Virtual Private Cloud
Virtual Private Cloud
Todos os resultados de "
" dentro deste produto
Todos os resultados de "
" dentro deste produto
Visão geral de serviço
Infográficos de VPC
O que é Virtual Private Cloud?
Vantagens do produto
Cenários de aplicação
Responsabilidades compartilhadas
Identity Authentication and Access Control
Auditing and Logging
Monitoramento de riscos
Observações e restrições
VPC e outros serviços
Conceitos básicos
Elastic IP
Tabela de rotas
Grupo de segurança
Conexão de emparelhamento de VPC
ACLs da rede
Endereço IP virtual
Interface de rede elástica
Interface de rede suplementar
Grupo de endereços IP
Região e AZ
Primeiros passos
Início rápido
Configuração de uma rede IPv4
Configuração de uma rede IPv6
Guia de usuário
VPC e sub-rede
Planejamento de rede
Criação de uma VPC
Modificação de uma VPC
Adição de um bloco CIDR secundário a uma VPC
Remoção de um bloco CIDR secundário de uma VPC
Exclusão de uma VPC
Gerenciamento de tags da VPC
Exportação da lista de VPC
Exibição de uma topologia de VPC
Criação de uma sub-rede para a VPC
Modificação de uma sub-rede
Gerenciamento de tags de sub-rede
Exportação de lista de sub-redes
Exibição e exclusão de recursos em uma sub-rede
Visualização de endereços IP em uma sub-rede
Exclusão de uma sub-rede
Rede de pilha dupla IPv4 e IPv6
Grupo de segurança
Visão geral do grupo de segurança
Grupos de segurança padrão e regras de grupo de segurança
Exemplos de configuração de grupo de segurança
Criação de um grupo de segurança
Adição de uma regra de grupo de segurança
Adição rápida de regras de grupo de segurança
Replicação de uma regra de grupo de segurança
Modificação de uma regra de grupo de segurança
Exclusão de uma regra de grupo de segurança
Importação e exportação de regras do grupo de segurança
Exclusão de um grupo de segurança
Adição de instâncias e remoção de um grupo de segurança
Clonagem de um grupo de segurança
Modificação de um grupo de segurança
Exibição do grupo de segurança de um ECS
Alteração do grupo de segurança de um ECS
Portas comuns usadas pelos ECSs
ACLs da rede
ACLs da rede Overview
Exemplos de configuração de ACLs da rede
Criação de uma ACL da rede
Adição uma regra de ACL da rede
Associação de sub-redes com uma ACL da rede
Desassociação de uma sub-rede de uma ACLs da rede
Alteração da sequência de uma regra de ACLs da rede
Modificação de uma regra de ACLs da rede
Ativação ou desativação de uma regra de ACLs da rede
Exclusão de uma regra de ACLs da rede
Exportação e importação de regras de ACLs da rede
Visualização de uma ACLs da rede
Modificação de uma ACLs da rede
Ativação ou desativação de uma ACLs da rede
Exclusão de uma ACLs da rede
Visão geral do grupo de endereços IP
Criação de um grupo de endereços IP
Associação de um grupo de endereços IP a recursos
Modificação de um grupo de endereços IP
Interface de rede elástica e interface de rede suplementar
Elastic Network Interface
Visão geral da interface de rede
Criação de uma interface de rede
Exibição de informações básicas sobre uma interface de rede
Anexação de uma interface de rede a uma instância
Vinculação de uma interface de rede a um EIP
Vinculação de uma interface de rede a um endereço IP virtual
Desanexação de uma interface de rede de uma instância ou desvinculação um EIP de uma interface de rede
Alteração de grupos de segurança associados a uma interface de rede
Exclusão de uma interface de rede
Interfaces de rede suplementares
Visão geral da interface de rede suplementar
Criação de uma interface de rede suplementar
Exibição de informações básicas sobre uma interface de rede suplementar
Vinculação ou desvinculação de uma interface de rede suplementar de ou para um EIP
Alteração de grupos de segurança que estão associados a uma interface de rede suplementar
Exclusão de uma interface de rede suplementar
Elastic IP
Visão geral do EIP
Atribuição de um EIP e vinculação dele a um ECS
Desvinculação de um EIP de um ECS e liberação do EIP
Modificação de uma largura de banda do EIP
Gerenciamento de tags do EIP
Largura de banda compartilhada
Visão geral da largura de banda compartilhada
Atribuição de uma largura de banda compartilhada
Adição de EIPs a uma largura de banda compartilhada
Remoção de EIPs de uma largura de banda compartilhada
Modificação de uma largura de banda compartilhada
Exclusão de uma largura de banda compartilhada
Pacote de dados compartilhados
Visão geral do pacote de dados compartilhados
Compra de um pacote de dados compartilhados
Tabelas de rotas
Visão geral da tabela de rotas
Criação de uma tabela de rota personalizada
Associação de uma tabela de rotas a uma sub-rede
Alteração da tabela de rota associada a uma sub-rede
Exibição da tabela de rotas associada a uma sub-rede
Exibição de informações da tabela de rotas
Exportação de informações de tabela de rotas
Exclusão de uma tabela de rotas
Adição de uma rota personalizada
Modificação de uma rota
Replicação de uma rota
Exclusão de uma rota
Configuração de um servidor SNAT
Conexão de emparelhamento de VPC
Visão geral da conexão de emparelhamento de VPC
Exemplos de uso da conexão de emparelhamento de VPC
Criação de uma conexão de emparelhamento de VPC com uma outra VPC na sua conta.
Criação de uma conexão de emparelhamento de VPC com uma VPC em outra conta
Modificação de uma conexão de emparelhamento de VPC
Visualização de conexões de emparelhamento de VPC
Exclusão de uma conexão de emparelhamento de VPC
Exibição de rotas configuradas para uma conexão de emparelhamento de VPC
Exclusão de rotas configuradas para uma conexão de emparelhamento de VPC
Log de fluxo de VPC
Visão geral de log de fluxo de VPC
Criação de um log de fluxo de VPC
Exibição de um log de fluxo de VPC
Ativação ou desativação do log de fluxo de VPC
Exclusão de um log de fluxo de VPC
Endereço IP virtual
Visão geral do endereço IP virtual
Atribuição de um endereço IP virtual
Vinculação de um endereço IP virtual a um EIP ou ECS
Vinculação de um endereço IP virtual a um EIP
Acesso de um endereço IP virtual usando uma VPN
Uso de uma conexão Direct Connect para acessar o endereço IP virtual
Uso de uma conexão de emparelhamento de VPC para acessar o endereço IP virtual
Desativação de encaminhamento IP no ECS em espera
Desativação da verificação de origem e destino (cenário de cluster de balanceamento de carga HA)
Desvinculação de um endereço IP virtual de uma instância
Desvinculação de um endereço IP virtual de um EIP
Liberação de um endereço IP virtual
Interconexão com o CTS
Operações de VPC suportadas
Exibição de rastreamentos
Métricas suportadas
Exibição de métricas
Criação de uma regra de alarme
Gerenciamento de permissões
Criação de um usuário e concessão de permissões de VPC
Políticas personalizadas de VPC
Melhores práticas
Planejamento de rede
Conectividade de VPC
Acesso de rede privada
Acesso de rede pública
Custos de rede mais baixos
Uso de um firewall de terceiros para limpar o tráfego de VPCs conectadas por conexões de emparelhamento de VPC
Uso de firewalls de terceiros ao conectar um data center local à nuvem
Implementação de contêineres que podem se comunicar uns com os outros em ECSs
Configuração de rotas baseadas em políticas para um ECS com várias NICs
Visão geral
Coleta de informações de rede do ECS
Configuração de rotas baseadas em políticas para um ECS do Linux com várias NICs (IPv4/IPv6)
Configuração de rotas baseadas em políticas para um ECS do Windows com várias NICs (IPv4/IPv6)
Perguntas frequentes
Perguntas gerais
O que é uma cota?
Cobrança e pagamentos
Serei cobrado pelo uso do serviço de VPC?
Como um EIP é cobrado?
Como alterar meu modo de cobrança do EIP de pagamento por uso para anual/mensal?
Como alterar um EIP de pagamento por uso de cobrança por largura de banda para tráfego ou de cobrança por tráfego para largura de banda?
Por que ainda estou sendo cobrado depois que todas as VPCs foram excluídas?
VPCs e sub-redes
O que é Virtual Private Cloud?
Quais blocos CIDR estão disponíveis para o serviço VPC?
Quantas VPCs posso criar?
As sub-redes podem se comunicar umas com as outras?
Que blocos CIDR de sub-rede estão disponíveis?
Posso modificar o bloco CIDR de uma sub-rede?
Quantas sub-redes posso criar?
Como fazer com que o tempo de concessão de DHCP alterado de uma sub-rede entre em vigor imediatamente?
Como fazer com que um nome de domínio em uma sub-rede entre em vigor imediatamente após ser alterado?
Por que não consigo excluir minhas VPCs e sub-redes?
