- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Billing
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Permissions Management
- Elastic IP
- EIP Billing
- EIP Pool
- Shared Bandwidth
- Shared Data Package
- Global EIPs
- Global Internet Gateways
- Global Internet Bandwidths
- Global Connection Bandwidths
- Cloud Eye Monitoring
- Best Practices
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- APIs
- API V3
- Native OpenStack Neutron APIs V2.0
- Application Examples
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- SDK Reference
Product Consultation
- Managing Quotas
- How Do I Assign or Retrieve a Specific EIP?
- Why Is an EIP Newly Assigned the Same as the One I Released?
- Can I Buy a Specific EIP?
- Does an EIP Change Over Time?
- Why Can't I Find My Purchased EIP on the Management Console?
- What Is the EIP Assignment Policy?
- Can an EIP Be Used or Migrated Across Accounts?
- How Do I Query the Traffic Usage of My EIP?
- Do I Need to Configure a Shared Data Package for Use After It Is Purchased?
- Can I Change the Dedicated Bandwidth Used by an EIP to a Shared Bandwidth?
- How Many ECSs Can I Bind an EIP To?
- What Are the Differences Between EIP, Private IP Address, and Virtual IP Address?
- What Are the Differences Among a Bandwidth Add-On Package, Shared Data Package, and Shared Bandwidth?
- When Should I Use Premium BGP and Are There Any Limitations on Using Premium BGP?
- Why My EIPs Are Frozen? How Do I Unfreeze My EIPs?
Billing and Payments
- How Is an EIP Billed?
- How Do I Change My EIP Billing Mode Between Pay-per-Use and Yearly/Monthly?
- How Do I Change the Billing Option of a Pay-per-Use EIP Between By Bandwidth and By Traffic?
- Why Am I Still Being Billed After My EIP Has Been Unbound or Released?
- When Will I Be Billed for Reservation Price?
EIP Binding and Unbinding
- How Do I Access an ECS with an EIP Bound from the Internet?
- How Can I Unbind an Existing EIP from an Instance and Bind Another EIP to the Instance?
- Can I Bind an EIP of an ECS to Another ECS?
- Can I Bind an EIP to a Cloud Resource in Another Region?
- Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?
- What Are the Differences Between Unbinding and Releasing an EIP?
- How Do I Increase a Bandwidth to Be More Than 300 Mbit/s?
- What Bandwidth Types Are Available?
- How Many EIPs Can I Add to Each Shared Bandwidth?
- What Are the Differences Between a Dedicated Bandwidth and a Shared Bandwidth?
- What Are Inbound Bandwidth and Outbound Bandwidth?
- How Do I Know If My EIP Bandwidth Has Been Exceeded?
- What Are the Differences Between Public Bandwidth and Private Bandwidth?
- Can I Increase a Yearly/Monthly Bandwidth and Decrease It Later?
- What Is the Relationship Between Bandwidth and Upload/Download Rate?
- What Are the Differences Among Static BGP, Dynamic BGP, and Premium BGP?
- What Are the Priorities of the Custom Route and EIP If Both Are Configured for an ECS to Enable the ECS to Access the Internet?
- Why Can't My ECS Access the Internet Even After an EIP Is Bound?
- What Should I Do If an EIP Cannot Be Pinged?
- How Do I Unblock an EIP?
- Why Is There Network Jitter or Packet Loss During Cross-Border Communications?
- Why Does the Download Speed of My ECS Is Slow?
Product Consultation
- Videos
- Glossary
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
- Quick Start
Elastic IP
- EIP Overview
- Assigning an EIP and Binding It to an ECS
- Assigning an EIP
- Binding an EIP to an Instance
- Unbinding an EIP from an Instance
- Releasing an EIP
- Changing Dedicated Bandwidth Size of an EIP
- Unbinding an EIP from an ECS and Releasing the EIP
- Modifying an EIP Bandwidth
- Exporting EIP Information
- Managing EIP Tags
- Shared Bandwidth
- Monitoring
Product Consultation
- What Is a Quota?
- How Do I Assign or Retrieve a Specific EIP?
- Why Is an EIP Newly Assigned the Same as the One I Released?
- What Are the Differences Between EIP, Private IP Address, and Virtual IP Address?
- Can an EIP That Uses Dedicated Bandwidth Be Changed to Use Shared Bandwidth?
- Can I Bind an EIP to Multiple ECSs?
- What Are the Differences Between the Primary and Extension NICs of ECSs?
- What Is the EIP Assignment Policy?
- Can I Assign a Specific EIP?
- Can a Bandwidth Be Used by Multiple Accounts?
- How Do I Unbind an EIP from an Instance and Bind a New EIP to the Instance?
- Why Can't I Find My Assigned EIP on the Management Console?
- EIP Binding and Unbinding
- What Is the Bandwidth Size Range?
