状态码 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
错误说明 |
400 |
FSS.0400 |
Invalid parameter. |
无效参数 |
401 |
FSS.0401 |
Unauthorized access. |
未授权的访问 |
403 |
FSS.0403 |
Forbidden |
禁止操作 |
404 |
FSS.0404 |
The specified resource was not found. |
没有找到指定的资源 |
406 |
FSS.0406 |
Not acceptable. |
请求格式无效,例如:请求body的JSON格式与要求的不一样 |
408 |
FSS.0408 |
Request timeout. |
请求超时 |
409 |
FSS.0409 |
The specified resource already exists. |
指定的资源已经存在 |
410 |
FSS.0410 |
The specified resource does not exist. |
指定的资源不存在 |
413 |
FSS.0413 |
The request body is too large. |
请求体大小超过限制 |
424 |
FSS.0424 |
Invalid dependency. |
无效的依赖 |
426 |
FSS.0426 |
An upgrade is required. |
不支持该操作,需要升级 |
428 |
FSS.0428 |
The preconditions have not been met. |
先决条件不满足,例如删除某个资源必须先删除其他相关资源 |
429 |
FSS.0429 |
Too many requests. |
太多的请求 |
500 |
FSS.0500 |
Internal server error. |
服务临时性异常,服务内部调用出错,稍后重试 |
502 |
FSS.0502 |
Bad gateway. |
网关错误 |
503 |
FSS.0503 |
Service unavailable. |
服务不可用 |
504 |
FSS.0504 |
Gateway timeout. |
网关超时 |
400 |
FSS.1001 |
Invalid query parameter. |
无效的查询参数 |
400 |
FSS.1002 |
Invalid function name. |
无效的函数名称 |
400 |
FSS.1003 |
Invalid function handler. |
无效的函数Handler |
400 |
FSS.1004 |
Invalid Package (function app). |
无效的函数包 |
400 |
FSS.1005 |
Invalid runtime. |
无效的Runtime |
400 |
FSS.1006 |
Invalid function code entry mode. |
无效的代码类型 |
400 |
FSS.1007 |
Invalid function memory. |
无效的内存 |
400 |
FSS.1008 |
Invalid function timeout. |
无效的超时时间 |
400 |
FSS.1009 |
Invalid function UserData. |
无效的环境变量 |
400 |
FSS.1010 |
Invalid URL. |
无效的URL |
400 |
FSS.1011 |
Invalid function code. |
无效的函数代码 |
400 |
FSS.1012 |
The function code must be configured. |
函数代码不能为空 |
400 |
FSS.1013 |
Invalid file type. |
无效的文件类型 |
400 |
FSS.1014 |
Invalid function alias. |
无效的函数版本别名 |
400 |
FSS.1015 |
Invalid function version. |
别名对应的版本无效 |
400 |
FSS.1016 |
The function cannot be published because no changes have been made since last publication. |
无效的版本发布操作,当前函数代码已经被发布过版本 |
400 |
FSS.1017 |
The number of items in the UserData field exceeds the maximum allowed limit (20). |
环境变量个数超过限制(20) |
400 |
FSS.1018 |
The total size of the UserData field exceeds the maximum allowed limit (2 KB). |
环境变量总大小超过限制(2K) |
400 |
FSS.1019 |
The description exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
描述信息长度超过限制(512) |
400 |
FSS.1022 |
Only one YAML file is allowed. |
只容许有一个YAML文件 |
400 |
FSS.1023 |
The imported file is too large. |
导入的文件太大了,超过了最大限制 |
400 |
FSS.1024 |
Invalid dependency. |
无效的依赖包 |
400 |
FSS.1025 |
Invalid YAML file. |
无效的YAML文件 |
400 |
FSS.1026 |
Invalid Concurrency. |
无效的并发策略 |
400 |
FSS.1027 |
Invalid packageName (app name). |
无效的包名或者应用名称 |
400 |
FSS.1028 |
The app cannot be deleted because it contains functions. |
该应用不能删除,因为该应用下还有函数存在 |
400 |
FSS.1029 |
The default app cannot be deleted. |
默认的应用不能删除 |
400 |
FSS.1031 |
The dependency already exists. |
依赖包已经存在 |
400 |
FSS.1032 |
Invalid dependency type. |
无效的依赖包类型,当前只容许本地zip包或者OBS上传 |
412 |
FSS.1033 |
