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Error Codes
HTTP Status Code |
Error Code |
Description |
Error Message |
Solution |
400 |
EVS.0001 |
Incorrect tenant ID in the URI. The tenant ID is actually the project ID. |
invalid tenant id! |
Use the correct tenant ID. |
400 |
EVS.0002 |
Header parameters in the HTTP request are incorrect. |
invalid token! |
Use the correct token. |
403 |
EVS.0003 |
The token used is incorrect. |
invalid token roles! |
The account permission set is empty. Add the required permissions to this account. |
400 |
EVS.1001 |
The name and description formats set in the request to update the disk are incorrect. |
null volume! |
Enter the disk name and description in the correct format. |
400 |
EVS.1002 |
Incorrect disk ID. |
invalid volume id! |
Enter the disk ID in the correct format. |
400 |
EVS.1003 |
Incorrect disk name format. |
invalid volume name! |
Enter the disk name in the correct format. |
400 |
EVS.1004 |
Incorrect disk description format. |
invalid volume description! |
Enter the disk description in the correct format. |
400 |
EVS.1005 |
The size of the metadata set in the request to create the disk exceeds the upper limit. |
size of metadata is too large! |
Check whether the metadata is too large. The metadata size must be smaller than 1048576 bytes. |
400 |
EVS.1006 |
The ID of the backup used to create the disk is incorrect. |
invalid backup id! |
Enter the correct backup ID. |
400 |
EVS.1007 |
Parameters name and description are incorrect. |
volume name and description can not both be empty! |
Enter the correct disk name and description. |
400 |
EVS.1008 |
The format of the request to create the disk is incorrect. |
null createVolumeReq! |
Use the correct request format. |
400 |
EVS.1009 |
The body of the request to create the disk is incorrect. |
invalid volumeForCreate! |
Check the body of the request used to create the disk. |
400 |
EVS.1010 |
Parameter size set in the request to create the disk is invalid. |
invalid volume size! |
Enter a valid size value. |
400 |
EVS.1011 |
The format of the request to expand the disk capacity is incorrect. |
null extendVolumeReq! |
Use the correct request format. |
400 |
EVS.1012 |
You do not have the permission to access this disk. |
temporary volume! |
Do not perform operations for a temporary disk as it does not allow any operation. |
400 |
EVS.1013 |
Request conversion error. |
request transforming failed! |
Check whether the request body is correct. |
400 |
EVS.1014 |
Failed to meet the capacity expansion requirements. |
volume can not be extended! |
Ensure that the disk meets the expansion requirements. |
400 |
EVS.1015 |
The new size of the disk is incorrect. |
new volume Size must be greater than old Size! |
Ensure that the new disk capacity is larger than the original disk capacity. |
400 |
EVS.1016 |
Only one data source among image, snapshot, and backup can be selected when creating a disk from a data source. |
Invalid input received: May specify only one of imageRef, snapshot_id, backup_id! |
Select one data source. |
400 |
EVS.1018 |
Type conversion error. The parameter type is unexpected. |
Type conversion error , parameter type is unexpected |
Check whether the input parameters are correct. See the parameter description in the Elastic Volume Service API Reference. |
400 |
EVS.1020 |
The disk type set in the request to create the disk is incorrect. |
invalid volume type! |
Enter a valid disk type. |
400 |
EVS.1021 |
The disk quantity set in the request to batch create disks is incorrect. |
the quantity of volume is invalid! |
Enter a valid disk quantity. |
400 |
EVS.1022 |
Parameter size set in the request to create the disk using a backup is incorrect. |
the size param is less than backup size! |
Ensure that the entered disk size is larger than the backup size. |
400 |
EVS.1023 |
Parameter limit in the URL for querying the disk is incorrect. |
invalid filter limit! |
Ensure that the limit value ranges from 1 to 1000. The default value is 1000. |
400 |
EVS.1024 |
Parameter marker in the URL for querying the disk is incorrect. |
invalid filter marker! |
Ensure that the marker value is in the UUID format. |
400 |
EVS.1025 |
Metadata decoding error. |
url encoding failed! |
Check whether parameter metadata is correctly specified. |
403 |
EVS.1027 |
You do not have the rights to perform the operation. |
user role is not allowed for this action! |
Check whether the account has relevant permissions, or the account is in arrears, does not pass real-name authentication, or has violations. |
400 |
EVS.1031 |
Input value of parameter resources status is invalid. |
invalid resources status! |
Specify a valid value for resources status. |
400 |
EVS.1032 |
Parameter resources id cannot be left empty. |
invalid resources ID! |
Specify a valid value for resources id. |
400 |
EVS.1033 |
Failed to query the tenant quota. |
query quota failed! |
Check whether the tenant quota is configured. |
400 |
EVS.1034 |
Insufficient disk quantity quota assigned to the tenant. |
volume count exceeded volume count quota! |
Increase the disk quantity quota. |
400 |
EVS.1036 |
Parameter availability_zone set in the request to create the disk is incorrect. |
invalid availability zone! |
Enter the correct AZ. |
