状态码 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
描述 |
处理措施 |
400 |
SMS.0007 |
Agent error. |
Agent程序异常 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0201 |
Network busy. Source server failed to connect to API Gateway. |
源端主机网络繁忙,无法连接api网关 |
请检查网络是否能连接api网关 |
400 |
SMS.0202 |
AK/SK authentication failed. Ensure that the AK and SK are correct. |
AK,SK鉴权失败,请检查AK,SK是否正确 |
请检查是否为目的端的AK/SK且输入正确,排查目的端AK/SK是否被冻结 |
400 |
SMS.0203 |
Connection from source server to API Gateway timed out. |
源端连接API网关超时 |
请检查网络是否能连接api网关 |
400 |
SMS.0204 |
Insufficient permissions. Cause: {0[0]}. Obtain the required fine-grained permissions. |
权限不够,错误原因:{0[0]},请添加相应细粒度权限 |
请添加相应的细粒度权限 |
400 |
SMS.0205 |
AK/SK authentication failed. The time or time zone of the source server is incorrect. |
AK/SK鉴权失败,源端服务器时间或时区设置错误 |
请修改源端服务器时间或时区 |
400 |
SMS.0206 |
Only x86 servers can be migrated. |
只支持迁移X86架构的服务器 |
请使用其他方式迁移 |
400 |
SMS.0207 |
KVM driver not available on source server. |
源端缺失kvm驱动 |
请安装kvm驱动 |
400 |
SMS.0208 |
Failed to send your service statement confirmation to SMS |
无法将您的服务声明确认发送到SMS |
请检查网络是否能连接api网关 |
400 |
SMS.0210 |
Failed to create file %s on target server |
在目的端创建%s文件失败 |
请检查网络,然后再次启动迁移任务 |
400 |
SMS.0211 |
Failed to send certificate decryption key to target server |
发送证书解密密钥到目的端失败 |
请检查网络,然后再次启动迁移任务 |
400 |
SMS.0212 |
Agent restarted. Delete the current target configuration and configure the target server again. |
检测到agent被重启,请删除当前目的端配置,重新配置迁移任务。 |
请删除目的端配置重新配置迁移任务 |
400 |
SMS.0301 |
Failed to send the network request. Cause: %s |
网络请求发送失败,原因:%s |
请修正代理信息 |
400 |
SMS.0302 |
Failed to resolve domain name {0[0]}. |
域名{0[0]}解析失败 |
请检查域名是否可达 |
400 |
SMS.0303 |
Unable to access domain name %s. Cause: %s |
域名%s联通失败,失败原因:%s |
请检查域名是否可达 |
400 |
SMS.0304 |
Network request TLS/SSL authentication failed. Cause: %s |
网络请求TSL/SSL鉴权失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0401 |
No project ID found. Cause: %s |
获取project id失败,错误原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0406 |
No image found. Cause: %s |
获取镜像失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0407 |
No target server information found. Cause: %s |
获取虚拟机信息失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0408 |
Failed to obtain details about target server %s. Cause: %s |
获取虚拟机%s详情失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0409 |
Failed to obtain volume information of target server %s. Cause %s |
获取虚拟机%s的卷信息失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0410 |
Failed to obtain NIC information of target server %s. Cause: %s |
获取虚拟机%s的网卡信息失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0411 |
Disk %s does not exist. |
磁盘%s不存在 |
磁盘被删除,请重新迁移 |
400 |
SMS.0412 |
Target server %s does not exist. |
虚拟机%s不存在 |
虚拟机被删除,请重新迁移 |
400 |
SMS.0413 |
Failed to query the region where the bucket locates. Cause: %s |
查询桶区域失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0414 |
Failed to copy logs from the customer's OBS bucket to the destination bucket. Cause: %s |
授权日志失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0415 |
Failed to obtain the target server specifications. Cause: %s |
获取虚拟机规格失败. 失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0416 |
No VPC found. Cause: %s |
查询虚拟私有云失败.失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0417 |
No security group found. Cause: %s |
查询安全组失败.失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0418 |
No subnet found. Cause: %s |
查询子网失败.失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0419 |
Failed to obtain the volume details of target server %s by calling the combined API. Cause: %s |
通过组合API获取虚拟机%s的卷信息失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0420 |
Failed to obtain the disk details of the target server. Cause: %s |
获取目的端磁盘列表失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0421 |
Failed to obtain the domain ID. Cause: %s |
获取domain id失败,错误原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0422 |
Failed to obtain the details about the VPC with the specified ID. |
查询指定id的虚拟私有云失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0423 |
The VPC with the specified ID is abnormal. |
指定id的虚拟私有云状态异常 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0424 |
The obtained list of disks on the target server has no content. |
获取到的目的端磁盘列表为空 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0425 |
Failed to obtain the JSON configuration file. |
获取json配置文件失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0426 |
Response body too long. Maximum length: %s |
请求返回体长度非法,超过了%s最大长度限制 |
请修改配置文件中的最大长度限制值 |
400 |
SMS.0501 |
Failed to report the task progress to SMS. |
子任务进度上传失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0502 |
Source server registration failed. Cause: %s |
注册源端失败,错误原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0503 |
Log upload failed. Cause: %s |
上传日志失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0504 |
Failed to obtain task details. Cause: %s |
获取任务信息失败,错误原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0505 |
Task %s not found. Check whether the task has been deleted. |
没有找到任务%s,请检查任务是否已经被删除 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0506 |
Failed to obtain template details. Template ID: %s |
获取指定id%s的模板信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0507 |
Source server details deleted. Register it with SMS again. |
源端已经被删除,请重新注册 |
请重新注册 |
400 |
SMS.0508 |
Failed to obtain commands from the source server. Cause %s |
从源端%s获取命令失败,错误原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0509 |
