POST /v2/{engine}/{project_id}/instances
参数 |
是否必选 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
engine |
是 |
String |
消息引擎。 |
project_id |
是 |
String |
项目ID,获取方式请参见获取项目ID。 |
参数 |
是否必选 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
name |
是 |
String |
实例名称。 由英文字符开头,只能由英文字母、数字、中划线、下划线组成,长度为4~64的字符。 |
description |
否 |
String |
实例的描述信息。 长度不超过1024的字符串。
\与"在json报文中属于特殊字符,如果参数值中需要显示\或者"字符,请在字符前增加转义字符\,比如\或者"。 |
engine |
是 |
String |
消息引擎:rabbitmq。 |
engine_version |
是 |
String |
enable_acl |
否 |
Boolean |
ACL访问控制(仅AMQP版本支持此参数) |
storage_space |
是 |
Integer |
access_user |
否 |
String |
认证用户名,只能由英文字母开头且由英文字母、数字、中划线、下划线组成,长度为4~64的字符。 |
password |
否 |
String |
实例的认证密码。 复杂度要求:
vpc_id |
是 |
String |
租户VPC ID。 获取方法如下:登录虚拟私有云服务的控制台界面,在虚拟私有云的详情页面查找VPC ID。 |
security_group_id |
是 |
String |
租户安全组ID。 获取方法如下:登录虚拟私有云服务的控制台界面,在安全组的详情页面查找安全组ID。 |
subnet_id |
是 |
String |
子网ID。 获取方法如下:登录虚拟私有云服务的控制台界面,单击VPC下的子网,进入子网详情页面,查找网络ID。 |
available_zones |
是 |
Array of strings |
创建节点到指定且有资源的可用区ID。请参考查询可用区信息获取可用区ID。 该参数不能为空数组或者数组的值为空。 |
product_id |
是 |
String |
产品标识。 产品ID可以从查询产品规格列表获取。 如果产品ID为集群类型(即对应的type为cluster),broker_num字段为必选。 |
broker_num |
否 |
Integer |
代理个数。 当产品为单机类型,代理个数只能为1;当产品为集群类型,可选3、5、7个代理个数。 产品类型为single时:
maintain_begin |
否 |
String |
maintain_end |
否 |
String |
enable_publicip |
否 |
Boolean |
publicip_id |
否 |
String |
RabbitMQ实例绑定的弹性IP地址的ID。 如果开启了公网访问功能(即enable_publicip为true),该字段为必选。 |
ssl_enable |
否 |
Boolean |
storage_spec_code |
是 |
String |
存储IO规格。 如何选择磁盘类型请参考磁盘类型及性能介绍。 取值范围:
enterprise_project_id |
否 |
String |
企业项目ID。若为企业项目账号,该参数必填。 |
tags |
否 |
Array of TagEntity objects |
标签列表。 |
bss_param |
否 |
BssParam object |
表示包周期计费模式的相关参数。 如果为空,则默认计费模式为按需计费;否则是包周期方式。 |
参数 |
是否必选 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
key |
否 |
String |
value |
否 |
String |
参数 |
是否必选 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
is_auto_renew |
否 |
Boolean |
是否自动续订。 取值范围:
默认不自动续订。 |
charging_mode |
否 |
String |
计费模式。 功能说明:付费方式。 取值范围:
默认为postPaid。 |
is_auto_pay |
否 |
Boolean |
下单订购后,是否自动从客户的账户中支付,而不需要客户手动去进行支付。 取值范围:
默认为手动支付。 |
period_type |
否 |
String |
订购周期类型。 取值范围:
chargingMode为prePaid时生效且为必选值。 |
period_num |
否 |
Integer |
订购周期数。 取值范围:
chargingMode为prePaid时生效且为必选值。 |
参数 |
参数类型 |
描述 |
instance_id |
String |
实例ID。 |
POST https://{endpoint}/v2/{engine}/{project_id}/instances { "name" : "rabbitmq-demo", "description" : "", "engine" : "RabbitMQ", "engine_version" : "3.8.35", "storage_space" : 100, "access_user" : "******", "password" : "******", "vpc_id" : "1e93f86e-13af-46c8-97d6-d40fa62b76c2", "security_group_id" : "0aaa0033-bf7f-4c41-a6c2-18cd04cad2c8", "subnet_id" : "b5fa806c-35e7-4299-b659-b39398dd4718", "available_zones" : [ "d573142f24894ef3bd3664de068b44b0" ], "product_id" : "c6.2u4g.single", "ssl_enable" : false, "enable_publicip" : false, "publicip_id" : "", "storage_spec_code" : "dms.physical.storage.high.v2" }
POST https://{endpoint}/v2/{engine}/{project_id}/instances { "name" : "rabbitmq-demo", "description" : "", "engine" : "RabbitMQ", "engine_version" : "3.8.35", "storage_space" : 100, "access_user" : "******", "password" : "******", "vpc_id" : "1e93f86e-13af-46c8-97d6-d40fa62b76c2", "security_group_id" : "0aaa0033-bf7f-4c41-a6c2-18cd04cad2c8", "subnet_id" : "b5fa806c-35e7-4299-b659-b39398dd4718", "available_zones" : [ "d573142f24894ef3bd3664de068b44b0" ], "product_id" : "c6.2u4g.single", "ssl_enable" : false, "enable_publicip" : false, "publicip_id" : "", "storage_spec_code" : "dms.physical.storage.high.v2", "bss_param" : { "charging_mode" : "prePaid", "period_type" : "month", "period_num" : 1, "is_auto_pay" : true } }
POST https://{endpoint}/v2/{engine}/{project_id}/instances { "name" : "rabbitmq-aor-demo", "description" : "", "engine" : "RabbitMQ", "engine_version" : "AMQP-0-9-1", "storage_space" : 100, "vpc_id" : "05590544-f553-4158-be38-c791589ad303", "security_group_id" : "030f635d-b407-4ffb-b530-6b4eaf8edc03", "subnet_id" : "89c1cb26-787b-4d66-a6e4-1bd887f19183", "available_zones" : [ "9f1c5806706d4c1fb0eb72f0a9b18c77" ], "product_id" : "amqp.b1.large.1", "broker_num" : 1, "ssl_enable" : false, "enable_publicip" : false, "storage_spec_code" : "dms.physical.storage.high.v2", "enable_acl" : true, "enterprise_project_id" : 0 }
{ "instance_id" : "8959ab1c-7n1a-yyb1-a05t-93dfc361b32d" }