400 |
EVS.1039 |
Input parameter sort_key is incorrect. |
invalid sort_key! |
Check whether parameter sort_key is correctly specified. |
400 |
EVS.1040 |
Parameter sort_dir in the URL for querying the disk is incorrect. |
invalid sort_dir! |
Ensure that the sort_dir value is desc or asc. |
400 |
EVS.1041 |
Parameter availability-zone in the URL for querying the disk is incorrect. |
invalid filter availablity-zone! |
Check whether the AZ specified in the request is valid. |
400 |
EVS.1042 |
Insufficient disk capacity quota assigned to the tenant. |
volume gigabytes exceeded volume gigabytes quota! |
Increase the disk capacity quota. |
400 |
EVS.1043 |
Parameters __system__encrypted, __system__cmkid, and hw:passthrough are not supported when a disk is created from an image or a snapshot. |
encrypt and cmk and passthrougth in metadata is not support when create volume from snapshot or image! |
Check whether the request body is correct. For details, see the metadata field description for creating disks. |
400 |
EVS.1044 |
The backup cannot be used to create a disk. |
backup status must be available when create a volume from it! |
The backup is unavailable. |
400 |
EVS.1045 |
Failed to query the backup details. |
backupDetail returned by FSP is null! |
Check whether the backup exists. Contact customer service. |
400 |
EVS.1046 |
Failed to delete the disk because the disk status is incorrect. |
volume status must be available, error, error_extending, error_restoring, error_rollbacking when delete volume! |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
EVS.1047 |
Failed to delete the snapshot because the snapshot status is incorrect. |
snapshot status must be available or error when delete snapshot! |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
EVS.1048 |
Failed to expand the disk capacity because the disk status is incorrect. |
volume status must be available when extend volume! |
Ensure that the disk status meets the expansion requirements. |
400 |
EVS.1049 |
The backup used to create the disk is in the incorrect AZ. |
available-zone is not equal to backup available-zone! |
The backup and the disk to be created must in the same AZ. |
400 |
EVS.1051 |
Batch creating disks from a backup is not available. |
can not batch create volume from backup! |
Batch creating disks from a backup is not available. |
400 |
EVS.1052 |
Request conversion error. |
invalid http body! |
Check whether the request body is correct. |
400 |
EVS.1053 |
Too many disks are specified in the request for batch deleting disks. |
the size of volumes to be deleted is too large! |
Reduce the number of disks specified in the batch. |
400 |
EVS.1054 |
Input parameter shareable is invalid. |
invalid shareable parameter! |
Check whether parameter shareable is correctly specified. |
400 |
EVS.1057 |
Input parameter hw:passthrough under metadata is invalid. |
invalid hw:passthrough in metadata! |
Check whether parameter hw:passthrough is correctly specified. |
400 |
EVS.1058 |
Metadata decoding error. |
invalid metadata filter! |
Check whether parameter metadata is correctly specified. |
400 |
EVS.1063 |
Input parameter full_clone under metadata is invalid. |
invalid full_clone in metadata! |
Check whether parameter full_clone in metadata is correctly specified. |
400 |
EVS.1064 |
A disk can be expanded only when its status is available or in-use. |
volume status must be available or in-use when extending! |
Ensure that the disk is in the available or in-use state before expansion. |
400 |
EVS.1065 |
A shared disk can be expanded only when its status is available. |
multiattach volume status must be available when extending! |
Ensure that the shared disk is in the available state before expansion. |
400 |
EVS.1066 |
The ECS or status fails to meet the requirement of online disk expansion. |
status of ECS or BMS does not support volume online extension! |
Ensure that the ECS or status meets the requirement. |
400 |
EVS.1070 |
Request conversion error. |
invalid request. |
Check whether the request body is correct. |
500 |
EVS.2001 |
Failed to submit the task. |
submit job failed! |
Contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2002 |
The system is currently unavailable. |
internal error! |
Contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2005 |
A connection exception occurs. |
client exception! |
Contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2007 |
Updating the metadata of the disk timed out. |
update volume timeout! |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2010 |
Failed to obtain the token for the tenant. |
exchange token failed! |
Check the user permissions. |
500 |
EVS.2011 |
Deleting order information from the disk metadata timed out. |
delete orderId and productId timeout! |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2013 |
Failed to elevate the permissions. |
assume role error! |
Contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2014 |
Failed to escalate rights. |
thread is interrupted when sleep! |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2019 |
Failed to delete the snapshot because the snapshot is in the error_deleting status. |
snapshot is error_deleting! |
Contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2020 |