The application failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. |
应用程序因并行配置不正确无法启动 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0510 |
Failed to update the replication status to %s. |
将复制状态更新为%s失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0511 |
Failed to obtain the private key. Cause: %s |
获取私钥失败,错误原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0512 |
Failed to update task details. |
更新任务信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0513 |
Failed to add the subtask. |
添加子任务失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0514 |
Updating source server information failed. Cause: {0[0]} |
更新源端信息失败,错误原因:{0[0]} |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0515 |
Migration failed. Source disk information has changed. Delete target server configuration and restart the Agent. |
源端磁盘信息发生变化,无法迁移,请删除目的端配置并重新启动agent |
请删除目的端配置并重新启动 |
400 |
SMS.0516 |
Failed to execute the synchronization task, because the I/O monitoring module failed to run. |
IO监控模块运行失败,任务无法同步 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0519 |
Not enough space. Delete target configuration, restart Agent, and expand target partition. |
源端当前已用空间发生变化,超过了调整后目的端分区大小,请删除目的端配置,重新启动agent并重新调整磁盘分区 |
请删除目的端配置,重新启动agent并重新调整磁盘分区 |
400 |
SMS.0520 |
Failed to obtain the target server password. Cause: %s |
获取目的端服务器密码失败,错误原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0521 |
Failed to obtain the certificate password. Cause: %s |
获取证书密码失败,错误原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0522 |
The parameter contains invalid characters: %s |
参数含有非法字符: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0601 |
Target server creation failed. Cause: %s |
创建虚拟机失败. 失败原因:%s |
请联系ECS技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0602 |
VPC creation failed. Cause: %s |
创建虚拟私有云失败. 失败原因:%s |
请联系VPC技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0603 |
Security group creation failed. Cause: %s |
创建安全组失败. 失败原因:%s |
请联系VPC技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0604 |
Failed to add the security group rule. Cause: %s |
创建安全组规则失败. 失败原因:%s |
请联系VPC技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0605 |
Subnet creation failed. Cause: %s |
创建子网失败. 失败原因:%s |
请联系VPC技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0606 |
No general-computing server flavors are available in this AZ. Select another flavor. |
该区域没有通用计算型虚拟机规格,请手动选择虚拟机规格 |
请手动选择虚拟机规格 |
400 |
SMS.0607 |
cloud-region.json does not contain details about the current region. |
cloud-region.json中缺少当前region信息 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0608 |
Volume creation failed. Cause: %s |
创建卷失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.0804 |
File upload failed. |
上传文件到目的端失败 |
请检查网络是否正常 |
400 |
SMS.0805 |
Failed to migrate partition %s to target server %s. |
迁移分区 %s 到目的端 %s 失败 |
请参考案例进行排查 |
400 |
SMS.0806 |
Failed to synchronize partition %s to target server %s. |
同步分区 %s 到目的端 %s 失败 |
请参考案例进行排查 |
400 |
SMS.0807 |
Network error between source and target servers. |
源端与目的端网络出现异常 |
请检查网络是否正常 |
400 |
SMS.1101 |
Failed to start target server %s. |
启动虚拟机%s失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1102 |
Failed to stop target server %s. |
暂停虚拟机%s失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1103 |
Failed to attach disk %s. Cause: %s |
挂载磁盘%s失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1104 |
Failed to detach disk %s. Cause: %s |
卸载磁盘%s失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1105 |
Disk creation failed. Cause: %s |
创建磁盘失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1106 |
Failed to delete disk %s. Cause: %s |
删除磁盘%s失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1107 |
Failed to upload the private key and certificate to target server %s. Cause: %s |
目的虚拟机%s上传私钥和证书失败,错误原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1108 |
Failed to detach disk %s. |
卸载磁盘%s失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1109 |
An exception occurred when the private key and certificate are uploaded to target server %s |
目的虚拟机%s上传私钥和证书出现异常 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1110 |
Failed to attach disk %s. |
挂载磁盘%s失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1111 |
Failed to start target server %s. Cause %s |
启动虚拟机%s失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1112 |
Failed to stop target server %s. Cause: %s |
暂停虚拟机%s失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1113 |
Failed to reconfigure partition details on the target server. |
目的虚拟机重新配置分区信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1114 |
Failed to send command to the target server. |
发送命令给目的虚拟机失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1116 |
Failed to set type for disk %s. Cause: %s |
设置磁盘 %s 类型失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1117 |
Failed to generate the RSA key pair on the target server. |
在目的端生成rsa密钥对失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1118 |
Failed to query the content of file %s. |
查看文件%s内容失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1119 |
Failed to restart SSHD on the target server. |
重启目的端sshd服务失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1120 |
Command execution on the Windows server failed. Cause: missing command or command parameter. |
Windows执行命令失败,原因:空命令或空命令参数 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1201 |
%s not installed. |
指定的服务%s未安装 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1202 |