The dependency is currently in use. |
依赖包正在使用,不能被删除 |
400 |
FSS.1034 |
Invalid image URL. |
无效的镜像地址 |
400 |
FSS.1035 |
The image does not exist. |
该镜像不存在 |
400 |
FSS.1036 |
The VPC does not exist. |
该VPC不存在 |
400 |
FSS.1037 |
No subnet matches the specified ID. |
没有匹配的子网 |
400 |
FSS.1038 |
The file system configuration already exists in the function. |
在该函数中已经存在相同的文件系统配置 |
400 |
FSS.1039 |
The mounting path is invalid. |
无效的挂载路径 |
403 |
FSS.1040 |
The selected Xrole does not have permissions to mount the resources. |
选择的委托没有权限挂载该资源类型 |
403 |
FSS.1041 |
The number of functions exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
租户的函数数量超过限制(400) |
403 |
FSS.1042 |
The total code size of functions exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
租户的函数的总大小超过限制(20G) |
403 |
FSS.1043 |
The number of aliases exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
别名数量超过了允许的最大限制 |
403 |
FSS.1044 |
The number of apps exceeds the maximum allowed limit (400). |
应用数量超过了允许的最多限制(400) |
403 |
FSS.1045 |
The number of dependencies exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
依赖包数量超过了最大限制 |
403 |
FSS.1046 |
The dependency is inaccessible. |
该依赖包不可用 |
403 |
FSS.1047 |
The number of bound VPCs exceeds the maximum limit allowed for a tenant. |
租户的绑定的VPC数量超过了最大限制 |
403 |
FSS.1048 |
The number of bound VPCs exceeds the maximum limit allowed for a project. |
单个项目的绑定的VPC数量超过了最大限制 |
403 |
FSS.1049 |
The number of file systems mounted to the function exceeds the maximum allowed limit (5). |
单个函数挂载文件系统数量超过了最大限制(5) |
404 |
FSS.1050 |
The mounted resource cannot be found. |
找不到挂载的资源类型 |
404 |
FSS.1051 |
The function does not exist. |
找不到指定的函数 |
404 |
FSS.1052 |
The version does not exist. |
找不到指定的函数版本 |
404 |
FSS.1053 |
The alias does not exist. |
找不到指定的函数版本别名 |
404 |
FSS.1054 |
The function app does not exist in OBS. |
从OBS找不到指定的函数代码包 |
404 |
FSS.1055 |
The app does not exist. |
从OBS找不到指定的函数应用 |
404 |
FSS.1056 |
The dependency does not exist. |
找不到指定的依赖包 |
404 |
FSS.1057 |
The function name does not exist in the YAML file. |
在YAML文件中找不到该函数名 |
400 |
FSS.1058 |
The app name and function name cannot be the same in the YAML file. |
在YAML文件中不允许存在相同的应用名和函数名 |
404 |
FSS.1059 |
The function template does not exist. |
函数模板不存在 |
404 |
FSS.1060 |
The event template cannot be found. |
事件模板不存在 |
409 |
FSS.1061 |
The function already exists. |
函数已经存在 |
409 |
FSS.1062 |
The version already exists. |
函数版本已经存在 |
409 |
FSS.1063 |
The alias already exists. |
函数版本别名已经存在 |
409 |
FSS.1064 |
The app already exists. |
函数应用已经存在 |
409 |
FSS.1065 |
The dependency already exists. |
依赖包已经存在 |
409 |
FSS.1066 |
The version is already in use by another alias. |
该版本号已经在其他别名中使用了 |
409 |
FSS.1067 |
The function template already exists. |
函数模板已经存在 |
403 |
FSS.1068 |
The number of events configured for the function exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
单个函数的事件数超过了最大限制 |
403 |
FSS.1069 |
The size of EventData exceeds 4 KB. |
事件大小超过了允许的最大限制(4KB) |
404 |
FSS.1070 |
