Updated on 2022-02-22 GMT+08:00

Deleting a Replica Pair


If a replica pair is no longer used, you can release the associated virtual resources by deleting the replica pair from the system.

When you delete a replica pair, the production site disk in the replica pair will not be deleted. You can decide whether to delete the DR site disk.


  • The protection group is in the Available, Protecting, Failover complete, Enabling protection failed, Disabling protection failed, Planned failover failed, Failover failed, Deletion failed, or Re-enabling protection failed state.
  • The replica pair is in the Available, Protecting, Failover complete, Creation failed, Enabling protection failed, Disabling protection failed, Planned failover failed, Failover failed, Deletion failed, Re-enabling protection failed, Attaching failed, Expansion failed, Invalid, or Faulty state.
  • The replica pair is not attached to any protected instance. For details about how to detach a replica pair, see Detaching a Replication Pair.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click Service List and choose Storage > Storage Disaster Recovery Service.

    The Storage Disaster Recovery Service page is displayed.

  3. In the pane of the protection group, click Replica Pairs.

    The operation page for the protection group is displayed.

  4. On the Replica Pairs tab, locate the row containing the replica pair to be deleted and click Delete in the Operation column.

    The Delete Replica Pair dialog box is displayed.

    When you delete a replica pair, the production site disk will not be deleted.

  5. Determine the subsequent operation.

    Delete DR Site Disk

    • If you do not select this option, the replica pair relationship between the production site disk and DR site disk will be canceled, and the DR site disk will be retained.
    • If you select this option, the replica pair relationship between the production site disk and DR site disk will be canceled, and the DR site disk will be deleted.

  6. Click Yes.