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package com.huaweicloud.sdk.test; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.ICredential; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.BasicCredentials; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ConnectionException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.RequestTimeoutException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ServiceResponseException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.rabbitmq.v2.region.RabbitMQRegion; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.rabbitmq.v2.*; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.rabbitmq.v2.model.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineSolution { public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment String ak = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK"); String sk = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK"); String projectId = "{project_id}"; ICredential auth = new BasicCredentials() .withProjectId(projectId) .withAk(ak) .withSk(sk); RabbitMQClient client = RabbitMQClient.newBuilder() .withCredential(auth) .withRegion(RabbitMQRegion.valueOf("<YOUR REGION>")) .build(); CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest request = new CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest(); request.withEngine(CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest.EngineEnum.fromValue("{engine}")); CreateInstanceReq body = new CreateInstanceReq(); List<String> listbodyAvailableZones = new ArrayList<>(); listbodyAvailableZones.add("d573142f24894ef3bd3664de068b44b0"); body.withStorageSpecCode(CreateInstanceReq.StorageSpecCodeEnum.fromValue("dms.physical.storage.high.v2")); body.withSslEnable(false); body.withPublicipId(""); body.withEnablePublicip(false); body.withProductId("c6.2u4g.single"); body.withAvailableZones(listbodyAvailableZones); body.withSubnetId("b5fa806c-35e7-4299-b659-b39398dd4718"); body.withSecurityGroupId("0aaa0033-bf7f-4c41-a6c2-18cd04cad2c8"); body.withVpcId("1e93f86e-13af-46c8-97d6-d40fa62b76c2"); body.withPassword("******"); body.withAccessUser("******"); body.withStorageSpace(100); body.withEngineVersion("3.8.35"); body.withEngine(CreateInstanceReq.EngineEnum.fromValue("RabbitMQ")); body.withDescription(""); body.withName("rabbitmq-demo"); request.withBody(body); try { CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineResponse response = client.createPostPaidInstanceByEngine(request); System.out.println(response.toString()); } catch (ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RequestTimeoutException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getHttpStatusCode()); System.out.println(e.getRequestId()); System.out.println(e.getErrorCode()); System.out.println(e.getErrorMsg()); } } }
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package com.huaweicloud.sdk.test; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.ICredential; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.BasicCredentials; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ConnectionException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.RequestTimeoutException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ServiceResponseException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.rabbitmq.v2.region.RabbitMQRegion; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.rabbitmq.v2.*; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.rabbitmq.v2.model.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineSolution { public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment String ak = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK"); String sk = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK"); String projectId = "{project_id}"; ICredential auth = new BasicCredentials() .withProjectId(projectId) .withAk(ak) .withSk(sk); RabbitMQClient client = RabbitMQClient.newBuilder() .withCredential(auth) .withRegion(RabbitMQRegion.valueOf("<YOUR REGION>")) .build(); CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest request = new CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest(); request.withEngine(CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest.EngineEnum.fromValue("{engine}")); CreateInstanceReq