The event cannot be found. |
事件不存在 |
413 |
FSS.1071 |
The size of the code package to be uploaded exceeds the maximum allowed limit (50 MB). |
上传代码包大小超过限制(50M) |
413 |
FSS.1072 |
The size of the inline code exceeds the maximum allowed limit (10 KB). |
在线编辑代码大小超过限制(10K) |
403 |
FSS.1073 |
The function event already exists. |
事件在函数中已经存在 |
400 |
FSS.1074 |
The event field is invalid. |
无效的事件参数 |
400 |
FSS.1075 |
The user ID and user group ID must be an integer from –1 to 65,534, excluding 0, 1000, and 1002. |
用户ID和用户组ID必须是从-1到65534之间的整数(0、1000、1002除外) |
412 |
FSS.1090 |
The subnet is not in the \"ACTIVE\" state. |
子网不是ACTIVE状态 |
400 |
FSS.1091 |
The additional version is invalid. |
无效的灰度版本 |
400 |
FSS.1092 |
The weight of the additional version is invalid. |
无效的灰度版本权重值 |
400 |
FSS.1093 |
The major version and the additional version cannot be the same. |
灰度版本不能与主版本一致 |
403 |
FSS.1094 |
The version cannot be deleted because it has been used as the additional version of an alias. |
不能删除正在被灰度版本使用的版本号 |
412 |
FSS.1095 |
The mounted resource is not ready. |
挂载资源还没有准备好 |
403 |
FSS.1096 |
The file sharing protocol of the mounted resource is not NFS. |
挂载资源的文件共享协议不是NFS |
400 |
FSS.1101 |
Invalid trigger type. |
无效的trigger类型 |
400 |
FSS.1102 |
Invalid SMN trigger parameter. |
无效的SMN触发器参数 |
400 |
FSS.1106 |
Invalid OBS trigger parameters. |
无效的OBS触发器参数 |
400 |
FSS.1107 |
Invalid APIG trigger parameters. |
无效的APIG触发器参数 |
403 |
FSS.1108 |
The bucket configuration of the current trigger conflicts with that of an existing OBS trigger. |
当前触发器的存储桶配置与现有OBS触发器的存储桶配置冲突 |
400 |
FSS.1109 |
Invalid timer trigger parameters. |
无效的定时任务触发器参数 |
404 |
FSS.1111 |
The Kafka resource cannot be found. |
指定的kafka不存在 |
400 |
FSS.1112 |
The Kafka trigger parameters are invalid. |
无效的kafka触发器参数 |
400 |
FSS.1113 |
The username and password must be specified because Kafka SASL_SSL is enabled. |
kakfa开启了SASL_SSL协议,所以必须设置对应的用户名和密码 |
400 |
FSS.1114 |
The subnet of the function must be the same as that of the Kafka instance. |
函数的子网与kakfa实例所在的子网不一样 |
503 |
FSS.1115 |
The network is unreachable. |
网络不可达 |
400 |
FSS.1116 |
Kafka instance configuration error. Please check the username and password. |
kafka实例配置错误,请检查对应的用户名和密码是否正确 |
400 |
FSS.1117 |
Failed to query messages from the Kafka instance. |
从kafka实例读取消息失败 |
401 |
FSS.1118 |
Access denied. |
访问受限,该用户不在白名单中 |
403 |
FSS.1121 |
Forbidden |
访问受限,请检查是否有配置对应委托 |
403 |
FSS.1122 |
Forbidden |
访问受限,请检查是否有配置对应委托 |
403 |
FSS.1123 |
The number of pull triggers exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
拉模式的触发器数量达到最大值10 |
403 |
FSS.1124 |
The number of APIs exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
API数量超过了最大限制 |
403 |
FSS.1125 |
Forbidden |
无权限访问 |
403 |
FSS.1126 |
You do not have permissions to call the API. |
没有权限访问API |
403 |
FSS.1127 |
The EPS user does not have permissions to call the API. |
EPS用户没有权限访问该API |
404 |
FSS.1131 |
The trigger does not exist. |
没有找到指定的触发器 |
404 |
FSS.1132 |
