状态码 |
错误码 |
错误信息 |
描述 |
处理措施 |
400 |
RML.0001 |
The input parameter is null. |
输入的参数不能为空 |
检查输入参数是否为空 |
400 |
RML.0002 |
The input parameter is invalid. |
输入的参数无效 |
检查输入的参数 |
400 |
RML.0003 |
The input parameter is not in JSON format or the format is invalid. |
输入的参数格式不是JSON或者格式不对 |
检查输入的参数格式 |
400 |
RML.0004 |
The project ID is null or invalid. |
ProjectId为空或者无效 |
检查ProductId有效性 |
400 |
RML.0005 |
The request body is null. |
请求参数不能为空 |
检查请求参数内容 |
400 |
RML.0006 |
The request parameter is not in JSON format. |
请求参数不是JSON格式 |
检查请求参数格式 |
400 |
RML.0007 |
The query parameter is invalid. |
查询参数无效 |
检查查询参数有效性 |
400 |
RML.0008 |
No operation permission. |
没有更新该资源的权限 |
更换具有该权限的用户或角色进行操作 |
400 |
RML.0009 |
No CSV found. |
请导入CSV格式文件 |
选择CSV文件进行导入 |
400 |
RML.0010 |
Failed to write data into the CSV file. |
导入数据到CSV文件失败 |
检查CSV文件是否存在 |
400 |
RML.0011 |
Failed to export data. |
导出数据失败 |
检查是否存在数据 |
400 |
RML.0012 |
Failed to download ssl certificate. |
下载SSL证书失败 |
检查网络连接是否正常 |
400 |
RML.0013 |
The input parameter oid is null. |
输入的唯一标识不能为空 |
请输入非空的标识 |
400 |
RML.0014 |
The Topic field in the CSV file is incorrect. Check product serial number and device name in Topic. |
导入的CSV文件中,Topic字段有误 |
修改Topic字段后重试 |
400 |
RML.0015 |
Incorrect file extension. |
文件名格式不对(CSV) |
修改文件名格式后重试 |
400 |
RML.0100 |
Invalid instance ID. |
实例ID不合法 |
修改实例ID |
400 |
RML.0101 |
The instance is not running. |
实例状态异常 |
检查实例状态后重试 |
400 |
RML.0102 |
The instance does not exist. |
实例不存在 |
创建实例后重试 |
400 |
RML.0103 |
The instance ID is null. |
实例ID不能为空 |
添加实例ID |
400 |
RML.0104 |
Invalid instance parameter. |
实例参数不合法 |
检查实例参数合法性 |
400 |
RML.0105 |
Failed to reset the instance password. |
重置实例密码失败 |
检查实例是否存在 |
400 |
RML.0106 |
Invalid instance number. |
instanceNo无效 |
检查instanceNo的正确性 |
400 |
RML.0200 |
The device ID is null or invalid. |
设备ID为空或者无效 |
检查设备ID的有效性 |
400 |
RML.0201 |
The device name is null or invalid. |
设备名称为空或者无效 |
检查设备名称的有效性 |
400 |
RML.0202 |
The device name already exists. |
设备名称已存在 |
修改设备名称后重试 |
400 |
RML.0203 |
The device does not exist. |
设备不存在 |
创建设备后重试 |
400 |
RML.0204 |
The device status is null or invalid. |
设备状态为空或者无效 |
检查设备状态的有效性 |
400 |
RML.0205 |
The device description is longer than 200 characters. |
设备描述长度超出200个字符 |
修改设备描述长度 |
400 |
RML.0206 |
The client ID of the device is null or invalid. |
设备ClientID为空或者无效 |
检查设备ClientID的有效性 |
400 |
RML.0207 |
Duplicated device names exist during device adding in batches. |
批量创建时设备名称重复 |
修改重复的设备名称 |
400 |
RML.0208 |
The device quota is not enough. |
设备配额不足 |
联系管理员申请增加配额 |
400 |
RML.0209 |
The number of devices to be imported to the CSV file is over 1000. |
导入CSV文件中设备数量超出1000条 |
修改导入CSV文件中的设备数量 |
400 |
RML.0210 |
The number of batch added devices exceeds 100. |
批量创建设备时,设备数目不能超出100个 |
修改批量创建的设备数目 |
400 |
RML.0212 |
The topic name is null or invalid. |
设备Topic名称为空或者无效 |
检查设备Topic名称的有效性 |
400 |
RML.0213 |
The topic already exists. |
设备Topic已存在 |
修改设备Topic后重试 |
400 |
RML.0214 |
The topic does not exist. |
Topic不存在 |
创建Topic后重试 |
400 |
RML.0215 |
The permission name of the device topic is incorrect. |
设备Topic的权限命名不对 |
修改设备Topic的权限名称 |
400 |
RML.0216 |
The device topic description cannot exceed 200 characters. |
设备Topic描述长度超出200个字符 |
修改设备Topic描述长度 |
400 |
RML.0217 |
The topic name already exists. |
设备Topic名称重复 |
修改设备Topic名称 |
400 |
RML.0218 |
The topic quota is not enough. |
设备Topic的配额不足 |
