Creating a Suppression Rule

Updated on 2025-01-08 GMT+08:00

By using suppression rules, you can suppress or block notifications related to specific alarms. For example, when a major alarm is generated, less severe alarms can be suppressed. Another example, when a node is faulty, all other alarms of the processes or containers on this node can be suppressed.


If the source alarm corresponding to the suppression condition is cleared before the alarm notification is sent, the suppression rule becomes invalid. For the suppressed object (alarm suppressed by the source alarm), the alarm notification can still be sent as usual.

You can create up to 100 suppression rules.

Creating a Suppression Rule

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Alarm Center > Alarm Noise Reduction.
  2. On the Suppression Rules tab page, click Create and set parameters such as the rule name and root alarm.

    Figure 1 Creating a suppression rule
    Table 1 Setting a suppression rule





    Rule Name

    Suppression rule name, which can contain up to 100 characters and cannot start or end with an underscore (_). Only letters, digits, and underscores are allowed.


    Suppression rule description, which can contain up to 1024 characters.

    Suppression rules

    Source Alarm

    Alarm that triggers suppression.

    You can create up to 10 parallel conditions under Source Alarm, and up to 10 serial conditions under each parallel condition. Serial conditions are in the AND relationship whereas parallel conditions are in the OR relationship. An alarm must meet all serial conditions under one of the parallel conditions.

    For a serial condition, if Alarm Severity is set to Critical, critical alarms are filtered out as the root alarms.

    Suppressed Alarm

    Alarm that is suppressed by the root alarm.

    Set parameters for the suppressed alarm in the same way that you set parameters for the source alarm.

    If Serial Condition of Source Alarm is set to Critical and that of Suppressed Alarm is set to Warning, warnings will be suppressed when critical alarms are generated.

  3. After you finish setting the parameters, click Create Now.

    After a suppression rule is created, it will take effect for all alarms that are grouped.

More Operations

After creating a suppression rule, perform the operations listed in Table 2 if needed.

Table 2 Related operations



Modifying a suppression rule

Click Modify in the Operation column.

Deleting a suppression rule

  • To delete a single rule, click Delete in the Operation column in the row that contains the rule.
  • To delete one or more rules, select them and click Delete above the rule list.

Searching for a suppression rule

Enter a rule name in the search box in the upper right corner and click .





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