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Connecting to SkyWalking with an Extension

Updated on 2023-06-25 GMT+08:00

This section uses SkyWalking as an example to describe how to integrate a function with monitoring, observability, security, and supervision tools via extension APIs.


Compiling an extension locally with a compiled language will generate a binary file. To use a non-compiled language, package and upload the required dependencies for the function, and ensure that the language is compatible with the function's runtime.

Embed the SkyWalking agent in the extension code to monitor function requests through the extension.

Sample code: skywalking-go.zip

func startSkywalkingAgent() {
    r, err := reporter.NewGRPCReporter("", reporter.WithCDS(100))
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("new reporter error %v \n", err)
    defer r.Close()
    tracer, err := go2sky.NewTracer("testservice", go2sky.WithReporter(r))
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("create tracer error %v \n", err)
    sm, err := httpPlugin.NewServerMiddleware(go2sky.GetGlobalTracer())
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("create server middleware error %v \n", err)
    http.HandleFunc(invokeURL, sm(RequestHandler{}).ServeHTTP)
    http.ListenAndServe(currentExtensionAddr, nil)

Replace with your SkyWalking collector IP address and testservice with your service name.

Compile the code locally to generate a binary file. Then package the binary file and the .sh script file prefixed with extension, and upload them as a dependency. The file structure of the extension dependency package is as follows:

extension -

​ extensionDemo.sh

​Extension # Generated binary file

Service page after successful connection

Endpoint page





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