Posso alterar a VPC de um ECS?
Por que o endereço IP do ECS é perdido depois que a hora do sistema é alterada?
Como alterar o endereço do servidor do DNS de um ECS?
Como atribuir ou recuperar um EIP específico?
Quais são as diferenças entre EIP, endereço IP privado e endereço IP virtual?
Como acessar a Internet usando um EIP vinculado a uma NIC de extensão?
Quais são as diferenças entre as NICs primárias e de extensão dos ECSs?
Um EIP que usa largura de banda dedicada pode ser alterado para usar largura de banda compartilhada?
Posso vincular um EIP a vários ECSs?
Como acessar um ECS com um EIP vinculado pela Internet?
O que é a política de atribuição de EIP?
Posso vincular um EIP de um ECS a outro ECS?
Posso comprar um EIP específico?
Como consultar a região dos meus EIPs?
Como alterar um EIP para uma instância?
Posso vincular um EIP a um recurso de nuvem em outra região?
Posso alterar a região do meu EIP?
Conexões de emparelhamento de VPC
Quantas conexões de emparelhamento de VPC posso criar em uma conta?
Uma conexão de emparelhamento de VPC pode conectar VPCs em diferentes regiões?
Por que a comunicação falhou entre VPCs conectadas por uma conexão de emparelhamento de VPC?
Endereços IP virtuais
Por que não é possível fazer ping no endereço IP virtual depois que ele é vinculado a uma NIC do ECS?
Como vincular um endereço IP virtual na Huawei Cloud a um servidor em um data center local?
Por que a rede é desconectada entre servidores usando um endereço IP virtual após uma alternância ativa/em espera?
Largura de banda
O que são largura de banda de entrada e largura de banda de saída?
Como saber se meu limite de largura de banda do EIP foi excedido?
Quais são as diferenças entre largura de banda do EIP e largura de banda de rede privada?
Qual é a faixa de tamanho de largura de banda?
Quais tipos de largura de banda estão disponíveis?
Quais são as diferenças entre uma largura de banda dedicada e uma compartilhada? Uma largura de banda dedicada pode ser alterada para uma largura de banda compartilhada ou o contrário?
Como comprar uma largura de banda compartilhada?
Existe um limite para o número de EIPs que podem ser adicionados a cada largura de banda compartilhada?
Posso aumentar minha largura de banda faturada em base anual/mensal e depois diminuí-la?
Qual é a relação entre largura de banda e taxa de upload/download?
Quais são as diferenças entre BGP estático, BGP dinâmico e BGP premium?
Se uma VPN permite comunicação entre as duas VPCs?
Por que os nomes de domínio internos ou da Internet na nuvem são inacessíveis por meio de nomes de domínio quando meu ECS tem várias NICs?
Quais são as prioridades da rota personalizada e do EIP se ambos estiverem configurados para um ECS para permitir que o ECS acesse a Internet?
Por que há interrupções intermitentes quando um host local acessa um site criado em um ECS?
Por que os ECSs que usam endereços IP privados na mesma sub-rede suportam apenas comunicação unidirecional?
Por que a comunicação falha entre dois ECSs na mesma VPC ou perda de pacotes ocorre quando eles se comunicam?
Por que meu ECS não pode usar o Cloud-init?
Por que meu ECS não consegue acessar a Internet mesmo depois que um EIP é vinculado?
Por que meu ECS não consegue se comunicar em uma rede de Camada 2 ou de Camada 3?
Como lidar com uma falha de rede do BMS?
Por que meu ECS não consegue obter um endereço IP?
Como lidar com uma falha de rede VPN ou da Direct Connect?
Por que meu servidor pode ser acessado a partir da Internet, mas não pode acessar a Internet?
Por que não consigo acessar sites usando endereços IPv6 após a configuração da pilha dual IPv4/IPv6?
Por que meu ECS não se comunica com outros depois de ter o firewall instalado?
Como configurar rotas baseadas em políticas para um ECS com várias NICs?
Uma tabela de rota pode abranger várias VPCs?
Quantas rotas uma tabela de rotas pode conter?
Existem restrições ao usar uma tabela de rotas?
As mesmas prioridades de roteamento se aplicam a conexões da Direct Connect e rotas personalizadas na mesma VPC?
Existem diferentes prioridades de roteamento da VPN e rotas personalizadas na mesma VPC?
As regras do grupo de segurança são consideradas iguais se todos os parâmetros, exceto sua descrição, forem iguais?
Quais são os requisitos para excluir um grupo de segurança?
Por que o acesso de saída na porta TCP 25 é bloqueado?
Como saber as instâncias associadas a um grupo de segurança?
Posso alterar o grupo de segurança de um ECS?
Quantos grupos de segurança posso criar?
Como configurar um grupo de segurança para protocolos multicanais?
Uma regra de grupo de segurança ou uma regra de ACL da rede imediatamente tem efeito para conexões existentes depois de ser modificada?
Por que algumas portas são inacessíveis?
Por que minhas regras de grupo de segurança não entram em vigor?
What's New
Function Overview
API Reference
Before You Start
API Calling
Notes and Constraints
Selecting an API Type
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Virtual Private Cloud
Creating a VPC
Querying VPC Details
Querying VPCs
Updating a VPC
Deleting a VPC
Creating a Subnet
Querying Subnet Details
Querying Subnets
Updating Subnet Information
Deleting a Subnet
Querying Quotas
Private IP Address
Assigning a Private IP Address
Querying Private IP Address Details
Querying Private IP Addresses
Deleting a Private IP Address
Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Querying Security Group Details
Querying Security Groups
Deleting a Security Group
Adding a Security Group Rule
Querying Security Group Rule Details
Querying Security Group Rules
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Creating a Port
Querying a Port
Querying Ports
Updating a Port
Deleting a Port
VPC Peering Connection
Querying VPC Peering Connections
Querying a VPC Peering Connection
Creating a VPC Peering Connection
Accepting a VPC Peering Connection
Refusing a VPC Peering Connection
Updating a VPC Peering Connection
Deleting a VPC Peering Connection
VPC Route
Querying VPC Routes
Querying a VPC Route
Creating a VPC Route
Deleting a VPC Route
Route Table
Querying Route Tables
Querying a Route Table
Creating a Route Table
Updating a Route Table
Associating Subnets with a Route Table
Disassociating Subnets from a Route Table
Deleting a Route Table
VPC Tag Management
Adding a Tag to a VPC
Querying VPC Tags
Deleting a Tag from a VPC
Batch Adding or Deleting VPC Tags
Querying VPCs by Tag
Querying VPC Tags in a Specified Project
Subnet Tag Management
Adding a Tag to a Subnet
Querying Subnet Tags
Deleting a Tag from a Subnet
Batch Adding or Deleting Subnet Tags
Querying Subnets by Tag
Querying Subnet Tags in a Specified Project
Security Group Tag Management
Querying Security Groups by Tag
Batch Adding Tags to a Security Group
Batch Deleting Tags from a Security Group
Querying Security Group Tags
Adding a Tag to a Security Group
Deleting a Tag from a Security Group
Querying Security Group Tags in a Specified Project
Querying IP Address Usage
Querying IP Address Usage on a Specified Network
VPC Flow Log
Creating a VPC Flow Log
Querying VPC Flow Logs
Querying a VPC Flow Log
Updating a VPC Flow Log
Deleting a VPC Flow Log
Querying VPCs
Querying the Details of a VPC
Adding a Secondary CIDR Block to a VPC
Removing a Secondary CIDR Block from a VPC
Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Querying Security Groups
Querying the Details of a Security Group
Updating a Security Group
Deleting a Security Group
Security Group Rule
Creating a Security Group Rule
Querying a Security Group Rule
Querying Security Group Rules
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Adding Rules to a Specified Security Group
IP Address Group
Creating an IP Address Group
Querying IP Address Groups
Querying an IP Address Group
Updating an IP Address Group
Deleting an IP Address Group
Forcibly Deleting an IP Address Group
Supplementary Network Interface
Creating a Supplementary Network Interface
Creating Supplementary Network Interfaces in Batches
Querying Supplementary Network Interfaces
Querying the Details of a Supplementary Network Interface
Querying the Number of Supplementary Network Interfaces
Updating a Supplementary Network Interface
Deleting a Supplementary Network Interface
Traffic Mirror Sessions
Querying Traffic Mirror Sessions
Querying Details About a Traffic Mirror Session
Creating a Traffic Mirror Session
Updating a Traffic Mirror Session
Deleting a Traffic Mirror Session
Disassociating a Traffic Mirror Source from a Traffic Mirror Session
Associating a Traffic Mirror Source with a Traffic Mirror Session
Traffic Mirror Filters
Creating a Traffic Mirror Filter
Querying Traffic Mirror Filters
Querying Details About a Traffic Mirror Filter
Updating a Traffic Mirror Filter
Deleting a Traffic Mirror Filter
Traffic Mirror Filter Rules
Querying Traffic Mirror Filter Rules
Querying Details About a Traffic Mirror Filter Rule
Creating a Traffic Mirror Filter Rule
Updating a Traffic Mirror Filter Rule
