Cloud Backup and Recovery
Cloud Backup and Recovery
Todos os resultados de "
" dentro deste produto
Todos os resultados de "
" dentro deste produto
Visão geral de serviço
Infográficos do CBR
O que é o CBR?
Cenários de aplicação
Responsabilidades compartilhadas
Autenticação de identidade e controle de acesso
Proteção de dados
Auditoria e registro em log
Monitorização de riscos
Recuperação de falhas
Gerenciamento de permissões
CBR e outros serviços
Conceitos básicos
Conceitos do CBR
Projeto e projeto empresarial
Região e AZ
História de mudanças
Guia de usuário
Gerenciamento de permissões
Criação de um usuário e concessão de permissões do CBR
Criação de uma política personalizada
Gerenciamento de cofre
Consulta de um cofre
Exclusão de um cofre
Dissociação de um recurso
Migração de um recurso
Expansão da capacidade do cofre
Redução da capacidade do cofre
Alteração do modo de cobrança de pagamento por uso para anual/mensal
Alteração de especificações do cofre
Replicação de um cofre
Gerenciamento de tags do cofre
Gerenciamento dos projetos empresariais de cofres
Gerenciamento de backup
Visualização de um backup
Compartilhamento de um backup
Exclusão de um backup
Criação de uma imagem usando um backup
Criação de um disco usando um backup
Criação de um sistema de arquivos usando um backup
Replicação de um backup (entre regiões)
Gerenciamento de políticas
Criação de uma política de backup
Criação de uma política de replicação
Modificação de uma política
Exclusão de uma política
Aplicação de uma política a um cofre
Removimento de uma política de um cofre
Restauração de dados
Restauração de dados usando o Cloud Server Backup
Restauração de dados usando um backup de disco em nuvem
Restauração de dados usando um backup em nuvem híbrida
Restauração de dados usando um backup de arquivo
Backup consistente com a aplicação
O que é backup consistente com a aplicação?
Alteração de um grupo de segurança
Instalação do Agente
Criação de um backup consistente com a aplicação
Desinstalação do Agente
Backup de arquivos
O que é backup de arquivos?
Processo de backup de arquivos
Criação de um cofre de backup em nuvem híbrida
Download e instalação do Agente
Configuração de cofre
Adição de diretórios
Criação de backups de arquivos
Restauração de dados usando um backup de arquivo
Desinstalação do Agente
Casos de resolução de problemas
(Opcional) Migração de recursos do CSBS/VBS
Gerenciamento de tarefas
Métricas do CBR
Criação de uma regra de alarme
Manutenção de segurança do Agente
Alteração da senha do usuário rdadmin
Alteração da senha da conta para relatórios de alarmes (SNMP v3)
Substituição de certificado do servidor
Substituição de certificados de CA
História de mudanças
Referência de API
Antes de começar
Visão geral
Chamada de API
Pontos de extremidade
Visão geral de API
Chamada das APIs
Feito de uma solicitação de API
Consulta de uma única tarefa
Consulta da lista de tarefas
Compartilhamento de backup
Adição de um membro de compartilhamento
Atualização do status do membro de compartilhamento
Consulta de detalhes do membro de compartilhamento
Obtenção da lista de membros de compartilhamento
Exclusão de um membro de compartilhamento especificado
Pontos de restauração
Consulta de um ponto de restauração
Replicação de um ponto de restauração
Criação de um ponto de restauração
Criação de um cofre
Consulta de um cofre especificado
Consulta da lista de cofres
Modificação de um cofre
Exclusão de um cofre
Dissociação de recursos
Associação de recursos
Aplicação de uma política a um cofre
Remoção de uma política de um cofre
Migração de recursos
Sincronização de um backup
Consulta de um backup especificado
Consulta de todos os backups
Exclusão de um backup
Replicação de um backup
Restauração de um backup
Criação de uma política
Consulta de uma política única
Consulta da lista de políticas
Modificação de uma política
Exclusão de uma política
Consulta de um recurso protegível especificado
Consulta da capacidade de replicação
Consulta de recursos de cofre
Adição ou exclusão de tags de um cofre em lote
Adição de uma tag a um recurso associado
Exclusão de uma tag de um recurso associado
Consulta de tags de um recurso associado
Consulta de tags de um projeto de cofre
Casos de aplicação
Exemplo 1: Criação de um backup do ECS
Exemplo 2: Implementação do backup automático para um cofre
Exemplo 3: Consulta de backups
Políticas de permissões e ações suportadas
Primeiros passos
Categoria de ações do CBR
Códigos de status
Códigos de erro
Obtenção de um ID de projeto
História de mudanças
Primeiros passos
Visão geral
Passo 1: fazer preparações
Passo 2: comprar um cofre
Compra de um cofre de backup do servidor
Compra de um cofre de backup de disco
Compra de um cofre de backup do SFS Turbo
Compra de um cofre de backup em nuvem híbrida
Passo 3: associar um recurso ao cofre
Passo 4: criar um backup
Criação de um backup de servidor em nuvem
Criação de um backup de disco em nuvem
Criação de um backup do SFS Turbo
Criação de um backup de arquivo
História de mudanças
Perguntas frequentes
O que backup completo e backup incremental são?
