Updated on 2023-02-07 GMT+08:00

Monitoring Management

CCI works with AOM to monitor pod resources, such as CPUs, memory, and disks. You can view the monitoring metric data of a pod on the CCI or AOM console.

Monitoring Metrics

You can view the metrics of container pods on the AOM console. For details, see Table 1.

Table 1 Monitoring metrics

Metric ID



Value Range



CPU usage

Percentage of the used CPU cores to the total CPU cores restricted for a measured object




Total CPU cores

Total number of CPU cores restricted for a measured object

≥ 1



Used CPU cores

Number of CPU cores used by a measured object

≥ 0



Total physical memory

Total physical memory restricted for a measured object

≥ 0



Physical memory usage

Percentage of the used physical memory to the total physical memory restricted for a measured object




Used physical memory

Used physical memory of a measured object

≥ 0


Viewing Pod Monitoring Data

You can view pod monitoring data on the CCI console.

Log in to the CCI console. In the navigation pane, choose Workloads > Deployments. On the page displayed, click the target workload. On the page displayed, click the downward arrow of the target pod to show its Monitoring tab page, which displays the CPU and memory usage of the pod in the last hour.

Figure 1 Pod list

The resource monitoring information on the CCI console displays only the CPU and memory usage. You can view more monitoring metrics on the AOM console.

  1. Click View more under the Monitoring tab to go to the AOM console.

    Figure 2 Pod monitoring

  2. Click to add a line graph to the view template.

    Figure 3 View template

  3. Select a system metric on the left of the page, for example, CPU usage, and click OK.

    Figure 4 System metrics

  4. View the pod monitoring data on the View Details page.

    Figure 5 Viewing monitor graphs