联系管理员申请增加配额 |
400 |
RML.0219 |
Incorrect title format for the device CSV file. |
导入的设备CSV文件中,标题行书写格式不对 |
修改标题行书写格式 |
400 |
RML.0220 |
The number of devices to be exported exceeds 1000. |
导出所有设备数量超出1000条 |
修改导出的设备数量 |
400 |
RML.0221 |
Choose at least one device when exporting data. |
导出时至少有一条设备数据 |
选择至少一条设备数据进行导出 |
400 |
RML.0222 |
The device parameter is null. |
设备参数不能为空 |
检查设备参数是否为空 |
400 |
RML.0223 |
Duplicate client IDs exist during device adding in batches. |
批量创建设备时,设备的ClientID重复 |
修改重复的ClientID |
400 |
RML.0224 |
The device client ID already exists in the local database. |
设备ClientID本地已存在 |
修改设备ClientID |
400 |
RML.0225 |
Failed to reset the device password. |
重置设备密码失败 |
检查设备是否存在 |
400 |
RML.0226 |
Invalid user name of the device. |
CSV文件中设备用户名不合法 |
检查设备用户名合法性 |
400 |
RML.0227 |
Invalid password of the device. |
CSV文件中设备密码不合法 |
检查设备密码的合法性 |
400 |
RML.0228 |
The number of devices to be exported exceeds 500. |
选择导出的设备不能超过500条 |
修改选择导出的设备数量 |
400 |
RML.0229 |
The device name is invalid or duplicated. |
导入的CSV文件中设备名称不合法 |
检查导入的CSV文件中设备名称 |
400 |
RML.0230 |
The device status is invalid. |
导入的CSV文件中设备状态不合法 |
检查导入的CSV文件中设备状态 |
400 |
RML.0231 |
All the uploaded devices already exist. |
导入的CSV文件中设备都已存在 |
修改导入的CSV文件中存在的设备 |
400 |
RML.0232 |
The client ID is invalid or duplicated. |
导入的CSV文件中设备ClientID不合法 |
检查导入的CSV文件中设备ClientID |
400 |
RML.0233 |
The topic name does not exist. |
设备Topic不存在 |
检查设备Topic |
400 |
RML.0234 |
Invalid topic ID. |
设备Topic ID无效 |
检查设备Topic |
400 |
RML.0235 |
Deleting online devices is not allowed. |
删除在线设备被禁止 |
下线设备后重试 |
400 |
RML.0236 |
The device is offline. |
设备离线 |
上线设备后重试 |
400 |
RML.0237 |
The device is not a gateway. |
不是网关设备 |
修改为网关设备后重试 |
400 |
RML.0238 |
The mqtt node does not exist. |
找不到MQTT节点 |
创建MQTT节点后重试 |
400 |
RML.0300 |
The product ID is null or invalid. |
产品ID为空或者无效 |
检查产品ID |
400 |
RML.0301 |
The product name is invalid. |
产品名称不合法 |
检查产品名称 |
400 |
RML.0302 |
The product does not exist. |
产品不存在 |
创建产品后重试 |
400 |
RML.0303 |
The product description is longer than 200 characters. |
产品描述的长度超出200个字符 |
修改产品描述长度 |
400 |
RML.0304 |
The product already exists. |
产品已存在 |
修改产品后重试 |
400 |
RML.0305 |
The product quota is not enough. |
产品配额不足 |
联系管理员申请增加配额 |
400 |
RML.0306 |
The product name does not exist. |
产品名称不存在 |
添加产品名称 |
400 |
RML.0308 |
The product attribute does not exist. |
产品属性不存在 |
添加产品属性 |
400 |
RML.0309 |
The product attribute already exists. |
产品属性已存在 |
修改产品属性后重试 |
400 |
RML.0310 |
The product attribute identifier is invalid. |
产品属性标识不合法 |
检查产品属性标识 |
400 |
RML.0311 |
The product attribute identifier already exists. |
产品属性标识已存在 |
修改产品属性标识后重试 |
400 |
RML.0312 |
Import a product before importing a device. |
导入设备前请先导入产品 |
导入产品后重试 |
400 |
RML.0313 |
The product list is null. |
导出时至少有一条产品数据 |
选择至少一条产品数据 |
400 |
RML.0314 |
Invalid product serial number. |
导入产品的时候,产品的序列号有错误 |
检查产品序列号 |
400 |
RML.0315 |
All the uploaded products already exist. |
导入的CSV文件中,产品都已存在 |
修改已存在的产品后重试 |
400 |
RML.0316 |
Incorrect field in the title of the product CVS file. |
导入的产品CSV文件中,标题行有字段不对 |
检查CSV文件中的标题行 |
400 |
RML.0317 |
The product name already exists. |
产品名称已存在 |
修改产品名称后重试 |
400 |
RML.0318 |
The product attribute name already exists. |
产品属性名称已存在 |
修改产品属性名称后重试 |
400 |
RML.0319 |
Invalid product name. |
导入产品的时候,产品的名称不合法 |
检查产品名称 |
400 |
RML.0320 |
Failed to reset the product password. |