Quais são as diferenças entre backup e recuperação de desastres?
Quais são as diferenças entre backups e snapshots?
Por que o tamanho do meu backup é maior que o tamanho do meu disco?
Quais são as diferenças entre backups e imagens?
Quais são as diferenças entre o backup de servidor em nuvem e o backup de disco em nuvem?
Por que a capacidade usada de um cofre só muda ligeiramente depois da exclusão de backups indesejados?
Como o CBR é cobrado?
Qual o tamanho de um cofre que preciso?
Qual é o ciclo de cobrança e o tempo de pagar do modo pagamento por uso?
Como desativar o CBR?
Como cancelar a assinatura de pacotes de recursos do CSBS ou VBS?
Por que uma mensagem exibida indicando direitos de usuário insuficientes quando criar uma política?
O que fazer se um cofre de cobrança anual/mensal estiver prestes a expirar?
Como cancelar a assinatura de um cofre?
O que fazer se a taxa for muito alta ao expandir a capacidade de um cofre?
Posso alterar um cofre de backup de servidor para um cofre de backup de disco ou o contrário?
Por que os backups do CBR são exibidos no console do VBS?
Quais itens serão cobrados ao usar um backup para criar uma imagem
Como adquirir um pacote de tráfego de replicação do CBR?
Posso alterar o tipo de proteção de um cofre existente?
Quais recursos preciso comprar para backup de replicação entre regiões?
Preciso parar o servidor antes de executar um backup?
Posso fazer backup de um servidor implementado com bancos de dados?
Como distinguir backups automáticos de backups manuais?
Posso optar por fazer backup apenas de algumas partições de um disco?
O CBR oferece suporte ao backup entre regiões?
Como migrar dados do servidor entre regiões usando backups de servidor?
Posso fazer backup de dois discos em um disco de destino?
Como replicar um disco para a mesma AZ em uma região que o disco de origem?
Posso migrar backups entre cofres?
O desempenho do servidor será afetado se excluir seus backups?
Posso usar seu backup para restauração depois que um recurso é excluído?
Quantos backups posso criar para um recurso?
Posso usar um backup incremental para restaurar dados após um backup completo ser excluído?
Posso parar uma tarefa de backup em andamento?
Como reduzir o espaço do cofre ocupado por backups?
Como exibir o tamanho de cada backup?
Como visualizar meus dados de backup?
Por quanto tempo meus backups serão mantidos?
Como implementar backups completos periódicos para meus recursos?
Preciso parar o servidor antes de restaurar dados usando backups?
Posso usar um backup em disco do sistema para recuperar um ECS?
Preciso parar o servidor antes de restaurar dados usando backups em disco?
Um servidor pode ser restaurado usando seus backups após ser alterado?
Um disco pode ser restaurado usando seus backups depois que sua capacidade é expandida?
O que fazer se a senha se tornar aleatória depois de usar um backup para restaurar um servidor ou usar uma imagem para criar um servidor?
Que alterações serão feitas no backup original quando usar o backup para restaurar um servidor?
Como restaurar dados no servidor original para um novo?
Como restaurar um backup de disco de dados para um disco do sistema?
Posso usar o CBR para restaurar dados para qualquer ponto quando os dados foram copiados?
Posso parar uma tarefa de restauração em andamento?
Como configurar o backup automático para um servidor ou disco?
Por que a regra de retenção não entra em vigor depois de ser alterada?
Como fazer backup de vários recursos por vez?
Como manter meus backups permanentemente?
Como cancelar o backup automático ou a replicação automática?
Como fazer com que o sistema exclua automaticamente os backups que não preciso mais?
Por que meus backups não são excluídos com base na regra de retenção?
Quais são os problemas comuns durante a instalação do Cloud-Init?
O que fazer se a injeção da chave ou senha usando o Cloud-Init falhar após a instalação do NetworkManager?
