GET /v1/{project_id}/agents/{agent_id}
参数 |
是否必选 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
project_id |
是 |
String |
项目id,最大32位,字母和数字组成 |
agent_id |
是 |
String |
可信节点ID,获取方式:登录可信计算节点,单击基本信息,即可查看节点ID。 |
参数 |
是否必选 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
X-Auth-Token |
是 |
String |
用户凭证 |
Content-Type |
是 |
String |
消息体的类型(格式) |
状态码: 200
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
agent_deploy |
TicsAgentDeploy object |
可信节点部署情况 |
agent_deploy_bcs |
TicsAgentDeployBcs object |
区块链相关信息 |
agent_deploy_detail |
TicsAgentDeployDetail object |
可信节点部署详情 |
agent_deploy_nat |
TicsAgentNatCommonInfo object |
可信节点网关公共信息 |
agent_deploy_node |
TicsAgentNodeInfo object |
可信节点信息表 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
agent_id |
String |
可信节点Id |
agent_name |
String |
可信节点名称 |
aom_flag |
Boolean |
是否开启aom监控 |
bcs_flag |
Boolean |
是否使用区块链存证 |
cce_version |
String |
可信节点使用cce集群的版本 |
create_time |
String |
可信节点创建时间 |
creator_domain_id |
String |
可信节点创建者的租户Id |
creator_id |
String |
可信节点创建者的Id |
creator_name |
String |
可信节点创建者的名称 |
creator_project_id |
String |
创建可信节点所在项目Id |
deploy_status |
String |
deploy_type |
String |
可信节点部署类型,CCE.云容器集群,IEF.边缘容器 |
deployment_event_information |
String |
可信节点部署类型 |
high_avail |
Boolean |
可信节点是否高可用部署 |
image_id |
String |
可信节点部署使用的镜像Id |
image_version |
String |
可信节点部署使用的镜像版本 |
league_id |
String |
可信节点所在空间的Id |
league_name |
String |
可信节点所在空间的名称 |
league_region_name |
String |
可信节点所在空间的区域 |
league_version |
String |
可信节点所在空间的版本 |
nat_id |
String |
可信节点使用的网关的Id |
storage_mount_type |
String |
可信节点使用的存储方式,HOST_PATH本地存储,OBS对象云存储,SFS_TURBO极速文件存储 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
agent_id |
String |
可信节点Id |
bcs_ip |
String |
区块链ip |
block_chain_id |
String |
区块链Id |
block_chain_name |
String |
区块链名称 |
channel_name |
String |
通道名称 |
org_name |
String |
组织名称 |
org_name_hash |
String |
组织名称的hash |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
agent_access_address |
String |
可信节点访问地址 |
agent_id |
String |
可信节点Id |
cce_cluster_id |
String |
可信节点所在cce集群的Id |
cce_cluster_name |
String |
可信节点所在cce集群的名称 |
console_ip |
String |
可信节点所在ip |
console_port |
Integer |
可信节点服务端口 |
host_path |
String |
主机挂载路径,本地挂载才会有值 |
namespace_name |
String |
命名空间名称 |
obs_pvc_name |
String |
可信节点CCE部署场景,对象文件存储PVC |
persistence_id |
String |
持久化存储唯一标识 |
resource_spec_code |
String |
代理部署规格 |
web_port |
Integer |
可信节点访问端口 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
nat_id |
String |
可信节点绑定的网关id |
project_id |
String |
项目id |
subnet_id |
String |
可信节点绑定的CCE集群所在子网id |
vpc_id |
String |
可信节点绑定的CCE集群所在虚拟私有云id |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
agent_id |
String |
可信节点Id |
agent_vpcep_eps_id |
String |
无eip场景下,agent的eps id |
ecs_server_id |
String |
弹性云服务器Id,IEF部署同node_id |
league_server_ip_security_group_rule |
String |
入方向安全组规则ID |
league_server_snat_ip |
String |
空间server组件的ip,为server的snatip,设置代理节点的入方向安全组规则 |
nat_eip |
String |
可信节点绑定的网关的ip,CCE部署时会返回该值 |
nat_eip_id |
String |
可信节点绑定的网关的ip的Id,CCE部署时会返回该值 |
node_az |
String |
弹性云服务器所在可用区,CCE部署时会返回该值 |
node_id |
String |
可信节点部署的虚机id,CCE部署情况返回CCE节点ID。 |
node_ip |
String |
弹性云服务器的私网ip |
node_name |
String |
弹性云服务器的名称 |
server_to_agent_vpcep_epi_id |
String |
无eip场景下,server访问agent的epi id |
server_to_agent_vpcep_epi_ip |
String |
无eip场景下,server访问agent的ip |
snat_rule_id |
String |
节点绑定的snat id |
状态码: 500
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
error_code |
String |
错误码 |
error_msg |
String |
错误信息 |
GET /v1/{project_id}/agents/{agent_id}
状态码: 200
{ "agent_deploy" : { "agent_id" : "22a38e92ef7e4284b666b2a14bc29462", "agent_name" : "agent_7819", "league_region_name" : "xx-xxx", "league_id" : "ef73b252a0ad4b5db21a12c40a413b2f", "league_name" : "test", "league_version" : "1.15.1", "image_id" : "115", "image_version" : "1.15.1", "creator_project_id" : "098593b07680d2a32f62c004a482da10", "creator_name" : "user01", "creator_id" : "098593b08f00d2a34f64c004408b64bc", "creator_domain_id" : "098593b06a80d2a30f5fc004c28f6da0", "create_time" : "2022-10-08T08:54:26.000+00:00", "storage_mount_type" : "OBS", "deploy_type" : "CCE", "deploy_status" : "RUNNING", "deployment_event_information" : "Closing agent