重置产品密码失败 |
检查产品是否存在 |
400 |
RML.0321 |
A product with devices attached cannot be deleted. |
不能删除有设备的产品 |
删除该产品下的所有设备后重试 |
400 |
RML.0322 |
The number of products to be exported exceeds 500. |
选择导出的产品不能超过500条 |
修改导出产品的数量 |
400 |
RML.0323 |
The product user name in the CSV file is invalid. |
CSV文件中产品的用户名不合法 |
检查产品用户名 |
400 |
RML.0324 |
The product password in the CSV file is invalid. |
CSV文件中产品的密码不合法 |
检查CSV文件中产品的密码 |
400 |
RML.0400 |
The model name already exists. |
产品模板名称已存在 |
修改产品模板名称后重试 |
400 |
RML.0401 |
Unable to edit the attribute when the model is in disabled state. |
产品模板停用时不能编辑属性 |
启用产品模板后重试 |
400 |
RML.0402 |
The model attribute does not exist. |
产品模板属性不存在 |
添加产品模型属性 |
400 |
RML.0403 |
The model attribute name already exists. |
产品模板属性名称已存在 |
修改产品模板属性名称后重试 |
400 |
RML.0404 |
The model attribute identifier already exists. |
产品模板属性标识已存在 |
修改产品模板属性标识后重试 |
400 |
RML.0405 |
A model with products attached cannot be deleted. |
不能删除有产品的产品模板 |
删除产品后重试 |
400 |
RML.0406 |
Invalid model ID. |
产品模板ID无效 |
检查产品模板ID |
400 |
RML.0407 |
The model ID does not exist. |
产品模板ID不存在 |
创建产品模板ID |
400 |
RML.0408 |
The model does not exist. |
产品模板不存在 |
创建产品模板 |
400 |
RML.0409 |
Invalid model name. |
产品模板名称不合法 |
检查产品模板名称 |
400 |
RML.0410 |
The model description is longer than 200 characters. |
产品模板描述长度超出200个字符 |
修改产品模板描述长度 |
400 |
RML.0411 |
The model already exists. |
产品模板已存在 |
修改产品模板后重试 |
400 |
RML.0412 |
Invalid attribute identifier. |
属性标识不合法 |
检查属性标识 |
400 |
RML.0413 |
Invalid attribute data unit. |
产品模板属性单位不合法 |
检查产品模板属性单位 |
400 |
RML.0414 |
Invalid attribute default data type. |
产品模板属性默认值不合法 |
检查产品模板属性默认值 |
400 |
RML.0415 |
The attribute description is longer than 200 characters. |
产品模板属性描述长度超出200个字符 |
修改产品模板属性描述长度 |
400 |
RML.0416 |
Invalid attribute name. |
属性名称不合法 |
检查属性名称 |
400 |
RML.0417 |
The model status is null or invalid. |
产品模板状态无效 |
检查产品模板状态 |
400 |
RML.0500 |
The data source of the rule engine is invalid. |
规则引擎源端数据不合法 |
检查规则引擎源端数据 |
400 |
RML.0501 |
The rule engine does not exist. |
规则引擎不存在 |
添加规则引擎 |
400 |
RML.0502 |
Invalid rule engine ID. |
规则引擎ID无效 |
检查规则引擎ID |
400 |
RML.0503 |
The level of the rule engine should be 0 or 1. |
规则引擎源端数据只有产品或设备级别 |
修改规则引擎源端数据级别 |
400 |
RML.0504 |
The rule engine source does not exist. |
规则引擎源端不存在 |
添加规则引擎源端 |
400 |
RML.0505 |
Invalid rule name. |
规则名称不合法 |
检查规则名称 |
400 |
RML.0506 |
The topic is already added to the source. |
topic在源端已经添加过 |
修改源端topic |
400 |
RML.0507 |
Only one topic can be added to the source rule. |
源端规则只允许添加一个topic |
修改源端规则Topic数量 |
400 |
RML.0508 |
The source rule is not supported. |
源端规则不支持 |
修改源端规则 |
400 |
RML.0509 |
Only one topic can be added to the destination rule. |
目的端规则只允许添加一个topic |
修改目的端规则Topic数量 |
400 |
RML.0510 |
The topic quota is not enough. |
规则配额达到上限 |
联系管理员申请扩大配额 |
400 |
RML.0511 |
Invalid destination address. |
连接地址不合法 |
检查连接地址是否合法 |
400 |
RML.0512 |
The topic of the MQS destination is invalid. |
MQS Topic不合法 |
修改MQS Topic |
400 |
RML.0513 |
The destination MQS user name or password is null. |
MQS 用户名或密码为空 |
检查MQS用户名或密码是否为空 |
400 |
RML.0514 |
The level of the rule engine should be device or product. |
规则引擎源端数据只有产品或设备级别 |
修改规则引擎源端数据级别 |
400 |
RML.0515 |
The rule engine already exists. |
规则引擎已经存在 |
修改规则引擎后重试 |
400 |
RML.0516 |
The rule engine status is invalid. |
规则引擎状态不合法 |
修改规则引擎状态 |
400 |
RML.0517 |
The rule engine description is too long. |