O que o Cloud-Init pode fazer?
Existe uma cota para cofres do CBR?
Posso mesclar meus cofres?
Como excluir um backup que foi usado para criar uma imagem enquanto mantém a imagem?
O que fazer se a capacidade do cofre não for suficiente?
O backup continuará se o uso de um cofre atingir o limite superior?
Posso exportar dados de backup de disco para outro servidor?
Como reduzir a capacidade do meu cofre?
Por que preciso de um cofre para aceitar a imagem compartilhada comigo?
Posso baixar dados de backup para um PC local?
Como copiar dados de disco para outra conta?
O que fazer se receber um e-mail ou uma mensagem SMS indicando uma falha de backup?
What's New
What's New
Function Overview
Product Bulletin
Billing Overview
Billing Modes
Yearly/Monthly Billing
Pay-per-Use Billing
Traffic Packages
Billed Items
Billing Examples
Billing Mode Changes
Pay-per-Use to Yearly/Monthly
Renewing Subscriptions
Manually Renewing a Vault
Auto-renewing a Vault
Billing Termination
Cost Management
Billing FAQ
How Is CBR Billed?
What Is the Billing Cycle of Pay-per-Use Vaults?
How Do I Disable CBR?
How Do I Unsubscribe from CSBS or VBS Resource Packages?
Why Is a Message Displayed Indicating Insufficient User Rights When I Create a Policy?
What Can I do If a Yearly/Monthly-Billed Vault Is About to Expire?
How Do I Unsubscribe from a Vault?
What Should I Do If the Fee Is Too High When I Expand the Capacity of a Vault?
Why Are CBR Backups Displayed on the VBS Console?
How Do I Purchase a CBR Replication Traffic Package?
What Resources Do I Need to Implement Cross-Region Backup Replication?
Why AM I Still Being Billed After a Resource is Deleted?
Hybrid Cloud Backup Feature Guide
Hybrid Cloud Backup
Application Scenarios
Constraints and Limitations
VMware Backup
VMware Backup Process
Downloading and Installing eBackup
Downloading the eBackup Image Template
Enabling Cloud and On-premises Communication
Planning the Network
Installing eBackup
Configuring eBackup
Configuring the Backup Server
(Optional) Configuring a Backup Proxy
(Optional) Configuring HA
Configuring Management Data Backup Storage
Adding a VMware Protected Environment
Preparing for VMware Backup Storage
Purchasing a Hybrid Cloud Backup Vault
Creating a Storage Unit
Creating a Storage Pool
Creating a Repository
Performing VMware Backup
Creating a Protected Set
Creating a VMware Backup Policy
Creating a Backup Plan
(Optional) Manually Executing a Backup Job
Restoring Data Using VMware Backups
Restoring to Cloud Servers Using VMware Backups
Restoring VM Disks to the Original VM
Restoring VM Disks to a Specified VM
Managing a Protected VMware Environment
Managing VMware Backup Storage
Managing a Storage Unit
Managing a Storage Pool
Managing a Repository
Managing VMware Backups
Managing a Protected Set
Managing a Backup Policy
Managing a Backup Plan
Managing a Backup
Common Operations
Logging In to eBackup
Managing an eBackup Server
Managing Users
Managing Certificates
Configuring System Time & Zone
Configuring Internet Explorer
Best Practices
Using a Custom Script to Implement Application-Consistent Backup
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for MySQL
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for SAP HANA
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for Other Linux Applications
Verifying the Application-Consistent Backup Result
Protecting SQL Server
Troubleshooting a Custom Script Error
Performing Periodic Recovery Drills Using the Backup Data
Creating Backup Policies Based on Service Tiering
SDK Reference
SDK Overview
Failed to Execute a Backup Task
Failed to Delete a Backup
Failed to Expand the Vault Capacity
Failed to Attach Disks
Data Disks Are Not Displayed After a Windows Server Is Restored
Failed to Cancel Backup Sharing
Failed to Download or Install the Agent Required by Application-Consistent
Failed to Install the Agent on Windows
Failed to Implement Application-Consistent Backup
A Server Created Using an Image Enters Maintenance Mode After Login
Failed to Migrate VMware Backups to the Cloud
Failed to Restore a VMware Backup to a Cloud Server
An Error Message Is Displayed Indicating that the Path of a Storage Unit Is Invalid
Failed to Import an eBackup Image Template, with an Error Displayed Indicating That the File Is Invalid
The Download Dialog Box Disappears When I Download eBackup on a VMware VM
File Backup Failed Due to Inconsistent Time Between Backup Client and UTC Time
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Service Overview
What Is CBR?
