Updated on 2023-02-07 GMT+08:00

What Is CCI?

Cloud Container Instance (CCI) is a serverless container engine that allows you to run containers without creating or managing server clusters.

With the serverless architecture, you can focus on building and operating applications without having to create or manage servers, or worrying about server health. All you have to do is to specify resource requirements (such as the required CPU cores and memory space). This gives you a more focused approach to business needs and helps you reduce management and maintenance costs. Traditionally, to run containerized workloads using Kubernetes, you need to create a Kubernetes server cluster first. That is not the case with CCI. Under the serverless architecture, CCI allows you to directly create and use containerized workloads by using the console, kubectl, or Kubernetes APIs, and pay only for the resources consumed by these workloads.

CCI provides the following functions:

  • Automated continuous delivery (CD)

    Verifies every container image change by running the new container images in just a few clicks.

  • Full hosting of workloads during runtime

    Provides hosting for Deployments to ensure stable running.

  • Fast auto scaling

    Allows you to customize auto scaling policies and scales resources automatically within 1s.

  • High Availability (HA) assurance for applications

    Allows concurrent running of multiple instances and provides global load balancing.

  • Monitoring of container status

    Provides health checks for containers and monitors container metrics in real time.

  • Persistent data storage

    Supports mounting of network storage volumes to persist service data.

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