规则引擎描述太长 |
修改规则引擎描述长度 |
400 |
RML.0518 |
The rule name already exists. |
规则引擎名称已经存在 |
修改规则引擎名称 |
400 |
RML.0519 |
Invalid rule source ID. |
规则引擎源端id不合法 |
修改规则引擎源端id |
400 |
RML.0520 |
Invalid rule destination ID. |
规则引擎目的端id不合法 |
修改规则引擎目的端id |
400 |
RML.0521 |
Invalid rule destination type. |
规则引擎目的端类型不合法 |
修改规则引擎目的端类型 |
400 |
RML.0522 |
Rule destination device topic exists. |
规则引擎目的端设备topic问题 |
修改规则引擎目的端设备topic |
400 |
RML.0523 |
Rule destination connection failed. |
规则引擎目的端连接失败 |
检查规则引擎目的端状态,若不正常请联系技术支持求助 |
400 |
RML.0524 |
Rule already has javascript express. |
规则引擎已存在js规则 |
删除js规则后重试 |
400 |
RML.0525 |
The sql field is invalid. |
SQL字段不合法 |
修改SQL字段 |
400 |
RML.0526 |
Rule already has sql express. |
规则引擎已存在SQL表达式 |
删除SQL后重试 |
400 |
RML.0527 |
Product does not belong to the app. |
产品不属于该app |
选择该app下的产品 |
400 |
RML.0528 |
The rule and product belong to different apps. |
规则引擎和产品属于不同app |
选择相同app下的规则引擎和产品 |
400 |
RML.4038 |
The input parameters of the interface used for query are incorrect. judge the error information according to the prompt. Fill in the correct parameters again. |
查询参数{x}非法。 |
根据页面提示,检查输入参数是否符合规则。 |
400 |
RML.4039 |
The input parameters of the interface used for requesting are incorrect, and the error information is judged according to the prompt. Enter the correct parameters again |
请求参数{x}非法。 |
根据页面提示,检查输入参数是否符合规则。 |
400 |
RML.4040 |
The input parameter format of the interface used for requesting is incorrect. judge the error information according to the prompt and fill in the parameter that complies with the rule again. |
参数{x}格式错误.它必须是{1}。 |
根据页面提示,检查输入参数是否符合规则。 |
400 |
ROMA.00110001 |
The parameter does not meet verification rules: {0} |
参数不符合校验规则: {0} |
根据页面提示,检查输入参数是否符合规则。 |
401 |
RML.4101 |
The token carried in the request interface is invalid. The login page may time out. You need to refresh the page for login. |
Token无效。 |
可能是登录页面超时,需要刷新页面登录。重新登录后再操作。 |
403 |
RML.4303 |
The currently logged in user or role does not have permission to perform the operation. |
角色没有操作权限,无法执行此操作。 |
需要更换登录具有该操作权限的用户或角色进行操作。 |
403 |
ROMA.00110005 |
You do not have the {0} permission on the application to which the resource belongs. |
当前用户没有该资源所属应用的操作权限: {0} |
请在“应用授权管理”下授予相应权限。 |
403 |
ROMA.00110007 |
You do not have the permission to view any application resources. Choose Integration Applications > Authorize User, and check whether you have been granted the corresponding permission. |
当前用户没有任何应用资源的查看权限,请到集成应用-》用户管理下检查是否授予相应权限 |
请在“应用授权管理”下授予相应权限。 |
403 |
ROMA.00110008 |
You do not have the {0} permission on the resource. Check whether you have been granted the corresponding permission in the related service. |
当前用户没有该资源的操作权限: {0}, 请到相关权限服务下检查是否授予了相应权限 |
请在“应用授权管理”下授予相应权限。 |
403 |
ROMA.00110014 |
The current login account has limited rights and no op _ service rights. |
账号不是op_service账号,没有权限执行当前操作 |
更换具有op_service权限的账号进行登录再操作。 |
403 |
ROMA.00110015 |
The current account has limited rights and does not have the right to operate the current instance. |
当前账号没有操作当前实例:{x}的权限 |
更换具有操作该实例权限的账号进行登录再操作。 |
403 |
ROMA.00110016 |
The current login account has been frozen. |
账号已被冻结 |
更换未被冻结的账号进行登录并操作。 |
404 |
RML.4041 |
The interface input parameter for the request is missing a field, and an error message is judged according to the prompt. Fill in the correct parameters again. |
缺少参数{x}。 |
