Updated on 2023-11-17 GMT+08:00

Creating a Message Template

You can create message templates to customize notifications. When a preset notification rule is triggered, notifications can be sent to specified personnel by emails, SMS, WeCom, DingTalk, voice calls, HTTP, or HTTPS. If no message template is created, the default message template will be used.

Creating a Message Template

  1. Log in to the AOM console and choose Alarm Center > Alarm Action Rules in the navigation pane. On the displayed page, click the Message Templates tab.
  2. On the Message Templates page, click Create.

    1. Enter a template name.
    2. Enter a template description.
    3. Select a language. (Only simplified Chinese and English are supported.)
    4. Customize the template content. (Default fields are automatically filled when a message template is created.)
      • You can create up to 100 message templates. If the number of templates exceeds the upper limit, delete unnecessary templates and create new ones.
      • There are two default message templates. If you do not customize any message template, notifications will be sent based on default templates. The default templates cannot be deleted or edited.
      • In addition to default fields, the message template also allows you to add custom fields. You need to define values for custom fields for event alarm reporting. For details about how to call related APIs, see Alarm APIs. For details about the parameters, see the alarm reporting structs in the following message template.
      • Custom fields support the JSONPath format. Example: $event.metadata.case1 or $event.metadata.case[0].
      • In the upper right corner of the Body area, click Add Variables to add required variables.
      • If you select Email, you can click Preview to view the final effect. On the Preview page, change the message topic if necessary.
      Table 1 Variables in the default message template




      Notification Type

      Type selected when a notification rule is created, which can be Alarm or Event.



      Alarm or event severity, which can be Critical, Major, Minor, or Warning.



      Name of the alarm or event that triggers the notification rule.



      Time when the alarm or event is triggered.



      Name of the service corresponding to the alarm or event that triggers the notification rule.


      Resource Type

      Type of the resource selected when you customize a threshold rule or define alarm reporting.


      Resource Identifier

      Resource that triggers the alarm or event.


      Custom tag

      Extended tag.


      Possible Cause

      Cause of the alarm. For non-custom reporting, "NA" is displayed.


      Additional Info

      Additional alarm description, such as the metric name and alarm rule status change.



      Suggestion on how to handle the alarm. For non-custom reporting, "NA" is displayed.


      Custom annotation

      Extended annotation.


      Alarm reporting structs corresponding to the message template
      	"event": {
      		"starts_at": 1579420868000,       //${starts_at}
                      "ends_at": 1579420868000,
      		"timeout": 60000,
      		"resource_group_id": "5680587ab6*******755c543c1f",
      		"metadata": {
      			"event_name": "test",         //${metadata.event_name}
      			"event_severity": "Major",    //${metadata.event_severity}
      			"event_type": "alarm",        //${metadata.event_type}
      			"resource_provider": "ecs",   //${metadata.resource_provider}
      			"resource_type": "vm",        //${metadata.resource_type}
      			"resource_id": "ecs123",
      			"key1": "Custom field"          //$event.metadata.key1
      		"annotations": {
      			"alarm_probableCause_zh_cn": "possible cause",     //${annotations.alarm_probableCause_zh}
      			"alarm_fix_suggestion_zh_cn": "fix suggestion",    //${annotations.alarm_fix_suggestion_zh}
      			"key2": "Custom field"    //$event.annotations.key2
    5. Click Confirm. The message template is created.

More Operations

After creating a message template, you can perform the operations listed in Table 2.

Table 2 Related operations



Editing a message template

Click Edit in the Operation column.

Copying a message template

Click Copy in the Operation column.

Deleting a message template

  • To delete a single message template, click Delete in the Operation column in the row that contains the template, and then click Yes on the displayed page.
  • To delete one or more message templates, select them, and click Delete above the template list, and then click Yes on the displayed page.

    Before deleting a message template, you need to delete the alarm action rules bound to it.

Searching for a message template

Enter a template name in the search box in the upper right corner and click .