Elastic IP
Elastic IP
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" in this service
All results for "
" in this service
What's New
Function Overview
Service Overview
EIP Infographics
What Is Elastic IP?
Application Scenarios
Notes and Constraints
Shared Responsibilities
Identity Authentication and Access Control
Auditing and Logging
Risk Monitoring
EIP and Other Services
Region and AZ
Billing Overview
Billing Composition
Billing Modes
Yearly/Monthly Billing
Pay-per-Use Billing
Resource Packages
95th Percentile Bandwidth Billing (Enhanced)
Billed Items
Billing Examples
Changing the EIP Billing Mode
Pay-per-Use to Yearly/Monthly
Pay-per-Use EIPs: Billing Change Between By Traffic and By Bandwidth
Yearly/Monthly to Pay-Per-Use
Renewing Subscriptions
Manually Renewing an EIP
Auto-renewing an EIP
Billing Termination
Cost Management
Billing FAQ
How Do I Change My EIP Billing Mode Between Pay-per-Use and Yearly/Monthly?
How Do I Change the Billing Option of a Pay-per-Use EIP Between By Bandwidth and By Traffic?
Why Am I Still Being Billed After My EIP Has Been Unbound or Released?
When Will I Be Billed for Reservation Price?
Getting Started
Setting Up a Network in a VPC and Enabling Internet Access Using an EIP
User Guide
Permissions Management
Creating a User and Granting EIP Permissions
EIP Custom Policies
Elastic IP
EIP Overview
Assigning an EIP
Binding an EIP to an Instance
Unbinding an EIP from an Instance
Releasing or Unsubscribing an EIP
Changing Dedicated Bandwidth Size of an EIP
Modifying an EIP Bandwidth
Exporting EIP Information
Managing EIP Tags
IPv6 EIP Overview
Assigning or Releasing an IPv6 EIP
EIP Billing
Changing EIP Billing Mode
Renewing a Yearly/Monthly EIP
Viewing the EIP Billing Information
EIP Pool
EIP Pool Overview
Purchasing an EIP Pool
Modifying an EIP Pool
Unsubscribing from an EIP Pool
Renewing an EIP Pool
Shared Bandwidth
Shared Bandwidth Overview
Assigning a Shared Bandwidth
Adding EIPs to a Shared Bandwidth
Removing EIPs from a Shared Bandwidth
Modifying a Shared Bandwidth
Deleting a Shared Bandwidth
Exporting Shared Bandwidths
Shared Data Package
Shared Data Package Overview
Buying a Shared Data Package
Viewing the Usage Details and Configuring Remaining Usage Alerts
Global EIPs
Global EIP Overview
Assigning a Global EIP
Binding a Global EIP to an Instance
Unbinding a Global EIP from an Instance
Viewing Details About a Global EIP
Releasing a Global EIP
Modifying the Global Connection Bandwidth of a Global EIP
Modifying the Global Internet Bandwidth of a Global EIP
Global Internet Gateways
Global Internet Gateway Overview
Creating a Global Internet Gateway
Deleting a Global Internet Gateway
Modifying a Global Internet Gateway
Binding a Global Internet Gateway to a Global EIP
Unbinding a Global Internet Gateway from a Global EIP
Global Internet Bandwidths
Buying a Global Internet Bandwidth
Adding Global EIPs to a Global Internet Bandwidth
Modifying a Global Internet Bandwidth
Viewing a Global Internet Bandwidth
Deleting a Global Internet Bandwidth
Global Connection Bandwidths
Buying a Global Connection Bandwidth
Adding Instances to a Global Connection Bandwidth
Removing Instances from a Global Connection Bandwidth
Managing a Global Connection Bandwidth
Cloud Eye Monitoring
Supported Metrics
Viewing Metrics
Creating an Alarm Rule
Exporting Monitoring Data
Best Practices
Public Network Access
Lower Network Costs
On-premises Data Centers Providing Internet-Accessible Services Using IPv6 EIPs
Changing an EIP for an ECS
Resource Planning
Process Description
Binding a Premium BGP EIP to an ECS
Resource Planning
Process Description
API Reference
Before You Start
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Job Status
Querying Job Status
Changing EIP Billing Mode from Pay-per-Use to Yearly/Monthly
Assigning an EIP (Pay-per-Use)
Querying an EIP
Querying EIPs
Updating an EIP
Releasing an EIP
Assigning an EIP (Yearly/Monthly)
Batch Operations on EIPs
Assigning EIPs in Batches
Releasing EIPs in Batches
Unbinding EIPs in Batches
Querying a Bandwidth
Querying Bandwidths
Updating a Bandwidth
Updating Bandwidths in Batches
Bandwidth (V2.0)
Changing Bandwidth Billing Mode from Pay-per-Use to Yearly/Monthly
Assigning a Shared Bandwidth