根据页面提示,添加该字段参数。 |
404 |
RML.4402 |
Failed to create the instance. failed to query the instance. Database error. querying database failed. |
LINK实例不存在 |
请联系技术支持工程师协助解决。 |
404 |
ROMA.00110006 |
The resource does not exist. Check whether the resource ID {0} is correct. |
资源不存在,请检查资源ID是否正确:{0} |
检查资源ID是否真实存在。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110000 |
Internal Error. |
内部错误 |
请联系技术支持工程师协助解决。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110002 |
The instance does not exist. project_id: {0}, instance_id: {1} |
实例不存在!project_id: {0}, instance_id: {1} |
新建实例或者更换其他实例。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110003 |
An error occurs when reading data from or writing data to Redis on the data plane. |
向数据面redis读取或写入数据发生错误 |
检查网络、实例状态是否正常,如果仍无法解决,请联系技术支持工程师协助解决。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110004 |
The quota exceeds the upper limit, {0}. Increase the quota. |
超出配额上限: {0},请扩大配额 |
联系管理员申请扩大配额。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110009 |
The request body is empty. |
请求参数体为空 |
传入正确的body体。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110010 |
Failed to call the MQS interface. |
MQS接口调用失败 |
检查MQS服务是否可用,如果仍无法解决,请联系技术支持工程师协助解决。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110011 |
Invalid encoding format. Check whether the encoding format of the file is UTF8. |
编码格式非UTF8,请检查文件编码格式 |
检查文件编码格式,若不是UTF8格式的文件,将文件修改为UTF8格式。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110012 |
The maximum number of products to be deleted at a time cannot exceed {0}. |
单次批量删除产品最大数量不能超过: {0} |
减少单次批量删除产品的数量。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110013 |
The maximum number of devices to be deleted at a time cannot exceed {0}. |
单次批量删除设备最大数量不能超过: {0} |
减少单次批量删除设备的数量。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110201 |
The product template name {0} already exists. Change the name and try again. |
产品模板名称已存在: {0}, 请更换名称后重试 |
更换产品模板名称后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110202 |
The product template corresponding to the ID {0} does not exist. Select an existing product template and try again. |
该 id: {0} 对应的产品模板不存在,请选择存在的产品模板后重试 |
选择存在的产品模板后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110203 |
The product template is being disabled. Enable the template first. |
产品模板停用中,请先启用该模板 |
启用产品模板后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110401 |
The command name {0} already exists. Change the name and try again. |
命令名称已存在: {0}, 请更换名称后重试 |
更换命令名称后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110402 |
The command name {0} does not exist. Select an existing command and try again. |
命令名称不存在: {0},请选择存在的命令后重试 |
选择存在的命令后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110403 |
The command delivery field name {0} already exists. Change the name and try again. |
命令下发字段名已存在: {0}, 请更换名称后重试 |
更换名称后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110404 |
The command delivery field name {0} does not exist. Select an existing command delivery field and try again. |
命令下发字段名不存在: {0},请选择存在的命令下发字段后重试 |
选择存在的命令下发字段后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110405 |
The command response field name {0} already exists. Change the name and try again. |
命令响应字段名已存在: {0}, 请更换名称后重试 |
更换命令响应字段名称后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110406 |
The service name {0} already exists. Change the name and try again. |