container", "bcs_flag" : false, "cce_version" : "v1.19.10", "aom_flag" : true, "nat_id" : "baedab5b-d120-43a6-b965-5b3d7e2deae5", "high_avail" : false }, "agent_deploy_detail" : { "agent_id" : "22a38e92ef7e4284b666b2a14bc29462", "namespace_name" : "default", "resource_spec_code" : "agent.middle", "cce_cluster_id" : "233ac994-46e7-11ed-9162-0255ac100b09", "cce_cluster_name" : "tics-agent-22a38e92ef7e4284b666b2a14bc29462", "console_ip" : "x.x.x.x", "web_port" : 30964, "console_port" : 30912, "obs_pvc_name" : "cce-obs-22a38e92ef7e4284b666b2a14bc29462", "persistence_id" : "pvc-747d6aa1-22cc-4993-a32e-1c6c64f38bdb" }, "agent_deploy_bcs" : null, "agent_deploy_node" : { "ecs_server_id" : "5461246e-29fc-4016-b422-4b0db86a89a6", "node_id" : "8e204053-46e8-11ed-9162-0255ac100b09", "agent_id" : "22a38e92ef7e4284b666b2a14bc29462", "node_ip" : "x.x.x.x", "node_name" : "node-22a38e92ef7e4284b666b2a14bc29462-0", "node_az" : "xx-xxx", "nat_eip" : "x.x.x.x", "nat_eip_id" : "1966fa41-229e-4595-a725-e99266ce9587" }, "agent_deploy_nat" : { "nat_id" : "baedab5b-d120-43a6-b965-5b3d7e2deae5", "project_id" : "098593b07680d2a32f62c004a482da10", "vpc_id" : "670ad039-5188-4c18-9ca2-a6b29bd18d67", "subnet_id" : "9cc4bdd1-ad35-4d0f-849c-71d305121f61" } }
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package com.huaweicloud.sdk.test; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.ICredential; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.BasicCredentials; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ConnectionException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.RequestTimeoutException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ServiceResponseException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.tics.v1.region.TicsRegion; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.tics.v1.*; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.tics.v1.model.*; public class ShowAgentDetailSolution { public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment String ak = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK"); String sk = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK"); String projectId = "{project_id}"; ICredential auth = new BasicCredentials() .withProjectId(projectId) .withAk(ak) .withSk(sk); TicsClient client = TicsClient.newBuilder() .withCredential(auth) .withRegion(TicsRegion.valueOf("<YOUR REGION>")) .build(); ShowAgentDetailRequest request = new ShowAgentDetailRequest(); request.withAgentId("{agent_id}"); try { ShowAgentDetailResponse response = client.showAgentDetail(request); System.out.println(response.toString()); } catch (ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RequestTimeoutException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getHttpStatusCode()); System.out.println(e.getRequestId()); System.out.println(e.getErrorCode()); System.out.println(e.getErrorMsg()); } } } |
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# coding: utf-8 import os from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials from huaweicloudsdktics.v1.region.tics_region import TicsRegion from huaweicloudsdkcore.exceptions import exceptions from huaweicloudsdktics.v1 import * if __name__ == "__main__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. # In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_AK"] sk = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_SK"] projectId = "{project_id}" credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk, projectId) client = TicsClient.new_builder() \ .with_credentials(credentials) \ .with_region(TicsRegion.value_of("<YOUR REGION>")) \ .build() try: request = ShowAgentDetailRequest() request.agent_id = "{agent_id}" response = client.show_agent_detail(request) print(response) except exceptions.ClientRequestException as e: print(e.status_code) print(e.request_id) print(e.error_code) print(e.error_msg) |
