Help Center> Elastic IP > FAQs> Connectivity> Why Is There Network Jitter or Packet Loss During Cross-Border Communications?
Updated on 2022-08-01 GMT+08:00

Why Is There Network Jitter or Packet Loss During Cross-Border Communications?

If there is network jitter or packet loss during cross-border communications using dynamic BGP EIPs and bandwidths, this is caused by carrier line congestion or switchover and will be restored quickly.

If your communication between Hong Kong (China) and Chinese Mainland requires low-latency and high-quality public networks, buy premium BGP EIPs and bandwidths in CN-Hong Kong.

If the network jitter or packet loss persists after the preceding steps are performed, submit a service ticket. For details about how to submit a service ticket, see Submitting a Service Ticket.

Connectivity FAQs