body = new CreateInstanceReq(); BssParam bssParambody = new BssParam(); bssParambody.withChargingMode(BssParam.ChargingModeEnum.fromValue("prePaid")) .withIsAutoPay(true) .withPeriodType(BssParam.PeriodTypeEnum.fromValue("month")) .withPeriodNum(1); List<String> listbodyAvailableZones = new ArrayList<>(); listbodyAvailableZones.add("d573142f24894ef3bd3664de068b44b0"); body.withBssParam(bssParambody); body.withStorageSpecCode(CreateInstanceReq.StorageSpecCodeEnum.fromValue("dms.physical.storage.high.v2")); body.withSslEnable(false); body.withPublicipId(""); body.withEnablePublicip(false); body.withProductId("c6.2u4g.single"); body.withAvailableZones(listbodyAvailableZones); body.withSubnetId("b5fa806c-35e7-4299-b659-b39398dd4718"); body.withSecurityGroupId("0aaa0033-bf7f-4c41-a6c2-18cd04cad2c8"); body.withVpcId("1e93f86e-13af-46c8-97d6-d40fa62b76c2"); body.withPassword("******"); body.withAccessUser("******"); body.withStorageSpace(100); body.withEngineVersion("3.8.35"); body.withEngine(CreateInstanceReq.EngineEnum.fromValue("RabbitMQ")); body.withDescription(""); body.withName("rabbitmq-demo"); request.withBody(body); try { CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineResponse response = client.createPostPaidInstanceByEngine(request); System.out.println(response.toString()); } catch (ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RequestTimeoutException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getHttpStatusCode()); System.out.println(e.getRequestId()); System.out.println(e.getErrorCode()); System.out.println(e.getErrorMsg()); } } }
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package com.huaweicloud.sdk.test; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.ICredential; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.auth.BasicCredentials; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ConnectionException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.RequestTimeoutException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.core.exception.ServiceResponseException; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.rabbitmq.v2.region.RabbitMQRegion; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.rabbitmq.v2.*; import com.huaweicloud.sdk.rabbitmq.v2.model.*; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; public class CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineSolution { public static void main(String[] args) { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment String ak = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK"); String sk = System.getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK"); String projectId = "{project_id}"; ICredential auth = new BasicCredentials() .withProjectId(projectId) .withAk(ak) .withSk(sk); RabbitMQClient client = RabbitMQClient.newBuilder() .withCredential(auth) .withRegion(RabbitMQRegion.valueOf("<YOUR REGION>")) .build(); CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest request = new CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest(); request.withEngine(CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest.EngineEnum.fromValue("{engine}")); CreateInstanceReq body = new CreateInstanceReq(); List<String> listbodyAvailableZones = new ArrayList<>(); listbodyAvailableZones.add("9f1c5806706d4c1fb0eb72f0a9b18c77"); body.withEnterpriseProjectId("0"); body.withStorageSpecCode(CreateInstanceReq.StorageSpecCodeEnum.fromValue("dms.physical.storage.high.v2")); body.withSslEnable(false); body.withEnablePublicip(false); body.withBrokerNum(CreateInstanceReq.BrokerNumEnum.NUMBER_1); body.withProductId("amqp.b1.large.1"); body.withAvailableZones(listbodyAvailableZones); body.withSubnetId("89c1cb26-787b-4d66-a6e4-1bd887f19183"); body.withSecurityGroupId("030f635d-b407-4ffb-b530-6b4eaf8edc03"); body.withVpcId("05590544-f553-4158-be38-c791589ad303"); body.withStorageSpace(100); body.withEnableAcl(true); body.withEngineVersion("AMQP-0-9-1"); body.withEngine(CreateInstanceReq.EngineEnum.fromValue("RabbitMQ")); body.withDescription(""); body.withName("rabbitmq-aor-demo"); request.withBody(body); try { CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineResponse response = client.createPostPaidInstanceByEngine(request); System.out.println(response.toString()); } catch (ConnectionException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (RequestTimeoutException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ServiceResponseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(e.getHttpStatusCode()); System.out.println(e.getRequestId()); System.out.println(e.getErrorCode()); System.out.println(e.getErrorMsg()); } } }