Application Scenarios
User Permissions
CBR and Other Services
Basic Concepts
CBR Concepts
Project and Enterprise Project
Region and AZ
Getting Started
Step 1: Create a Vault
Creating a Server Backup Vault
Creating a Disk Backup Vault
Creating an SFS Turbo Backup Vault
Step 2: Associate a Resource with the Vault
Step 3: Create a Backup
Creating a Cloud Server Backup
Creating a Cloud Disk Backup
Creating an SFS Turbo Backup
Vault Management
Querying a Vault
Deleting a Vault
Dissociating a Resource
Migrating a Resource
Expanding Vault Capacity
Backup Management
Viewing a Backup
Sharing a Backup
Deleting a Backup
Policy Management
Viewing the Policy of a Vault
Creating a Backup Policy
Modifying a Policy
Deleting a Policy
Applying a Policy to a Vault
Removing a Policy from a Vault
Restoring Data
Restoring from a Cloud Server Backup
Creating an Image from a Cloud Server Backup
Restoring from a Cloud Disk Backup
Using a Backup to Create a Disk
Using a Backup to Create a File System
Managing Tasks
CBR Metrics
What Are Full Backup and Incremental Backup?
What Are the Differences Between Backup and Disaster Recovery?
What Are the Differences Between Backups and Snapshots?
What Are the Differences Between Backups and Images?
What Are the Differences Between Cloud Server Backup and Cloud Disk Backup?
What Is the Billing Cycle of Pay-per-Use Vaults?
What Charges Will I Incur When Using a Backup to Create an Image?
Do I Need to Stop the Server Before Performing a Backup?
Can I Back Up a Server Deployed with Databases?
How Can I Distinguish Automatic Backups From Manual Backups?
Can I Choose to Back Up Only Some Partitions of a Disk?
Does CBR Support Cross-Region Backup?
Can I Back Up Two Disks to One Target Disk?
How Do I Replicate a Disk to the Same AZ in a Region as the Source Disk?
Will the Server Performance Be Affected If I Delete Its Backups?
Can I Use Its Backup for Restoration After a Resource Is Deleted?
How Many Backups Can I Create for a Resource?
Can I Use an Incremental Backup to Restore Data After a Full Backup Is Deleted?
Can I Stop an Ongoing Backup Task?
How Do I Reduce the Vault Space Occupied by Backups?
How Do I View the Size of Each Backup?
How Do I View My Backup Data?
How Long Will My Backups Be Kept?
How Large of a Vault Do I Need?
Why Is My Backup Size Larger Than My Disk Size?
What Can I Do If the Vault Capacity Is Not Enough?
Why Does the Used Capacity of a Vault Change Only Slightly After I Deleted Unwanted Backups?
Will Backup Continue If the Usage of a Vault Reaches the Upper Limit?
Do I Need to Stop the Server Before Restoring Data Using Backups?
Can I Use a System Disk Backup to Recover an ECS?
Do I Need to Stop the Server Before Restoring Data Using Disk Backups?
Can a Server Be Restored Using Its Backups After It Is Changed?
Can a Disk Be Restored Using Its Backups After Its Capacity Is Expanded?
What Can I Do if the Password Becomes a Random One After I Use a Backup to Restore a Server or Use an Image to Create a Server?
What Changes Will Be Made to the Original Backup When I Use the Backup to Restore a Server?
How Do I Restore Data to a New Server?
Can I Stop an Ongoing Restoration Task?
How Do I Configure Automatic Backup for a Server or Disk?
Why the New Retention Rule I Changed Is Not Applied?
How Do I Back Up Multiple Resources at a Time?
How Do I Retain My Backups Permanently?
How Can I Cancel Auto Backup?
How Can I Have the System Automatically Delete Backups That I No Longer Need?
Why Aren't My Backups Deleted Based on the Retention Rule?
What Are Common Problems During Cloud-Init Installation?
What Can I Do If Injecting the Key or Password Using Cloud-Init Fails After NetworkManager Is Installed?
What Can Cloud-Init Do?
Is There a Quota for CBR Vaults?
Can I Merge My Vaults?
How Do I Delete a Backup That Has Been Used to Create an Image While Retaining the Image?
Can I Export Disk Backup Data to Another Server?
Why Do I Need a Vault to Accept the Image Shared to Me?
Can I Download Backup Data to a Local PC?
How Do I Copy Disk Data to Another Account?
