如何批量将本地仓库导入CodeArts Repo
CodeArts Repo现有导仓能力只支持从公网导入单个仓库,缺少客户本地代码仓往Repo迁移的快速方案,因此提供批量迁移本地代码仓到Repo的脚本。
- 进入Python官网下载并安装Python3。
- 调试获取IAM用户Token(使用密码)接口,通过华为云账号的用户密码获取用户Token。参数的填写方法,您可以在接口的调试界面,单击右侧“请求示例”,填写好参数后,单击“调试”,将获取到的用户Token复制并保存到本地。
- 用获取到的用户Token配置“config.json”文件。其中,repo_api_prefix是CodeArts Repo 的openAPI地址。“”
{ "repo_api_prefix": "https://${open_api}", "x_auth_token": "用户Token" }
- 登录CodeArts控制台创建项目并保存您的项目ID。
- 用获取的项目ID配置“plan.json”文件。如下的示例表示两个代码仓的迁移配置,您可以根据需要进行配置。此处的g1/g2表示代码组路径,可以参考说明进行创建。图1展示了“项目ID”和“项目名称/g1/g2/目标仓库名1”在Repo界面的获取方式。
- 添加一个配置文件repo_list.json。
其中,“local_dir”表示把本地某个目录的代码文件传到目标仓库的路径,您上传的必须是一个完整的Git仓,并且需要与migrate_to_repo.py在同一级目录。如下图所示,local_repo1和local_repo2表示要上传的本地Git仓,即“local_dir”和“local_dir”的值分别为“local_repo1”和 "local_repo2"。
如下代码示例中,g1/g2表示代码组路径,对应项目id可以参考项目ID获取方式 获取,请根据实际情况填写。[ { "id": "对应项目的id", "namespace":"项目名称/g1/g2/目标仓库名1", "local_dir": "Git仓的本地路径1" }, { "id": "对应项目的id", "namespace": "项目名称/g1/g2/目标仓库名2", "local_dir": "Git仓的本地路径2" } ]
- 在本地Python控制台,创建migrate_to_repo.py文件。
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import json import logging import os import subprocess import time import urllib.parse import urllib.request import argparse from logging import handlers # 存在同名仓库时是否跳过 SKIP_SAME_NAME_REPO = True STATUS_OK = 200 STATUS_CREATED = 201 STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500 STATUS_NOT_FOUND = 404 HTTP_METHOD_POST = "POST" CODE_UTF8 = 'utf-8' FILE_SOURCE_REPO_INFO = 'source_repos.json' FILE_SOURCE_REPO_INFO_TXT = 'source_repos.txt' FILE_TARGET_REPO_INFO = 'target_repos.json' FILE_CONFIG = 'config.json' FILE_PLAN = 'plan.json' FILE_LOG = 'migrate.log' FILE_REPO_LIST = 'repo_list.json' X_AUTH_TOKEN = 'x-auth-token' LOG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s - %(pathname)s[line:%(lineno)d] - %(levelname)s: %(message)s' class Logger(object): def __init__(self, filename): format_str = logging.Formatter(LOG_FORMAT) self.logger = logging.getLogger(filename) self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) sh = logging.StreamHandler() sh.setFormatter(format_str) th = handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler( filename=filename, when='D', backupCount=3, encoding=CODE_UTF8 ) th.setFormatter(format_str) self.logger.addHandler(sh) self.logger.addHandler(th) log = Logger(FILE_LOG) def make_request(url, data={}, headers={}, method='GET'): headers["Content-Type"] = 'application/json' headers['Accept-Charset'] = CODE_UTF8 params = json.dumps(data) params = bytes(params, 'utf8') try: import ssl ssl._create_default_https_context = ssl._create_unverified_context request = urllib.request.Request( url, data=params, headers=headers, method=method ) r = urllib.request.urlopen(request) if r.status != STATUS_OK and r.status != STATUS_CREATED: log.logger.error('request error: ' + str(r.status)) return r.status, "" except urllib.request.HTTPError as e: log.logger.error('request with code: ' + str(e.code)) msg = str(e.read().decode(CODE_UTF8)) log.logger.error('request error: ' + msg) return STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg except Exception as e: log.logger.info("request failed, e is %s", e) return STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "request failed" content = r.read().decode(CODE_UTF8) return STATUS_OK, content def read_migrate_plan(): log.logger.info('read_migrate_plan start') try: with open(FILE_PLAN, 'r') as f: migrate_plans = json.load(f) except Exception as e: log.logger.info("load plan.json, e is %s", e) return STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, [] plans = [] for m_plan in migrate_plans: if