Agent image ID is empty. Create agent image and reconfigure the task. |
代理镜像id为空, 请按照文档制作代理镜像后,重新迁移 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1203 |
Insufficient memory on the source server. |
源端内存不足 |
请清理源端程序,释放内存 |
400 |
SMS.1204 |
Failed to create a file on the source server. Cause: %s |
在源端创建新文件失败,失败原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1205 |
Failed to load WMI. Go to the official website to view the solution. |
加载wmi模块失败,请前往官网查询解决方案 |
请参考案例进行排查 |
400 |
SMS.1301 |
Failed to write partition information to the configuration file. |
往配置文件写入分区信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1311 |
Insufficient disks on the target server. |
目的端磁盘个数不够 |
请增加目的端磁盘数量 |
400 |
SMS.1312 |
Partition failed. Disk: %s. Cause: %s |
对磁盘 %s 进行分区失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1313 |
Failed to create physical volume %s. Cause: %s |
创建物理卷 %s 失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1314 |
Formatting failed. Partition: %s. Cause: %s |
格式化分区 %s 失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1315 |
Insufficient free space on target partition %s. |
目的端分区 %s 剩余空间不足 |
请扩容对应分区 |
400 |
SMS.1401 |
Failed to copy the I/O monitoring module. |
复制IO监控模块失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1402 |
SSH client not installed. Install the openssh-clients package and check the installation with ssh -V. |
ssh客户端未安装,请安装软件包“openssh-clients”, 并且检查“ssh -V”的结果 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1403 |
No grub file found. Find it under /boot. |
找不到grub文件,请在/boot目录下寻找该文件 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1404 |
Disk %s is abnormal. Expected status: %s |
磁盘%s状态不正常,当前状态:%s,期望状态:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1405 |
Failed to obtain information about disk %s. Cause: %s |
获取磁盘%s信息失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1406 |
Failed to obtain the EIP. Cause: %s |
获取弹性IP失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1407 |
Failed to obtain the target server specifications. Cause: %s |
获取虚拟机规格失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1408 |
Snapshot creation failed. Disk: %s. Cause: %s |
磁盘%s创建快照失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1409 |
Failed to delete snapshot %s. Cause: %s |
删除快照%s失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1410 |
Snapshot %s does not exist. |
快照%s不存在 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1411 |
Snapshot %s is in the %s state. |
快照%s状态:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1412 |
Snapshot %s rollback failed. Cause: %s |
回滚快照%s失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1413 |
Failed to obtain the status of snapshot %s. Cause: %s |
查询快照%s状态失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1414 |
The migration module stopped abnormally and cannot synchronize data. |
迁移模块异常中止,无法同步 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1415 |
Failed to load the IO monitoring module. |
IO监控模块启动失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1416 |
Failed to create tag for server %s. Cause: %s |
服务器%s打标签失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1417 |
Operation %s failed on server. Cause: %s |
服务器执行%s操作失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1423 |
Failed to obtain details about DNS server. Cause: %s |
获取DNS服务器信息失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1501 |
OS version not supported. |
操作系统不支持 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1502 |
Target server %s is abnormal. Expected status: %s |
虚拟机%s状态不正常,期望状态:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1503 |
Disk %s is not the system boot disk. |
磁盘%s不是系统启动盘 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1504 |
The sizes of disks on the target server do not match those on the source server. |
源端磁盘大小与目的虚拟机磁盘不匹配. |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1505 |
No boot partition found. |
找不到启动分区 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1506 |
No boot disk found. |
找不到启动磁盘 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1507 |
No system partition found. |
找不到系统分区 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1508 |
Mount point, partition, or disk configured in disk.cfg not found. |
找不到自定义磁盘配置文件中编写的挂载点、分区或磁盘 |
请检查磁盘配置文件 |
400 |
SMS.1509 |
Invalid disk.cfg file. |
自定义磁盘配置文件的配置不可行 |
请检查磁盘配置文件 |
400 |
SMS.1510 |
Configure advanced option %s failed. Cause: %s. |
特殊配置项 %s 配置失败,错误原因:%s |
请检查并修正对应配置项 |
400 |
SMS.1511 |
failed to check the consistency,Cause:%s |
校验数据一致性失败,失败原因:%s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1701 |
The installed Agent cannot migrate the server to this region. Install the latest Agent. |
已安装的Agent不支持迁移到该Region,请安装最新的Agent进行迁移 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1702 |
An error occurred when converting the string into the JSON format. |
字符串转json过程中出现错误 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1801 |
Migration or synchronization task failed. |
迁移/同步失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1802 |
Migration or synchronization task paused. |
迁移/同步任务中止 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1805 |
Migration or synchronization task failed because memory allocation on the target server failed. |
迁移/同步失败,目的端分配内存失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1807 |
Failed to connect to the target server. Check whether its IP address %s is reachable and confirm that port 8900 is enabled. |
无法连接目的虚拟机,请检查目的虚拟机IP%s是否可达,或者8900端口是否开放 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1901 |