Troubleshooting Cases
Failed to Execute a Backup Task
Failed to Delete a Backup
Failed to Attach Disks
Data Disks Are Not Displayed After a Windows Server Is Restored
Change History
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Querying a Single Task
Querying the Task List
Backup Sharing
Adding a Share Member
Obtaining the Share Member List
Updating the Share Member Status
Querying Share Member Details
Deleting a Specified Share Member
Restore Points
Querying a Restore Point
Creating a Restore Point
Creating a Vault
Querying a Specified Vault
Querying the Vault List
Modifying a Vault
Deleting a Vault
Dissociating Resources
Associating Resources
Binding a Policy to a Vault
Unbinding a Vault from a Policy
Querying a Specified Backup
Querying All Backups
Deleting a Backup
Restoring Data Using a Backup
Creating a Policy
Querying the Policy List
Querying a Single Policy
Modifying a Policy
Deleting a Policy
Application Cases
Example 1: Creating an ECS Backup
Example 2: Implement Automatic Backup for a Vault
Example 3: Querying Backups
Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
Category of CBR Actions
Status Codes
Error Codes
Obtaining a Project ID
Change History
Best Practices (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Using a Custom Script to Implement Application-Consistent Backup
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for MySQL
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for SAP HANA
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for Other Linux Applications
Compiling a Freezing Script
Compiling an Unfreezing Script
Troubleshooting a Custom Script Error
Verifying the Application-Consistent Backup Result (Linux)
Verifying the Application-Consistent Backup Result (Windows)
Protecting SQL Server in Failover Cluster Mode
Protecting SQL Server in Always on Availability Groups Mode
Change History
User Guide (Paris)
Service Overview
What Is CBR?
Application Scenarios
User Permissions
CBR and Other Services
Basic Concepts
CBR Concepts
Region and AZ
Getting Started
Step 1: Create a Vault
Creating a Server Backup Vault
Creating a Disk Backup Vault
Creating an SFS Turbo Backup Vault
Step 2: Associate a Resource with the Vault
Step 3: Create a Backup
Creating a Cloud Server Backup
Creating a Cloud Disk Backup
Creating an SFS Turbo Backup
Vault Management
Querying a Vault
Deleting a Vault
Dissociating a Resource
Expanding Vault Capacity
Changing Vault Specifications
Replicating a Vault
Backup Management
Viewing a Backup
Sharing a Backup
Deleting a Backup
Replicating a Backup Across Regions
Policy Management
Viewing the Policy of a Vault
Creating a Backup Policy
Creating a Replication Policy
Modifying a Policy
Deleting a Policy
Applying a Policy to a Vault
Removing a Policy from a Vault
Restoring Data
Restoring from a Cloud Server Backup
Creating an Image from a Cloud Server Backup
Restoring from a Cloud Disk Backup
Creating a Disk from a Cloud Disk Backup
Creating a File System from an SFS Turbo Backup
Application-Consistent Backup
What Is Application-Consistent Backup?
Changing a Security Group
Installing the Agent
Creating an Application-Consistent Backup
Uninstalling the Agent
(Optional) Migrating Resources from CSBS/VBS
Managing Tasks
CBR Metrics
What Are Full Backup and Incremental Backup?
What Are the Differences Between Backup and Disaster Recovery?
What Are the Differences Between Backups and Snapshots?
What Are the Differences Between Backups and Images?
What Are the Differences Between Cloud Server Backup and Cloud Disk Backup?
Do I Need to Stop the Server Before Performing a Backup?
Can I Back Up a Server Deployed with Databases?
How Can I Distinguish Automatic Backups From Manual Backups?
Can I Choose to Back Up Only Some Partitions of a Disk?
Does CBR Support Cross-Region Backup?
Can I Back Up Two Disks to One Target Disk?
How Do I Replicate a Disk to the Same AZ in a Region as the Source Disk?
Will the Server Performance Be Affected If I Delete Its Backups?
Can I Use Its Backup for Restoration After a Resource Is Deleted?
How Many Backups Can I Create for a Resource?
Can I Use an Incremental Backup to Restore Data After a Full Backup Is Deleted?
Can I Stop an Ongoing Backup Task?
How Do I Reduce the Vault Space Occupied by Backups?
How Do I View the Size of Each Backup?
How Do I View My Backup Data?
How Long Will My Backups Be Kept?
Why Is My Backup Size Larger Than My Disk Size?
What Can I Do If the Vault Capacity Is Not Enough?
Why Does the Used Capacity of a Vault Change Only Slightly After I Deleted Unwanted Backups?
