Example 1: Creating a Service Ticket
This section describes how to create a service ticket using APIs. For details on how to call APIs, see Calling APIs.
Involved APIs
- Obtaining a User Token Through Password Authentication: used for authentication.
- Uploading an Attachment: used to upload an attachment in scenarios where attachments are needed for the service ticket
- Creating a Service Ticket: used to submit a service ticket
- Querying Service Ticket Details: used to query the progress and details of a service ticket based on the service ticket ID
- You have obtained your AK/SK pair. For details, see Obtaining an AK/SK Pair.
- Obtain the token of the IAM user.
- API information
URI format: POST /v3/auth/tokens
For details, see Obtaining a User Token Through Password Authentication.
- Request Example
POST: https://{iam_endpoint}/v3/auth/tokens
Obtain {endpoint} from Regions and Endpoints.
Body:{ "auth": { "identity": { "methods": [ "password" ], "password": { "user": { "name": "username", "domain": { "name": "domainname" }, "password": "****" } } }, "scope": { "project": { "id": "****" } } } }
In the response header, the value of X-Subject-Token is the token.
- API information
- Upload an attachment.
- API information
POST /v2/servicerequest/accessorys/json-format-content
For details, see Uploading an Attachment.
- Request Example
POST https://osm.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/v2/servicerequest/accessorys/json-format-content
Content-Type: application/json X-Auth-Token: "Token"
{ "accessory_name": "filename", "accessory_from": "incident", "upload_type": 0, "accessory_data": "Base64 XXXXX" }
- Response Example
{ "accessory_id": "accessory_id" }
- API information
- Call the API to create a service ticket.
- API information
POST /v2/servicerequest/cases
For details, see Creating a Service Ticket.
- Request Example
POST https://osm.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/v2/servicerequest/cases
Content-Type: application/json X-Auth-Token: "Token"
{ "business_type_id": "business_type_id", "product_category_id": "product_category_id", "incident_sub_type_id": "1", "source_id": "83aeb0f2834c4df49826c781d32a963e", "simple_description": "test", "remind_time": "0", "region_id": "cn-test-1", "area_code": "86", "extends_map": { }, "extension_map": { }, "accessory_ids": [ "accessory_id" // IDs here are those returned in the attachment upload section.//If there is no attachment, do not pass this parameter. ] }
- Response Example
{ "incident_id": "TS-123456" }
- API information
- Call the query API to view the details and progress of the service ticket.
- API information
GET /v2/servicerequest/cases/{case_id}
For details, see Querying Service Ticket Details.
- Request Example
GET https://osm.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com/v2/servicerequest/cases/TT-123456
Content-Type: application/json X-Auth-Token: "Token"
- Response Example
{ "incident_detail_info": { "xcustomer_name": "test", "status": 0, "incident_id": "TT-123456", "business_type_name": "Consulting about event rules", "customer_id": "customer_id", "dc_name": "CN South-Guangzhou", "simple_description": "123", "source_name": "User Center", "create_time": "2020-12-25T09:24:18Z", "message_list": [ { "type": 0, "replier": "", "content": "123", "message_id": "", "replier_name": "", "create_time": "2020-12-25T09:24:18Z", "is_first_message": 0, "accessory_list": [ { "accessory_id": "", "file_actual_name": "test.jpg" } ] } ], "incident_satisfaction": [ ], "is_authorized": 0, "resolve_time": 0, "business_ownership": 0, "ext_info": { "area_code": "", "remind_mobile": "", "remind_mail": "", "contact_type": "0,1,2", "remind_time": "0", "cc_email": "" } } }
Status 0 means it is to be handled.
- API information
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