Assigning Multiple Shared Bandwidths
Deleting a Shared Bandwidth
Adding an EIP to a Shared Bandwidth
Removing an EIP from a Shared Bandwidth
Updating a Yearly/Monthly Bandwidth
Bandwidth Add-On Packages
Querying Bandwidth Add-On Packages
Querying the Quota
EIP Tag Management
Adding a Tag to an EIP
Querying EIP Tags
Deleting a Tag from an EIP
Batch Adding or Deleting EIP Tags
Querying EIPs by Tag
Querying EIP Tags in a Specified Project
Auxiliary APIs for EIPs
Querying the Number of EIPs
Querying EIP Type
Querying the Number of EIPs
Adding EIPs to a Shared Bandwidth in Batches
Querying All EIPs
Querying EIP Details
Updating an EIP
Unbinding an EIP
Binding an EIP
Querying the Number of Available EIPs
Shared Bandwidth Types
Querying Shared Bandwidth Types of a Specified Tenant
Querying Bandwidths (Old APIs)
Viewing Bandwidth Limits
Common Pools
Querying Common Pools
Querying EIP Pools
Querying EIP Pool Details
Native OpenStack Neutron APIs V2.0
API Version Information
Querying API Versions
Floating IP Address
Querying Floating IP Addresses
Querying a Floating IP Address
Assigning a Floating IP Address
Updating a Floating IP Address
Deleting a Floating IP Address
Application Examples
Binding an EIP to an ECS
Unbinding an EIP from an ECS
Assigning an EIP with a Specific Shared Bandwidth
Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
Bandwidth (V2)
EIP Tags
Floating IP Address (OpenStack Neutron API)
Precautions for API Permissions
VPC Monitoring Metrics
Status Codes
Error Codes
Obtaining a Project ID
SDK Reference
SDK Overview
Product Consultation
Managing Quotas
How Do I Assign or Retrieve a Specific EIP?
Why Is an EIP Newly Assigned the Same as the One I Released?
Can I Buy a Specific EIP?
Does an EIP Change Over Time?
Why Can't I Find My Purchased EIP on the Management Console?
What Is the EIP Assignment Policy?
Can an EIP Be Used or Migrated Across Accounts?
How Do I Query the Traffic Usage of My EIP?
Do I Need to Configure a Shared Data Package for Use After It Is Purchased?
Can I Change the Dedicated Bandwidth Used by an EIP to a Shared Bandwidth?
How Many ECSs Can I Bind an EIP To?
What Are the Differences Between EIP, Private IP Address, and Virtual IP Address?
What Are the Differences Among a Bandwidth Add-On Package, Shared Data Package, and Shared Bandwidth?
When Should I Use Premium BGP and Are There Any Limitations on Using Premium BGP?
Why My EIPs Are Frozen? How Do I Unfreeze My EIPs?
Billing and Payments
How Is an EIP Billed?
How Do I Change My EIP Billing Mode Between Pay-per-Use and Yearly/Monthly?
How Do I Change the Billing Option of a Pay-per-Use EIP Between By Bandwidth and By Traffic?
Why Am I Still Being Billed After My EIP Has Been Unbound or Released?
When Will I Be Billed for Reservation Price?
EIP Binding and Unbinding
How Do I Access an ECS with an EIP Bound from the Internet?
How Can I Unbind an Existing EIP from an Instance and Bind Another EIP to the Instance?
Can I Bind an EIP of an ECS to Another ECS?
Can I Bind an EIP to a Cloud Resource in Another Region?
Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?
What Are the Differences Between Unbinding and Releasing an EIP?
How Do I Increase a Bandwidth to Be More Than 300 Mbit/s?
What Bandwidth Types Are Available?
How Many EIPs Can I Add to Each Shared Bandwidth?
What Are the Differences Between a Dedicated Bandwidth and a Shared Bandwidth?
What Are Inbound Bandwidth and Outbound Bandwidth?
How Do I Know If My EIP Bandwidth Has Been Exceeded?
What Are the Differences Between Public Bandwidth and Private Bandwidth?
Can I Increase a Yearly/Monthly Bandwidth and Decrease It Later?
What Is the Relationship Between Bandwidth and Upload/Download Rate?
What Are the Differences Among Static BGP, Dynamic BGP, and Premium BGP?
What Are the Priorities of the Custom Route and EIP If Both Are Configured for an ECS to Enable the ECS to Access the Internet?
Why Can't My ECS Access the Internet Even After an EIP Is Bound?
What Should I Do If an EIP Cannot Be Pinged?
How Do I Unblock an EIP?
Why Is There Network Jitter or Packet Loss During Cross-Border Communications?
Why Does the Download Speed of My ECS Is Slow?
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Service Overview
What Is Elastic IP?
