- Visão geral de serviço
- Primeiros passos
- Guia de usuário
Perguntas frequentes
- Quais são as restrições para o uso do AS?
- Devo usar o AS junto com o ELB e o Cloud Eye?
- O AS é cobrado?
- Uma mudança abrupta nos valores de métrica de monitoramento acionará uma ação de dimensionamento desnecessária?
- Quantas políticas de AS e configurações de AS posso criar e usar?
- O AS pode aumentar ou diminuir automaticamente as vCPUs, a memória e a largura de banda dos ECSs?
- O que é uma cota de AS?
- Como corrigir o erro "The key pair does not exist" quando me conecto a uma instância?
- Que tipos de EIP e de larguras de banda compartilhadas podem ser ajustados pelo AS?
- Que tipos de instâncias de ECS e HECS podem ser dimensionados pelo AS?
- Se o sistema operacional de uma instância do ECS em um grupo de AS for atualizado, o AS pode adicionar automaticamente instâncias com o sistema operacional mais recente durante a próxima ação de expansão?
- O AS pode adicionar instâncias anuais/mensais do ECS ao expandir um grupo de AS?
- AS pode aumentar larguras de banda como necessário?
- Grupo de AS
Política de AS
- Quantas políticas de AS posso ativar?
- Quais são as condições para acionar uma política de AS baseada em alarme?
- O que é um período de resfriamento e por que ele é necessário?
- O AS pode dimensionar a capacidade com base no monitoramento personalizado pelo Cloud Eye?
- Quais métricas de monitoramento de um grupo de AS serão afetadas se as ferramentas VM não estiverem instaladas nas instâncias do grupo?
- O que posso fazer se uma política de AS falhar ao ser ativada?
- Como instalar o agente em instâncias de um grupo de AS para usar as métricas de monitoramento do Agente?
- Como evitar que instâncias adicionadas manualmente a um grupo de AS sejam removidas automaticamente?
- Quando há vários flavors incluídos na configuração de AS de um grupo de AS, em que ordem os flavors são selecionados durante os eventos de expansão?
- Quando uma instância é removida de um grupo de AS e excluída, os dados da aplicação são salvos?
- Posso adicionar instâncias de ECS anuais/mensais a um grupo de AS?
- O AS pode excluir automaticamente instâncias adicionadas com base em uma política do AS quando elas não são necessárias?
- Qual é o número esperado de instâncias?
- Como excluir uma instância do ECS criada em uma ação de dimensionamento?
- As instâncias anuais/mensais do ECS serão excluídas se se tornarem não íntegras?
- Como lidar com instâncias não íntegras em um grupo de AS?
- Por que instâncias em um grupo de AS continuam falhando em verificações de integridade e sendo excluídas e recriadas?
- Como evitar que instâncias sejam removidas automaticamente de um grupo de AS?
- Por que uma instância que foi removida de um grupo de AS e excluída ainda é exibida na lista do ECS?
- Preciso vincular um EIP a uma instância antes de adicionar manualmente a instância a um grupo de AS?
- Posso aplicar as configurações de uma instância existente em um grupo de AS às instâncias a serem adicionadas no futuro?
- O sistema vinculará um novo EIP ou um existente a uma instância de ECS recém-adicionada?
- Como implementar automaticamente minha aplicação em uma instância?
- Como o Cloud-Init afeta o serviço AS?
- Por que não consigo usar um arquivo de chave para fazer logon em um ECS?
- Preciso configurar um EIP em uma configuração de AS quando um balanceador de carga foi ativado para um grupo de AS?
- Como ativar a inicialização automática de discos EVS em instâncias que foram adicionadas a um grupo de AS durante ações de dimensionamento?
Referência de API
- Antes de começar
- Visão geral de API
- Chamada das API
- Primeiros passos
- Grupos de AS
- Configurações de AS
- Instâncias
Políticas do AS
- Criação de uma política de AS
- Criação de uma política de AS (V2)
- Modificação de uma política de AS
- Modificação de uma política de AS (V2)
- Consulta de políticas de AS
- Consulta de políticas de AS (V2)
- Consulta de políticas de AS (V2)
- Consulta de uma política de AS
- Consulta de uma política de AS (V2)
- Execução, habilitação ou desabilitação de uma política de AS
- Exclusão de uma política de AS
- Gerenciamento de políticas de AS em lote
- Logs de execução da política de AS
- Logs da ação de dimensionamento
- Cotas
- Notificações
- Ganchos do ciclo de vida
- Tags
- Consulta de versões da API
- Exemplos de aplicação
- Políticas de permissões e ações suportadas
- Apêndice
- Histórico de mudanças
- No momento, o conteúdo não está disponível no seu idioma selecionado. Consulte a versão em inglês.