Agent could not read disk information. |
Agent无法读取磁盘信息 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1902 |
Failed to start the I/O monitoring module. |
启动IO监控失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1903 |
No valid block data found. |
获取有效块数据失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1904 |
Failed to create a snapshot for the Windows server. |
制作Windows快照失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1905 |
Failed to read the disk information. |
读取卷信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1907 |
Failed to send the migration command. |
Agent发送命令失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1908 |
Data transmission failed. |
Agent传输数据失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1909 |
Data compression failed. |
压缩数据失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1910 |
Failed to obtain the I/O monitoring data. |
读取IO监控失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.1911 |
Boot sector read error. |
读取bootsector出错 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2003 |
Volume reconfiguration failed. |
重配置卷信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2004 |
Failed to back up volume sector details on the target server. |
备份目的端卷sector信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2007 |
Failed to write data to disks on the target server. |
目的端写磁盘失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2009 |
Data decompression failed. |
解压缩数据失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2011 |
Failed to receive data. |
接收数据失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2012 |
Failed to read or parse the volume information from the configuration file. |
从配置文件读取并解析卷信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2013 |
Failed to open the disk. |
打开磁盘失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2014 |
Failed to hide the partition information. |
隐藏分区信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2015 |
Failed to restore the partition information. |
恢复分区信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2016 |
Drive letter restoration failed. |
恢复盘符信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2017 |
Failed to traverse all volumes. |
遍历所有卷出错 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2018 |
Error in reading the volume boot sector. |
读取卷的boot sector出错 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2101 |
Registry modification failed. |
修改windows配置时,修改注册表失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2102 |
Failed to modify the device information. |
修改windows配置时,修改设备信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2103 |
Failed to set active partitions. |
修改windows配置时,设置活动分区失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2104 |
Failed to modify BCD configuration. |
修改windows配置时,修改bcd配置失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2105 |
Failed to modify boot configuration file. |
修改windows配置时,修改boot配置文件失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2201 |
Failed to clear disk information. |
windows分区和格式化时,清理磁盘信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2202 |
Failed to convert the format of disk %s. |
windows分区和格式化时,磁盘%s格式转换失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2203 |
Failed to create partition %s. |
windows分区和格式化时,创建分区%s失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2204 |
Failed to format partition %s. |
windows分区和格式化时,格式化分区 %s失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2205 |
Failed to update the partition information. |
windows分区和格式化时,更新分区信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2301 |
Failed to start ntcldst. |
启动ntcldst模块失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.2802 |
Failed to connect to the target server. Check whether its IP address %s is reachable and port 8899 is enabled. |
无法连接目的虚拟机,请检查目的虚拟机IP%s是否可达,或者8899端口是否开放 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3101 |
Failed to modify the configuration file of the target server. Cause: %s |
修改目的端配置文件失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3102 |
Failed to modify the initrd file on the target server. Cause: %s |
修改目的端initrd文件失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3103 |
Failed to execute bootloader on the target server. Cause: %s |
对目的服务器重新建立引导失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3104 |
Failed to read /etc/fstab on the source server. Cause: %s |
读取源端文件(/etc/fstab)失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3202 |
Failed to create volume group %s. Cause: %s |
创建卷组 %s 失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3203 |
Failed to create logical volume %s. Cause: %s |
创建逻辑卷 %s 失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3204 |
Failed to create swap partition %s. Cause: %s |
创建swap分区 %s 失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3205 |
Failed to mount partition %s to directory %s. Cause: %s |
挂载分区 %s 到目录 %s 失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3206 |
Failed to obtain the UUID of the partition on the target server. Cause: %s |
查询目的端分区的UUID失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3207 |
Failed to create file %s on the target server. Cause: %s |
在目的端创建文件 %s 失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3208 |
Failed to write file %s on the target server. Cause: %s |
在目的端写文件 %s 失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3209 |
Failed to assign execution permission to the script on the target server. Cause: %s |