Deleting a Traffic Mirror Filter Rule
Network ACL
Creating a Network ACL
Querying Network ACLs
Query the Details of a Network ACL
Updating a Network ACL
Deleting a Network ACL
Updating a Network ACL Rule
Inserting a Network ACL Rule
Deleting a Network ACL Rule
Associating a Subnet with a Network ACL
Disassociating a Subnet from a Network ACL
Network ACL Tag Management
Querying the Number of Network ACLs Using Tags
Querying Network ACLs Using Tags
Adding a Tag to a Network ACL
Delete a Tag from a Network ACL
Querying Tags of Network ACLs
Adding Tags to a Network ACL in Batches
Deleting Tags from a Network ACL in Batches
Querying Tags of Network ACLs in a Project
Adding a Security Group to the Security Group List of a Port
Removing a Security Group from the Security Group List of a Port
Native OpenStack Neutron APIs (V2.0)
API Version Information
Querying API Versions
Querying Ports
Querying a Port
Creating a Port
Updating a Port
Deleting a Port
Querying Networks
Querying Network Details
Creating a Network
Updating a Network
Deleting a Network
Querying Subnets
Querying a Subnet
Creating a Subnet
Updating a Subnet
Deleting a Subnet
Querying Routers
Querying a Router
Creating a Router
Updating a Router
Deleting a Router
Adding an Interface to a Router
Removing an Interface from a Router
Network ACL
Querying Network ACL Rules
Querying a Network ACL Rule
Creating a Network ACL Rule
Updating a Network ACL Rule
Deleting a Network ACL Rule
Querying Network ACL Policies
Querying a Network ACL Policy
Creating a Network ACL Policy
Updating a Network ACL Policy
Deleting a Network ACL Policy
Inserting a Network ACL Rule
Removing a Network ACL Rule
Querying Network ACL Groups
Querying a Network ACL Group
Creating a Network ACL Group
Updating a Network ACL Group
Deleting a Network ACL Group
Security Group
Querying Security Groups
Querying a Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Updating a Security Group
Deleting a Security Group
Querying Security Group Rules
Querying a Security Group Rule
Adding a Security Group Rule
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Application Examples
Example 1: Creating a VPC and Subnet for an ECS
Example 2: Configuring a Security Group for an ECS
Example 3: Assigning a Virtual IP Address to an ECS for HA
Example 4: Assigning a Virtual IPv6 Address to ECSs for HA
Permissions and Supported Actions
VPC Peering Connection
VPC Route
Route Table
Private IP Address
Security Group
Security Group Rule
Subnet Tag
VPC Flow Log
Port (OpenStack Neutron API)
Network (OpenStack Neutron API)
Subnet (OpenStack Neutron API)
Router (OpenStack Neutron API)
Network ACL (OpenStack Neutron API)
Security Group (OpenStack Neutron API)
VPC (V3)
Security Group (V3)
Security Group Rule (V3)
IP Address Group (V3)
Supplementary Network Interface (V3)
Mirror Session (V3)
Mirror Filter (V3)
Mirror Filter Rule (V3)
Network ACL (V3)
Network ACL Tag (V3)
Port (V3)
Precautions for API Permissions
What Are the Differences Between the VPC Subnet API and the OpenStack Neutron Subnet API?
What Are the Relationships Among Network ACL Groups, Policies, and Rules?
Out-of-Date APIs
Port (Discarded)
Creating a Port (Discarded)
Querying a Port (Discarded)
Querying Ports (Discarded)
Updating a Port (Discarded)
Deleting a Port (Discarded)
ICMP-Port Range Relationship Table
VPC Monitoring Metrics
Status Codes
Error Codes
Obtaining a Project ID
SDK Reference
SDK Overview
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
Service Overview
What Is Virtual Private Cloud?
Application Scenarios
VPC Connectivity
VPC and Other Services
Basic Concepts
Elastic IP
Route Table
Security Group
VPC Peering Connection
Network ACL
Virtual IP Address
Elastic Network Interface
Supplementary Network Interface
Region and AZ
Getting Started
Quick Start
Typical Application Scenarios
Configuring a VPC for ECSs That Do Not Require Internet Access
Step 1: Create a VPC
Step 2: Create a Subnet for the VPC
Step 3: Create a Security Group
Step 4: Add a Security Group Rule
Configuring a VPC for ECSs That Access the Internet Using EIPs
Step 1: Create a VPC
Step 2: Create a Subnet for the VPC
Step 3: Assign an EIP and Bind It to an ECS
Step 4: Create a Security Group
Step 5: Add a Security Group Rule
Setting up an IPv6 Network
VPC and Subnet
VPC and Subnet Planning Suggestions
Creating a VPC
Adding a Secondary IPv4 CIDR Block to a VPC
Modifying a VPC
Managing VPC Tags
Obtaining a VPC ID
Viewing a VPC Topology
Exporting VPC List
Deleting a Secondary IPv4 CIDR Block from a VPC
Deleting a VPC
Creating a Subnet for the VPC
Modifying a Subnet
Managing Subnet Tags
Viewing and Deleting Resources in a Subnet
Viewing IP Addresses in a Subnet
Exporting Subnet List
Deleting a Subnet
IPv4 and IPv6 Dual-Stack Network
Route Tables
Route Tables and Routes
Managing Route Tables
Creating a Custom Route Table
Associating a Route Table with a Subnet
Changing the Route Table Associated with a Subnet
Viewing the Route Table Associated with a Subnet
Viewing Route Table Information
Exporting Route Table Information
Deleting a Route Table
Managing Routes
Adding a Custom Route
Modifying a Route
Replicating a Route
Deleting a Route
Configuring an SNAT Server
Virtual IP Address
Virtual IP Address Overview
Assigning a Virtual IP Address
Binding a Virtual IP Address to an EIP or ECS
Binding a Virtual IP Address to an EIP
Unbinding a Virtual IP Address from an Instance
Unbinding a Virtual IP Address from an EIP
Releasing a Virtual IP Address
Disabling IP Forwarding on the Standby ECS
Disabling Source/Destination Check for an ECS NIC
Elastic Network Interface and Supplementary Network Interface
Elastic Network Interface
Elastic Network Interface Overview
Creating a Network Interface
Viewing Basic Information About a Network Interface
Attaching a Network Interface to an Instance
Binding a Network Interface to an EIP
Binding a Network Interface to a Virtual IP Address
Detaching a Network Interface from an Instance or Unbinding an EIP from a Network Interface
Changing Security Groups That Are Associated with a Network Interface
Deleting a Network Interface
Supplementary Network Interfaces
Supplementary Network Interface Overview
Creating a Supplementary Network Interface
Viewing Basic Information About a Supplementary Network Interface
Binding or Unbinding a Supplementary Network Interface to or from an EIP
Changing Security Groups That Are Associated with a Supplementary Network Interface
Deleting a Supplementary Network Interface
Access Control
What Is Access Control?
Security Group
Security Groups and Security Group Rules
Default Security Group and Rules
Security Group Configuration Examples
Managing a Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Cloning a Security Group
Modifying a Security Group
Deleting a Security Group
Managing Security Group Rules
Adding a Security Group Rule
Fast-Adding Security Group Rules
Modifying a Security Group Rule
Replicating a Security Group Rule
Importing and Exporting Security Group Rules
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Managing Instances Associated with a Security Group
Adding an Instance to or Removing an Instance from a Security Group
Changing the Security Group of an ECS
Network ACL
Network ACL Overview
Network ACL Configuration Examples
Managing Network ACLs
Creating a Network ACL
Modifying a Network ACL
Enabling or Disabling a Network ACL
Viewing a Network ACL
Deleting a Network ACL
Management Network ACL Rules
Adding a Network ACL Rule
Modifying a Network ACL Rule
Changing the Sequence of a Network ACL Rule
Enabling or Disabling a Network ACL Rule
Exporting and Importing Network ACL Rules
Deleting a Network ACL Rule
Managing Subnets Associated with a Network ACL
Associating Subnets with a Network ACL
Disassociating Subnets from a Network ACL
VPC Peering Connection
VPC Peering Connection Overview
VPC Peering Connection Usage Examples
Creating a VPC Peering Connection with Another VPC in Your Account
Creating a VPC Peering Connection with a VPC in Another Account
Obtaining the Peer Project ID of a VPC Peering Connection
Modifying a VPC Peering Connection
Viewing VPC Peering Connections
Deleting a VPC Peering Connection
Modifying Routes Configured for a VPC Peering Connection
Viewing Routes Configured for a VPC Peering Connection
Deleting Routes Configured for a VPC Peering Connection
VPC Flow Log
VPC Flow Log Overview
Creating a VPC Flow Log
Viewing a VPC Flow Log
Enabling or Disabling VPC Flow Log
Deleting a VPC Flow Log
Elastic IP
Assigning an EIP and Binding It to an ECS
Unbinding an EIP from an ECS and Releasing the EIP
Modifying an EIP Bandwidth
Exporting EIP Information
Managing EIP Tags
Shared Bandwidth
Shared Bandwidth Overview
Assigning a Shared Bandwidth
Adding EIPs to a Shared Bandwidth
Removing EIPs from a Shared Bandwidth
Modifying a Shared Bandwidth
Deleting a Shared Bandwidth
Supported Metrics
Viewing Metrics
Creating an Alarm Rule
General Questions
What Is a Quota?