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Best Practices
- SDK Reference
- Videos
- Glossary
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
- Best Practices
- Quick Start
- AS Management
- What Are Restrictions on Using AS?
- Are ELB and Cloud Eye Mandatory for AS?
- Is AS Billed?
- Does an Abrupt Change on Monitoring Indicator Values Cause an Incorrect Scaling Action?
- How Many AS Policies and AS Configurations Can I Create and Use?
- Can AS Automatically Scale Up or Down vCPUs, Memory, and Bandwidth of ECSs?
- What Is the AS Quota?
- Why is a message displayed indicating that the key pair does not exist and the operation is discontinued when several users under the same account operate AS resources?
- AS Group
AS Policy
- How Many AS Policies Can Be Enabled?
- What Are the Conditions to Trigger an Alarm in the AS Policy?
- What Is a Cooldown Period? Why Is It Required?
- Can AS Scale Capacity Based on Custom Monitoring of Cloud Eye?
- What Will Monitoring Metrics for an AS Group Be Affected If VM Tools Are Not Installed on ECSs?
- What Can I Do If an AS Policy Fails to Be Enabled?
- How Can I Install the Agent Plug-in on the Instances in an AS Group to Use Agent Monitoring Metrics?
- How Do I Prevent Instances Manually Added to an AS Group from Being Removed Automatically?
- What Are the Sequence of Selecting Flavors in Multi-Flavor AS Configuration?
- Will the Application Data on an Instance Be Retained After the Instance Is Removed from an AS Group and Deleted?
- Can I Add ECSs Charged in Yearly/Monthly Mode?
- Can Instances That Have Been Added Based on an AS Policy Be Automatically Deleted When They Are Not Required?
- What Is the Expected Number of Instances?
- How Do I Delete an ECS Created in a Scaling Action?
- Will a Yearly/Monthly ECS Be Deleted When the ECS Becomes Faulty?
- How Should I Handle Abnormal Instances in an AS Group?
- What Can I Do If Instances in an AS Group Frequently Fail in Health Checks and Are Deleted and Then Created Repeatedly?
- How Do I Prevent ECSs from Being Removed from an AS Group Automatically?
- Why Is an Instance Removed and Deleted from an AS Group Still Displayed in the ECS List?
- What Can I Do to Enable My Application to Be Automatically Deployed on an Instance?
- How Does Cloud-Init Affect the AS Service?
- How Can I Run Existing Services on an Instance Newly Added to an AS Group?
- Why Cannot I Use a Key File to Log In to an ECS?
- Do I Need to Configure an EIP in an AS Configuration When A Load Balancer Has Been Enabled in an AS Group?
- How Can I Enable Automatic Initialization of EVS Disks of Instances That Have Been Added in a Scaling Action to an AS Group?
- Change History
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- AS Groups
- AS Configurations
- Instances in an AS Group
AS Policies
- Creating an AS Policy
- Creating an AS Policy (V2)
- Modifying an AS Policy
- Modifying an AS Policy (V2)
- Querying AS Policies
- Querying AS Policies (V2)
- Querying All AS Policies (V2)
- Querying AS Policy Details
- Querying Details of an AS Policy (V2)
- Executing, Enabling, or Disabling an AS Policy
- Deleting an AS Policy
- Performing Operations on AS Policies in Batches
- AS Policy Execution Logs
- Scaling Action Logs
- Quotas
- Notifications
- Lifecycle Hook
- Tag Management
- API Management
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (Paris Regions)
- Service Overview
- Best Practices
- Quick Start
- AS Management
- What Are Restrictions on Using AS?
- Must I Use AS Together With ELB and Cloud Eye?
- Will an Abrupt Change in Monitoring Metric Values Trigger an Unnecessary Scaling Action?
