可信跨链服务 TCS
可信跨链服务 TCS
/* * rollbackSend is the rollback function for client side, it will be executed when error happened during the cross-chain tx process * In this example, this function will recover the balance of client side's local account and unlock it, * so that it can be used by next cross-chain transaction * The example args[] is {"a","b","1","txid123"} * @Param args[0]: The name of the account on blockchain A that will transfer the amount of units to the account on blockchain B * @Param args[1]: The name of the account on blockchain B that will receive the amount of units from the account on blockchainA * @Param args[2]: The amount of unit that will be transferred from args[0](account on blockchain A) to args[1](account on blockchain B) * @Param args[3]: The id of this transaction that transfer units of one account to another account */ func (t *TCSExampleChaincode) rollbackSend(stub shim.ChaincodeStubInterface, args []string) pb.Response { if len(args) != 3 { return shim.Error("Incorrect number of arguments. Expecting 3") } txID := args[3] account := args[0] err := rollback(stub, txID, account) if err != nil { return shim.Error(err.Error()) } return shim.Success(nil) }
父主题: 跨链智能合约方法示例