Updated on 2023-11-17 GMT+08:00

Installing the ICAgent


  • You have purchased an Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) as a jump server.
  • The ECS meets the requirements listed in OSs and versions supported by AOM and supports the AMD64 architecture.
  • The server has been bound to an Elastic IP Address (EIP). For details, see Assigning an EIP and Binding It to an ECS.
  • Ensure that the time and time zone of the local browser are consistent with those of the ECS server.


When you install an ICAgent on a non-Huawei Cloud server, the jump server forwarding command generated by the system does not contain any domain name. That is, the ICAgent cannot be installed using a domain name.


To install the ICAgent on a non-Huawei Cloud server, purchase an ECS server from Huawei Cloud as a jump server and perform the following operations:

You are advised to use CentOS 6.5 64bit or later images. The minimum specification is 1 vCPU | 1 GB and the recommended one is 2 vCPUs | 4 GB.

  1. Log in to the ECS and modify its security group rule.

    1. On the ECS details page, click the Security Groups tab.
    2. On the security list page, click a security group name and click Modify Security Group Rule.
    3. On the security group details page, click Inbound Rules and then Add Rule. On the page that is displayed, add a security group rule according to Table 1.
      Table 1 Security group rule







      8149, 8102, 8923, 30200, 30201, and 80

      List of ports on the jump server to which the ICAgent sends data

      Enable ports 8149, 8102, 8923, 30200, 30201, and 80 in the inbound direction of the security group to ensure normal data communication between the non-Huawei Cloud host and the jump server.

  2. Log in to the AOM console. In the navigation pane, choose Configuration Management > Agent Management.
  3. Select Other: custom hosts, click Install ICAgent, and set Host to Non-HUAWEI CLOUD host.
  4. Enable forwarding ports on the jump server.

    1. As shown in Figure 1, enter a private IP address to generate the jump server forwarding command.
      Figure 1 Private IP address of the jump server

      The private IP address of the jump server refers to the internal IP address of the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) where the jump server is located.

    2. Click Copy Command to copy the jump server forwarding command.
    3. Log in as the root user to the jump server and run the SSH tunnel forwarding command:
      ssh -f -N -L {ECS IP address}:8149:{ELB IP address}:8149 -L {ECS IP address}:8102:{ELB IP address}:8102 -L {ECS IP address}:8923:{ELB IP address}:8923 -L {ECS IP address}:30200:{ELB IP address}:30200 -L {ECS IP address}:30201:{ELB IP address}:30201 -L {ECS IP address}:80:icagent-{Region}.obs.{Region}.myhuaweicloud.com:80 {ECS IP address}

      Enter the password of the root user as prompted.

    4. Run the netstat -lnp | grep ssh command to check whether corresponding ports are being listened to. If the results in Figure 2 are returned, TCP ports are enabled.
      Figure 2 Verification results of TCP ports
      • Enter http://Jump server IP address in the address bar of a browser. If the access is successful, the security group rule has taken effect.
      • If the jump server powers off and restarts, run the preceding command again.

  5. Obtain an AK/SK.
  6. Generate and copy the ICAgent installation command.

    1. As shown in Figure 3, enter the AK, SK, DC, and Connection IP to generate the ICAgent installation command.
      Figure 3 Obtaining the AK/SK
      • Ensure that the AK/SK are correct. Otherwise, the ICAgent cannot be installed.
      • DC: Customize a DC name to query hosts more easily.
      • Connection IP: For EIP connection, use the EIP of the jump server. For VPC peer connection, use the internal IP address of the VPC where the jump server is located.
    2. Click Copy Command to copy the ICAgent installation command.

  7. Use a remote login tool to log in as the root user to the server where the ICAgent is to be installed and run the preceding command to install the ICAgent.

    If the message ICAgent install success is displayed, the ICAgent has been installed in the /opt/oss/servicemgr/ directory. After the ICAgent has been installed, choose Configuration Management > Agent Management to view the ICAgent status.