VPCs and Subnets
What Is Virtual Private Cloud?
Which CIDR Blocks Are Available for the VPC Service?
Can Subnets Communicate with Each Other?
What Subnet CIDR Blocks Are Available?
How Many Subnets Can I Create?
Why Can't I Delete My VPCs and Subnets?
Can I Bind an EIP to Multiple ECSs?
How Do I Access an ECS with an EIP Bound from the Internet?
Can I Bind an EIP of an ECS to Another ECS?
Can I Bind an EIP to a Cloud Resource in Another Region?
Can I Change the Region of My EIP?
VPC Peering Connections
How Many VPC Peering Connections Can I Create in an Account?
Can a VPC Peering Connection Connect VPCs in Different Regions?
Why Did Communication Fail Between VPCs That Were Connected by a VPC Peering Connection?
How Do I Know If My EIP Bandwidth Limit Has Been Exceeded?
What Is the Bandwidth Size Range?
What Bandwidth Types Are Available?
What Is the Relationship Between Bandwidth and Upload/Download Rate?
Does a VPN Allow Communication Between Two VPCs?
Why Are Internet or Internal Domain Names in the Cloud Inaccessible Through Domain Names When My ECS Has Multiple NICs?
What Are the Priorities of the Custom Route and EIP If Both Are Configured for an ECS to Enable the ECS to Access the Internet?
Why Can't My ECS Access the Internet Even After an EIP Is Bound?
Can a Route Table Span Multiple VPCs?
How Many Routes Can a Route Table Contain?
Are There Any Restrictions on Using a Route Table?
Do the Same Routing Priorities Apply to Direct Connect Connections and Custom Routes in the Same VPC?
Are There Different Routing Priorities of the VPN and Custom Routes in the Same VPC?
Does a Modified Security Group Rule or a Network ACL Rule Take Effect Immediately for Existing Connections?
Why Can't I Delete a Security Group?
Can I Change the Security Group of an ECS?
How Do I Configure a Security Group for Multi-Channel Protocols?
Change History
API Reference
Before You Start
API Calling
Notes and Constraints
Selecting an API Type
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Getting Started
Creating a VPC
VPC APIs (V1/V2)
Virtual Private Cloud
Creating a VPC
Querying VPC Details
Querying VPCs
Updating a VPC
Deleting a VPC
Creating a Subnet
Querying Subnet Details
Querying Subnets
Updating Subnet Information
Deleting a Subnet
Querying Quotas
Private IP Address
Assigning a Private IP Address
Querying Private IP Address Details
Querying Private IP Addresses
Deleting a Private IP Address
Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Querying Security Group Details
Querying Security Groups
Deleting a Security Group
Adding a Security Group Rule
Querying Security Group Rule Details
Querying Security Group Rules
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Creating a Port
Querying a Port
Querying Ports
Updating a Port
Deleting a Port
VPC Peering Connection
Querying VPC Peering Connections
Querying a VPC Peering Connection
Creating a VPC Peering Connection
Accepting a VPC Peering Connection
Refusing a VPC Peering Connection
Updating a VPC Peering Connection
Deleting a VPC Peering Connection
VPC Route
Querying VPC Routes
Querying a VPC Route
Creating a VPC Route
Deleting a VPC Route
Route Table
Querying Route Tables
Querying a Route Table
Creating a Route Table
Updating a Route Table
Associating Subnets with a Route Table
Disassociating Subnets from a Route Table
Deleting a Route Table
VPC Tag Management
Adding a Tag to a VPC
Querying VPC Tags
Deleting a Tag from a VPC
Batch Adding or Deleting VPC Tags
Querying VPCs by Tag
Querying VPC Tags in a Specified Project
Subnet Tag Management
Adding a Tag to a Subnet
Querying Subnet Tags
Deleting a Tag from a Subnet
Batch Adding or Deleting Subnet Tags
Querying Subnets by Tag
Querying Subnet Tags in a Specified Project
VPC Flow Log
Creating a VPC Flow Log
Querying VPC Flow Logs
Querying a VPC Flow Log
Updating a VPC Flow Log
Deleting a VPC Flow Log
Querying VPCs
Querying the Details of a VPC
Adding a Secondary CIDR Block to a VPC
Removing a Secondary CIDR Block from a VPC
Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Querying Security Groups
Querying the Details of a Security Group
Updating a Security Group
Deleting a Security Group
Security Group Rule
Creating a Security Group Rule
Querying a Security Group Rule
Querying Security Group Rules
Deleting a Security Group Rule
IP Address Group
Creating an IP Address Group
Querying IP Address Groups
Querying an IP Address Group
Updating an IP Address Group
Deleting an IP Address Group
Forcibly Deleting an IP Address Group
Supplementary Network Interface
Creating a Supplementary Network Interface
Creating Supplementary Network Interfaces in Batches
Querying Supplementary Network Interfaces
Querying the Details of a Supplementary Network Interface
Querying the Number of Supplementary Network Interfaces
Updating a Supplementary Network Interface
Deleting a Supplementary Network Interface
Network ACL
Creating a Network ACL
Querying Network ACLs
Query the Details of a Network ACL
Updating a Network ACL
Deleting a Network ACL
Updating a Network ACL Rule
Inserting a Network ACL Rule
Deleting a Network ACL Rule
Associating a Subnet with a Network ACL
Disassociating a Subnet from a Network ACL
Network ACL Tag Management
Querying the Number of Network ACLs Using Tags
Querying Network ACLs Using Tags
Adding a Tag to a Network ACL
Delete a Tag from a Network ACL
Querying Tags of Network ACLs
Adding Tags to a Network ACL in Batches
Deleting Tags from a Network ACL in Batches
Querying Tags of Network ACLs in a Project
Native OpenStack Neutron APIs (V2.0)
API Version Information
Querying API Versions
Querying Ports
Querying a Port
Creating a Port
Updating a Port
Deleting a Port
Querying Networks
Querying Network Details
Creating a Network
Updating a Network
Deleting a Network
Querying Subnets
Querying a Subnet
Creating a Subnet
Updating a Subnet
Deleting a Subnet
Querying Routers
Querying a Router
Creating a Router
Updating a Router
Deleting a Router
Adding an Interface to a Router
Removing an Interface from a Router
Network ACL
Querying Network ACL Rules
Querying a Network ACL Rule
Creating a Network ACL Rule
Updating a Network ACL Rule
Deleting a Network ACL Rule
Querying Network ACL Policies
Querying a Network ACL Policy
Creating a Network ACL Policy
Updating a Network ACL Policy
Deleting a Network ACL Policy
Inserting a Network ACL Rule
Removing a Network ACL Rule
Querying Network ACL Groups
Querying a Network ACL Group
Creating a Network ACL Group
Updating a Network ACL Group
Deleting a Network ACL Group
Security Group
Querying Security Groups
Querying a Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Updating a Security Group
Deleting a Security Group
Querying Security Group Rules
Querying a Security Group Rule
Adding a Security Group Rule
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Permissions and Supported Actions
VPC Peering Connection
VPC Route
Route Table
Private IP Address
Security Group
Security Group Rule
Subnet Tag
Port (OpenStack Neutron API)
Network (OpenStack Neutron API)
Subnet (OpenStack Neutron API)
Router (OpenStack Neutron API)
Network ACL (OpenStack Neutron API)
Security Group (OpenStack Neutron API)
VPC (V3)
Security Group (V3)
Security Group Rule (V3)
IP Address Group (V3)
Supplementary Network Interface (V3)
Network ACL (V3)
Network ACL Tag (V3)
Precautions for API Permissions
Out-of-Date APIs
Port (Discarded)
Creating a Port (Discarded)
Querying a Port (Discarded)
Querying Ports (Discarded)
Updating a Port (Discarded)
Deleting a Port (Discarded)
ICMP-Port Range Relationship Table
VPC Monitoring Metrics
Status Codes
Error Codes
Obtaining a Project ID
Change History
User Guide (Paris Regions)
Service Overview
What Is Virtual Private Cloud?
