状态码 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
描述 |
处理措施 |
418 |
VSS.00002002 |
Failed to create a job. |
任务创建失败 |
请检查任务信息 |
418 |
VSS.00002003 |
Failed to start a job, please try again later. |
任务启动失败,请稍后重试 |
请稍后重试 |
418 |
VSS.00002004 |
Failed to restart a job. |
任务重启失败 |
请检查任务信息 |
418 |
VSS.00002008 |
The task does not exist. |
任务不存在 |
请检查任务ID |
418 |
VSS.00002009 |
The number of scan jobs per day has reached the maximum allowed limit. |
一天内扫描任务的数量达到最大值 |
请升级套餐 |
418 |
VSS.00002011 |
Generating report, please do not repeat the operation. |
报告正在生成中,请勿重复操作 |
请勿重复操作 |
418 |
VSS.00002012 |
The report has not been generated, please download it after generating the report. |
报告未生成,请生成报告后下载 |
请生成报告后下载 |
418 |
VSS.00002013 |
The report has expired, please regenerate and download later. |
报告已过期,请重新生成后下载 |
请重新生成报告后下载 |
418 |
VSS.00002014 |
Report download failed, please regenerate and download later. |
报告下载失败,请重新生成后下载 |
请重新生成报告后下载 |
418 |
VSS.00002023 |
The task has ended, the task cannot be canceled. |
任务已经结束,不能取消任务 |
请检查任务信息 |
418 |
VSS.00002024 |
The task is running, the task cannot be restarted. |
任务正在运行,不能重启任务 |
请检查任务信息 |
418 |
VSS.00002025 |
Scanning the same site is not allowed. |
不能同时扫描同一个站点 |
请检查任务信息 |
418 |
VSS.00003100 |
The vulnerability does not exist. |
漏洞不存在或者没有权限查看 |
请检查漏洞ID |
418 |
VSS.00006001 |
No domain information found. |
找不到域名信息 |
请检查域名信息 |
418 |
VSS.00006002 |
Incorrect request parameter. |
错误的请求参数 |
请检查请求参数 |
418 |
VSS.00006004 |
The maximum number of domain names has been reached. |
域名数量超过限制 |
请检查创建的域名数量 |
418 |
VSS.00006005 |
File authentication is offline, please use other methods to verify the domain name. |
文件认证已下线,请使用其他认证方式 |
请使用其他认证方式 |
418 |
VSS.00006009 |
Failed to add the domain name. |
创建域名失败 |
请检查域名配置 |
418 |
VSS.00006010 |
Failed to update the domain information. |
更新域名失败 |
请检查域名配置 |
418 |
VSS.00006012 |
The domain name ownership is not verified. |
域名未认证 |
请对域名所有权进行认证 |
418 |
VSS.00006015 |
Failed to modify the domain name. |
修改域名名称失败 |
请检查域名名称 |
418 |
VSS.00006016 |
Invalid domain parameter. |
无效的域名参数 |
请检查域名 |
418 |
VSS.00006017 |
Failed to delete the domain name. Check whether there are running jobs for the domain name. |
删除域名失败 |
请检查该域名下是否有任务正在运行 |
418 |
VSS.00006018 |
The domain name already exists. |
域名已存在 |
请检查域名 |
418 |
VSS.00006020 |
Failed to verify the ownership of your domain name on HUAWEI CLOUD. |
云上租户域名认证失败 |
请检查云上租户域名 |
418 |
VSS.00006021 |
The domain name cannot be deleted because a scan job is running. |
该域名下有任务正在运行,暂时不能删除该域名 |
请检查正在运行的扫描任务 |
418 |
VSS.00006022 |
The domain name does not exist. |
域名不存在 |
请检查域名 |
418 |
VSS.00006024 |
This function is not supported in your region now. |
该地区暂不支持此功能 |
请使用其他认证方式 |
418 |
VSS.00006028 |
The address of verified domain name cannot be changed. |
不能更改已认证域名的地址 |
请重新输入域名 |
418 |
VSS.00006029 |
Quick verification is not supported. |
不支持快捷认证 |
请使用其他认证方式 |
418 |
VSS.00006030 |
Real name verification not finished. |
用户未实名 |
请使用其他认证方式 |
418 |
VSS.00006031 |
Violations found. |
用户存在违规情况 |
请使用其他认证方式 |
418 |
VSS.00006032 |
Domain name has been verified. |
域名已认证 |
无需重复认证 |