- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Billing
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Before You Start
- Building Functions
Configuring Functions
- Configuring Initialization
- Configuring Basic Settings
- Configuring Agency Permissions
- Configuring the Network
- Configuring Disk Mounting
- Configuring Environment Variables
- Configuring Asynchronous Execution Notification
- Configuring Single-Instance Multi-Concurrency
- Managing Versions
- Managing Aliases
- Configuring Dynamic Memory
- Configuring Heartbeat Function
- Configuring Tags
- Configuring a Log Group and Log Stream
- Online Debugging
- Creating Triggers
- Invoking the Function
- Monitoring
- Function Management
- Dependency Management
- Reserved Instance Management (Old)
- Reserved Instance Management
- Increasing Resource Quota
- CLI Command Reference
- Audit
- Best Practices
- devg
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Examples
- Extension and OpenTelemetry APIs
- Function Invocation
- Function Quotas
- Dependencies
- Test Events
- Function Tracing
Function Lifecycle Management
- Querying Functions
- Creating a Function
- Deleting a Function or Function Version
- Querying the Code of a Function
- Modifying the Code of a Function
- Querying the Metadata of a Function
- Modifying the Metadata of a Function
- Updating Max. Instances of a Function
- Querying Function Tags
- Enabling or Disabling the Snapshot Function
- Querying ServiceBridge Functions Bound to a Specified Function
- Querying Snapshot Status
- Querying Resource Tags
- Querying Resources
- Deleting Resource Tags
- Creating Resource Tags
- Updating the Pinning Status of a Function
- Querying the Available ServiceBridge Version
- Versions and Aliases
- Function Metrics
- Function Logs
- Function Templates
- Reserved Instances
- Function Import and Export
- Function Triggers
Function Flows
- Executing a Flow Synchronously
- Executing a Flow Asynchronously
- Deleting Flows
- Querying a Flow
- Creating a Flow
- Querying Instances of a Flow
- Querying a Flow Instance
- Querying Metadata of a Flow Instance
- Modifying Metadata of a Flow Instance
- Querying Flow Metrics
- Querying Metrics of a Flow
- Re-executing a Flow
- Stopping a Flow
- Querying Records of a Flow in Pagination Mode
- Calling Back a Flow
Asynchronous Execution Notification
- Querying Asynchronous Execution Notification Settings of a Function Version
- Deleting Asynchronous Execution Notification Settings
- Configuring Asynchronous Execution Notification
- Querying Asynchronous Execution Notification Settings of a Function's All Versions
- Querying Asynchronous Invocation Requests
- Querying Active Asynchronous Invocation Requests
- Stopping an Asynchronous Invocation Request
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
- SDK Reference
General FAQs
- What Is FunctionGraph?
- Do I Need to Apply for Any Compute, Storage, or Network Services When Using FunctionGraph?
- Do I Need to Deploy My Code After Programming?
- How Do I Obtain a Token?
- What Runtimes Does FunctionGraph Support?
- How Much Disk Space Is Allocated to Each FunctionGraph Function?
- Does FunctionGraph Support Function Versioning?
- How Does a Function Read or Write Files?
- How Do I Set a Proxy When Using CLI?
- Does FunctionGraph Support Function Extension?
- Which Permissions Are Required for an IAM User to Use FunctionGraph?
- How Can I Create an ODBC Drive-based Python Dependency Package for Database Query?
- What Is the Quota of FunctionGraph?
- What Chinese Fonts Does FunctionGraph Support?
- How Does FunctionGraph Resolve a Private DNS Domain Name?
- How Does a Container Image–based Function Resolve a Private DNS Domain Name?
- How Do I Use a Domain Name to Access an API Registered with API Gateway (Dedicated)?
- What Are the Common Application Scenarios of FunctionGraph?
- Why Can't the API Gateway Domain Name Bound to a Service Be Resolved During Function Invocation?
- Does FunctionGraph Support Synchronous Transmission at the Maximum Intranet Bandwidth?
- What If the VPC Quota Is Used Up?
- How Can I Print Info, Error, or Warn Logs?
- Can I Set the Domain Name of an API to My Own Domain Name?
- Can I Change the Runtime?
- Can I Change a Function's Name?
- Why Is Message "failed to mount exist system path" Displayed?
- How Do I Obtain Uploaded Files?
- Why Can't I Receive Responses for Synchronous Invocation?
- What Should I Do If the os.system("command &") Execution Logs Are Not Collected?
- Which Directories Can Be Accessed When a Custom Runtime Is Used?
- Which Minor Versions of Python 3.6 and 3.9 Are Supported?
- Which Actions Can Be Used Instead of a VPC Administrator Agency for VPC Access?
- What Are the Possible Causes for Function Timeout?
- How Do I Obtain the Code of a Function?
- Do You Have Sample Code for Initializers?
- How Do I Enable Structured Log Query?
- Can I Enable a Listening Port in a Function to Receive External TCP Requests via EIP?
- Does FunctionGraph Support Domain Name Resolution?
- How Do I Obtain the Source IP Address of an HTTP Request Initiated by a Function?
- Function Creation FAQs
Trigger Management FAQs
- What Events Can Trigger a FunctionGraph Function?
- What If Error Code 500 Is Reported When Functions that Use APIG Triggers Return Strings?
- What Do LATEST and TRIM_HORIZON Mean in DIS Trigger Configuration?
- How Do I Use an APIG Trigger to Invoke a Function?
- How Does a Function Obtain the Request Path or Parameters When Using an APIG Trigger?
- Can I Configure a Kafka Trigger in a Different Subnet from My Function?
Dependency Management FAQs
- What Is a Dependency?