Application Scenarios
VPC Connectivity
VPC and Other Services
User Permissions
Basic Concepts
Elastic IP
Route Table
Security Group
VPC Peering Connection
Network ACL
Virtual IP Address
Region and AZ
Getting Started
Quick Start
Typical Application Scenarios
Configuring a VPC for ECSs That Do Not Require Internet Access
Step 1: Create a VPC
Step 2: Create a Subnet for the VPC
Step 3: Create a Security Group
Step 4: Add a Security Group Rule
Configuring a VPC for ECSs That Access the Internet Using EIPs
Step 1: Create a VPC
Step 2: Create a Subnet for the VPC
Step 3: Assign an EIP and Bind It to an ECS
Step 4: Create a Security Group
Step 5: Add a Security Group Rule
Setting up an IPv6 Network
VPC and Subnet
VPC and Subnet Planning Suggestions
Creating a VPC
Modifying a VPC
Adding a Secondary IPv4 CIDR Block to a VPC
Deleting a Secondary IPv4 CIDR Block from a VPC
Deleting a VPC
Exporting VPC List
Obtaining a VPC ID
Viewing a VPC Topology
Creating a Subnet for the VPC
Modifying a Subnet
Managing Subnet Tags
Exporting Subnet List
Viewing and Deleting Resources in a Subnet
Viewing IP Addresses in a Subnet
Deleting a Subnet
IPv4 and IPv6 Dual-Stack Network
Access Control
Differences Between Security Groups and Network ACLs
Security Group
Security Groups and Security Group Rules
Default Security Group
Security Group Configuration Examples
Managing a Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Cloning a Security Group
Modifying a Security Group
Deleting a Security Group
Managing Security Group Rules
Adding a Security Group Rule
Fast-Adding Security Group Rules
Modifying a Security Group Rule
Replicating a Security Group Rule
Importing and Exporting Security Group Rules
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Managing Instances Associated with a Security Group
Adding an Instance to or Removing an Instance from a Security Group
Viewing the Security Group of an ECS
Changing the Security Group of an ECS
Network ACL
Network ACL Overview
Network ACL Configuration Examples
Managing Network ACLs
Creating a Network ACL
Modifying a Network ACL
Enabling or Disabling a Network ACL
Viewing a Network ACL
Deleting a Network ACL
Management Network ACL Rules
Adding a Network ACL Rule
Modifying a Network ACL Rule
Changing the Sequence of a Network ACL Rule
Enabling or Disabling a Network ACL Rule
Exporting and Importing Network ACL Rules
Deleting a Network ACL Rule
Managing Subnets Associated with a Network ACL
Associating Subnets with a Network ACL
Disassociating Subnets from a Network ACL
Elastic IP
EIP Overview
Assigning an EIP and Binding It to an ECS
Unbinding an EIP from an ECS and Releasing the EIP
Modifying an EIP Bandwidth
Exporting EIP Information
Managing EIP Tags
Shared Bandwidth
Shared Bandwidth Overview
Assigning a Shared Bandwidth
Adding EIPs to a Shared Bandwidth
Removing EIPs from a Shared Bandwidth
Modifying a Shared Bandwidth
Deleting a Shared Bandwidth
Route Tables
Route Tables and Routes
Managing Route Tables
Creating a Custom Route Table
Associating a Route Table with a Subnet
Changing the Route Table Associated with a Subnet
Viewing the Route Table Associated with a Subnet
Viewing Route Table Information
Exporting Route Table Information
Deleting a Route Table
Managing Routes
Adding a Custom Route
Modifying a Route
Replicating a Route
Deleting a Route
Configuring an SNAT Server
VPC Peering Connection
VPC Peering Connection Overview
VPC Peering Connection Usage Examples
Creating a VPC Peering Connection with Another VPC in Your Account
Creating a VPC Peering Connection with a VPC in Another Account
Obtaining the Peer Project ID of a VPC Peering Connection
Modifying a VPC Peering Connection
Viewing VPC Peering Connections
Deleting a VPC Peering Connection
Modifying Routes Configured for a VPC Peering Connection
Viewing Routes Configured for a VPC Peering Connection
Deleting Routes Configured for a VPC Peering Connection
VPC Flow Log
VPC Flow Log Overview
Creating a VPC Flow Log
Viewing a VPC Flow Log
Enabling or Disabling VPC Flow Log
Deleting a VPC Flow Log
Virtual IP Address
Virtual IP Address Overview
Assigning a Virtual IP Address
Binding a Virtual IP Address to an EIP or ECS
Binding a Virtual IP Address to an EIP
Unbinding a Virtual IP Address from an Instance
Unbinding a Virtual IP Address from an EIP
Releasing a Virtual IP Address
Disabling IP Forwarding on the Standby ECS
Disabling Source/Destination Check for an ECS NIC
Interconnecting with CTS
Supported VPC Operations
Viewing Traces
Supported Metrics
Viewing Metrics
Creating an Alarm Rule
VPC Custom Policies
General Questions
What Is a Quota?
Billing and Payments
Will I Be Billed for Using the VPC Service?
How Is an EIP Billed?
How Do I Change a Pay-per-Use EIP from Billing By Bandwidth to Traffic or from Billing By Traffic to Bandwidth?
Why Is My VPC Still Being Billed After It Was Deleted?
VPCs and Subnets
What Is Virtual Private Cloud?
Which CIDR Blocks Are Available for the VPC Service?
Can Subnets Communicate with Each Other?
What Subnet CIDR Blocks Are Available?
How Many Subnets Can I Create?
Why Can't I Delete My VPCs and Subnets?
Can I Change the VPC of an ECS?
What Are the Differences Between EIP, Private IP Address, and Virtual IP Address?
How Do I Access the Internet Using an EIP Bound to an Extension NIC?
What Are the Differences Between the Primary and Extension NICs of ECSs?
Can an EIP That Uses Dedicated Bandwidth Be Changed to Use Shared Bandwidth?
Can I Bind an EIP to Multiple ECSs?
How Do I Access an ECS with an EIP Bound from the Internet?
Can I Bind an EIP of an ECS to Another ECS?
How Do I Unbind an EIP from an Instance and Bind a New EIP to the Instance?
Can I Bind an EIP to a Cloud Resource in Another Region?
Can I Change the Region of My EIP?
VPC Peering Connections
How Many VPC Peering Connections Can I Create in an Account?
Can a VPC Peering Connection Connect VPCs in Different Regions?
Why Did Communication Fail Between VPCs That Were Connected by a VPC Peering Connection?
Virtual IP Addresses
Why Can't the Virtual IP Address Be Pinged After It Is Bound to an ECS NIC?
Why Is the Network Disconnected Between Servers Using a Virtual IP Address After an Active/Standby Switchover?
What Are Inbound Bandwidth and Outbound Bandwidth?
How Do I Know If My EIP Bandwidth Limit Has Been Exceeded?
What Are the Differences Between Public Bandwidth and Private Bandwidth?
What Is the Bandwidth Size Range?
What Bandwidth Types Are Available?
What Are the Differences Between a Dedicated Bandwidth and a Shared Bandwidth?
Is There a Limit to the Number of EIPs That Can Be Added to Each Shared Bandwidth?
What Is the Relationship Between Bandwidth and Upload/Download Rate?
Does a VPN Allow Communication Between Two VPCs?
Why Are Internet or Internal Domain Names in the Cloud Inaccessible Through Domain Names When My ECS Has Multiple NICs?
What Are the Priorities of the Custom Route and EIP If Both Are Configured for an ECS to Enable the ECS to Access the Internet?
Why Are There Intermittent Interruptions When a Local Host Accesses a Website Built on an ECS?
Why Do ECSs Using Private IP Addresses in the Same Subnet Only Support One-Way Communication?
Why Does Communication Fail Between Two ECSs in the Same VPC or Packet Loss Occur When They Communicate?
Why Can't My ECS Use Cloud-init?
Why Can't My ECS Access the Internet Even After an EIP Is Bound?
Why Does My ECS Fail to Obtain an IP Address?
How Do I Handle a VPN or Direct Connect Connection Network Failure?
Why Can My Server Be Accessed from the Internet But Cannot Access the Internet?
Why Can't I Access Websites Using IPv6 Addresses After IPv4/IPv6 Dual Stack Is Configured?
Why Does My ECS Fail to Communicate with Other After It Has Firewall Installed?
How Do I Configure Policy-Based Routes for an ECS with Multiple NICs?
Can a Route Table Span Multiple VPCs?
How Many Routes Can a Route Table Contain?
Are There Any Restrictions on Using a Route Table?
Do the Same Routing Priorities Apply to Direct Connect Connections and Custom Routes in the Same VPC?
Are There Different Routing Priorities of the VPN and Custom Routes in the Same VPC?
Are the Security Group Rules Considered the Same If All Parameters Except Their Description Are the Same?
How Do I Know the Instances Associated with a Security Group?
Why Can't I Delete a Security Group?
Can I Change the Security Group of an ECS?
How Do I Configure a Security Group for Multi-Channel Protocols?
Does a Modified Security Group Rule or a Network ACL Rule Take Effect Immediately for Existing Connections?
Which Security Group Rule Has a High Priority When Multiple Security Group Rules Conflict?
Why Is Access from a Specific IP Address Still Allowed After a Network ACL Rule That Denies the Access from the IP Address Has Been Added?
Why Do My Security Group Rules Not Take Effect?
