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Central de ajuda> Virtual Private Cloud> Guia de usuário> Elastic IP> Modificação de uma largura de banda de EIP
Atualizado em 2023-06-15 GMT+08:00

Modificação de uma largura de banda de EIP


No matter which billing mode is used, if your EIP is not added to a shared bandwidth, it uses a dedicated bandwidth.

This section describes how to increase or decrease a dedicated bandwidth.

When you change the bandwidth size, the bandwidth price and effective time vary by the billing mode, which applies to both dedicated and shared bandwidths. For details, see Tabela 1.
Tabela 1 Impact on billing after bandwidth size change

Billing Mode

Billed By





Increase bandwidth

The change will take effect immediately.

The increased bandwidth will be billed accordingly.


Decrease bandwidth upon renewal

The change will not take effect immediately.

You need to select a new bandwidth size and a renewal duration. The change will take effect in the first billing cycle after a successful renewal.
  • The order can be unsubscribed before the bandwidth takes effect.
  • The bandwidth cannot be modified in the first billing cycle.



Increase or decrease the bandwidth

The change will take effect immediately.


Increase or decrease the bandwidth

The change will take effect immediately.

The bandwidth size you set is only used to limit the maximum rate.


  1. Acesse o console de gerenciamento.
  2. Clique em no canto superior esquerdo e selecione a região e o projeto desejados.
  3. Na página inicial do console, na Networking, clique em Elastic IP.
  4. Localize a linha que contém o EIP de destino na lista de EIP, clique em More na coluna Operation e selecione Modify Bandwidth.
  5. Modifique os parâmetros de largura de banda conforme solicitado.
    Figura 1 Modificar a largura de banda de um EIP de pagamento por uso
    Figura 2 Modificar a largura de banda mensal/anual
  6. Clique em Next.
  7. Clique em Submit.