状态码 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
描述 |
处理措施 |
400 |
SCM.0003 |
Tenant has no privilege. |
租户无法操作不属于自己的证书 |
请操作自己的证书 |
400 |
SCM.0005 |
Incorrect request parameter. |
请求参数错误 |
请填写正确的请求参数 |
400 |
SCM.0006 |
The uploaded certificate failed to be resolved. Ensure that the uploaded certificate has been issued. |
上传证书解析不正确 |
请上传已签发的证书 |
400 |
SCM.0008 |
Abnormal certificate ID |
证书编号异常 |
请填写正确的证书编号 |
400 |
SCM.0009 |
Failed to upload the certificate because no domain name is bound to the certificate. |
证书未绑定域名,上传失败 |
请传递已绑定域名的证书 |
400 |
SCM.0010 |
This operation is not allowed by the current certificate type or status. |
证书类型或当前状态不支持此操作 |
请传递证书的证书类型或者选择证书状态的证书进行此操作 |
400 |
SCM.0011 |
The max number of free certificates for the current user has been reached, and you cannot continue to purchase free certificates. |
当前用户证书数量已经达到最大值,不能继续添加 |
请不要继续添加证书 |
400 |
SCM.0012 |
The uploaded private key failed to be resolved. Ensure that the certificate has been issued. |
上传私钥解析不正确,请确保填写已签发证书 |
请填写正确的证书私钥 |
400 |
SCM.0014 |
The uploaded certificate does not match the private key. |
上传证书和私钥不匹配 |
请传递正确的证书和私钥 |
400 |
SCM.0015 |
The number or format of domain names entered does not meet the requirements of the your certificate. |
填写域名数量或格式与所购买证书要求不一致 |
请上传单域名和泛域名证书 |
400 |
SCM.0016 |
Failed to order. |
订单异常 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SCM.0020 |
Incorrect certificate ID. |
证书ID错误 |
请传递正确的证书编号 |
400 |
SCM.0023 |
Modify key format error. |
修改键错误 |
请输入不为空的键 |
400 |
SCM.0024 |
Modify value format error. |
修改内容错误 |
请输入不为空的值 |
400 |
SCM.0025 |
Exceed the limit |
超出限额 |
证书超出重签时效 |
400 |
SCM.0026 |
Revoke cert error |
证书吊销异常 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SCM.0027 |
Have no revoke reason |
吊销原因未填写 |
请输入吊销原因 |
400 |
SCM.0028 |
Push cert error |
证书推送异常 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SCM.0030 |
Certificates cannot be pushed to this service. |
暂不支持的推送服务类型 |
请填写正确的推送服务 |
400 |
SCM.0031 |
Certificate parsing error. |
证书解析异常 |
请上传正确的证书 |
400 |
SCM.0032 |
Incorrect certificate name. |
证书名称错误 |
请填写正确的证书名称 |
400 |
SCM.0033 |
Csr not bind domain. |
CSR未绑定域名 |
请输入包含域名的csr |
400 |
SCM.0034 |
Csr parse error. |
CSR解析异常 |
请输入合法的csr |
400 |
SCM.0035 |
Csr domain not match input domain. |
CSR域名与输入域名不匹配 |
请保持域名一致 |
400 |
SCM.0036 |
Domain number not match product. |
域名数量与产品不匹配 |
请输入正确数量的域名 |
400 |
SCM.0039 |
The updated quota value must be greater than the currently used quota. |
更新的配额数值必须大于当前已使用的配额数量 |
请输入正确的配额数值 |
400 |
SCM.0042 |
Cert has expired. |
证书已过期 |
请不要上传已过期的证书 |
400 |
SCM.0044 |
Permission denied,please obtain {0} permission. |
权限不足,请先获取{0}权限 |
请先获取权限 |
400 |
SCM.0049 |
Cert brand error. |
证书品牌异常 |
请输入证书品牌 |
400 |
SCM.0050 |
Cert type error. |
证书类型异常 |
请输入正确的证书类型 |
400 |
SCM.0051 |
Domain type error. |
域名类型异常 |
请输入正确的域名类型 |
400 |
SCM.0052 |
