Creating a Silence Rule

Updated on 2025-01-08 GMT+08:00

You can shield alarm notifications in a specified period. A silence rule takes effect immediately after it is created.

Creating a Silence Rule

You can create up to 100 silence rules.

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Alarm Center > Alarm Noise Reduction.
  2. On the Silence Rules tab page, click Create and set parameters such as the rule name and silence condition.

    Figure 1 Creating a silence rule
    Table 1 Setting a silence rule





    Rule Name

    Silence rule name, which can contain up to 100 characters and cannot start or end with an underscore (_). Only letters, digits, and underscores are allowed.


    Silence rule description, which can contain up to 1024 characters.

    Silence rules

    Silence Condition

    Any alarm notifications that meet the silence condition will be shielded.

    You can create up to 10 parallel conditions under Silence Condition, and up to 10 serial conditions under each parallel condition. Serial conditions are in the AND relationship whereas parallel conditions are in the OR relationship. An alarm must meet all serial conditions under one of the parallel conditions.

    For a serial condition, if Alarm Severity is set to Critical, critical alarms are shielded.

    Silence Time

    Time when alarm notifications are shielded. There are two options:

    • Fixed time: Alarm notifications are shielded only in a specified period.
    • Cycle time: Alarm notifications are shielded periodically.

    Time Zone/Language

    Time zone and language for which alarm notifications are shielded. The time zone and language configured in Preferences are selected by default. You can change them as required.

  3. Click Create Now.

More Operations

After creating a silence rule, perform the operations listed in Table 2 if needed.

Table 2 Related operations



Modifying a silence rule

Click Modify in the Operation column.

Deleting a silence rule

  • To delete a single rule, click Delete in the Operation column in the row that contains the rule.
  • To delete one or more rules, select them and click Delete above the rule list.

Searching for a silence rule

Enter a rule name in the search box in the upper right corner and click .





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