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# coding: utf-8 import os from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials from huaweicloudsdkrabbitmq.v2.region.rabbitmq_region import RabbitMQRegion from huaweicloudsdkcore.exceptions import exceptions from huaweicloudsdkrabbitmq.v2 import * if __name__ == "__main__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. # In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_AK"] sk = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_SK"] projectId = "{project_id}" credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk, projectId) client = RabbitMQClient.new_builder() \ .with_credentials(credentials) \ .with_region(RabbitMQRegion.value_of("<YOUR REGION>")) \ .build() try: request = CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest() request.engine = "{engine}" listAvailableZonesbody = [ "d573142f24894ef3bd3664de068b44b0" ] request.body = CreateInstanceReq( storage_spec_code="dms.physical.storage.high.v2", ssl_enable=False, publicip_id="", enable_publicip=False, product_id="c6.2u4g.single", available_zones=listAvailableZonesbody, subnet_id="b5fa806c-35e7-4299-b659-b39398dd4718", security_group_id="0aaa0033-bf7f-4c41-a6c2-18cd04cad2c8", vpc_id="1e93f86e-13af-46c8-97d6-d40fa62b76c2", password="******", access_user="******", storage_space=100, engine_version="3.8.35", engine="RabbitMQ", description="", name="rabbitmq-demo" ) response = client.create_post_paid_instance_by_engine(request) print(response) except exceptions.ClientRequestException as e: print(e.status_code) print(e.request_id) print(e.error_code) print(e.error_msg)
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# coding: utf-8 import os from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials from huaweicloudsdkrabbitmq.v2.region.rabbitmq_region import RabbitMQRegion from huaweicloudsdkcore.exceptions import exceptions from huaweicloudsdkrabbitmq.v2 import * if __name__ == "__main__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. # In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_AK"] sk = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_SK"] projectId = "{project_id}" credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk, projectId) client = RabbitMQClient.new_builder() \ .with_credentials(credentials) \ .with_region(RabbitMQRegion.value_of("<YOUR REGION>")) \ .build() try: request = CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest() request.engine = "{engine}" bssParambody = BssParam( charging_mode="prePaid", is_auto_pay=True, period_type="month", period_num=1 ) listAvailableZonesbody = [ "d573142f24894ef3bd3664de068b44b0" ] request.body = CreateInstanceReq( bss_param=bssParambody, storage_spec_code="dms.physical.storage.high.v2", ssl_enable=False, publicip_id="", enable_publicip=False, product_id="c6.2u4g.single", available_zones=listAvailableZonesbody, subnet_id="b5fa806c-35e7-4299-b659-b39398dd4718", security_group_id="0aaa0033-bf7f-4c41-a6c2-18cd04cad2c8", vpc_id="1e93f86e-13af-46c8-97d6-d40fa62b76c2", password="******", access_user="******", storage_space=100, engine_version="3.8.35", engine="RabbitMQ", description="", name="rabbitmq-demo" ) response = client.create_post_paid_instance_by_engine(request) print(response) except exceptions.ClientRequestException as e: print(e.status_code) print(e.request_id) print(e.error_code) print(e.error_msg)