Cert effective time error. |
证书有效期异常 |
请输入正确的证书 |
400 |
SCM.0059 |
The certificate private key is empty. |
证书私钥为空 |
请联系客服处理 |
400 |
SCM.0060 |
Order number error. |
订单数量异常 |
请输入正确的订单数量 |
400 |
SCM.0061 |
Region parameter error. |
region参数异常 |
请输入正确的region |
400 |
SCM.0063 |
Duplicate domain error. |
域名重复 |
请输入不重复的域名 |
400 |
SCM.0064 |
The order is executing. |
订单正在处理中 |
请不要重复下单 |
400 |
SCM.0065 |
File size exceeds limit. |
文件大小超过限制 |
请输入正确大小的文件 |
400 |
SCM.0066 |
Current domain type not allowed to operate. |
证书域名类型不支持当前操作 |
请联系客服处理 |
400 |
SCM.0067 |
Sans changed. |
已有附加域名被修改 |
请输入正确的附加域名 |
400 |
SCM.0068 |
Unsupported region. |
暂不支持推送到该Region |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SCM.0070 |
Incorrect format of the domain bound to the certificate to be uploaded. |
上传证书域名格式错误 |
请传递正确证书 |
400 |
SCM.0072 |
SCM does not support this status. |
SCM暂不支持的操作类型 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SCM.0073 |
Help content format error. |
求助内容错误 |
请输入正确的邮件内容 |
400 |
SCM.0074 |
Cert is not renewal paid. |
证书不是已续费状态 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SCM.0075 |
Invalid region id. |
无效的region id |
请输入合法的region id |
400 |
SCM.0076 |
DIGICERT DV basic not support to renew. |
DIGICERT DV basic证书不支持续费 |
请联系客服处理 |
400 |
SCM.0080 |
Required param cert_info is null or empty. |
必填请求参数cert_info为空 |
请输入非空的证书信息 |
400 |
SCM.0081 |
Required param cert_info is null or empty. |
必填请求参数cert_info为空 |
请输入非空的证书信息 |
400 |
SCM.0082 |
Invalid validity_period, should be 12. |
无效参数validity_period,必须为12 |
请输入合法的属性 |
400 |
SCM.0083 |
Required param first_name is null or empty. |
必填请求参数first_name为空 |
请输入不为空的属性 |
400 |
SCM.0085 |
Required param phone is null or empty. |
必填请求参数phone为空 |
请输入不为空的属性 |
400 |
SCM.0086 |
Required param email is null or empty. |
必填请求参数email为空 |
请输入不为空的属性 |
400 |
SCM.0095 |
Run RmsApiController failed. |
请求有误,调用接口时报 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SCM.0101 |
The cert not support to auto deploy. |
该证书不支持资源到期自动替换 |
请联系客服处理 |
400 |
SCM.0102 |
This resource has been open to auto deploy. |
资源已开启到期自动替换 |
请不要重复操作 |
400 |
SCM.0103 |
This resource is not exist. |
资源不存在 |
请不要操作不存在的资源 |
400 |
SCM.0104 |
This region is not support. |
不支持的region |
请不要操作不支持的region |
400 |
SCM.0105 |
The cert has associated the auto deployed resources. |
证书关联到开启到期自动替换资源,请先关闭所有到期自动替换资源 |
请联系客服处理 |
400 |
SCM.0106 |
The resource domain is not equals the cert. |
资源域名与证书域名不匹配 |
请输入正确的域名 |
400 |
SCM.0108 |
Domain format is invalid. |
域名格式非法 |
请输入正确的域名 |
400 |
SCM.0109 |
Cert chain length must be more than 1. |
证书链长度必须大于1 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SCM.0201 |
Failed to push to ELB. |
推送失败,ELB error message: |
请联系客服处理 |
400 |
SCM.0202 |
Insufficient ELB permissions |
ELB权限不足 |
请配置ELB权限 |
400 |
SCM.0204 |
ELB does not support this region. |
ELB暂不支持此region |