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package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/core/auth/basic" tics "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/tics/v1" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/tics/v1/model" region "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/tics/v1/region" ) func main() { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK") sk := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK") projectId := "{project_id}" auth := basic.NewCredentialsBuilder(). WithAk(ak). WithSk(sk). WithProjectId(projectId). Build() client := tics.NewTicsClient( tics.TicsClientBuilder(). WithRegion(region.ValueOf("<YOUR REGION>")). WithCredential(auth). Build()) request := &model.ShowAgentDetailRequest{} request.AgentId = "{agent_id}" response, err := client.ShowAgentDetail(request) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response) } else { fmt.Println(err) } } |
更多编程语言的SDK代码示例,请参见API Explorer的代码示例页签,可生成自动对应的SDK代码示例。
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 |
package com.huaweicloud.sdk.test; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.ICredential; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.BasicCredentials; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ConnectionException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.RequestTimeoutException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ServiceResponseException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.tics.v1.region.TicsRegion; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.tics.v1.*; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.tics.v1.model.*; public class ShowAgentDetailSolution { public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment String ak = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK"); String sk = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK"); String projectId = "{project_id}"; ICredential auth = new BasicCredentials() .withProjectId(projectId) .withAk(ak) .withSk(sk); TicsClient client = TicsClient.newBuilder() .withCredential(auth) .withRegion(TicsRegion.valueOf("<YOUR REGION>")) .build(); ShowAgentDetailRequest request = new ShowAgentDetailRequest(); request.withAgentId("{agent_id}"); try { ShowAgentDetailResponse response = client.showAgentDetail(request); System.out.println(response.toString()); } catch (ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RequestTimeoutException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getHttpStatusCode()); System.out.println(e.getRequestId()); System.out.println(e.getErrorCode()); System.out.println(e.getErrorMsg()); } } } |
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# coding: utf-8 import os from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials from huaweicloudsdktics.v1.region.tics_region import TicsRegion from huaweicloudsdkcore.exceptions import exceptions from huaweicloudsdktics.v1 import * if __name__ == "__main__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. # In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_AK"] sk = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_SK"] projectId = "{project_id}" credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk, projectId) client = TicsClient.new_builder() \ .with_credentials(credentials) \ .with_region(TicsRegion.value_of("<YOUR REGION>")) \ .build() try: request = ShowAgentDetailRequest() request.agent_id = "{agent_id}" response = client.show_agent_detail(request) print(response) except exceptions.ClientRequestException as e: print(e.status_code) print(e.request_id) print(e.error_code) print(e.error_msg) |
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package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/core/auth/basic" tics "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/tics/v1" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/tics/v1/model" region "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/tics/v1/region" ) func main() { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK") sk := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK") projectId := "{project_id}" auth := basic.NewCredentialsBuilder(). WithAk(ak). WithSk(sk). WithProjectId(projectId). Build() client := tics.NewTicsClient( tics.TicsClientBuilder(). WithRegion(region.ValueOf("<YOUR REGION>")). WithCredential(auth). Build()) request := &model.ShowAgentDetailRequest{} request.AgentId = "{agent_id}" response, err := client.ShowAgentDetail(request) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response) } else { fmt.Println(err) } } |
更多编程语言的SDK代码示例,请参见API Explorer的代码示例页签,可生成自动对应的SDK代码示例。
状态码 |
描述 |
200 |
获取计算节点详情信息成功 |
500 |
获取计算节点详情信息失败 |