len(m_plan) != 3: log.logger.error( "please check plan.json file" ) return STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, [] namespace = m_plan[2].split("/") namespace_len = len(namespace) if namespace_len < 1 or namespace_len > 4: log.logger.error("group level support 0 to 3") return STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, [] plan = { "path_with_namespace": m_plan[0], "project_id": m_plan[1], "groups": namespace[0:namespace_len - 1], "repo_name": namespace[namespace_len - 1] } plans.append(plan) return STATUS_OK, plans def get_repo_by_plan(namespace, repos): if namespace not in repos: log.logger.info("%s not found in gitlab, skip" % namespace) return STATUS_NOT_FOUND, {} repo = repos[namespace] return STATUS_OK, repo def repo_info_from_source(source_host_url, private_token, protocol): log.logger.info('get repos by api start') headers = {'PRIVATE-TOKEN': private_token} url = source_host_url per_page = 100 page = 1 data = {} while True: url_with_page = "%s&page=%s&per_page=%s" % (url, page, per_page) status, content = make_request(url_with_page, headers=headers) if status != STATUS_OK: return status repos = json.loads(content) for repo in repos: namespace = repo['path_with_namespace'] repo_info = { 'id': repo['id'], 'name': repo['name'], 'path_with_namespace': namespace } if protocol == "ssh": repo_info["clone_url"] = repo["ssh_url_to_repo"] else: repo_info["clone_url"] = repo["http_url_to_repo"] data[namespace] = repo_info if len(repos) < per_page: break page = page + 1 try: with open(FILE_SOURCE_REPO_INFO, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) except Exception as e: log.logger.info("load source_repos.json, e is %s", e) return STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR log.logger.info('get_repos end with %s' % len(data)) return STATUS_OK def repo_info_from_file(): log.logger.info('get repos by file start') data = {} try: with open(FILE_REPO_LIST, 'r') as f: repos = json.load(f) except Exception as e: log.logger.info("load repo_list.json, e is %s", e) return STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR for index, repo in enumerate(repos): if repo.get("id") is None: log.logger.error("line format not match id") if repo.get("namespace") is None: log.logger.error("line format not match namespace") return STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR if repo.get("local_dir") is None: log.logger.error("line format not match local_dir ") return STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR if not os.path.exists(repo.get("local_dir")): log.logger.warning("local dir %s non-existent" % repo.get("local_dir")) continue namespace = repo.get("namespace") repo_info = { 'id': repo.get("id"), 'name': namespace.split("/")[-1], 'path_with_namespace': namespace, 'clone_url': "", 'local_dir': repo.get("local_dir") } data[namespace] = repo_info try: with open(FILE_SOURCE_REPO_INFO, 'w') as f: json.dump(data, f, indent=4) except Exception as e: log.logger.info("load source_repos.json, e is %s", e) return STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR log.logger.info('get_repos end with %s' % len(data)) return STATUS_OK def get_repo_dir(repo): return "repo_%s" % repo['id'] def exec_cmd(cmd, ssh_url, dir_name): log.logger.info("will exec %s %s" % (cmd, ssh_url)) pr = subprocess.Popen( cmd + " " + ssh_url, cwd=dir_name, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE ) (out, error) = pr.communicate() log.logger.info("stdout of %s is:%s" % (cmd, str(out))) log.logger.info("stderr of %s is:%s" % (cmd, str(error))) if "Error" in str(error) or "err" in str(error) or "failed" in