- How Many AS Policies and AS Configurations Can I Create and Use?
- How Do I Fix the Error "The key pair does not exist" When I Connect to an Instance?
- AS Group
AS Policy
- How Many AS Policies Can I Enable?
- What Are the Conditions to Trigger an Alarm-based AS Policy?
- What Is a Cooldown Period and Why Is It Required?
- What Monitoring Metrics for an AS Group Will Be Affected If VM Tools Are Not Installed on the Instances in the Group?
- What Can I Do If an AS Policy Fails to Be Enabled?
- How Do I Prevent Instances Manually Added to an AS Group from Being Automatically Removed?
- When an Instance Is Removed from an AS Group and Deleted, Is the Application Data Saved?
- Can AS Automatically Delete Instances Added Based on an AS Policy When They Are Not Required?
- What Is the Expected Number of Instances?
- How Do I Delete an ECS Instance Created in a Scaling Action?
- How Do I Handle Unhealthy Instances in an AS Group?
- Why Instances in an AS Group Keep Failing Health Checks and Getting Deleted and Recreated?
- How Do I Prevent Instances from Being Automatically Removed from an AS Group?
- Why Is an Instance that Was Removed from an AS Group and Deleted Still Displayed in the ECS List?
- How Can I Automatically Deploy My Application on an Instance?
- Why Can't I Use a Key File to Log In to an ECS?
- Do I Need to Configure an EIP in an AS Configuration When a Load Balancer Has Been Enabled for an AS Group?
- How Do I Enable Automatic Initialization of EVS Disks on Instances that Have Been Added to an AS Group During Scaling Actions?
- Change History
- API Reference (Paris Regions)
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
- Best Practices
- Quick Start
- AS Management
- What Are Restrictions on Using AS?
- Must I Use AS Together With ELB and Cloud Eye?
- Is AS Billed?
- Will an Abrupt Change in Monitoring Metric Values Trigger an Unnecessary Scaling Action?
- How Many AS Policies and AS Configurations Can I Create and Use?
- Can AS Automatically Scale Up or Down vCPUs, Memory, and Bandwidth of ECSs?
- What Is an AS Quota?
- How Do I Fix the Error "The key pair does not exist" When I Connect to an Instance?
- AS Group
AS Policy
- How Many AS Policies Can I Enable?
- What Are the Conditions to Trigger an Alarm-based AS Policy?
- What Is a Cooldown Period and Why Is It Required?
- Can AS Scale Capacity Based on Custom Monitoring by Cloud Eye?
- What Monitoring Metrics for an AS Group Will Be Affected If VM Tools Are Not Installed on the Instances in the Group?
- What Can I Do If an AS Policy Fails to Be Enabled?
- How Do I Install the Agent on Instances in an AS Group to Use Agent Monitoring Metrics?
- How Do I Prevent Instances Manually Added to an AS Group from Being Automatically Removed?
- When There Are Multiple Flavors Included in the AS Configuration of an AS Group, What Order Are the Flavors Selected in During Scale-out Events?
- When an Instance Is Removed from an AS Group and Deleted, Is the Application Data Saved?
- Can I Add Yearly/Monthly ECS Instances to an AS Group?
- Can the System Automatically Delete the Instances Added Based on an AS Policy When They Are Not Required?
- What Is the Expected Number of Instances?
- How Do I Delete an ECS Instance Created in a Scaling Action?
- Will a Yearly/Monthly ECS Instance Be Deleted If It Becomes Unhealthy?
- How Do I Handle Unhealthy Instances in an AS Group?
- Why Instances in an AS Group Keep Failing Health Checks and Getting Deleted and Recreated?
- How Do I Prevent Instances from Being Automatically Removed from an AS Group?
- Why Is an Instance that Was Removed from an AS Group and Deleted Still Displayed in the ECS List?
- How Can I Automatically Deploy My Application on an Instance?
- How Does Cloud-Init Affect the AS Service?
- Why Can't I Use a Key File to Log In to an ECS?
- Do I Need to Configure an EIP in an AS Configuration When a Load Balancer Has Been Enabled for an AS Group?
- How Do I Enable Automatic Initialization of EVS Disks on Instances that Have Been Added to an AS Group During Scaling Actions?
- Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- AS Groups
- AS Configurations
- Instances in an AS Group
AS Policies
- Creating an AS Policy
- Creating an AS Policy (V2)
- Modifying an AS Policy
- Modifying an AS Policy (V2)
- Querying AS Policies
- Querying AS Policies (V2)
- Querying All AS Policies (V2)
- Querying AS Policy Details
- Executing, Enabling, or Disabling an AS Policy
- Deleting an AS Policy
- Performing Operations on AS Policies in Batches
- AS Policy Execution Logs
- Scaling Action Logs
- Quotas
- Notifications
- Lifecycle Hook
- Tag Management
- API Management
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (Ankara Region)
- Service Overview
- Best Practices
- Quick Start
- AS Management
- What Are Restrictions on Using AS?
- Must I Use AS Together With ELB and Cloud Eye?
- Will an Abrupt Change in Monitoring Metric Values Trigger an Unnecessary Scaling Action?
- How Many AS Policies and AS Configurations Can I Create and Use?
- How Do I Fix the Error "The key pair does not exist" When I Connect to an Instance?
- AS Group
AS Policy
- How Many AS Policies Can I Enable?
- What Are the Conditions to Trigger an Alarm-based AS Policy?
- What Is a Cooldown Period and Why Is It Required?
- What Monitoring Metrics for an AS Group Will Be Affected If VM Tools Are Not Installed on the Instances in the Group?
- What Can I Do If an AS Policy Fails to Be Enabled?
- How Do I Prevent Instances Manually Added to an AS Group from Being Automatically Removed?
- When an Instance Is Removed from an AS Group and Deleted, Is the Application Data Saved?
- Can AS Automatically Delete Instances Added Based on an AS Policy When They Are Not Required?
- What Is the Expected Number of Instances?
- How Do I Delete an ECS Instance Created in a Scaling Action?
- How Do I Handle Unhealthy Instances in an AS Group?
- Why Instances in an AS Group Keep Failing Health Checks and Getting Deleted and Recreated?
- How Do I Prevent Instances from Being Automatically Removed from an AS Group?
- Why Is an Instance that Was Removed from an AS Group and Deleted Still Displayed in the ECS List?
- How Can I Automatically Deploy My Application on an Instance?
- How Does Cloud-Init Affect the AS Service?
- Why Can't I Use a Key File to Log In to an ECS?
- Do I Need to Configure an EIP in an AS Configuration When a Load Balancer Has Been Enabled for an AS Group?
- How Do I Enable Automatic Initialization of EVS Disks on Instances that Have Been Added to an AS Group During Scaling Actions?
- Change History
API Reference (Ankara Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- AS Groups
- AS Configurations
- Instances
AS Policies
- Creating an AS Policy
- Creating an AS Policy (V2)
- Modifying an AS Policy
- Modifying an AS Policy (V2)
- Querying AS Policies Bound to an AS Group
- Querying AS Policies Bound to a Scaling Resource (V2)
- Querying AS Policies (V2)
- Querying an AS Policy
- Querying an AS Policy (V2)
- Executing, Enabling, or Disabling an AS Policy
- Deleting an AS Policy
- Batch Managing AS Policies
- AS Policy Execution Logs
- Scaling Action Logs
- Quotas
- Notifications
- Lifecycle Hooks
- API Version Query
- Permissions and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Mostrar todos
O AS é cobrado?
O AS é gratuito, mas você será cobrado pelas instâncias de pagamento por uso criadas automaticamente. Para obter detalhes sobre preços, consulte Cobrança. Os EIPs usados pelas instâncias também são cobrados. Quando a capacidade de um grupo de AS é reduzida, as instâncias criadas automaticamente são removidas do grupo de AS e excluídas. Depois que elas são excluídas, elas não geram mais nenhuma taxa. As instâncias adicionadas manualmente, no entanto, só são removidas do grupo de AS. Elas não são excluídas, então elas ainda estão sendo cobradas. Se você não precisar dessas instâncias, cancele a assinatura delas no console do ECS.
Por exemplo, se duas instâncias forem criadas quando um grupo de AS for expandido, mas uma hora depois o grupo de AS for reduzido novamente, as duas instâncias serão removidas do grupo de AS e excluídas e você será cobrado por essa hora de usar.