Change History
API Reference (Paris Regions)
Before You Start
API Calling
Notes and Constraints
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Getting Started
Creating a VPC
Virtual Private Cloud
Creating a VPC
Querying VPC Details
Querying VPCs
Updating VPC Information
Deleting a VPC
Creating a Subnet
Querying Subnet Details
Querying Subnets
Updating Subnet Information
Deleting a Subnet
Assigning an EIP
Querying an EIP
Querying EIPs
Updating an EIP
Releasing an EIP
Querying a Bandwidth
Querying Bandwidths
Updating a Bandwidth
Bandwidth (V2.0)
Assigning a Shared Bandwidth
Deleting a Shared Bandwidth
Adding an EIP to a Shared Bandwidth
Removing an EIP from a Shared Bandwidth
Querying Quotas
Private IP Address
Assigning a Private IP Address
Querying Private IP Address Details
Querying Private IP Addresses
Deleting a Private IP Address
Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Querying Security Group Details
Querying Security Groups
Deleting a Security Group
Creating a Security Group Rule
Querying Security Group Rule Details
Querying Security Group Rules
Deleting a Security Group Rule
VPC Peering Connection
Querying VPC Peering Connections
Querying a VPC Peering Connection
Creating a VPC Peering Connection
Accepting a VPC Peering Connection
Refusing a VPC Peering Connection
Updating a VPC Peering Connection
Deleting a VPC Peering Connection
VPC Route
Querying VPC Routes
Querying a VPC Route
Creating a VPC Route
Deleting a VPC Route
Route Table
Querying Route Tables
Querying a Route Table
Creating a Route Table
Updating a Route Table
Associating Subnets with a Route Table
Disassociating Subnets from a Route Table
Deleting a Route Table
VPC Tag Management
Creating a Tag for a VPC
Querying VPC Tags
Deleting a VPC Tag
Batch Creating or Deleting VPC Tags
Querying VPCs by Tag
Querying VPC Tags in a Specified Project
Subnet Tag Management
Creating a Tag for a Subnet
Querying Subnet Tags
Deleting a Subnet Tag
Batch Creating or Deleting Subnet Tags
Querying Subnets by Tag
Querying Subnet Tags in a Specified Project
EIP Tag Management
Creating a Tag for an EIP
Querying EIP Tags
Deleting an EIP Tag
Batch Creating or Deleting EIP Tags
Querying EIPs by Tag
Querying EIP Tags in a Specified Project
VPC Flow Log
Creating a VPC Flow Log
Querying VPC Flow Logs
Querying a VPC Flow Log
Updating a VPC Flow Log
Deleting a VPC Flow Log
Virtual IP Address
Virtual IP Address Overview
Binding an ECS to a Virtual IP Address
Accessing a Virtual IP Address Using an EIP
Using a VPN to Access the Virtual IP Address
Using a Direct Connect Connection to Access the Virtual IP Address
Using a VPC Peering Connection to Access the Virtual IP Address
Disabling Source and Destination Check (HA Load Balancing Cluster Scenario)
Querying VPCs
Querying Details About a VPC
Adding a Secondary CIDR Block to a VPC
Removing a Secondary CIDR Block from a VPC
Native OpenStack Neutron APIs (V2.0)
API Version Information
Querying API Versions
Querying Ports
Querying a Port
Creating a Port
Updating a Port
Deleting a Port
Querying Networks
Querying Network Details
Creating a Network
Updating a Network
Deleting a Network
Querying Subnets
Querying a Subnet
Creating a Subnet
Updating a Subnet
Deleting a Subnet
Querying Routers
Querying a Router
Creating a Router
Updating a Router
Deleting a Router
Adding an Interface to a Router
Removing an Interface from a Router
Floating IP Address
Querying Floating IP Addresses
Querying a Floating IP Address
Assigning a Floating IP Address
Updating a Floating IP Address
Deleting a Floating IP Address
Network ACL
Querying Network ACL Rules
Querying a Network ACL Rule
Creating a Network ACL Rule
Updating a Network ACL Rule
Deleting a Network ACL Rule
Querying Network ACL Policies
Querying a Network ACL Policy
Creating a Network ACL Policy
Updating a Network ACL Policy
Deleting a Network ACL Policy
Inserting a Network ACL Rule
Removing a Network ACL Rule
Querying Network ACL Groups
Querying a Network ACL Group
Creating a Network ACL Group
Updating a Network ACL Group
Deleting a Network ACL Group
Security Group
Querying Security Groups
Querying a Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Updating a Security Group
Deleting a Security Group
Querying Security Group Rules
Querying a Security Group Rule
Creating a Security Group Rule
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Application Examples
Assigning a Virtual IPv6 Address to ECSs for HA
Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
Bandwidth (V2.0)
VPC Peering Connection
VPC Route
Route Table
Private IP Address
Security Group
VPC Flow Log
Port (OpenStack Neutron API)
Network (OpenStack Neutron API)
Subnet (OpenStack Neutron API)
Router (OpenStack Neutron API)
Floating IP Address (OpenStack Neutron API)
Network ACL (OpenStack Neutron API)
Security Group (OpenStack Neutron API)
Precautions for API Permissions
ICMP-Port Range Relationship Table
VPC Monitoring Metrics
Status Codes
Error Codes
Obtaining a Project ID
Change History
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Service Overview
What Is Virtual Private Cloud?
Application Scenarios
VPC Connectivity
VPC and Other Services
Basic Concepts
Elastic IP
Route Table
Security Group
VPC Peering Connection
Network ACL
Virtual IP Address
Region and AZ
Getting Started
Typical Application Scenarios
Configuring a VPC for ECSs That Do Not Require Internet Access
Step 1: Create a VPC
Step 2: Create a Subnet for the VPC
Step 3: Create a Security Group
Step 4: Add a Security Group Rule
Configuring a VPC for ECSs That Access the Internet Using EIPs
Step 1: Create a VPC
Step 2: Create a Subnet for the VPC
Step 3: Assign an EIP and Bind It to an ECS
Step 4: Create a Security Group
Step 5: Add a Security Group Rule
VPC and Subnet
VPC and Subnet Planning Suggestions
Creating a VPC
Modifying a VPC
Managing VPC Tags
Obtaining a VPC ID
Viewing a VPC Topology
Exporting VPC List
Deleting a VPC
Creating a Subnet for the VPC
Modifying a Subnet
Managing Subnet Tags
Viewing and Deleting Resources in a Subnet
Viewing IP Addresses in a Subnet
Exporting Subnet List
Deleting a Subnet
IPv4 and IPv6 Dual-Stack Network
Route Tables
Route Tables and Routes
Managing Route Tables
Creating a Custom Route Table
Associating a Route Table with a Subnet
Changing the Route Table Associated with a Subnet
Viewing the Route Table Associated with a Subnet
Viewing Route Table Information
Exporting Route Table Information
Deleting a Route Table
Managing Routes
Adding a Custom Route
Modifying a Route
Replicating a Route
Deleting a Route
Configuring an SNAT Server
Virtual IP Address
Virtual IP Address Overview
Assigning a Virtual IP Address
Binding a Virtual IP Address to an EIP or ECS
Binding a Virtual IP Address to an EIP
Releasing a Virtual IP Address
Disabling IP Forwarding on the Standby ECS
Disabling Source/Destination Check for an ECS NIC
Access Control
What Is Access Control?
Security Group
Security Groups and Security Group Rules
Default Security Group and Rules
Security Group Configuration Examples
Managing a Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Cloning a Security Group
Modifying a Security Group
Deleting a Security Group
Managing Security Group Rules
Adding a Security Group Rule
Fast-Adding Security Group Rules
Modifying a Security Group Rule
Replicating a Security Group Rule
Importing and Exporting Security Group Rules
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Managing Instances Associated with a Security Group
Adding an Instance to or Removing an Instance from a Security Group
Changing the Security Group of an ECS
Network ACL
Network ACL Overview
Network ACL Configuration Examples
Managing Network ACLs
Creating a Network ACL
Modifying a Network ACL
Enabling or Disabling a Network ACL
Viewing a Network ACL
Deleting a Network ACL
Management Network ACL Rules
Adding a Network ACL Rule
Modifying a Network ACL Rule
Changing the Sequence of a Network ACL Rule
Enabling or Disabling a Network ACL Rule
Exporting and Importing Network ACL Rules
Deleting a Network ACL Rule
Managing Subnets Associated with a Network ACL
Associating Subnets with a Network ACL
Disassociating Subnets from a Network ACL
VPC Peering Connection
VPC Peering Connection Overview
VPC Peering Connection Usage Examples
Creating a VPC Peering Connection with Another VPC in Your Account
Creating a VPC Peering Connection with a VPC in Another Account
Obtaining the Peer Project ID of a VPC Peering Connection
Modifying a VPC Peering Connection
Viewing VPC Peering Connections
Deleting a VPC Peering Connection
Modifying Routes Configured for a VPC Peering Connection
Viewing Routes Configured for a VPC Peering Connection
Deleting Routes Configured for a VPC Peering Connection
VPC Flow Log
VPC Flow Log Overview
Creating a VPC Flow Log
Viewing a VPC Flow Log
Enabling or Disabling VPC Flow Log
Deleting a VPC Flow Log
Elastic IP
Assigning an EIP and Binding It to an ECS
Unbinding an EIP from an ECS and Releasing the EIP
Modifying an EIP Bandwidth
Exporting EIP Information
Managing EIP Tags
Shared Bandwidth
Shared Bandwidth Overview
Assigning a Shared Bandwidth
Adding EIPs to a Shared Bandwidth
Removing EIPs from a Shared Bandwidth
Modifying a Shared Bandwidth
Deleting a Shared Bandwidth
Interconnecting with CTS
Supported VPC Operations
Viewing Traces
Supported Metrics
Viewing Metrics
Creating an Alarm Rule
General Questions
What Is a Quota?
