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Updated on 2025-01-22 GMT+08:00

A workflow is a simplified representation of a series of tasks and the rules that govern their execution. It provides a good engineering method to solve service problems by outlining and visualizing service process for easy maintenance and expansion.

The following describes the workflows in two development modes.

  • Branch development: By cloning a central repository of a source project, you can initiate an MR from the new branch to the target branch so that every developer can easily contribute code to an open source project. This mode, without a code review process, is more suitable for small development teams due to the limited need for code reviews in smaller teams. For larger teams, the fork development mode is recommended.

  • Fork development: It is a flexible and open development model that allows any developer to contribute to open-source projects through forking and merge requests, encouraging community collaboration. This is also an excellent code review mechanism, which makes the communication and collaboration between developers more smooth and flexible and the development work more efficient.





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