- When Do I Need a Dependency?
- What Are the Precautions for Using a Dependency?
- What Dependencies Does FunctionGraph Support?
- Does FunctionGraph Support Class Libraries?
- How Do I Use Third-Party Dependencies on FunctionGraph?
- How Do I Create Function Dependencies?
- How Do I Create a Dependency on the FunctionGraph Console?
- How Do I Add a Dependency to a Function?
Function Execution FAQs
- How Long Does It Take to Execute a FunctionGraph Function?
- Which Steps Are Included in Function Execution?
- How Does FunctionGraph Process Concurrent Requests?
- What If Function Instances Have Not Been Executed for a Long Time?
- How Can I Speed Up Initial Access to a Function?
- How Do I Know the Actual Memory Used for Function Execution?
- Why Is My First Request Slow?
- What Do I Do If an Error Occurs When Calling an API?
- How Do I Read the Request Header of a Function?
- Can the Synchronous Execution Interface Be Invoked on a Private Network?
- Why Does a Function Use More Memory Than Estimated and Even Trigger the Out of Memory Alarm?
- How Do I Check the Memory Usage When Seeing "runtime memory limit exceeded"?
- How Do I Troubleshoot "CrashLoopBackOff"?
- After I Updated an Image with the Same Name, Reserved Instances Still Use the Old Image. What Can I Do?
- Function Configuration FAQs
- External Resource Access FAQs
Other FAQs
- How Do I View the Alarm Rules Configured for a Function?
- Does FunctionGraph Support ZIP Decompiling During Video Transcoding?
- Will Resources Created During FunctionGraph 2.0 OBT Be Automatically Released When They Expire? Will Them Be Billed?
- What Is an App in FunctionGraph?
- Do I Need to Pay for Cold Start Time?
- Why Am I Seeing a Message Indicating that My Account Was Suspended When Creating a Function?
- Will the Requests of All My Functions in Different Regions Be Billed?
- Migration from FunctionGraph V1 to V2
General FAQs
Making an API Request
This section describes the structure of a REST API request, and uses the Identity and Access Management (IAM) API for obtaining a user token as an example to demonstrate how to call an API. The obtained token can then be used to authenticate the calling of other APIs.
Request URI
A request URI is in the following format:
{URI-scheme} :// {Endpoint} / {resource-path} ? {query-string}
Although a request URI is included in the request header, most programming languages or frameworks require the request URI to be transmitted separately.
- URI-scheme: Protocol used to transmit requests. All APIs use HTTPS.
- resource-path: Access path of an API for performing a specified operation. Obtain the path from the URI of an API. For example, the resource-path of the API used to obtain a user token is /v3/auth/tokens.
- query-string: Query parameter, which is optional. Ensure that a question mark (?) is included before each query parameter that is in the format of "Parameter name=Parameter value". For example, ?limit=10 indicates that a maximum of 10 data records will be displayed.
For example, to obtain an IAM token in the region, obtain the endpoint of IAM () for this region and the resource-path (/v3/auth/tokens) in the URI of the API used to . Then, construct the URI as follows:
To simplify the URI display in this document, each API is provided only with a resource-path and a request method. The URI-scheme of all APIs is HTTPS, and the endpoints of all APIs in the same region are identical.
Request Methods
The HTTP protocol defines the following request methods that can be used to send a request to the server:
- GET: requests the server to return specified resources.
- PUT: requests the server to update specified resources.
- POST: requests the server to add resources or perform special operations.
- DELETE: requests the server to delete specified resources, for example, an object.
- HEAD: same as GET except that the server must return only the response header.
- PATCH: requests the server to update partial content of a specified resource. If the resource does not exist, a new resource will be created.
For example, in the case of the API used to , the request method is POST. The request is as follows:
Request Header
You can also add additional header fields to a request, such as the fields required by a specified URI or HTTP method. For example, to request for the authentication information, add Content-Type, which specifies the request body type.
Common request header fields are as follows:
- Content-Type: specifies the request body type or format. This field is mandatory and its default value is application/json. Other values of this field will be provided for specific APIs if any.
- X-Auth-Token: specifies a user token only for token-based API authentication. The user token is a response to the API used to . This API is the only one that does not require authentication.
In addition to supporting token-based authentication, FunctionGraph APIs also support authentication using access key ID/secret access key (AK/SK). During AK/SK-based authentication, an SDK is used to sign the request, and the Authorization (signature information) and X-Sdk-Date (time when the request is sent) header fields are automatically added to the request.
For more details, see AK/SK-based Authentication.
- X-Project-ID: specifies a subproject ID. This parameter is mandatory only in multi-project scenarios.
- X-Domain-ID: specifies an account ID.
The API used to does not require authentication. Therefore, only the Content-Type field needs to be added to requests for calling the API. An example of such requests is as follows:
Request Body
The body of a request is often sent in a structured format as specified in the Content-Type header field. The request body transfers content except the request header.
The request body varies between APIs. Some APIs do not require the request body, such as the APIs requested using the GET and DELETE methods.
In the case of the API used to obtain a user token, the request parameters and parameter description can be obtained from the API request. The following provides an example request with the body included. Replace username, domainname, ******** (login password), and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (project name) with the actual values.
The scope parameter specifies where a token takes effect. You can set scope to an account or a project under an account. In the following example, the token takes effect only for the resources in a specified project. For more information about this API, see Obtaining a User Token.
If all data required for the API request is available, you can send the request to call the API through curl, Postman, or coding. In the response to the API used to obtain a user token, x-subject-token is the desired user token. This token can then be used to authenticate the calling of other APIs.
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