Will Backup Continue If the Usage of a Vault Reaches the Upper Limit?
Do I Need to Stop the Server Before Restoring Data Using Backups?
Can I Use a System Disk Backup to Recover an ECS?
Do I Need to Stop the Server Before Restoring Data Using Disk Backups?
Can a Server Be Restored Using Its Backups After It Is Changed?
Can a Disk Be Restored Using Its Backups After Its Capacity Is Expanded?
What Can I Do if the Password Becomes a Random One After I Use a Backup to Restore a Server or Use an Image to Create a Server?
What Changes Will Be Made to the Original Backup When I Use the Backup to Restore a Server?
How Do I Restore Data to a New Server?
How Do I Restore a Data Disk Backup to a System Disk?
Can I Stop an Ongoing Restoration Task?
How Do I Configure Automatic Backup for a Server or Disk?
Why the New Retention Rule I Changed Is Not Applied?
How Do I Back Up Multiple Resources at a Time?
How Do I Retain My Backups Permanently?
How Can I Cancel Auto Backup or Auto Replication?
How Can I Have the System Automatically Delete Backups That I No Longer Need?
Why Aren't My Backups Deleted Based on the Retention Rule?
What Are Common Problems During Cloud-Init Installation?
What Can I Do If Injecting the Key or Password Using Cloud-Init Fails After NetworkManager Is Installed?
What Can Cloud-Init Do?
Is There a Quota for CBR Vaults?
Can I Merge My Vaults?
How Do I Delete a Backup That Has Been Used to Create an Image While Retaining the Image?
Can I Export Disk Backup Data to Another Server?
Why Do I Need a Vault to Accept the Image Shared to Me?
Can I Download Backup Data to a Local PC?
How Do I Copy Disk Data to Another Account?
Troubleshooting Cases
Failed to Execute a Backup Task
Failed to Delete a Backup
Failed to Attach Disks
Data Disks Are Not Displayed After a Windows Server Is Restored
Failed to Download or Install the Agent Required by Application-Consistent
A Server Created Using an Image Enters Maintenance Mode After Login
Agent Security Maintenance
Changing the Password of User rdadmin
Changing the Password of the Account for Reporting Alarms (SNMP v3)
Replacing the Server Certificate
Replacing CA Certificates
Change History
Change History
API Reference (Paris)
Before You Start
API Calling
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Application Cases
Example 1: Creating an ECS Backup
Example 2: Implementing Automatic Backup for a Vault
Example 3: Querying Backups
Status Codes
Error Codes
Obtaining a Project ID
Change History
Best Practices (Paris)
Using a Custom Script to Implement Application-Consistent Backup
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for MySQL
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for SAP HANA
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for Other Linux Applications
Compiling a Freezing Script
Compiling an Unfreezing Script
Troubleshooting a Custom Script Error
Verifying the Application-Consistent Backup Result (Linux)
Verifying the Application-Consistent Backup Result (Windows)
Protecting SQL Server in Failover Cluster Mode
Protecting SQL Server in Always on Availability Groups Mode
Performing Periodic Recovery Drills Using the Backup Data
Resource Planning and Costs
Performing a Recovery Drill Using a Cloud Server Backup
Performing a Recovery Drill Using an SFS Turbo Backup
Performing a Recovery Drill Using a Cloud Database Backup
Creating Backup Policies Based on Service Tiering
Resource Planning and Costs
Service Tiering
Backup and DR Policies
Change History
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Service Overview
What Is CBR?
Application Scenarios
Permissions Management
CBR and Other Services
Basic Concepts
CBR Basic Concepts
Region and AZ
Getting Started
Step 1: Create a Vault
Creating a Server Backup Vault
Creating a Disk Backup Vault
Creating an SFS Turbo Backup Vault
Step 2: Associate a Resource with the Vault
Step 3: Create a Backup
Creating a Cloud Server Backup
Creating a Cloud Disk Backup
Creating an SFS Turbo Backup
Permissions Management
Creating a User and Granting CBR Permissions
Creating a Custom Policy
Vault Management
Querying a Vault
Deleting a Vault
Dissociating a Resource
Expanding Vault Capacity
Managing Vault Tags
Managing the Enterprise Projects of Vaults
Backup Management
Viewing a Backup
Sharing a Backup
Deleting a Backup
Using a Backup to Create an Image
Using a Backup to Create a Disk
Using a Backup to Create a File System
Policy Management
Creating a Backup Policy
Modifying a Policy
Deleting a Policy
Applying a Policy to a Vault
Removing a Policy from a Vault
Restoring Data
Restoring Data Using a Cloud Server Backup
Restoring Data Using a Cloud Disk Backup
Application-Consistent Backup
What Is Application-Consistent Backup?