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# coding: utf-8 import os from huaweicloudsdkcore.auth.credentials import BasicCredentials from huaweicloudsdkrabbitmq.v2.region.rabbitmq_region import RabbitMQRegion from huaweicloudsdkcore.exceptions import exceptions from huaweicloudsdkrabbitmq.v2 import * if __name__ == "__main__": # The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. # In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_AK"] sk = os.environ["CLOUD_SDK_SK"] projectId = "{project_id}" credentials = BasicCredentials(ak, sk, projectId) client = RabbitMQClient.new_builder() \ .with_credentials(credentials) \ .with_region(RabbitMQRegion.value_of("<YOUR REGION>")) \ .build() try: request = CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest() request.engine = "{engine}" listAvailableZonesbody = [ "9f1c5806706d4c1fb0eb72f0a9b18c77" ] request.body = CreateInstanceReq( enterprise_project_id="0", storage_spec_code="dms.physical.storage.high.v2", ssl_enable=False, enable_publicip=False, broker_num=1, product_id="amqp.b1.large.1", available_zones=listAvailableZonesbody, subnet_id="89c1cb26-787b-4d66-a6e4-1bd887f19183", security_group_id="030f635d-b407-4ffb-b530-6b4eaf8edc03", vpc_id="05590544-f553-4158-be38-c791589ad303", storage_space=100, enable_acl=True, engine_version="AMQP-0-9-1", engine="RabbitMQ", description="", name="rabbitmq-aor-demo" ) response = client.create_post_paid_instance_by_engine(request) print(response) except exceptions.ClientRequestException as e: print(e.status_code) print(e.request_id) print(e.error_code) print(e.error_msg)
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package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/core/auth/basic" rabbitmq "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/rabbitmq/v2" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/rabbitmq/v2/model" region "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/rabbitmq/v2/region" ) func main() { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK") sk := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK") projectId := "{project_id}" auth := basic.NewCredentialsBuilder(). WithAk(ak). WithSk(sk). WithProjectId(projectId). Build() client := rabbitmq.NewRabbitMQClient( rabbitmq.RabbitMQClientBuilder(). WithRegion(region.ValueOf("<YOUR REGION>")). WithCredential(auth). Build()) request := &model.CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest{} request.Engine = model.GetCreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequestEngineEnum().ENGINE var listAvailableZonesbody = []string{ "d573142f24894ef3bd3664de068b44b0", } sslEnableCreateInstanceReq:= false publicipIdCreateInstanceReq:= "" enablePublicipCreateInstanceReq:= false passwordCreateInstanceReq:= "******" accessUserCreateInstanceReq:= "******" descriptionCreateInstanceReq:= "" request.Body = &model.CreateInstanceReq{ StorageSpecCode: model.GetCreateInstanceReqStorageSpecCodeEnum().DMS_PHYSICAL_STORAGE_HIGH, SslEnable: &sslEnableCreateInstanceReq, PublicipId: &publicipIdCreateInstanceReq, EnablePublicip: &enablePublicipCreateInstanceReq, ProductId: "c6.2u4g.single", AvailableZones: listAvailableZonesbody, SubnetId: "b5fa806c-35e7-4299-b659-b39398dd4718", SecurityGroupId: "0aaa0033-bf7f-4c41-a6c2-18cd04cad2c8", VpcId: "1e93f86e-13af-46c8-97d6-d40fa62b76c2", Password: &passwordCreateInstanceReq, AccessUser: &accessUserCreateInstanceReq, StorageSpace: int32(100), EngineVersion: "3.8.35", Engine: model.GetCreateInstanceReqEngineEnum().RABBIT_MQ, Description: &descriptionCreateInstanceReq, Name: "rabbitmq-demo", } response, err := client.CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngine(request) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response) } else { fmt.Println(err) } }
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package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/core/auth/basic" rabbitmq "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/rabbitmq/v2" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/rabbitmq/v2/model" region "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/rabbitmq/v2/region" ) func main() { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK") sk := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK") projectId := "{project_id}" auth := basic.NewCredentialsBuilder(). WithAk(ak). WithSk(sk). WithProjectId(projectId). Build() client := rabbitmq.NewRabbitMQClient( rabbitmq.RabbitMQClientBuilder(). WithRegion(region.ValueOf("<YOUR REGION>")). WithCredential(auth). Build()) request := &model.CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest{} request.Engine = model.GetCreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequestEngineEnum().ENGINE chargingModeBssParam:= model.GetBssParamChargingModeEnum().PRE_PAID