设置目的端脚本可执行权限失败,原因: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3210 |
Failed to format partition {0[0]} to {0[1]}. Cause: {0[2]} |
格式化分区 {0[0]} 为 {0[1]}失败. 原因: {0[2]} |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3300 |
Failed to read the configuration file for Linux block-level migration. |
读取linux块迁移配置文件失败 |
请下载最新的agent |
400 |
SMS.3301 |
Failed to load the SSL certificate. |
加载ssl证书失败 |
请重新创建迁移任务 |
400 |
SMS.3401 |
Download of RSA public and private keys failed. HTTP Status Code: %s |
下载RSA公私钥失败,HTTPS Code: %s |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3402 |
Download of RSA public and private keys failed. |
下载RSA公私钥失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3802 |
Failed to establish an SSH connection with the target server. |
与目的服务器建立SSH连接失败 |
请检查网络 |
400 |
SMS.3803 |
The connection to the target server failed, because an error occurred during the public key verification on the target server. |
源端连接目的端发生错误,目的端公钥验证过程中发生错误 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3804 |
The connection to the target server failed due to invalid connection credential. |
源端连接目的端发生错误,连接凭据无效 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3805 |
The connection to the target server timed out. |
源端连接目的端发生错误,连接超时 |
请检查网络 |
400 |
SMS.3806 |
The connection to the target server was rejected. |
源端连接目的端发生错误,拒绝连接 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3807 |
Failed to decompress %s. |
解压文件%s失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.3808 |
Failed to ping the target server. Please check whether the ICMP port is enabled. |
Ping目的端服务器失败,请检查ICMP端口是否开放 |
请检查网络环境 |
400 |
SMS.3809 |
Failed to replace the RSA certificate on the target server. |
替换目的端服务器rsa证书失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.5101 |
Agent installation failed. |
Agent安装失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.5102 |
Agent startup failed because the noexec permission is unavailable on /tmp in Linux. |
Linux /tmp卷缺少noexec权限导致无法启动 |
请增加tmp目录noexec权限 |
400 |
SMS.5103 |
Agent startup failed due to insufficient space on /tmp in Linux. |
Linux /tmp卷空间不足导致agent无法启动 |
请增加tmp大小 |
400 |
SMS.5104 |
Failed to paste AK or SK. |
Agent无法粘贴aksk |
请重启agent |
400 |
SMS.5105 |
Agent startup failed because the current shell character set is wrong. |
当前shell字符集设置错误,无法启动 |
请设置字符集为UTF-8 |
400 |
SMS.5106 |
Internal error. Failed to create a temporary directory. |
内部错误:无法创建临时目录 |
请用管理员权限运行 |
400 |
SMS.5107 |
Failed to open the file for writing. |
不能打开要写入的文件 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.5108 |
Failed to execute df -TH. |
执行“df -TH“命令失败 |
请检查是否挂载了不存在或已经离线的设备 |
400 |
SMS.5109 |
The application cannot be started due to incorrect parallel configuration. |
应用程序因并行配置不正确无法启动 |
请使用SMSAgentDeploy启动 |
400 |
SMS.5110 |
The Windows Agent unable to launch. |
Windows Agent双击无法运行 |
请解除锁定后重试 |
400 |
SMS.5111 |
Agent startup failed. Multiple volume groups found with the same name. |
启动sms agent失败,存在同名的卷组 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.5112 |
Agent main program: linuxmain could not run. |
Agent主程序linuxmain启动失败 |
查看兼容性列表 |
400 |
SMS.5113 |
Check %s on Linux timed out. |
linux预检查运行%s超时 |
请根据报错提示中的具体预检查项进行详细的排查和处理 |
400 |
SMS.5301 |
Booting with GRUB failed. |
grub引导失败 |
请重装grub |
400 |
SMS.5302 |
Failed to install the KVM driver. |
XEN迁移KVM安装KVM驱动失败 |
请卸载xen驱动,安装kvm驱动 |
400 |
SMS.5401 |
Disks of the Windows target server are offline. |
Windows迁移完后磁盘脱机 |
请手动联机 |
400 |
SMS.5402 |
Network error on the target server running Windows 2003. |
Windows Server 2003目的端网络异常 |
请使用其他方式迁移 |
400 |
SMS.5403 |
Progress is slow or suspended. |
进度卡住或过慢 |
请检查带宽是否过小 |
400 |
SMS.5404 |
The target server running CentOS 6.x cannot access the Internet. |
CentOS6.x迁移完成后目的端无法联网. |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.5601 |
The disk usage changes greatly after migration. |
迁移完成后目的端与源端磁盘使用率差异较大 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.5602 |
Time error occurred in the target server running Linux. |
Linux主机迁移后时间异常 |
请使用NTP同步 |
400 |
SMS.5603 |
The target server running Windows cannot access the Internet. |
Windows迁移后无法上网 |
请重装网卡驱动 |
400 |
SMS.5604 |
The MySQL service on the target server cannot be started. |
MySql数据库迁移后无法启动 |
请停止业务重新同步 |
400 |
SMS.5605 |
After the migration is complete, the target server starts and the System Recovery Options window is displayed. |
迁移完成后目的端启动进入修复页面 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.5606 |
Windows fails to start because the Xen driver is abnormal. |
windows 系统无法启动,xen驱动异常 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6000 |
Service error. |
服务异常 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6001 |
The source server name is a required field. |
源端名称为空 |
源端名称不能为空 |
400 |
SMS.6002 |
Source server name must consist of 1 to 64 characters. |
源端名称长度必须在1与64之间 |
源端名称长度必须在1与64之间 |
400 |
SMS.6003 |
Only letters, digits, underscores (_), dot (.), and hyphens (-) are allowed. |
只能由中文字符、英文字母、数字及\"_\"、\"-\"、\".\"组成 |
只能由中文字符、英文字母、数字及"_"、"-"、"."组成 |
400 |
SMS.6004 |
Invalid subtask name. |
非法的子任务名称 |
请输入正确的子任务名称 |
400 |
SMS.6005 |
The status of the sourceServer does not meet the requirements. |
源端服务器状态不符合要求 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6006 |
Source platform information format error. |
源端平台信息格式错误 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6010 |
The request body is not in the JSON format. |
请求体不是json格式 |
请按要求设置请求体 |
400 |
SMS.6011 |
The JSON request body does not meet the specifications. |