The SMN trigger does not exist. View the SMN console. |
没有找到指定的SMN触发器 |
404 |
FSS.1136 |
The OBS trigger does not exist. |
没有找到指定的OBS触发器 |
404 |
FSS.1137 |
Invalid trigger type. |
没有找到触发器类型 |
404 |
FSS.1138 |
The APIG trigger does not exist. |
没有找到指定的APIG触发器 |
404 |
FSS.1140 |
The timer trigger does not exist. |
没有找到指定的定时任务触发器 |
409 |
FSS.1141 |
The SMN trigger already exists. |
指定的SMN触发器已经存在 |
409 |
FSS.1145 |
The OBS trigger already exists. |
指定的OBS触发器已经存在 |
409 |
FSS.1146 |
The APIG trigger already exists. |
指定的APIG触发器已经存在 |
409 |
FSS.1147 |
The request path already exists. |
APIG触发器路径已经存在 |
409 |
FSS.1148 |
The timer trigger already exists. |
指定的定时任务触发器已经存在 |
409 |
FSS.1150 |
The Kafka trigger already exists. |
指定的kafka触发器已经存在 |
406 |
FSS.1151 |
The OBS bucket is in a different region. |
OBS桶所在区域与当前区域不匹配 |
426 |
FSS.1152 |
The selected bucket cannot be used to create a trigger. |
所选的OBS桶不支持创建触发器 |
412 |
FSS.1153 |
The triggering conditions have not been met. |
触发器前置条件不满足 |
403 |
FSS.1154 |
Aliases of a function bound with triggers cannot be deleted. |
该函数别名下面存在触发器,不能删除该别名 |
500 |
FSS.1162 |
The operation cannot take effect immediately due to service exception. |
由于服务异常,该操作无法立即生效 |
503 |
FSS.1169 |
The network is unreachable. |
网络不可达 |
404 |
FSS.1171 |
The SMN topic does not exist. Create it on the SMN console. |
该SMN的topic不存在 |
400 |
FSS.1172 |
The database or collection does not exist. |
找不到指定的数据库实例 |
404 |
FSS.1174 |
The Kafka trigger does not exist. |
找不到指定的kafka触发器 |
413 |
FSS.1201 |
The request body is too large. |
请求体大小超过限制 |
500 |
FSS.1202 |
The response body or callback body is invalid because they do not contain any status code. |
函数返回的body无效 |
500 |
FSS.1302 |
Failed to save the data. |
触发器存储失败 |
400 |
FSS.1303 |
Access denied due to insufficient permissions. |
权限校验失败,访问被禁止 |
400 |
FSS.1306 |
The number of triggers exceeds the maximum allowed limit. |
触发器达到上限 |
400 |
FSS.1307 |
The trigger name already exists. |
触发器名称已存在 |
400 |
FSS.1308 |
The operation resource does not exist. |
操作资源不存在 |
400 |
FSS.1309 |
Invalid function URN. |
functionUrn验证错误 |
400 |
FSS.1310 |
Unauthorized user. |
获取组用户Token验证失败 |
400 |
FSS.1312 |
The notification name must be specified. |
关键通知名称为空 |
400 |
FSS.1313 |
The number of operation resources has reached the maximum allowed limit. |
操作资源超过100条上限 |
400 |
FSS.1314 |
The operation resource must be specified. |
操作资源为空 |
400 |
FSS.1316 |
The resource operation has already been selected. |
相同操作资源 |
400 |
FSS.1317 |
The trigger name is too long. |
触发器名字太长了 |
400 |
FSS.1318 |
Invalid trigger operation. |
无效的触发器操作 |
502 |
FSS.1319 |
Invalid trigger name. |
无效触发器名称 |
503 |
FSS.1401 |
Failed to obtain the image information. |
获取镜像信息失败 |
503 |
FSS.1402 |
Failed to pull the image to create a container. |
加载镜像创建容器失败 |
503 |
FSS.1403 |
Failed to pull the image to delete a container. |
加载镜像删除容器失败 |
400 |
FSS.1404 |
Invalid function initializer. |
非法的函数初始化入口 |
400 |
FSS.1405 |
Invalid initialization timeout. |
非法的函数初始化超时时间 |