str(error): log.logger.error("%s failed" % cmd) return STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR return STATUS_OK def clone_from_source(plans): log.logger.info('clone_repos start') with open(FILE_SOURCE_REPO_INFO, 'r') as f: repos = json.load(f) for plan in plans: status, repo = get_repo_by_plan(plan["path_with_namespace"], repos) if status == STATUS_NOT_FOUND: return status name = repo["name"] dir_name = get_repo_dir(repo) folder = os.path.exists(dir_name) if folder: log.logger.info("skip clone " + name) continue os.makedirs(dir_name) status = exec_cmd("git clone --mirror", repo['clone_url'], dir_name) if status != STATUS_OK: return status log.logger.info('clone_repos end') return STATUS_OK def get_groups(config, project_id): log.logger.info('get_groups start') headers = {X_AUTH_TOKEN: config['x_auth_token']} api_prefix = config['repo_api_prefix'] limit = 100 offset = 0 data = {} while True: url_with_page = "%s/v4/%s/manageable-groups?offset=%s&limit=%s" % ( api_prefix, project_id, offset, limit ) status, content = make_request(url_with_page, headers=headers) print(url_with_page, status, content) if status != STATUS_OK: return status, dict() rows = json.loads(content) for row in rows: full_name = row['full_name'] data[full_name] = row if len(rows) < limit: break offset = offset + len(rows) log.logger.info('get_groups end with %s' % len(data)) return STATUS_OK, data def create_group(config, project_id, name, parent, has_parent): log.logger.info('create_group start') headers = {X_AUTH_TOKEN: config['x_auth_token']} api_prefix = config['repo_api_prefix'] data = { 'name': name, 'visibility': 'private', 'description': '' } if has_parent: data['parent_id'] = parent['id'] url = "%s/v4/%s/groups" % (api_prefix, project_id) status, content = make_request( url, data=data, headers=headers, method='POST' ) if status != STATUS_OK: log.logger.error('create_group error: %s', str(status)) return status return STATUS_OK # 指定代码组创建仓库 def create_repo(config, project_id, name, parent, has_parent): log.logger.info('create_repo start') headers = {X_AUTH_TOKEN: config['x_auth_token']} api_prefix = config['repo_api_prefix'] data = { 'name': name, 'project_uuid': project_id, 'enable_readme': 0 } if has_parent: data['group_id'] = parent['id'] url = "%s/v1/repositories" % api_prefix status, content = make_request( url, data=data, headers=headers, method='POST' ) if "同名仓库或代码组" in content: log.logger.info("repo %s already exist. %s" % (name, content)) log.logger.info("skip same name repo %s: %s" % ( name, SKIP_SAME_NAME_REPO ) ) return check_repo_conflict(config, project_id, parent, name) elif status != STATUS_OK: log.logger.error('create_repo error: %s', str(status)) return status, "" response = json.loads(content) repo_uuid = response["result"]["repository_uuid"] # 创建后检查 for retry in range(1, 4): status, ssh_url = get_repo_detail(config, repo_uuid) if status != STATUS_OK: if retry == 3: return status, "" time.sleep(retry * 2) continue break return STATUS_OK, ssh_url def check_repo_conflict(config, project_id, group, name): if not SKIP_SAME_NAME_REPO: return STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "" log.logger.info('check_repo_conflict start') headers = {X_AUTH_TOKEN: config['x_auth_token']} api_prefix = config['repo_api_prefix'] url_with_page = "%s/v2/projects/%s/repositories?search=%s" % ( api_prefix, project_id, name ) status, content = make_request(url_with_page, headers=headers) if status != STATUS_OK: return status, "" rows = json.loads(content) for row in rows["result"]["repositories"]: if "full_name" in group and "group_name" in row: g = group["full_name"].replace(" ", "") if row["group_name"].endswith(g): return STATUS_OK, row["ssh_url"] elif "full_name" not in group and name == row['repository_name']: # 没有代码组的场景 return STATUS_OK, row["ssh_url"] log.logger.info('check_repo_conflict end, failed to find: %s' % name) return STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "" def get_repo_detail(config, repo_uuid): log.logger.info('get_repo_detail start') headers = {X_AUTH_TOKEN: config['x_auth_token']} api_prefix = config['repo_api_prefix'] url_with_page = "%s/v2/repositories/%s" % (api_prefix, repo_uuid) status, content = make_request(url_with_page, headers=headers) if status != STATUS_OK: return status, "" rows = json.loads(content) log.logger.info('get_repo_detail end') return STATUS_OK, rows["result"]["ssh_url"] def process_plan(config, plan): # 获取项目下的组织列表 project_id = plan["project_id"] status, group_dict = get_groups(config, project_id) if status != STATUS_OK: return status, "" group = "" last_group = {} has_group = False for g in plan["groups"]: # 检查目标代码组,如果存在则检查下一层 if group == "": group = " %s" % g else: group = "%s / %s" % (group, g) if group in group_dict: last_group = group_dict[group] has_group = True continue # 不存在则创建,并更新 status = create_group(config, project_id, g, last_group, has_group) if status != STATUS_OK: return status, "" status, group_dict = get_groups(config, project_id) if status != STATUS_OK: return status, "" last_group = group_dict[group] has_group = True status, ssh_url = create_repo( config, project_id, plan["repo_name"], last_group, has_group ) if status != STATUS_OK: return status, "" return status, ssh_url def create_group_and_repos(config, plans): if os.path.exists(FILE_TARGET_REPO_INFO): log.logger.info( '%s skip: %s already exist' % ( "create_group_and_repos", FILE_TARGET_REPO_INFO ) ) return STATUS_OK log.logger.info('create_group_and_repos start') with open(FILE_SOURCE_REPO_INFO, 'r') as f: repos = json.load(f) target_repo_info = {} for plan in plans: status, ssh_url = process_plan(config, plan) if status != STATUS_OK: return status status, repo = get_repo_by_plan(plan["path_with_namespace"], repos) if status == STATUS_NOT_FOUND: return repo['codehub_sshUrl'] = ssh_url target_repo_info[repo['path_with_namespace']] = repo with open(FILE_TARGET_REPO_INFO, 'w') as f: json.dump(target_repo_info, f, indent=4) log.logger.info('create_group_and_repos end') return STATUS_OK def push_to_target(): log.logger.info('push_repos start') with open(FILE_TARGET_REPO_INFO, 'r') as f: repos = json.load(f) for r in repos: repo = repos[r] name = repo["name"] dir_name = get_repo_dir(repo) status = exec_cmd( "git config remote.origin.url", repo['codehub_sshUrl'], dir_name + "/" + name + ".git" ) if status != STATUS_OK: log.logger.error("%s git config failed" % name) return status = exec_cmd("git push --mirror -f", "", dir_name + "/" + name + ".git") if status != STATUS_OK: log.logger.error("%s git push failed" % name) return log.logger.info('push_repos end') def push_to_target_with_local(): log.logger.info('push_repos start') with open(FILE_TARGET_REPO_INFO, 'r') as f: repos = json.load(f) for r in repos: repo = repos[r] dir_name = repo["local_dir"] status = exec_cmd( "git config remote.origin.url", repo['codehub_sshUrl'], dir_name ) if status != STATUS_OK: log.logger.error("%s git config failed" % dir_name) return status = exec_cmd("git push --all -f", "", dir_name) if status != STATUS_OK: log.logger.error("%s git push failed" % dir_name) return log.logger.info('push_repos end') def get_args_from_command_line(args_list): # 解析命令行参数 