VPCs and Subnets
What Is Virtual Private Cloud?
Which CIDR Blocks Are Available for the VPC Service?
Can Subnets Communicate with Each Other?
What Subnet CIDR Blocks Are Available?
How Many Subnets Can I Create?
Why Can't I Delete My VPCs and Subnets?
Can I Bind an EIP to Multiple ECSs?
How Do I Access an ECS with an EIP Bound from the Internet?
Can I Bind an EIP of an ECS to Another ECS?
Can I Bind an EIP to a Cloud Resource in Another Region?
Can I Change the Region of My EIP?
VPC Peering Connections
How Many VPC Peering Connections Can I Create in an Account?
Can a VPC Peering Connection Connect VPCs in Different Regions?
Why Did Communication Fail Between VPCs That Were Connected by a VPC Peering Connection?
What Is the Bandwidth Size Range?
What Bandwidth Types Are Available?
What Is the Relationship Between Bandwidth and Upload/Download Rate?
Does a VPN Allow Communication Between Two VPCs?
Why Are Internet or Internal Domain Names in the Cloud Inaccessible Through Domain Names When My ECS Has Multiple NICs?
What Are the Priorities of the Custom Route and EIP If Both Are Configured for an ECS to Enable the ECS to Access the Internet?
Can a Route Table Span Multiple VPCs?
How Many Routes Can a Route Table Contain?
Are There Any Restrictions on Using a Route Table?
Do the Same Routing Priorities Apply to Direct Connect Connections and Custom Routes in the Same VPC?
Are There Different Routing Priorities of the VPN and Custom Routes in the Same VPC?
Does a Modified Security Group Rule or a Network ACL Rule Take Effect Immediately for Existing Connections?
Why Can't I Delete a Security Group?
Can I Change the Security Group of an ECS?
How Do I Configure a Security Group for Multi-Channel Protocols?
Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
Notes and Constraints
Selecting an API Type
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Getting Started
Creating a VPC
Virtual Private Cloud
Creating a VPC
Querying VPC Details
Querying VPCs
Updating a VPC
Deleting a VPC
Creating a Subnet
Querying Subnet Details
Querying Subnets
Updating Subnet Information
Deleting a Subnet
Querying Quotas
Private IP Address
Assigning a Private IP Address
Querying Private IP Address Details
Querying Private IP Addresses
Deleting a Private IP Address
Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Querying Security Group Details
Querying Security Groups
Deleting a Security Group
Creating a Security Group Rule
Querying Security Group Rule Details
Querying Security Group Rules
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Creating a Port
Querying a Port
Querying Ports
Updating a Port
Deleting a Port
VPC Peering Connection
Querying VPC Peering Connections
Querying a VPC Peering Connection
Creating a VPC Peering Connection
Accepting a VPC Peering Connection
Refusing a VPC Peering Connection
Updating a VPC Peering Connection
Deleting a VPC Peering Connection
VPC Route
Querying VPC Routes
Querying a VPC Route
Creating a VPC Route
Deleting a VPC Route
VPC Tag Management
Adding a Tag to a VPC
Querying VPC Tags
Deleting a Tag from a VPC
Batch Adding or Deleting VPC Tags
Querying VPCs by Tag
Querying VPC Tags in a Specified Project
Subnet Tag Management
Adding a Tag to a Subnet
Querying Subnet Tags
Deleting a Tag from a Subnet
Batch Adding or Deleting Subnet Tags
Querying Subnets by Tag
Querying Subnet Tags in a Specified Project
Native OpenStack Neutron APIs (V2.0)
API Version Information
Querying API Versions
Querying Ports
Querying a Port
Creating a Port
Updating a Port
Deleting a Port
Querying Networks
Querying Network Details
Creating a Network
Updating a Network
Deleting a Network
Querying Subnets
Querying a Subnet
Creating a Subnet
Updating a Subnet
Deleting a Subnet
Querying Routers
Querying a Router
Creating a Router
Updating a Router
Deleting a Router
Adding an Interface to a Router
Removing an Interface from a Router
Network ACL
Querying Network ACL Rules
Querying a Network ACL Rule
Creating a Network ACL Rule
Updating a Network ACL Rule
Deleting a Network ACL Rule
Querying Network ACL Policies
Querying a Network ACL Policy
Creating a Network ACL Policy
Updating a Network ACL Policy
Deleting a Network ACL Policy
Inserting a Network ACL Rule
Removing a Network ACL Rule
Querying Network ACL Groups
Querying a Network ACL Group
Creating a Network ACL Group
Updating a Network ACL Group
Deleting a Network ACL Group
Security Group
Querying Security Groups
Querying a Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Updating a Security Group
Deleting a Security Group
Querying Security Group Rules
Querying a Security Group Rule
Creating a Security Group Rule
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
VPC Peering Connection
Private IP Address
Security Group
Security Group Rule
VPC Tags
Subnet Tags
Port (OpenStack Neutron API)
Network (OpenStack Neutron API)
Subnet (OpenStack Neutron API)
Router (OpenStack Neutron API)
Network ACL (OpenStack Neutron API)
Security Group (OpenStack Neutron API)
Precautions for API Permissions
Out-of-Date APIs
Port (Discarded)
Creating a Port (Discarded)
Querying a Port (Discarded)
Querying Ports (Discarded)
Updating a Port (Discarded)
Deleting a Port (Discarded)
ICMP-Port Range Relationship Table
VPC Monitoring Metrics
Status Codes
Error Codes
Obtaining a Project ID
Change History
User Guide (Ankara Region)
Service Overview
What Is Virtual Private Cloud?
Product Advantages
Application Scenarios
VPC Connectivity
VPC and Other Services
Basic Concepts
Elastic IP
Route Table
Security Group
VPC Peering Connection
Network ACL
Virtual IP Address
Region and AZ
Getting Started
Typical Application Scenarios
Configuring a VPC for ECSs That Do Not Require Internet Access
Step 1: Create a VPC
Step 2: Create a Subnet for the VPC
Step 3: Create a Security Group
Step 4: Add a Security Group Rule
Configuring a VPC for ECSs That Access the Internet Using EIPs
Step 1: Create a VPC
Step 2: Create a Subnet for the VPC
Step 3: Assign an EIP and Bind It to an ECS
Step 4: Create a Security Group
Step 5: Add a Security Group Rule
VPC and Subnet
Creating a VPC
Adding a Secondary IPv4 CIDR Block to a VPC
Modifying a VPC
Obtaining a VPC ID
Viewing a VPC Topology
Exporting VPC List
Deleting a Secondary IPv4 CIDR Block from a VPC
Deleting a VPC
Creating a Subnet for the VPC
Modifying a Subnet
Viewing and Deleting Resources in a Subnet
Viewing IP Addresses in a Subnet
Exporting Subnet List
Deleting a Subnet
IPv4 and IPv6 Dual-Stack Network
Route Tables
Route Tables and Routes
Managing Route Tables
Creating a Custom Route Table
Associating a Route Table with a Subnet
Changing the Route Table Associated with a Subnet
Viewing the Route Table Associated with a Subnet
Viewing Route Table Information
Exporting Route Table Information
Deleting a Route Table
Managing Routes
Adding a Custom Route
Modifying a Route
Replicating a Route
Deleting a Route
Configuring an SNAT Server
Virtual IP Address
Virtual IP Address Overview
Assigning a Virtual IP Address
Binding a Virtual IP Address to an EIP or ECS
Binding a Virtual IP Address to an EIP
Unbinding a Virtual IP Address from an Instance
Unbinding a Virtual IP Address from an EIP
Releasing a Virtual IP Address
Disabling IP Forwarding on the Standby ECS
Disabling Source/Destination Check for an ECS NIC
Elastic Network Interface and Supplementary Network Interface
Elastic Network Interface
Elastic Network Interface Overview
Creating a Network Interface
Viewing Basic Information About a Network Interface
Attaching a Network Interface to an Instance
Binding a Network Interface to an EIP
Binding a Network Interface to a Virtual IP Address
Detaching a Network Interface from an Instance or Unbinding an EIP from a Network Interface
Changing Security Groups That Are Associated with a Network Interface
Deleting a Network Interface
Supplementary Network Interfaces
Supplementary Network Interface Overview
Creating a Supplementary Network Interface
Viewing Basic Information About a Supplementary Network Interface
Binding or Unbinding a Supplementary Network Interface to or from an EIP
Changing Security Groups That Are Associated with a Supplementary Network Interface
Deleting a Supplementary Network Interface
Access Control
What Is Access Control?