Failed to delete the disk because the disk is in the error_deleting status. |
volume is error_deleting! |
Contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2021 |
The disk status is error_detaching. |
volume is error_detaching! |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2023 |
Network connection timed out. |
ConnectException happened! |
Try again. If the network fails, check the network status. If the network status is abnormal, contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2024 |
The status of the created disk is error. |
volume is error! |
Contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2025 |
The status of the created disk is error_restoring. |
volume is error_restoring! |
Contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2026 |
Failed to expand the disk capacity because the disk is in the error_extending state. |
volume is error_extending! |
Contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2029 |
Incorrect subtask quantity. |
The size of joIdList and resultList are mismatched! |
Contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2030 |
Failed to submit the subtask again. |
query context based on parent jobId exception! |
Contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2031 |
Failed to query the context. |
result queried from context is null! |
Contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2032 |
Failed to query the disk quantity quota assigned to the tenant. |
some volume count quota usage params are null! |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2033 |
Failed to query the disk capacity quota assigned to the tenant. |
some volume gigabytes quota usage params are null! |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
500 |
EVS.2034 |
Token resolution failure. |
domainId decoded from token is null or empty! |
Check whether the account information is correct. |
500 |
EVS.2035 |
Token resolution failure. |
domainName decoded from token is null or empty! |
Check whether the account information is correct. |
500 |
EVS.2036 |
Empty token. |
the result of decode token is null! |
Check whether the account information is correct. |
400 |
EVS.2043 |
The snapshot status is in correct. |
The status of snapshot is not available or backing-up. |
Ensure that the snapshot status is available or backing-up. |
404 |
EVS.2044 |
Failed to check KMS. |
Failed to check the role of kms. |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
400 |
EVS.2045 |
Input parameter snapshot_id is invalid. |
invalid snapshot_id! |
Ensure that the input snapshot_id value is correct. |
400 |
EVS.2046 |
Input parameter imageRef is invalid. |
invalid imageRef! |
Ensure that the input imageRef value is correct. |
400 |
EVS.2047 |
The metadata field cannot be modified. |
the metadata Param is not allowed to be updated! |
Ensure that the input metadata value is correct. |
500 |
EVS.2050 |
Failed to set the disk QoS. |
set volume Qos failed! |
Ensure that the input qos value is correct. |
400 |
EVS.2052 |
The job corresponding to the order ID is not unique. |
the job result using order id to query is invalid! |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
400 |
EVS.2053 |
Input parameter availability_zone is invalid. |
The az information from request is invalid! |
Ensure that the input availability_zone value is correct. |
400 |
EVS.2054 |
When the disk is created from a snapshot, the input availability_zone value of the disk is inconsistent with that of the snapshot. |
Cannot create volume from snapshot as the az is invalid! |
Ensure that the availability_zone value of the disk is consistent with that of the snapshot. |
400 |
EVS.2068 |
Operations cannot be performed on locked resources. |
operation failed because of volume be locked |
Unlock the resource and then perform the operation. |
400 |
EVS.2070 |
Disk type does not exist. |
VolumeTypes are not supported ! |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
400 |
EVS.2071 |
This type of disks in the current AZ is sold out. |
Invalid input received: Availability zone [%s] do not have volume type [%s] |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
400 |
EVS.2072 |
Disks of the ultra-high I/O type in AZ1 are sold out. The ultra-high I/O disk type and AZ1 are used as the sample disk type and AZ. The disk type and AZ vary depending on the actual condition. |
Volume type [SSD] in availability zone [AZ1] is sold out ! |
Select another disk type or contact customer service. |
400 |
EVS.2078 |
Request conversion error. |
checkQuotaCapacity request body is invalid. |
Check whether the request body is empty. |
400 |
EVS.2083 |
The AZ or disk type parameter in the request is invalid. |
AZ and volume type must not be empty or null! |
Ensure that the input AZ and disk type parameters are correct. |
400 |
EVS.2084 |
The disk size parameter in the request is invalid. |
resource size must greater than zero! |
Check whether the disk size specified in the request body is correct. |
400 |
EVS.2085 |
The disk ID is invalid during expansion. |
when operation type is SPEC_CHG, resource id must not be empty or null! |
Check whether the disk ID specified in the request body is correct. |
400 |
EVS.2087 |
Invalid request parameter. |
retype failed. please make sure that type is supported and the new one is higher then origin |