Application Scenarios
Notes and Constraints
EIP and Other Services
Region and AZ
Quick Start
Step 1: Create a VPC
Step 2: Create a Subnet for the VPC
Step 3: Assign an EIP and Bind It to an ECS
Step 4: Create a Security Group
Step 5: Add a Security Group Rule
Elastic IP
EIP Overview
Assigning an EIP and Binding It to an ECS
Assigning an EIP
Binding an EIP to an Instance
Unbinding an EIP from an Instance
Releasing an EIP
Changing Dedicated Bandwidth Size of an EIP
Unbinding an EIP from an ECS and Releasing the EIP
Modifying an EIP Bandwidth
Exporting EIP Information
Managing EIP Tags
Shared Bandwidth
Shared Bandwidth Overview
Assigning a Shared Bandwidth
Adding EIPs to a Shared Bandwidth
Removing EIPs from a Shared Bandwidth
Modifying a Shared Bandwidth
Deleting a Shared Bandwidth
Supported Metrics
Viewing Metrics
Creating an Alarm Rule
Exporting Monitoring Data
Product Consultation
What Is a Quota?
How Do I Assign or Retrieve a Specific EIP?
Why Is an EIP Newly Assigned the Same as the One I Released?
What Are the Differences Between EIP, Private IP Address, and Virtual IP Address?
Can an EIP That Uses Dedicated Bandwidth Be Changed to Use Shared Bandwidth?
Can I Bind an EIP to Multiple ECSs?
What Are the Differences Between the Primary and Extension NICs of ECSs?
What Is the EIP Assignment Policy?
Can I Assign a Specific EIP?
Can a Bandwidth Be Used by Multiple Accounts?
How Do I Unbind an EIP from an Instance and Bind a New EIP to the Instance?
Why Can't I Find My Assigned EIP on the Management Console?
EIP Binding and Unbinding
How Do I Access an ECS with an EIP Bound from the Internet?
How Do I Access the Internet Using an EIP Bound to an Extension NIC?
Can I Bind an EIP of an ECS to Another ECS?
Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?
Can I Bind an EIP to a Cloud Resource in Another Region?
What Is the Bandwidth Size Range?
How Do I Increase a Bandwidth to Be More Than 300 Mbit/s?
What Bandwidth Types Are Available?
Is There a Limit to the Number of EIPs That Can Be Added to Each Shared Bandwidth?
What Are the Differences Between a Dedicated Bandwidth and a Shared Bandwidth?
What Are Inbound Bandwidth and Outbound Bandwidth?
How Do I Know If My EIP Bandwidth Limit Has Been Exceeded?
What Are the Differences Between Public Bandwidth and Private Bandwidth?
What Is the Relationship Between Bandwidth and Upload/Download Rate?
What Are the Priorities of the Custom Route and EIP If Both Are Configured for an ECS to Enable the ECS to Access the Internet?
Why Can't My ECS Access the Internet Even After an EIP Is Bound?
What Should I Do If an EIP Cannot Be Pinged?
Why Does the Download Speed of My ECS Is Slow?
Change History
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
EIP Endpoints
Notes and Constraints
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Elastic IP
Assigning an EIP
Querying an EIP
Querying EIPs
Updating an EIP
Releasing an EIP
Querying a Bandwidth
Querying Bandwidths
Updating a Bandwidth
Bandwidth (V2.0)
Assigning a Shared Bandwidth
Deleting a Shared Bandwidth
Adding an EIP to a Shared Bandwidth
Removing an EIP from a Shared Bandwidth
Querying the Quota
EIP Tag Management
Creating a Tag for an EIP
Querying EIP Tags
Deleting an EIP Tag
Batch Creating or Deleting EIP Tags
Querying EIPs by Tag
Querying EIP Tags in a Specified Project
Native OpenStack Neutron APIs V2.0
API Version Information
Querying API Versions
Floating IP Address
Querying Floating IP Addresses
Querying a Floating IP Address
Assigning a Floating IP Address
Updating a Floating IP Address
Deleting a Floating IP Address
Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
Elastic IP
Bandwidth (V2.0)
EIP Tags
Floating IP Address (OpenStack Neutron API)
Precautions for API Permissions
Public Parameters
Status Codes
Error Codes
VPC Monitoring Metrics
Obtaining a Project ID
Change History
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Service Overview
What Is Elastic IP?
Region and AZ
Quick Start
Step 1: Create a VPC
Step 2: Create a Subnet for the VPC
Step 3: Assign an EIP and Bind It to an ECS
Step 4: Create a Security Group
Step 5: Add a Security Group Rule
Assigning an EIP and Binding It to an ECS
Unbinding an EIP from an ECS and Releasing the EIP
Modifying an EIP Bandwidth
Shared Bandwidth
Shared Bandwidth Overview
Assigning a Shared Bandwidth
Adding EIPs to a Shared Bandwidth
Removing EIPs from a Shared Bandwidth
Modifying a Shared Bandwidth
Deleting a Shared Bandwidth
Supported Metrics
Viewing Metrics
Creating an Alarm Rule
Exporting Monitoring Data
Product Consultation
What Is a Quota?