Security Group
Security Groups and Security Group Rules
Default Security Group and Rules
Security Group Configuration Examples
Managing a Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Deleting a Security Group
Managing Security Group Rules
Adding a Security Group Rule
Fast-Adding Security Group Rules
Allowing Common Ports with A Few Clicks
Modifying a Security Group Rule
Replicating a Security Group Rule
Importing and Exporting Security Group Rules
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Managing Instances Associated with a Security Group
Adding an Instance to or Removing an Instance from a Security Group
Changing the Security Group of an ECS
Network ACL
Network ACL Overview
Network ACL Configuration Examples
Managing Network ACLs
Creating a Network ACL
Modifying a Network ACL
Enabling or Disabling a Network ACL
Viewing a Network ACL
Deleting a Network ACL
Management Network ACL Rules
Adding a Network ACL Rule
Modifying a Network ACL Rule
Changing the Sequence of a Network ACL Rule
Enabling or Disabling a Network ACL Rule
Deleting a Network ACL Rule
Managing Subnets Associated with a Network ACL
Associating Subnets with a Network ACL
Disassociating Subnets from a Network ACL
VPC Peering Connection
VPC Peering Connection Overview
VPC Peering Connection Usage Examples
Creating a VPC Peering Connection with Another VPC in Your Account
Creating a VPC Peering Connection with a VPC in Another Account
Obtaining the Peer Project ID of a VPC Peering Connection
Modifying a VPC Peering Connection
Viewing VPC Peering Connections
Deleting a VPC Peering Connection
Modifying Routes Configured for a VPC Peering Connection
Viewing Routes Configured for a VPC Peering Connection
Deleting Routes Configured for a VPC Peering Connection
VPC Flow Log
VPC Flow Log Overview
Creating a VPC Flow Log
Viewing a VPC Flow Log
Enabling or Disabling VPC Flow Log
Deleting a VPC Flow Log
Elastic IP
Assigning an EIP and Binding It to an ECS
Unbinding an EIP from an ECS and Releasing the EIP
Modifying an EIP Bandwidth
Shared Bandwidth
Shared Bandwidth Overview
Assigning a Shared Bandwidth
Adding EIPs to a Shared Bandwidth
Removing EIPs from a Shared Bandwidth
Modifying a Shared Bandwidth
Deleting a Shared Bandwidth
Supported Metrics
Viewing Metrics
Creating an Alarm Rule
Permissions Management
Creating a User and Granting VPC Permissions
VPC Custom Policies
General Questions
What Is a Quota?
VPCs and Subnets
What Is Virtual Private Cloud?
Which CIDR Blocks Are Available for the VPC Service?
Can Subnets Communicate with Each Other?
What Subnet CIDR Blocks Are Available?
How Many Subnets Can I Create?
Why Can't I Delete My VPCs and Subnets?
Can I Bind an EIP to Multiple ECSs?
How Do I Access an ECS with an EIP Bound from the Internet?
Can I Change the Region of My EIP?
VPC Peering Connections
How Many VPC Peering Connections Can I Create in an Account?
Can a VPC Peering Connection Connect VPCs in Different Regions?
Why Did Communication Fail Between VPCs That Were Connected by a VPC Peering Connection?
What Is the Bandwidth Size Range?
Is There a Limit to the Number of EIPs That Can Be Added to Each Shared Bandwidth?
Why Are Internet or Internal Domain Names in the Cloud Inaccessible Through Domain Names When My ECS Has Multiple NICs?
What Are the Priorities of the Custom Route and EIP If Both Are Configured for an ECS to Enable the ECS to Access the Internet?
How Many Routes Can a Route Table Contain?
Are There Any Restrictions on Using a Route Table?
Does a Modified Security Group Rule or a Network ACL Rule Take Effect Immediately for Existing Connections?
Why Can't I Delete a Security Group?
Can I Change the Security Group of an ECS?
How Do I Configure a Security Group for Multi-Channel Protocols?
Which Security Group Rule Has a High Priority When Multiple Security Group Rules Conflict?
Change History
API Reference (Ankara Region)
Before You Start
API Calling
Notes and Constraints
API Overview
Calling APIs
Making an API Request
Getting Started
Creating a VPC
Virtual Private Cloud
Creating a VPC
Querying VPC Details
Querying VPCs
Updating a VPC
Deleting a VPC
Creating a Subnet
Querying Subnet Details
Querying Subnets
Updating Subnet Information
Deleting a Subnet
Assigning an EIP
Querying an EIP
Querying EIPs
Updating an EIP
Releasing an EIP
Querying a Bandwidth
Querying Bandwidths
Updating a Bandwidth
Bandwidth (V2.0)
Assigning a Shared Bandwidth
Assigning Multiple Shared Bandwidths
Deleting a Shared Bandwidth
Adding an EIP to a Shared Bandwidth
Removing an EIP from a Shared Bandwidth
Querying Quotas
Private IP Address
Assigning a Private IP Address
Querying Private IP Address Details
Querying Private IP Addresses
Deleting a Private IP Address
Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Querying Security Group Details
Querying Security Groups
Deleting a Security Group
Creating a Security Group Rule
Querying Security Group Rule Details
Querying Security Group Rules
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Creating a Port
Querying a Port
Querying Ports
Updating a Port
Deleting a Port
VPC Peering Connection
Querying VPC Peering Connections
Querying a VPC Peering Connection
Creating a VPC Peering Connection
Accepting a VPC Peering Connection
Refusing a VPC Peering Connection
Updating a VPC Peering Connection
Deleting a VPC Peering Connection
VPC Route
Querying VPC Routes
Querying a VPC Route
Creating a VPC Route
Deleting a VPC Route
Route Table
Querying Route Tables
Querying a Route Table
Creating a Route Table
Updating a Route Table
Associating Subnets with a Route Table
Disassociating Subnets from a Route Table
Deleting a Route Table
Querying IP Address Usage
Querying IP Address Usage on a Specified Network
Querying VPCs
Querying Details About a VPC
Adding a Secondary CIDR Block to a VPC
Removing a Secondary CIDR Block from a VPC
Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Querying Security Groups
Querying a Security Group
Updating a Security Group
Deleting a Security Group
Security Group Rule
Creating a Security Group Rule
Querying Security Group Rules
Querying a Security Group Rule
Deleting a Security Group Rule
IP Address Group
Creating an IP Address Group
Querying IP Address Groups
Querying Details of an IP Address Group
Updating an IP Address Group
Deleting an IP Address Group
Forcibly Deleting an IP Address Group
Native OpenStack Neutron APIs (V2.0)
API Version Information
Querying API Versions
Querying Ports
Querying a Port
Creating a Port
Updating a Port
Deleting a Port
Querying Networks
Querying Network Details
Creating a Network
Updating a Network
Deleting a Network
Querying Subnets
Querying a Subnet
Creating a Subnet
Updating a Subnet
Deleting a Subnet
Querying Routers
Querying a Router
Creating a Router
Updating a Router
Deleting a Router
Adding an Interface to a Router
Removing an Interface from a Router
Floating IP Address
Querying Floating IP Addresses
Querying a Floating IP Address
Assigning a Floating IP Address
Updating a Floating IP Address
Deleting a Floating IP Address
Network ACL
Querying Network ACL Rules
Querying a Network ACL Rule
Creating a Network ACL Rule
Updating a Rule
Deleting a Network ACL Rule
Querying Network ACL Policies
Querying a Network ACL Policy
Creating a Network ACL Policy
Updating a Network ACL Policy
Deleting a Network ACL Policy
Inserting a Network ACL Rule
Removing a Network ACL Rule
Querying Network ACL Groups
Querying a Network ACL Group
Creating a Network ACL Group
Updating a Network ACL Group
Deleting a Network ACL Group
Security Group
Querying Security Groups
Querying a Security Group
Creating a Security Group
Updating a Security Group
Deleting a Security Group
Querying Security Group Rules
Querying a Security Group Rule
Creating a Security Group Rule
Deleting a Security Group Rule
Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
Bandwidth (V2.0)
VPC Peering Connection
VPC Route
Route Table
Private IP Address
Security Group
Security Group Rule
Port (OpenStack Neutron API)
Network (OpenStack Neutron API)
Subnet (OpenStack Neutron API)
Router (OpenStack Neutron API)
Floating IP Address (OpenStack Neutron API)
Network ACL (OpenStack Neutron API)
Security Group (OpenStack Neutron API)
Precautions for API Permissions
ICMP-Port Range Relationship Table
VPC Monitoring Metrics
Status Codes
Error Codes
Obtaining a Project ID
Change History