服务名已存在: {0}, 请更换名称后重试 |
更换名称后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110407 |
The attribute name {0} already exists. Change the name and try again. |
属性名已存在: {0}, 请更换名称后重试 |
更换属性名称后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110701 |
The product name {0} already exists. |
产品名称已经存在,名称: {0} |
更换产品名称。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110702 |
The product with ID {0} does not exist. |
产品不存在, id: {0} |
检查相应产品是否存在。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110703 |
The product named {0} contains devices. Delete all devices under the product and try again. |
产品: {0} 已经存在设备,请删除该产品下的所有设备再重试 |
删除产品下的所有设备,再执行删除产品操作。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110704 |
The product has been used in a rule. |
产品已经在规则中使用 |
请删除规则引擎中使用的产品。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110705 |
The topic name {0} of the product already exists. |
产品topic名称已经存在,名称: {0} |
修改输入的topic名称后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110706 |
The manufacturer ID and product model already exist. |
厂商id和产品型号已经存在,请检查并重新填写 |
更换厂商id和产品型号重新输入。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110707 |
The product topic has been used in the rule {0} and cannot be modified. Delete the product topic used in the rule and then modify the product topic. |
产品主题已经在规则中使用,无法修改,请先删除规则中的使用的产品topic再做修改,规则名称:{0} |
请删除规则引擎中使用的产品topic。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110708 |
Failed to create an MQS topic for product {0}. Check whether the number of MQS topic partitions exceeds the partition limit or whether the MQS service is normal, and try again. |
产品: {0} 创建MQS Topic失败,请检查MQS的topic分区数量是否超过分区限制或MQS服务是否正常后重试,如仍未解决,请联系技术支持协助解决。 |
检查MQS服务是否可用,若无法解决,请联系技术支持协助解决。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110709 |
Failed to delete the MQS topic when deleting product {0}. Check whether the MQS service is available. |
删除产品过程中,删除mqs topic过程失败,请检查mqs服务是否可用,产品名称: {0} |
检查MQS服务是否可用,若无法解决,请联系技术支持工程师协助解决。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110710 |
The product protocol {0} is not supported. |
不支持该产品协议: {0} |
重新选择正确的产品协议。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110711 |
The topic has been bound to a connection point on the OPC UA device {0} and cannot be modified. Delete the connection point from the OPC UA device first. |
产品主题已经在OPCUA设备中绑定连接,无法修改,请先删除OPCUA设备中连接,设备名称:{0} |
先删除OPCUA设备中连接,再执行修改操作。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110712 |
The app ID does not exist. Enter a correct app ID. |
appId不存在,请填入正确的appId |
更换正确的appId。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110713 |
Gateway products cannot be created on old instances. Create a common product. |
老实例无法创建网关产品,请新建普通产品 |
新建普通产品。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110714 |
All products to be imported already exist. |
所有要导入的产品都已存在 |
重新选择导入的产品。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110715 |
The title row contains incorrect fields. See the title: {0}. |
标题行有错误字段,请参考标题:DeviceName,ProductSerial,ParentDeviceClient,ClientID,DeviceIdentifier,Username,Password,DeviceType,Remark,customTopic,Enable |
请根据提示标题行信息,检查并修改文件中标题行字段。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110716 |
The product does not exist. Select at least one product to export. |
产品不存在,请至少选择一个产品进行导出 |
检查用户下是否有产品,重新导出。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110717 |
