https_url" : "https://repo.alpha.devcloud.inhuawei.com/Demo00228/CreatRepository_MI9Af.git", "group_name" : "Demo00228", "web_url" : "https://alpha.devcloud.inhuawei.com/repo/468485/home", "visibility_level" : 0, "created_at" : "2019-10-15 09:40:27", "updated_at" : null, "repository_size" : null, "lfs_size" : null, "creator_name" : null, "domain_name" : null, "star" : null, "status" : null, "is_owner" : null, "iam_user_uuid" : null, "project_uuid" : "4838955a48e2492bbe44b31bc4c272f6", "project_is_deleted" : "false", "userRole" : null }, "status" : "success" }
Status Codes
Status Code |
Description |
200 |
OK |
Error Codes
See Error Codes.
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