请求体json不符合规范 |
请按要求设置请求体 |
400 |
SMS.6012 |
Empty request body. |
请求体为空 |
请按要求设置请求体 |
400 |
SMS.6013 |
Incomplete request parameters. |
请求参数不全 |
请补全请求参数 |
400 |
SMS.6014 |
The parameter part in the request body is too long. |
请求体参数超长 |
请修改请求体参数 |
400 |
SMS.6015 |
The request header is missing. |
请求头缺失 |
请添加请求头 |
400 |
SMS.6016 |
The header type must be application/json. |
请求头类型错误,必须为application/json! |
请确保请求头类型为application/json! |
400 |
SMS.6020 |
The command name is missing. |
命令名称丢失 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6021 |
The command from the Agent is inconsistent with that from SMS. |
客户端提供的命令与服务端不一致 |
请输入服务端正确的命令 |
400 |
SMS.6022 |
Incorrect result format. |
result格式错误 |
请设置正确的result格式 |
400 |
SMS.6023 |
Incorrect result_detail format. |
result_detail格式错误 |
请设置正确的result_detail格式 |
400 |
SMS.6030 |
Invalid source server ID. |
源端id参数非法 |
请输入正确的源端id |
400 |
SMS.6031 |
The target server information is missing. |
缺少目的端虚拟机参数 |
请添加目的端虚拟机参数 |
400 |
SMS.6032 |
The target server ID is missing. |
目的端虚拟机参数缺少vm_id |
请添加目的端虚拟机vm_id |
400 |
SMS.6033 |
The disk information is missing. |
目的端虚拟机参数缺少磁盘信息 |
请添加目的端磁盘信息 |
400 |
SMS.6034 |
Invalid region name. |
Region名称非法 |
请输入合法的region名称 |
400 |
SMS.6035 |
Domain ID is missing. |
请求体缺少domainID |
请添加domainID |
400 |
SMS.6101 |
Invalid migration progress. |
迁移进度不符合范围 |
迁移进度应该为0~100的整数 |
400 |
SMS.6102 |
Parameters do not meet the JSON format requirements. |
参数Json格式不满足要求 |
请检查json格式是否正确 |
400 |
SMS.6103 |
Disk ID is missing. |
缺少磁盘id |
请添加磁盘id |
400 |
SMS.6104 |
Physical volume name is missing. |
缺少卷名称 |
请添加卷名称 |
400 |
SMS.6105 |
Physical volume size is missing or invalid. |
缺少卷大小信息或卷大小非法 |
请正确填写卷大小信息 |
400 |
SMS.6301 |
Database read or write error. |
数据库读写错误 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6302 |
No migration speed limit found. |
找不任务相关的限速信息 |
请重新设置限速 |
400 |
SMS.6303 |
The installed Agent is of an earlier version. Download the latest version. |
Agent版本过老,请下载新的agent |
请下载最新的agent |
400 |
SMS.6304 |
Fail to get config information. |
获取配置信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6401 |
Unsupported encoding mode. |
编码方式不支持 |
请使用正确的编码方式 |
400 |
SMS.6402 |
The algorithm does not exist. |
没有这样的算法 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6403 |
Failed to split into strings of the specified size. |
无法分割成指定大小的字符串 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6404 |
An error occurred during integer conversion. |
整数转换过程中发生错误 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6405 |
Invalid time format. |
时间格式非法 |
请检查时间格式 |
400 |
SMS.6407 |
Current quota is not enough, please use MgC. |
当前配额不足,请使用MgC! |
请使用迁移中心MgC进行迁移 |
400 |
SMS.6501 |
You can add up to 1,000 source servers. |
您最多只能添加1000个源端! |
请删除已迁移完成的源端 |
400 |
SMS.6502 |
Environment check cannot be performed on the source server in the CHECKING state. |
CHECKING状态的源端无法执行环境检测操作。 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6503 |
Failed to obtain the OS version of the source server. |
无法获取源端操作系统版本。 |
请提供正确的源端系统类型 |
400 |
SMS.6504 |
Unsupported source server OS version or firmware type. |
操作系统版本或者固件类型不支持 |
查看兼容性列表 |
400 |
SMS.6505 |
Unknown source firmware type. It must be BIOS or UEFI. |
固件类型校验失败,必须为BIOS或者UEFI |
请使用其他方式迁移 |
400 |
SMS.6506 |
Failed to obtain the number of source server CPUs. |
无法获取CPU数量 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6507 |
Failed to open the system directory of the source server. |
获取系统路径失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6508 |
Incompatible disk format on the source server. Only GPT and MBR are compatible. |
源端磁盘格式不兼容,只支持GPT和MBR格式 |
请使用其他方式迁移 |
400 |
SMS.6509 |
Incompatible file system of the source server. |
源端文件系统不兼容 |
请使用其他方式迁移 |
400 |
SMS.6510 |
The source server OS is an OEM system. |
源端系统是OEM系统 |
请迁移后重新激活系统 |
400 |
SMS.6511 |
The source server lacks driver files. |
源端缺少必要的驱动文件 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6512 |
The system services required for the migration on the source server are not running normally. |
迁移所需系统服务没有正常运行 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6513 |
No administrator permissions on the source server. |
缺少管理员权限 |
请检查源端当前账户是否具备管理员权限 |
400 |
SMS.6514 |
Failed to obtain the memory size of the source server. |
无法获取内存大小 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6515 |
The source server is paravirtualized. |
源端不支持半虚拟化 |
无法迁移,建议使用其他方式上云 |
400 |
SMS.6516 |
The Linux bootloader must be GRUB. |
linux启动方式只支持grub |
请检查linux启动方式是否为grub |
400 |
SMS.6517 |
rsync not installed on the source server. |
源端没有安装rsync |
请安装rsync |
400 |
SMS.6518 |
The source server has a raw device. |
不支持裸设备 |
无法迁移,建议使用其他方式迁移 |
400 |
SMS.6519 |
Failed to obtain disk information. |
没有磁盘信息 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6520 |
The source server is not in the AVAILABLE state. |
源端不是available状态 |
请检查源端状态 |
400 |
SMS.6521 |
Token-based authentication failed. |
Token校验失败 |
使用正确的Token |
400 |
SMS.6522 |
The X-Auth-Token header field is missing. |
请求头没有X-Auth-Token |
请在请求头加入X-Auth-Token |
400 |
SMS.6523 |
Apply for the permission required to operate SMS. |
你没有权限操作SMS服务. |
请确保您拥有sms_administrator权限 |
400 |
SMS.6524 |
This operation is not allowed because you are not an OBT user. |
未申请公测用户,不能使用! |
请按要求申请公测 |
400 |
SMS.6525 |
Account is frozen or restricted. Check account balance and status. |
账号或者资源处于冻结、受限状态,请检查账号余额和账号状态 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6526 |
Insufficient quota to clone the target server. |