- How Do I Increase a Bandwidth to Be More Than 300 Mbit/s?
- What Bandwidth Types Are Available?
- Is There a Limit to the Number of EIPs That Can Be Added to Each Shared Bandwidth?
- What Are the Differences Between a Dedicated Bandwidth and a Shared Bandwidth?
- What Are Inbound Bandwidth and Outbound Bandwidth?
- How Do I Know If My EIP Bandwidth Limit Has Been Exceeded?
- What Are the Differences Between Public Bandwidth and Private Bandwidth?
- What Is the Relationship Between Bandwidth and Upload/Download Rate?
- Connectivity
Product Consultation
- Change History
- API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
- Quick Start
- Shared Bandwidth
- Monitoring
- Product Consultation
- EIP Binding and Unbinding
- What Is the Bandwidth Size Range?
- What Bandwidth Types Are Available?
- Is There a Limit to the Number of EIPs That Can Be Added to Each Shared Bandwidth?
- What Are the Differences Between a Dedicated Bandwidth and a Shared Bandwidth? Can a Dedicated Bandwidth Be Changed to a Shared Bandwidth or the Other Way Around?
- Connectivity
- Change History
- API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- User Guide (Ankara Region)
- API Reference (Ankara Region)
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
Updating a Yearly/Monthly Bandwidth
This API is used to update information about a bandwidth in yearly/monthly billing mode.
PUT /v2.0/{project_id}/bandwidths/{bandwidth_id}
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Description |
project_id |
Yes |
Specifies the project ID. For details about how to obtain a project ID, see Obtaining a Project ID. |
bandwidth_id |
Yes |
Specifies the bandwidth ID, which uniquely identifies the bandwidth. You can obtain it in Querying an EIP. |
Request Message
- Request parameter
Table 2 Request parameter Parameter
bandwidth object
Specifies the bandwidth objects. For details, see Table 3.
extendParam object
Specifies the extended parameter, which is used to apply for resources in yearly/monthly billing mode. For details, see Table 4.
Table 3 Description of the bandwidth field Parameter
- Specifies the bandwidth name.
- The value can contain 1 to 64 characters, including letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.). If the value is left blank, the name of the bandwidth is not changed.
- Either name or size must be specified.
- Specifies the bandwidth size. The size of the bandwidth in yearly/monthly billing mode can only be changed to a larger value.
- The value ranges from 1 Mbit/s to 2000 Mbit/s by default. (The specific range may vary depending on the configuration in each region. You can see the available bandwidth range on the management console.) If the parameter is not included, the bandwidth size is not changed.
- Either name or size must be specified.
- The minimum increment for bandwidth adjustment varies depending on the bandwidth range. The details are as follows:
- The minimum increment is 1 Mbit/s if the allowed bandwidth ranges from 0 Mbit/s to 300 Mbit/s (with 300 Mbit/s included).
- The minimum increment is 50 Mbit/s if the allowed bandwidth ranges from 300 Mbit/s to 1000 Mbit/s (with 1000 Mbit/s included).
- The minimum increment is 500 Mbit/s if the allowed bandwidth is greater than 1000 Mbit/s.
- Example request
PUT https://{Endpoint}/v2.0/{project_id}/bandwidths/{bandwidth_id} { "bandwidth": { "name": "bandwidth123", "size": 10 }, "extendParam": { "is_auto_pay": "false" } }
Response Message
- Response parameter
Table 5 Response parameter Parameter
bandwidth object
Specifies the bandwidth object. This object is returned only when the value of the name parameter in the bandwidth fields is updated in the pay-per-use or yearly/monthly billing mode. For details, see Table 6.
Specifies the order ID. (yearly/monthly billing mode)
Table 6 Description of the bandwidth field Parameter
- Specifies the bandwidth name.
- The value can contain 1 to 64 characters, including letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.).
- Specifies the bandwidth size.
- The value ranges from 5 Mbit/s to 2000 Mbit/s by default. (The specific range may vary depending on the configuration in each region. You can see the available bandwidth range on the management console.)
Specifies the bandwidth ID, which uniquely identifies the bandwidth.
- Specifies whether the bandwidth is shared or dedicated.
- The value can be PER or WHOLE.
- WHOLE: Shared bandwidth
- PER: Dedicated bandwidth
Array of publicip_info objects
- Specifies information about the EIP that uses the bandwidth. For details, see Table 7.
- The bandwidth, whose type is WHOLE, can be used by multiple EIPs. The bandwidth, whose type is PER, can be used by only one EIP.
Specifies the project ID.
- Specifies the bandwidth type. The default value for the shared bandwidth is share.
- The value can be share, bgp, or sbgp.
- share: Shared bandwidth
- bgp: Dynamic BGP
- sbgp: Static BGP
- Specifies whether the bandwidth is billed by traffic, bandwidth, or 95th percentile bandwidth (enhanced).