请选择其他支持的region |
400 |
SCM.0211 |
Failed to push to CDN. |
推送失败,CDN error message: |
请联系客服处理 |
400 |
SCM.0212 |
Insufficient CDN permissions |
CDN权限不足 |
请配置CND权限 |
400 |
SCM.0221 |
Failed to push to WAF. |
推送失败,WAF error message: |
请联系客服处理 |
400 |
SCM.0222 |
Insufficient WAF permissions |
WAF权限不足 |
请配置WAF权限 |
400 |
SCM.0224 |
WAF does not support this region. |
WAF暂不支持此region |
请选择其他支持的region |
400 |
SCM.0225 |
Insufficient WAF quota. |
WAF配额不足 |
请联系客服处理 |
400 |
SCM.0301 |
Tag is not found. |
标签未找到 |
请联系客服处理 |
400 |
SCM.0302 |
Tag quota is upper limit. |
标签配额达到上限 |
请不要添加标签 |
400 |
SCM.0303 |
Match tag invalid. |
标签匹配错误 |
请添加合法标签 |
400 |
SCM.0304 |
Field action is error. |
action字段有误 |
请联系客服处理 |
400 |
SCM.0305 |
Tag value is invalid. |
标签值非法 |
请输入合法的标签值 |
400 |
SCM.0306 |
Tag key is invalid. |
标签键非法 |
请输入合法的标签键 |
400 |
SCM.0309 |
Tag value length is invalid. |
标签值长度非法 |
请输入长度合法的标签值 |
400 |
SCM.0310 |
Tag key length is invalid. |
标签键长度非法 |
请输入长度合法的标签键 |
400 |
SCM.0311 |
Tag key list is invalid. |
标签键列表非法 |
请输入合法的标签键列表 |
400 |
SCM.0312 |
Tag value list is invalid. |
标签值列表非法 |
请输入合法的标签值列表 |
400 |
SCM.0313 |
Tag list is invalid. |
标签列表非法 |
请输入合法的标签列表 |
400 |
SCM.0314 |
Match resourceId invalid. |
匹配错误 |
请联系客服处理 |
400 |
SCM.0318 |
Tag limit invalid. |
标签查询limit参数非法 |
请输入合法的参数 |
400 |
SCM.0319 |
Tag offset invalid. |
标签查询offset参数非法 |
请输入合法的参数 |
400 |
SCM.0321 |
Invalid param sys_tags. |
参数sys_tags错误 |
请输入合法的参数 |
400 |
SCM.0323 |
Invalid tag parameter. |
不合法的标签参数 |
请输入合法的参数 |
400 |
SCM.0401 |
Gm cert is not support to be pushed. |
不支持推送国密证书 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SCM.0403 |
Encrypt cert is not sm2 signature algorithm. |
加密证书不是国密SM2算法 |
请输入合法的证书 |
400 |
SCM.0501 |
The parameter cannot be null or the parameter is wrong. Currently only supports: |
参数不可为空或者参数错误,目前仅支持: |
目前仅支持WAF/CDN/ELB |
400 |
SCM.0502 |
The certificate ID list cannot be empty. |
证书ID列表不可为空 |
请输入不为空的证书id列表 |
400 |
SCM.0505 |
Parameter error, parameter is null or its list size is out of range, additional info:{0} |
参数错误,参数为null或其列表大小超出范围 |
请输入长度大于0小于51的列表参数 |
400 |
SCM.0506 |
There is no corresponding certificate ID under the tenant, and the set of certificate IDs that cannot be found:{0} |
该租户下不存在对应证书ID |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SCM.0507 |
The list parameter cannot have duplicate elements |
该列表参数不可存在重复元素 |
请输入不重复的参数 |
400 |
SCM.0508 |
Parameter error, the following certificates do not support querying deployed resources:{0} |
参数错误,以下证书不支持查询已部署资源 |
请输入合法的证书 |
401 |
SCM.0092 |
Decrypt jwt token failed. |
解密JWT token失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
401 |
SCM.1000 |
The token of the request fails to be authenticated |
请求所带的Token没有经过认证或者认证失败 |
请填写正确token |
401 |
SCM.1004 |
Failed to apply for OBT. |
用户未申请服务公测,请先申请公测 |
请申请公测 |
401 |
SCM.1009 |
Your account is restricted. |