用户配额不足,无法克隆新虚拟机 |
请扩大虚拟机配额 |
400 |
SMS.6527 |
The resource in the task does not belong to you. |
当前资源不属于当前用户 |
请检查当前用户的资源 |
400 |
SMS.6528 |
Complete real-name authentication to invoke the SMS APIs. |
未实名认证的用户不能调用sms接口 |
请实名认证 |
400 |
SMS.6529 |
Only accounts with sufficient balance and does not have security risks can invoke the SMS APIs. |
处于欠费状态、余额不足或者账号存在安全风险的用户不能调用sms接口 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6530 |
Invalid source server IP address. |
源端ip非法 |
请输入正确的源端ip |
400 |
SMS.6531 |
The boot partition does not exist. |
BOOT分区不存在 |
请检查源端boot分区是否存在 |
400 |
SMS.6532 |
The system disk must be on the first disk. |
系统盘必须是第一块磁盘 |
请检查系统盘是否为第一块磁盘 |
400 |
SMS.6533 |
VSS not installed on the source server. |
源端的镜像服务VSS不存在 |
请检查VSS服务是否存在并且是否启动 |
400 |
SMS.6534 |
No system directory information read. |
系统目录信息为空 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6535 |
Servers booted with UEFI do not support auto-creation of target servers for migration. |
uefi服务器不支持使用自动创建虚拟机方式进行迁移 |
请手动创建uefi机器,然后选择已有服务器方式进行迁移 |
400 |
SMS.6536 |
The source server runs Windows 2003. Network may be unavailable after migration. |
源端是windows 2003系统,迁移后存在网络异常风险 |
请升级系统后进行迁移 |
400 |
SMS.6537 |
SMS cannot migrate system disks larger than 1 TB. |
系统盘大于1T |
请减小源端系统盘大小 |
400 |
SMS.6538 |
The new partition or logical volume size is less than the used space size. |
分区或逻辑卷调整后小于使用空间 |
请将分区或者逻辑卷调整得比已使用空间大1GB以上 |
400 |
SMS.6539 |
The disk space is less than the total size of all partitions. |
磁盘空间小于所有分区大小之和 |
磁盘空间小于所有分区大小之和 |
400 |
SMS.6540 |
Partitions on target servers running Windows cannot be reduced. |
windows不允许缩小分区大小 |
请在源端磁盘管理压缩分区,然后重新注册 |
400 |
SMS.6541 |
The VG size is smaller than the combined size of all LVs. |
volume group大小小于所有logical volume之和 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6542 |
Your account has been frozen. |
您的账户已被冻结。 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6543 |
There is more than 1 TB of data to be migrated. It may slow down the migration or synchronization. |
迁移数据总量超过1T,存在迁移和同步慢的风险 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6544 |
Network condition for migration is poor. |
您当前的迁移网络环境较差 |
请求技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6547 |
Excessive read/write latency has been detected for the source disks. It may slow down the migration or synchronization. |
源端磁盘读写时延较大,存在迁移和同步慢的风险。 |
请优化磁盘性能 |
400 |
SMS.6548 |
The migration network performs poorly. It may slow down the migration or synchronization. |
源端与目的端之间的迁移网络状况欠佳,存在迁移和同步慢的风险 |
请优化网络质量 |
400 |
SMS.6560 |
Failed to obtain the project-level token. |
获取project级token失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6561 |
The target server is not booted with UEFI. Create a target server using the image whose boot mode is UEFI. |
源端是uefi系统,请使用uefi镜像创建目的端虚拟机 |
请使用uefi镜像创建目的端虚拟机 |
400 |
SMS.6601 |
Invalid OS type. |
操作系统类型无效。 |
请根据api文档设置os_type参数 |
400 |
SMS.6602 |
Invalid target server EIP. |
目的服务器EIP无效 |
请使用正确格式的ip |
400 |
SMS.6603 |
The connection to SMS was lost. |
源端到服务端失去连接 |
请重新建立源端到服务端的连接,详细资料请参考SMS帮助文档常见问题->迁移网络 |
400 |
SMS.6604 |
Failed to obtain ACL or firewall details for the target server. |
查询目的端服务器ACL或防火墙信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6605 |
ACL or security group configuration error. |
ACL或安全组设置错误。 |
请修改ACL或安全组设置 |
400 |
SMS.6610 |
The OS in the task conflicts with the source server OS. |
任务类型和源端系统类型不匹配 |
请检查任务类型和源端系统类型是否一致 |
400 |
SMS.6611 |
Insufficient partition space than required. |
分区空间小于所需空间 |
请增大分区空间 |
400 |
SMS.6612 |
Invalid partition size. The partition size must be an integer multiple of MB. |
分区大小参数非法,必须是MB的整数倍 |
请输入正确的分区信息 |
400 |
SMS.6613 |
33 MB of space must be reserved for GPT disks. |
GPT格式磁盘需要预留33MB空间 |
GPT格式磁盘需要预留33MB空间 |
400 |
SMS.6614 |
The target disk space must be greater than the total space of all partitions. |
目标磁盘空间需大于所有分区空间总和 |
请增大目标磁盘空间 |
400 |
SMS.6615 |
The target server has been added to a migration task. |
目标虚拟机已经被使用 |
请更换目标虚拟机 |
400 |
SMS.6616 |
The current OS does not support block-level migration. |
当前操作系统版本不支持块迁移 |
请使用其他方式迁移 |
400 |
SMS.6617 |
The current kernel does not support block-level migration. |
当前内核版本不支持块迁移 |
请使用其他方式迁移 |
400 |
SMS.6618 |
Failed to obtain kernel details. |
获取内核详情失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.6619 |
Disk encryption key not available. |
磁盘加密密钥不可用 |
请检查密钥状态是否正常并确保使用的是AES_256加密算法 |
400 |
SMS.6620 |
Key %d is not enabled. |
密钥%d未启用 |
请检查密钥状态 |
400 |
SMS.7101 |
Template does not exist. |
模板不存在 |
请检查模板是否存在 |
400 |
SMS.7111 |
All tasks associated with this template must be deleted first. |
模板已经关联任务,请先删除任务 |
请先删除任务 |
400 |
SMS.7112 |
Duplicate template name. |
模板名称重复 |
请更换模板名称 |
400 |
SMS.7113 |
Maximum templates reached. |
模板超过最大数量 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.7301 |
The specified migration template does not exist. |
指定的迁移参数模板不存在 |
请检查迁移模板是否存在 |
400 |
SMS.7303 |
The default migration template cannot be deleted. |
默认项目无法删除。 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.7304 |
The default migration template does not exist. |
没有默认迁移参数模板 |
请先创建默认迁移模板 |
400 |
SMS.7311 |
All source servers associated with the migration project must be deleted first. |
迁移项目已经关联源端,请删除相关源端再删除迁移项目 |
请删除相关源端再删除迁移项目 |
400 |
SMS.7312 |
Duplicate migration project name. |
迁移项目名称重复 |
请更换迁移项目名称 |
400 |
SMS.7313 |
The default migration project already exists. |
默认项目已经存在 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.7321 |