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( '-p', '--protocol', dest='protocol', default="SSH", choices=['SSH', 'HTTP', "ssh", "http"], required=False, help='protocol specified for clone or push' ) parser.add_argument( '-m', '--mode', dest='mode', default="FILE", choices=['FILE', "file"], required=False, help='import mode' ) return parser.parse_args(args_list) if __name__ == '__main__': if not os.path.exists(FILE_CONFIG): log.logger.info("config.json must be present") exit(1) if not os.path.exists(FILE_PLAN): log.logger.info("plan.json must be present") exit(1) # 获取映射, 仓库信息和namespace status, plans = read_migrate_plan() if status != STATUS_OK: log.logger.info("load plan.json failed") exit(1) # 加载配置文件 try: with open(FILE_CONFIG, 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) except Exception as e: log.logger.info("load config.json, e is %s", e) exit(1) if config.get("repo_api_prefix") is None: log.logger.error("config.json not match repo_api_prefix") exit(1) if config.get("x_auth_token") is None: log.logger.error("config.json not match x_auth_token") exit(1) args = get_args_from_command_line(None) protocol = args.protocol mode = args.mode if mode.lower() == "api": log.logger.error("not allow mode is api") exit(1) if config.get("source_host_url") is None: log.logger.error("config.json not match source_host_url") exit(1) if config.get("private_token") is None: log.logger.error("config.json not match private_token") exit(1) if repo_info_from_source( config["source_host_url"], config["private_token"], protocol.lower() ) != STATUS_OK: exit(1) try: # clone仓库到本地 status = clone_from_source(plans) if status != STATUS_OK: exit(1) except Exception as e: log.logger.info("clone_from_source fail, e is %s", e) exit(1) else: if repo_info_from_file() != STATUS_OK: exit(1) try: if create_group_and_repos(config, plans) != STATUS_OK: exit(1) except Exception as e: log.logger.info("create_group_and_repos fail, e is %s", e) exit(1) try: if mode.lower() == "api": push_to_target() else: push_to_target_with_local() except Exception as e: log.logger.info("push_to_target fail, e is %s", e) exit(1)
配置访问CodeArts Repo的SSH公钥
- 运行Git Bash,先检查本地是否已生成过SSH密钥。
如果选择RSA算法,请在Git Bash中执行如下命令:
cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
如果选择ED255219算法,请在Git Bash中执行如下命令:
cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
- 生成SSH密钥。如果选择RSA算法,在Git Bash中生成密钥的命令如下:
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C your_email@example.com
其中,-t rsa表示生成的是RSA类型密钥,-b 4096是密钥长度(该长度的RSA密钥更具安全性),-C your_email@example.com表示在生成的公钥文件中添加注释,方便识别这个密钥对的用途。
如果选择ED25519算法,在Git Bash中生成密钥的命令如下:
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -b 521 -C your_email@example.com
其中,-t ed25519表示生成的是ED25519类型密钥,-b 521是密钥长度(该长度的ED25519密钥更具安全性),-C your_email@example.com表示在生成的公钥文件中添加注释,方便识别这个密钥对的用途。
- 复制SSH公钥到剪切板。请根据您的操作系统,选择相应的执行命令,将SSH公钥复制到您的剪切板。
- Windows:
clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
- Mac:
pbcopy < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
- Linux (xclip required):
xclip -sel clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
- Windows:
- 登录并进入Repo的代码仓库列表页,单击右上角昵称,选择“个人设置” > “代码托管” > “SSH密钥”,进入配置SSH密钥页面。
- 在“标题”中为您的新密钥起一个名称,将您在3中复制的SSH公钥粘贴进“密钥”中,单击确定后,弹出页面“密钥已设置成功,单击 立即返回,无操作3S后自动跳转”,表示密钥设置成功。
- 执行如下命令,查看脚本参数。
python migrate_to_repo.py -h usage: migrate_to_repo.py [-h] [-p {SSH,HTTP,ssh,http}] [-m {API,FILE,api,file}] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p {SSH,HTTP,ssh,http}, --protocol {SSH,HTTP,ssh,http} protocol specified for clone or push -m {API,FILE,api,file}, --mode {API,FILE,api,file} import mode # 参数说明 # -p 协议,默认是SSH协议,可选为SSH/ssh/HTTP/http