Ensure that the new type has higher specifications than the old type. |
400 |
EVS.2093 |
The disk is not an EVS disk. |
operation failed because the volume is not EVS |
This operation cannot be performed because the disk is not an EVS disk. |
400 |
EVS.2094 |
A shared disk cannot be created from a system disk image. |
system image is not support to create Multiattach/shareable volume ! |
A shared disk cannot be created from a system disk image. |
400 |
EVS.2096 |
When a disk is created from a snapshot, the disk type of the snapshot's source disk is inconsistent with that of the new disk. |
Target volumeType[%s] is not matched with snapshot[%s] ! |
Ensure that the disk type of the snapshot's source disk is consistent with that of the new disk. |
400 |
EVS.2108 |
Request conversion error. |
Request body is invalid. |
Check whether the request body is correct. |
400 |
EVS.2130 |
Failed to delete the disk because the snapshot is in the backing-up state when a disk backup is being created. |
Volume is backing-up, forbidden deleting! |
Wait until the backup is created or contact customer service. |
400 |
EVS.2131 |
Failed to query the server details. |
Query server info from ecs fail |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
400 |
EVS.2134 |
Failed to attach the disk. |
call ecs api - attach volume fail. |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
400 |
EVS.2142 |
Request parameter limit cannot be greater than 1000. |
invalid filter limit, can not greater than 1000. |
Ensure that the limit value ranges from 1 to 1000. The default value is 1000. |
403 |
EVS.2144 |
Insufficient permission because the account is frozen. |
Your account is frozen and resources cannot be used. |
Contact customer service. |
403 |
EVS.2145 |
Insufficient permission because the account is suspended. |
Your account is suspended and resources cannot be used. |
Contact customer service. |
400 |
EVS.5400 |
Incorrect request body parameter and format. |
Malformed request body. |
Check whether the parameters and format of the request body are correct. |
400 |
EVS.5400 |
Incorrect request URL parameter and format. |
Malformed request url. |
Check whether the parameters and format of the request URL are correct. |
400 |
EVS.5400 |
Request body and URI mismatch. |
Request body and URI mismatch. |
Check whether the request body and URI belong to the same API. |
400 |
EVS.5400 |
The image is unavailable. |
Invalid imageRef provided. |
Select another image. |
400 |
EVS.5400 |
The disk status is incorrect. |
Must specify a valid status. |
Specify a disk that is in the correct state. |
400 |
EVS.5400 |
The value of parameter offset must be an integer. |
offset param must be an integer. |
Set the value of parameter offset to an integer. |
400 |
EVS.5400 |
The value of parameter limit must be set to an integer. |
limit param must be an integer. |
Set the value of parameter limit to an integer. |
400 |
EVS.5400 |
The value of parameter limit must be a positive number. |
limit param must be positive. |
Ensure that the limit value is an integer ranging from 1 to 1000. The default value is 1000. |
401 |
EVS.5401 |
This operation is unauthorized. |
Authentication required. |
Call the API after authorization. |
403 |
EVS.5403 |
Insufficient permission. |
Policy check failed. |
Add the permission and try again. |
403 |
EVS.5403 |
No operation permission. |
metadata can not be operated. |
Modifying parameter metadata is forbidden. |
404 |
EVS.5404 |
Resources, such as the disk, snapshot, and backup, do not exist. |
Resource(Volume, Snapshot, Backup .etc) cound not be found. |
Check whether the resources are available. |
413 |
EVS.5413 |
Insufficient disk quotas. |
Insufficient volume quota. |
Check whether the disk capacity and quantity quotas are sufficient. |
500 |
EVS.5500 |
Internal server error. |
Internal server error. |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
503 |
EVS.5503 |
The service is unavailable. |
Service unavailable. |
Try again later or contact customer service. |
400 |
Common.0011 |
Incorrect tenant ID. The tenant ID is actually the project ID. |
query job fail. |
Use the correct tenant ID and ensure that the tenant has desired permissions. The tenant ID is actually the project ID. |
400 |
Common.0011 |
jobId is empty. |
No jobs found. |
Enter the correct jobId value. |
400 |
Common.0011 |
Failed to query JobVO using jobId. |
query job fail. |
Check whether the jobId value is correct. If the jobId value is correct, check whether the request is delivered to the target EVS service node. If the request has been delivered, contact customer service to locate the fault. If the request has not been delivered, contact customer service to deliver the request to the target EVS service node. |
400 |
Common.0013 |
Failed to parse the token because the token expires or the token string is incomplete. |
Invalid token in the header. |
Obtain the token again and ensure that the token string is complete. |
400 |
Common.0018 |
The project ID in the URI is different from the project ID in the token. |
Invalid token in the header |
Ensure that the project ID in the URI is the same as that in the token and try again. |
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