账户受限 |
请联系管理员解冻 |
401 |
SCM.1010 |
Your account is frozen. |
账户冻结 |
请联系管理员解冻 |
401 |
SCM.4002 |
You do not have permission to perform this operation. |
您的权限不足。缺少策略 |
请联系管理员添加策略 |
403 |
SCM.0001 |
Service is not open. |
服务未开放 |
请联系技术支持 |
403 |
SCM.0002 |
Incorrect tenant ID. |
租户ID错误 |
请传递正确与X-Auth-Token匹配的projectId |
403 |
SCM.0040 |
The max number of free certificates for the current user has been reached, and you cannot continue to purchase free certificates. |
当前用户免费证书数量已经达到最大值,不能继续购买免费证书 |
请停止购买免费证书 |
403 |
SCM.0322 |
Invalid user token, user role don't contain op_service. |
用户token非法,未包含op_service角色 |
请联系客服处理 |
404 |
SCM.0069 |
No projects found. |
项目不存在 |
请选择存在的项目 |
404 |
SCM.0094 |
Resource not found. |
未找到资源 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0004 |
Fail to get ca response. |
请求ca接口出现错误 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0007 |
Failed to download the certificate. |
证书下载失败 |
请联系客服处理 |
500 |
SCM.0013 |
The uploaded certificate chain failed to be resolved. Ensure that the certificate has been issued. |
上传证书链解析不正确,请确保填写已签发证书 |
请填写正确的证书链 |
500 |
SCM.0017 |
product wrong. |
产品错误 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0019 |
CSB response error. |
CSB连接失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0037 |
Failed to encrypt the certificate. |
证书加密失败 |
请联系客服处理 |
500 |
SCM.0038 |
Cert decrypt fail. |
证书解密失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0062 |
DNS query fail. |
DNS查询失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0071 |
SCM does not support this resourceType. |
SCM不支持的资源类型 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0087 |
Request cert failed. |
申请证书失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0091 |
Connect jwt server failed. |
连接到JWT服务器失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0093 |
Invalid jwt token. |
无效的JWT token |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0097 |
Encode next token failed. |
加密next token失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0098 |
Decode next token failed. |
解密next token失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0099 |
Invalid domain id. |
无效的domain id |
请输入合法的domain id |
500 |
SCM.0100 |
UnKnown error. |
未知错误 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0203 |
Failed to push to ELB. |
ELB推送失败 |
请联系客服处理 |
500 |
SCM.0213 |
Failed to push to CDN. |
CDN推送失败 |
请联系客服处理 |
500 |
SCM.0223 |
Failed to push to WAF. |
WAF推送失败 |
请联系客服处理 |
500 |
SCM.0324 |
Calculate digest failure. |
计算签名失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0402 |
Encrypt cert content or private key is null. |
加密证书内容或私钥为空 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.0504 |
Service internal error, please contact technical support. |
服务内部错误,请联系技术支持 |
请联系技术支持 |
500 |
SCM.4001 |
An error occurred when accessing the PDP API. |
获取细粒度授权结果失败 |
请联系客服处理 |