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Central de ajuda/ Elastic Volume Service/ Perguntas frequentes/ Exclusão/ Por que não consigo excluir meu disco?
Atualizado em 2023-12-28 GMT+08:00

Por que não consigo excluir meu disco?

Verifique se as seguintes condições são atendidas:
  • Pay-per-use disk:
    It can only be deleted when the following conditions are met:
    • The disk status is Available, Error, Expansion failed, Restoration failed, or Rollback failed.
    • The disk is not added to any replication pair in the Storage Disaster Recovery Service (SDRS). If the disk has been added to a replication pair, delete the replication pair and then delete the disk.
    • The disk is not locked by any service.
  • Yearly/Monthly disk:

    It cannot be deleted, but you can unsubscribe from the disk if needed. For more information, see Unsubscriptions.