The region name in the template is inconsistent with that in the migration project. |
模板中region名称和迁移项目中的不符 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.7501 |
No application ID generated. |
生成应用id失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.7601 |
Failed to delete the source server because a migration task is running on it. |
源端存在任务,不能删除 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.7602 |
The specified source server does not exist. |
指定源端不存在 |
请检查源端是否存在 |
400 |
SMS.7604 |
Failed to generate the source server ID. |
生成源端id失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.7605 |
The server has been set as the target server of another migration task. Select another server or delete the task associated with the server. |
该服务器已经被设置为其他迁移任务的目的端,请选择其他服务器或删除该服务器关联的迁移任务 |
请选择其他服务器或删除该服务器关联的迁移任务 |
400 |
SMS.7606 |
No migration task running on the source server. |
源端不存在迁移任务 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.7703 |
Task does not exist. |
任务不存在 |
请检查任务是否存在 |
400 |
SMS.7705 |
An error occurred when processing JSON files during task creation. |
创建任务时处理Json出现错误 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.7706 |
Task update failed. |
更新迁移任务失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.7707 |
The current Agent version does not support log upload. |
Agent版本不支持上传日志 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.7711 |
Invalid task name. |
任务名称参数非法 |
请输入合法的任务名称 |
400 |
SMS.7712 |
Invalid task type. |
任务类型参数非法 |
请输入合法的任务类型 |
400 |
SMS.7713 |
Only tasks in the Ready for next, Paused, or Error state can be started. |
只有就绪,暂停和错误状态可以启动任务 |
请调整任务状态 |
400 |
SMS.7714 |
Only running tasks can be paused. |
只有执行中的任务可以暂停 |
请调整任务状态 |
400 |
SMS.7715 |
Only tasks in the Finished state or in the Continuous synchronization stage can be synchronized. |
只有处于已完成状态或者持续同步阶段的任务才能同步 |
请调整任务状态 |
400 |
SMS.7716 |
Logs can be collected only after the current log collection is completed. |
上次日志收集完成前不能再收集日志 |
请等待日志收集完成 |
400 |
SMS.7717 |
Logs can be collected after the migration task is started. |
启动任务前不能收集日志 |
请先启动任务 |
400 |
SMS.7718 |
Only tasks in the Synchronization failed state can be rolled back. |
只能处于同步失败阶段的才能回滚 |
请调整任务状态 |
400 |
SMS.7719 |
Tasks in current state cannot be deleted. |
当前状态的任务不允许删除 |
请调整任务状态 |
400 |
SMS.7721 |
Only target servers in tasks in the Continuous synchronization state can be cloned or started. |
只有持续同步中的任务可以克隆或启动目的端 |
请调整任务状态 |
400 |
SMS.7722 |
Only tasks where the target servers have successfully started can be restarted. |
只有启动目的端成功的任务可以重启 |
请检查任务启动目的端是否成功 |
400 |
SMS.7723 |
Failed to delete the task. Ensure that the Agent is connected. |
删除任务失败,请确保agent处于连接状态 |
请确保ageng处于连接状态 |
400 |
SMS.7724 |
No project ID found. |
找不到project id |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.7725 |
No region information found. |
找不到region信息 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.7726 |
Failed to update the migration status or stage of the source server. Field copystate or migrationcycle is missing in the request body. |
更新源端复制状态或迁移周期失败,请求体中不包含copystate或migrationcycle字段。 |
请在请求体中添加缺少copystate或migrationcycle字段。 |
400 |
SMS.7727 |
Failed to update the migration status or stage of the source server. Field copystate or migrationcycle in the request body is empty. |
更新源端复制状态或迁移周期失败,请求体copystate或migrationcycle值为空 |
请在请求体填写copystate或migrationcycle值。 |
400 |
SMS.7728 |
Change server replication state or migration cycle failed. Values of copystate and migrationcycle do not match. |
更新源端复制状态或迁移周期失败,copystate与migrationcycle的值不匹配 |
400 |
SMS.8101 |
Failed to stop the target server. |
关闭目的端服务器失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.8102 |
The target server is missing. |
SMS任务中目的端服务器为空 |
请设置目的端相关参数 |
400 |
SMS.8103 |
The target server does not exist. |
目的端服务器不存在 |
请检查目的端服务器是否被删除 |
400 |
SMS.8104 |
Failed to obtain details about the target server. |
查询目的端服务器详情失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.8105 |
Failed to obtain the details about disks on the target server. |
查询目的端服务器磁盘细信息失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.8106 |
Invalid information about disks on the target server. |
目的端磁盘信息无效 |
请检查目的端磁盘信息是否输入正确 |
400 |
SMS.8107 |
No agent image found on the target server. |
找不到目的端代理镜像 |
请检查代理镜像是否被删除 |
400 |
SMS.8108 |
Disk attachment failed. |
挂载磁盘失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.8109 |
No source server found. |
找不到源端服务器 |
请检查服务器记录是否被删除 |
400 |
SMS.8110 |
Disk detachment failed. |
卸载磁盘失败 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.8111 |
No disk information found. |
查询磁盘详情失败 |
请检查磁盘信息是否输入正确 |
400 |
SMS.8112 |
No snapshot information found. |
查询快照信息失败 |
请检查快照是否存在 |
400 |
SMS.8113 |
The snapshot does not exist. |
快照不存在 |
请确认是否删除过快照 |
400 |
SMS.8114 |
Failed to unlock the target server. |
解除目的端服务器锁定失败 |
请检查是否有解锁权限 |
400 |
SMS.8115 |
Maximum templates: 50 |
创建模板不能超过50个 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.9001 |
Invalid parameters. |
非法参数。 |
请检查参数是否正确 |
400 |
SMS.9002 |
User tags are not supported. |
租户标签暂不支持。 |
暂时不支持标签 |
400 |
SMS.9003 |
Insufficient permissions. |
权限不足。 |
请增加细粒度权限 |
400 |
SMS.9004 |
The current account does not have the permission to execute policy {0}. |
权限不足,以下策略不允许执行:{} |
请增加细粒度权限 |
400 |
SMS.9005 |
Failed to bind the enterprise project. |
企业项目绑定失败。 |
请联系技术支持 |
400 |
SMS.9905 |
Password query is not allowed on tasks in the current state. |
当前任务状态不支持查询密码 |
请检查任务状态,只有在复制、同步中的任务才能进行查询 |
403 |
SMS.6542 |
Your account has been frozen! |
您的账户已被冻结 |
请联系技术支持 |