The number of products to be exported cannot exceed 500. |
导出的产品数不能超过500 |
选择导出的产品数不超过500。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110718 |
Failed to read the file stream. Check whether the file is normal or whether the network connection is normal. |
读取文件流失败,检查文件是否异常或网络连接是否正常 |
检查网络连接是否正常; 检查文件是否损坏; 检查文件中是否包含大量空行数据。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110719 |
The app name does not exist. Check the app name {0}. |
AppName不存在,请检查AppName: {0} |
根据错误信息,修改文件中的应用名称或新创建相同的应用。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110720 |
The file does not exist or the file format is incorrect. Import a CSV file. |
文件不存在或文件格式不正确,请导入csv格式的文件 |
检查是否导入正确的csv文件。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110721 |
Failed to read the CSV file. Check the file content. |
读取csv文件失败,请检查文件内容 |
检查csv文件内容是否正确。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110722 |
Failed to query the product. Check whether product data in the request exists. |
产品查询失败,请检查请求中产品数据是否都存在 |
检查请求中产品数据是否都存在。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110723 |
Incorrect DeviceType field in the file: {0}. |
文件中DeviceType字段不正确: {0} |
根据提示,检查DeviceType字段是否正确。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110724 |
Incorrect ProductType field in the file: {0}. |
文件中ProductType不正确: {0} |
根据提示,检查ProductType字段是否正确。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110725 |
Incorrect DataFormat field in the file: {0}. |
文件中DataFormat字段不正确: {0} |
根据提示,检查DataFormat字段是否正确。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110726 |
The file is abnormal. Check the file content {0}. |
文件异常,请检查文件内容:{0} |
检查文件内容是否正确。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110727 |
Failed to obtain the service address of ROMA Server. Check whether this service address is configured in the environment. |
roma server 服务地址获取失败,请检查环境是否配置roma server服务地址 |
请联系技术支持工程师协助解决。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110728 |
Incorrect device type: {0}. Enter a correct device type or define a new device type in the data dictionary. |
设备类型输入错误:{0}, 请输入正确的设备类型,或者在数字字典定义新的设备类型 |
调接口创建产品时输入正确的设备类型。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110729 |
Failed to request ROMA Server. Check whether ROMA Server is available. |
请求roma server服务失败,请检查roma server服务是否正常可用 |
请联系技术支持工程师协助解决。 |
500 |
ROMA.00110730 |
Illegal product ID during export: {0}. |
导出时存在非法的产品ID:{0} |
检查输入的产品ID列表是否是数字类型的值,检查无误后重新导入。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111001 |
The product associated with the device does not belong to the specified application {0}. Check whether the app ID is correct. |
设备关联的产品并不属于指定的应用:{0},请检查appId是否正确 |
检查appId是否正确。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111002 |
Invalid tag name: {0}. Enter a maximum of 64 characters, consisting of letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_). |
非法的标签名称:{0},仅支持中文、英文大小写、数字、中划线和下划线,不超过64个字符 |
检查标签名称是否合法。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111003 |
The device ID {0} already exists. Change the device ID. |
设备标识已经存在:{0},请更改设备标识 |
更改设备标识。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111004 |
Failed to forcibly bring device {0} offline. Possible cause: The data plane service is abnormal. |
设备{0}强制下线失败,可能原因:数据面服务异常 |
检查管理面到数据面网络是否正常,检查实例是否正常运行。若无法解决请联系技术支持工程师协助解决。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111005 |
