Updated on 2022-08-15 GMT+08:00

Performing Operations on Instances in Batches


  • Add or remove instances to or from an AS group in batches.
  • Configure instance protection or cancel the configuration for the instances in an AS group in batches.
  • Set the standby mode or cancel the setting for the instances in an AS group in batches.
  • A batch operation can be performed on a maximum of 10 instances at a time. After instances are added to an AS group, the number of instances in the AS group cannot be greater than the maximum number of instances. After instances are removed from an AS group, the number of instances in the AS group cannot be less than the minimum number of instances.
  • Instances can be added to an AS group only when the AS group is in the INSERVICE state and has no scaling action in progress.
  • You can remove instances from an AS group only when no scaling action is in progress.
  • To add instances to an AS group, ensure that the AZ of the instances falls within that of the AS group.
  • Only instances in INSERVICE state can be removed from an AS group. Instance protection can be enabled or disabled only for INSERVICE instances.
  • When the capacity of an AS group is automatically decreased, the instances with instance protection enabled will not be removed from the AS group.
  • If the listener bound to the instance to be removed is the same as the listener in the AS group, the listener will be unbound from the instance. If the listener bound to the instance to be removed is different from the listener in the AS group, the binding relationship between the listener and instance will be reserved.


POST /autoscaling-api/v1/{project_id}/scaling_group_instance/{scaling_group_id}/action

Table 1 Parameter description








Specifies the project ID.




Specifies the AS group ID.

Request Message

  • Request parameters
    Table 2 Request parameters







    Array of strings

    Specifies the ECS ID.




    Specifies whether to delete an instance when it is removed from an AS group.


    • no (default): The instance will not be deleted.
    • yes: The instance will be deleted.

    This parameter takes effect only when the action is set to REMOVE.




    Specifies whether to add new instances when certain existing instances enter standby mode.


    • no (default): No new instances will be added.
    • yes: New instances will be added.

    This parameter takes effect only when action is set to ENTER_STANDBY.




    Specifies an action to be performed on instances in batches. The options are as follows:

    • ADD: adds instances to the AS group.
    • REMOVE: removes instances from the AS group.
    • PROTECT: enables instance protection.
    • UNPROTECT: disables instance protection.
    • ENTER_STANDBY: sets instances to standby mode.
    • EXIT_STANDBY: cancels standby mode for instances.
  • Example request
    This example shows how to remove and delete instances with IDs instance_id_1 and instance_id_2 from the AS group with ID e5d27f5c-dd76-4a61-b4bc-a67c5686719a in a batch.
    POST https://{Endpoint}/autoscaling-api/v1/{project_id}/scaling_group_instance/e5d27f5c-dd76-4a61-b4bc-a67c5686719a/action
        "action": "REMOVE",
        "instances_id": [
        "instance_delete": "yes"

Response Message

  • Response parameters


  • Example response


Returned Values

  • Normal


  • Abnormal

    Returned Value


    400 Bad Request

    The server failed to process the request.

    401 Unauthorized

    You must enter the username and password to access the requested page.

    403 Forbidden

    You are forbidden to access the requested page.

    404 Not Found

    The server could not find the requested page.

    405 Method Not Allowed

    You are not allowed to use the method specified in the request.

    406 Not Acceptable

    The response generated by the server could not be accepted by the client.

    407 Proxy Authentication Required

    You must use the proxy server for authentication so that the request can be processed.

    408 Request Timeout

    The request timed out.

    409 Conflict

    The request could not be processed due to a conflict.

    500 Internal Server Error

    Failed to complete the request because of an internal service error.

    501 Not Implemented

    Failed to complete the request because the server does not support the requested function.

    502 Bad Gateway

    Failed to complete the request because the request is invalid.

    503 Service Unavailable

    Failed to complete the request because the system is unavailable.

    504 Gateway Timeout

    A gateway timeout error occurred.

Error Codes

See Error Codes.