isAutoPayBssParam:= true periodTypeBssParam:= model.GetBssParamPeriodTypeEnum().MONTH periodNumBssParam:= int32(1) bssParambody := &model.BssParam{ ChargingMode: &chargingModeBssParam, IsAutoPay: &isAutoPayBssParam, PeriodType: &periodTypeBssParam, PeriodNum: &periodNumBssParam, } var listAvailableZonesbody = []string{ "d573142f24894ef3bd3664de068b44b0", } sslEnableCreateInstanceReq:= false publicipIdCreateInstanceReq:= "" enablePublicipCreateInstanceReq:= false passwordCreateInstanceReq:= "******" accessUserCreateInstanceReq:= "******" descriptionCreateInstanceReq:= "" request.Body = &model.CreateInstanceReq{ BssParam: bssParambody, StorageSpecCode: model.GetCreateInstanceReqStorageSpecCodeEnum().DMS_PHYSICAL_STORAGE_HIGH, SslEnable: &sslEnableCreateInstanceReq, PublicipId: &publicipIdCreateInstanceReq, EnablePublicip: &enablePublicipCreateInstanceReq, ProductId: "c6.2u4g.single", AvailableZones: listAvailableZonesbody, SubnetId: "b5fa806c-35e7-4299-b659-b39398dd4718", SecurityGroupId: "0aaa0033-bf7f-4c41-a6c2-18cd04cad2c8", VpcId: "1e93f86e-13af-46c8-97d6-d40fa62b76c2", Password: &passwordCreateInstanceReq, AccessUser: &accessUserCreateInstanceReq, StorageSpace: int32(100), EngineVersion: "3.8.35", Engine: model.GetCreateInstanceReqEngineEnum().RABBIT_MQ, Description: &descriptionCreateInstanceReq, Name: "rabbitmq-demo", } response, err := client.CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngine(request) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response) } else { fmt.Println(err) } }
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package main import ( "fmt" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/core/auth/basic" rabbitmq "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/rabbitmq/v2" "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/rabbitmq/v2/model" region "github.com/huaweicloud/huaweicloud-sdk-go-v3/services/rabbitmq/v2/region" ) func main() { // The AK and SK used for authentication are hard-coded or stored in plaintext, which has great security risks. It is recommended that the AK and SK be stored in ciphertext in configuration files or environment variables and decrypted during use to ensure security. // In this example, AK and SK are stored in environment variables for authentication. Before running this example, set environment variables CLOUD_SDK_AK and CLOUD_SDK_SK in the local environment ak := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_AK") sk := os.Getenv("CLOUD_SDK_SK") projectId := "{project_id}" auth := basic.NewCredentialsBuilder(). WithAk(ak). WithSk(sk). WithProjectId(projectId). Build() client := rabbitmq.NewRabbitMQClient( rabbitmq.RabbitMQClientBuilder(). WithRegion(region.ValueOf("<YOUR REGION>")). WithCredential(auth). Build()) request := &model.CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequest{} request.Engine = model.GetCreatePostPaidInstanceByEngineRequestEngineEnum().ENGINE var listAvailableZonesbody = []string{ "9f1c5806706d4c1fb0eb72f0a9b18c77", } enterpriseProjectIdCreateInstanceReq:= "0" sslEnableCreateInstanceReq:= false enablePublicipCreateInstanceReq:= false brokerNumCreateInstanceReq:= model.GetCreateInstanceReqBrokerNumEnum().E_1 enableAclCreateInstanceReq:= true descriptionCreateInstanceReq:= "" request.Body = &model.CreateInstanceReq{ EnterpriseProjectId: &enterpriseProjectIdCreateInstanceReq, StorageSpecCode: model.GetCreateInstanceReqStorageSpecCodeEnum().DMS_PHYSICAL_STORAGE_HIGH, SslEnable: &sslEnableCreateInstanceReq, EnablePublicip: &enablePublicipCreateInstanceReq, BrokerNum: &brokerNumCreateInstanceReq, ProductId: "amqp.b1.large.1", AvailableZones: listAvailableZonesbody, SubnetId: "89c1cb26-787b-4d66-a6e4-1bd887f19183", SecurityGroupId: "030f635d-b407-4ffb-b530-6b4eaf8edc03", VpcId: "05590544-f553-4158-be38-c791589ad303", StorageSpace: int32(100), EnableAcl: &enableAclCreateInstanceReq, EngineVersion: "AMQP-0-9-1", Engine: model.GetCreateInstanceReqEngineEnum().RABBIT_MQ, Description: &descriptionCreateInstanceReq, Name: "rabbitmq-aor-demo", } response, err := client.CreatePostPaidInstanceByEngine(request) if err == nil { fmt.Printf("%+v\n", response) } else { fmt.Println(err) } }
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状态码 |
描述 |
200 |
创建实例成功。 |