Changing a Security Group
Installing the Agent
Creating an Application-Consistent Backup
Uninstalling the Agent
Managing Tasks
CBR Metrics
What Are Full Backup and Incremental Backup?
What Are the Differences Between Backup and Disaster Recovery?
What Are the Differences Between Backups and Snapshots?
Why Is My Backup Size Larger Than My Disk Size?
What Are the Differences Between Cloud Server Backup and Cloud Disk Backup?
Do I Need to Stop the Server Before Performing a Backup?
Can I Back Up a Server Deployed with Databases?
How Can I Distinguish Automatic Backups From Manual Backups?
Can I Choose to Back Up Only Some Partitions of a Disk?
Does CBR Support Cross-Region Backup?
Will the Server Performance Be Affected If I Delete Its Backups?
Can I Use Its Backup for Restoration After a Resource Is Deleted?
How Many Backups Can I Create for a Resource?
Can I Stop an Ongoing Backup Task?
Do I Need to Stop the Server Before Restoring Data Using Backups?
Can I Use a System Disk Backup to Recover an ECS?
Do I Need to Stop the Server Before Restoring Data Using Disk Backups?
Can a Server Be Restored Using Its Backups After It Is Changed?
Can a Disk Be Restored Using Its Backups After Its Capacity Is Expanded?
What Can I Do if the Password Becomes a Random One After I Use a Backup to Restore a Server or Use an Image to Create a Server?
What Changes Will Be Made to the Original Backup When I Use the Backup to Restore a Server?
Can I Stop an Ongoing Restoration Task?
How Do I Configure Automatic Backup for a Server or Disk?
Why Does the Retention Rule Not Take Effect After Being Changed?
How Do I Back Up Multiple Resources at a Time?
Is There a Quota for CBR Vaults?
Can I Merge My Vaults?
Troubleshooting Cases
Failed to Attach Disks
Data Disks Are Not Displayed After a Windows Server Is Restored
Failed to Download or Install the Agent Required by Application-Consistent
A Server Created Using an Image Enters Maintenance Mode After Login
Agent Security Maintenance
Changing the Password of User rdadmin
Changing the Password of the Account for Reporting Alarms (SNMP v3)
Replacing the Server Certificate
Replacing CA Certificates
Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Querying a Single Task
Querying the Task List
Backup Sharing
Adding a Share Member
Updating the Share Member Status
Querying Share Member Details
Obtaining the Share Member List
Deleting a Specified Share Member
Restore Points
Querying a Restore Point
Creating a Restore Point
Creating a Vault
Querying a Specified Vault
Querying the Vault List
Modifying a Vault
Deleting a Vault
Dissociating Resources
Associating Resources
Applying a Policy to a Vault
Removing a Policy from a Vault
Querying a Specified Backup
Querying All Backups
Deleting a Backup
Restoring a Backup
Creating a Policy
Querying a Single Policy
Querying the Policy List
Modifying a Policy
Deleting a Policy
Application Cases
Example 1: Creating an ECS Backup
Example 2: Implement Automatic Backup for a Vault
Example 3: Querying Backups
Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
Category of CBR Actions
Status Codes
Error Codes
Obtaining a Project ID
Change History
Best Practices (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Using a Custom Script to Implement Application-Consistent Backup
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for MySQL
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for SAP HANA
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for Other Linux Applications
Compiling a Freezing Script
Compiling an Unfreezing Script
Troubleshooting a Custom Script Error
Verifying the Application-Consistent Backup Result (Linux)
Verifying the Application-Consistent Backup Result (Windows)
Protecting SQL Server in Failover Cluster Mode
Protecting SQL Server in Always on Availability Groups Mode
Change History
User Guide (Ankara Region)
Service Overview
What Is CBR?