- Possible values can be bandwidth (billed by bandwidth), traffic (billed by traffic), or 95peak_plus (billed by enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth). If the value is an empty character string or no value is specified, value bandwidth is used.
- Only the shared bandwidth supports 95peak_plus (billed by enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth). If you use the enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth, specify the guaranteed bandwidth percentage. The default value is 20%. Shared bandwidth does not support billing by traffic. Yearly/monthly shared bandwidth does not support billing by enhanced 95th percentile bandwidth.
Specifies the bill information.
If billing_info is specified, the bandwidth is in yearly/monthly billing mode.
- Specifies the enterprise project ID. The value is 0 or a string that contains a maximum of 36 characters in UUID format with hyphens (-). Value 0 indicates the default enterprise project.
- When creating a shared bandwidth, associate the enterprise project ID with the shared bandwidth.
For more information about enterprise projects and how to obtain enterprise project IDs, see the Enterprise Management User Guide.
- Specifies the bandwidth status.
- Values:
- FREEZED (Frozen)
- NORMAL (Normal)
- Specifies the time (UTC) when the bandwidth is created.
- Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
- Specifies the time (UTC) when the bandwidth is updated.
- Format: yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss
- Specifies whether to enable QoS.
- The value can be true or false.
Specifies the maximum number of grouping rules supported by the bandwidth.
Array of bandwidth_rules objects
Specifies the bandwidth rules.
Specifies whether it is in a central site or an edge site.
- center
- Edge site name
This resource can only be associated with an EIP of the same region.
Table 7 publicip_info object Parameter
Specifies the ID of the EIP or IPv6 port that uses the bandwidth.
Specifies the obtained EIP if only IPv4 EIPs are available.
Specifies the obtained EIP if IPv6 EIPs are available. This parameter does not exist if only IPv4 EIPs are available.
- Specifies the IP address version.
- Possible values are as follows:
- 4: IPv4 address
- 6: IPv6 address
- Specifies the EIP type.
- The value can be 5_bgp (dynamic BGP) or 5_sbgp (static BGP).
- CN South-Guangzhou: 5_bgp and 5_sbgp
- CN East-Shanghai1: 5_bgp and 5_sbgp
- CN East-Shanghai2: 5_bgp and 5_sbgp
- CN North-Beijing1: 5_bgp and 5_sbgp
- CN-Hong Kong: 5_bgp
- AP-Bangkok: 5_bgp
- AP-Singapore: 5_bgp
- AF-Johannesburg: 5_bgp
- CN Southwest-Guiyang1: 5_sbgp
- CN North-Beijing4: 5_bgp and 5_sbgp
- LA-Santiago: 5_bgp
- LA-Sao Paulo1: 5_bgp
- LA-Mexico City1: 5_bgp
- LA-Buenos Aires1: 5_bgp
- LA-Lima1: 5_bgp
- LA-Santiago2: 5_bgp
- Constraints:
- The configured value must be supported by the system.
- publicip_id is an IPv4 port. If publicip_type is not specified, the default value is 5_bgp.
Table 8 bandwidth_rules object Parameter
Specifies the bandwidth rule ID.
Specifies the name of the bandwidth rule.
Specifies the configuration status. The value False indicates that the configuration does not take effect.
- Specifies the maximum outbound bandwidth in Mbit/s.
- The value range ranges from 0 to n, where n indicates the shared bandwidth size. If the value is set to 0, the maximum bandwidth, that is the shared bandwidth size will be used.
- Specifies the guaranteed outbound bandwidth in Mbit/s.
- The value ranges from 0 to x, where x indicates the remaining bandwidth.
Array of publicip_info objects
- Specifies the EIP associated with the bandwidth.
- The bandwidth, whose type is set to WHOLE, can be used by multiple EIPs. The bandwidth, whose type is set to PER, can be used by only one EIP.
- Example response 1 (only the value of the name parameter in the bandwidth field is updated in the pay-per-use or yearly/monthly billing mode.)
{ "bandwidth": { "id": "3fa5b383-5a73-4dcb-a314-c6128546d855", "name": "bandwidth123", "size": 10, "share_type": "PER", "publicip_info": [ { "publicip_id": "6285e7be-fd9f-497c-bc2d-dd0bdea6efe0", "publicip_address": "161.xx.xx.9", "publicip_type": "5_bgp", "ip_version": 4 } ], "tenant_id": "8b7e35ad379141fc9df3e178bd64f55c", "created_at": "2020-04-21T08:56:42Z", "updated_at": "2020-04-21T08:56:42Z", "bandwidth_type": "bgp" } }
- Example response 2 (yearly/monthly bandwidth)
{ "order_id": "xxxx" }
Status Code
See Status Codes.
Error Code
See Error Codes.
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