Can I Bind an EIP to Multiple ECSs?
EIP Binding and Unbinding
How Do I Access an ECS with an EIP Bound from the Internet?
Can I Bind Multiple EIPs to an ECS?
What Is the Bandwidth Size Range?
What Bandwidth Types Are Available?
Is There a Limit to the Number of EIPs That Can Be Added to Each Shared Bandwidth?
What Are the Differences Between a Dedicated Bandwidth and a Shared Bandwidth? Can a Dedicated Bandwidth Be Changed to a Shared Bandwidth or the Other Way Around?
What Are the Priorities of the Custom Route and EIP If Both Are Configured for an ECS to Enable the ECS to Access the Internet?
Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
EIP Endpoints
Notes and Constraints
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Assigning an EIP
Querying an EIP
Querying EIPs
Updating an EIP
Releasing an EIP
Querying a Bandwidth
Querying Bandwidths
Updating a Bandwidth
Updating Bandwidths in Batches
Bandwidth (V2.0)
Assigning a Shared Bandwidth
Deleting a Shared Bandwidth
Adding an EIP to a Shared Bandwidth
Removing an EIP from a Shared Bandwidth
Querying the Quota
EIP Tag Management
Adding a Tag to an EIP
Querying EIP Tags
Deleting a Tag from an EIP
Batch Adding or Deleting EIP Tags
Querying EIPs by Tag
Querying EIP Tags in a Specified Project
Native OpenStack Neutron APIs V2.0
API Version Information
Querying API Versions
Floating IP Address
Querying Floating IP Addresses
Querying a Floating IP Address
Assigning a Floating IP Address
Updating a Floating IP Address
Deleting a Floating IP Address
Application Examples
Binding an EIP to an ECS
Unbinding an EIP from an ECS
Assigning an EIP with a Specific Shared Bandwidth
Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
Bandwidth (V2.0)
EIP Tags
Floating IP Address (OpenStack Neutron API)
Precautions for API Permissions
VPC Monitoring Metrics
Status Codes
Error Codes
Obtaining a Project ID
Change History
User Guide (Ankara Region)
Service Overview
What Is Elastic IP?
Region and AZ
Quick Start
Step 1: Create a VPC
Step 2: Create a Subnet for the VPC
Step 3: Assign an EIP and Bind It to an ECS
Step 4: Create a Security Group
Step 5: Add a Security Group Rule
Elastic IP
Assigning an EIP and Binding It to an ECS
Unbinding an EIP from an ECS and Releasing the EIP
Modifying an EIP Bandwidth
Exporting EIP Information
IPv6 EIP Overview
Assigning or Releasing an IPv6 EIP
Shared Bandwidth
Shared Bandwidth Overview
Assigning a Shared Bandwidth
Adding EIPs to a Shared Bandwidth
Removing EIPs from a Shared Bandwidth
Modifying a Shared Bandwidth
Deleting a Shared Bandwidth
Supported Metrics
Viewing Metrics
Creating an Alarm Rule
Exporting Monitoring Data
Permissions Management
Creating a User and Granting EIP Permissions
EIP Custom Policies
Product Consultation
What Is a Quota?
Can I Bind an EIP to Multiple ECSs?
EIP Binding and Unbinding
How Do I Access an ECS with an EIP Bound from the Internet?
Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?
What Is the Bandwidth Size Range?
Is There a Limit to the Number of EIPs That Can Be Added to Each Shared Bandwidth?
What Are the Priorities of the Custom Route and EIP If Both Are Configured for an ECS to Enable the ECS to Access the Internet?
Why Does the Download Speed of My ECS Is Slow?
Change History
API Reference (Ankara Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
EIP Endpoints
Notes and Constraints
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Assigning an EIP
Querying an EIP
Querying EIPs
Updating an EIP
Releasing an EIP
Querying a Bandwidth
Querying Bandwidths
Updating a Bandwidth
Updating Bandwidths in Batches
Querying the Quota
Native OpenStack Neutron APIs V2.0
API Version Information
Querying API Versions
Floating IP Address
Querying Floating IP Addresses
Querying a Floating IP Address
Assigning a Floating IP Address
Updating a Floating IP Address
Deleting a Floating IP Address
Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
Bandwidth (V2.0)
Floating IP Address (OpenStack Neutron API)
Precautions for API Permissions
VPC Monitoring Metrics
Status Codes
Error Codes
Obtaining a Project ID
Change History
General Reference
Service Level Agreement
White Papers