Application Scenarios
CBR and Other Services
Basic Concepts
CBR Concepts
Region and AZ
Getting Started
Step 1: Create a Vault
Creating a Server Backup Vault
Creating a Disk Backup Vault
Step 2: Associate a Resource with the Vault
Step 3: Create a Backup
Creating a Cloud Server Backup
Creating a Cloud Disk Backup
Permissions Management
Creating a User and Granting CBR Permissions
Creating a Custom Policy
Configuring Forcible Backup Policies
Vault Management
Querying a Vault
Deleting a Vault
Dissociating a Resource
Migrating a Resource
Expanding Vault Capacity
Changing Vault Specifications
Backup Management
Viewing a Backup
Sharing a Backup
Deleting a Backup
Policy Management
Viewing the Policy of a Vault
Creating a Backup Policy
Modifying a Policy
Deleting a Policy
Applying a Policy to a Vault
Removing a Policy from a Vault
Restoring Data
Restoring from a Cloud Server Backup
Creating an Image from a Cloud Server Backup
Restoring from a Cloud Disk Backup
Creating a Disk from a Cloud Disk Backup
Application-Consistent Backup
What Is Application-Consistent Backup?
Changing a Security Group
Installing the Agent
Creating an Application-Consistent Backup
Uninstalling the Agent
Managing Tasks
CBR Metrics
Creating an Alarm Rule
What Are Full Backup and Incremental Backup?
What Are the Differences Between Backup and Disaster Recovery?
What Are the Differences Between Backups and Snapshots?
What Are the Differences Between Cloud Server Backup and Cloud Disk Backup?
Do I Need to Stop the Server Before Performing a Backup?
Can I Back Up a Server Deployed with Databases?
How Can I Distinguish Automatic Backups From Manual Backups?
Can I Choose to Back Up Only Some Partitions of a Disk?
Does CBR Support Cross-Region Backup?
Will the Server Performance Be Affected If I Delete Its Backups?
Can I Use Its Backup for Restoration After a Resource Is Deleted?
How Many Backups Can I Create for a Resource?
Can I Stop an Ongoing Backup Task?
Why Is My Backup Size Larger Than My Disk Size?
Do I Need to Stop the Server Before Restoring Data Using Backups?
Can I Use a System Disk Backup to Recover an ECS?
Do I Need to Stop the Server Before Restoring Data Using Disk Backups?
Can a Server Be Restored Using Its Backups After It Is Changed?
Can a Disk Be Restored Using Its Backups After Its Capacity Is Expanded?
What Can I Do if the Password Becomes a Random One After I Use a Backup to Restore a Server or Use an Image to Create a Server?
What Changes Will Be Made to the Original Backup When I Use the Backup to Restore a Server?
Can I Stop an Ongoing Restoration Task?
How Do I Configure Automatic Backup for a Server or Disk?
Why the New Retention Rule I Changed Is Not Applied?
How Do I Back Up Multiple Resources at a Time?
Is There a Quota for CBR Vaults?
Can I Merge My Vaults?
Troubleshooting Cases
Failed to Attach Disks
Data Disks Are Not Displayed After a Windows Server Is Restored
Failed to Cancel Backup Sharing
Failed to Download or Install the Agent Required by Application-Consistent
A Server Created Using an Image Enters Maintenance Mode After Login
Agent Security Maintenance
Changing the Password of User rdadmin
Changing the Password of the Account for Reporting Alarms (SNMP v3)
Replacing the Server Certificate
Replacing CA Certificates
Change History
API Reference (Ankara Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Querying a Single Task
Querying the Task List
Creating a Vault
Querying a Specified Vault
Querying the Vault List
Modifying a Vault
Deleting a Vault
Dissociating Resources
Associating Resources
Applying a Policy to a Vault
Removing a Policy from a Vault
Batch Modifying Vaults
Creating a Policy
Querying a Single Policy
Querying the Policy List
Modifying a Policy
Deleting a Policy
Synchronizing a Backup
Querying a Specified Backup
Querying All Backups
Deleting a Backup
Restoring a Backup
Backup Sharing
Adding a Share Member
Updating the Share Member Status
Querying Share Member Details
Obtaining the Share Member List
Deleting a Specified Share Member
Restore Points
Querying a Restore Point
Creating a Restore Point
Application Cases
Example 1: Creating an ECS Backup
Example 2: Implementing Automatic Backup for a Vault
Example 3: Querying Backups
Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
Category of CBR Actions
Status Codes
Error Codes
Obtaining a Project ID
Change History
Best Practices (Ankara Region)
Using a Custom Script to Implement Application-Consistent Backup
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for MySQL
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for SAP HANA
Using a Custom Script to Implement Consistent Backup for Other Linux Applications
Compiling a Freezing Script
Compiling an Unfreezing Script
Troubleshooting a Custom Script Error
Verifying the Application-Consistent Backup Result (Linux)
Verifying the Application-Consistent Backup Result (Windows)
Protecting SQL Server in Failover Cluster Mode
Protecting SQL Server in Always on Availability Groups Mode
Change History