Commands cannot be delivered to a device in disconnected state. Bring the device online first. |
不支持下发命令给未连接状态的设备,请先上线设备 |
上线设备后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111006 |
Commands cannot be delivered to a device in disabled state. Enable the device first. |
不支持下发命令给禁用状态的设备,请先启用设备 |
启用设备。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111007 |
Commands cannot be delivered to an offline device if the device shadow is disabled. Enable the device shadow first. |
未开启设备影子时,不支持下发命令给离线的设备,请先开启设备影子 |
开启设备影子。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111008 |
Failed to deliver the command. Check whether the server status is normal. |
命令下发失败,请检查服务端状态是否正常 |
检查设备是否连接;检查数据面网络连接是否正常;检查实例状态是否正常,若无法自行解决请联系技术支持工程师协助解决 |
500 |
ROMA.00111009 |
An online device cannot be deleted. Bring the device offline first. |
不支持删除在线的设备,请先下线设备 |
检查设备是否处于在线状态,若在线,下线之后再执行删除设备操作。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111010 |
Failed to query the device. Check whether the device data in the request exists. |
设备查询失败,请检查请求中设备数据是否都存在 |
检查请求中设备数据是否都存在。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111011 |
The device contains subdevices and cannot be deleted. Delete the subdevices under the device first. |
该设备包含子设备,不支持删除,请先删除此设备下的子设备 |
先删除此设备下的子设备,再执行删除设备操作。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111012 |
Failed to deliver the command for deleting the subdevice. Check whether the gateway managing the subdevice exists. |
下发子设备删除命令失败,请检查此子设备的网关设备是否存在 |
检查此子设备的网关设备是否存在。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111013 |
Failed to deliver the command for deleting the subdevice. Check whether the product to which the subdevice belongs exists. |
下发子设备删除命令失败,请检查此子设备所属的产品是否存在 |
检查此子设备关联的产品是否存在。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111014 |
Failed to register the subdevice because the specified gateway does not exist. |
子设备注册失败,指定的网关设备不存在 |
检查指定的网关设备id是否正确。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111015 |
Failed to register the subdevice because the specified gateway is invalid. |
子设备注册失败,指定的不是一个合法的网关设备 |
更换正确的网关设备ID。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111016 |
Failed to register the subdevice because the product associated with the subdevice must be of the common type. |
子设备注册失败,子设备关联的产品必须为普通类型 |
检查关联产品是否为普通产品。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111017 |
Failed to obtain the username and password of the device. Check whether the device data is correct. |
读取不到设备的用户名、密码,请检查设备数据是否正常 |
查询设备关联的token_oid是否真实存在。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111018 |
Only a directly connected device can be added as a gateway subdevice. Check whether the type of the added device is correct. |
只有直连设备才可以添加为网关子设备,请检查添加的设备类型是否正确 |
检查设备类型,选择直连设备作为网关子设备。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111019 |
An online device cannot be added as a gateway subdevice. Bring the device offline first. |
在线设备不能添加为网关子设备,请先下线设备 |
检查设备状态,下线设备。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111020 |
The Modbus connection point does not exist. Device ID: {0}; connection point ID: {1}. |
ModBus连接点不存在, 设备ID:{0}, ModBus连接点ID:{1} |
检查是否存在有ModBus连接点,如果不存在则创建连接点;存在则联系技术支持工程师协助解决; |
500 |
ROMA.00111021 |
The Modbus policy does not exist. Device ID: {0}; connection point ID: {1}; policy ID: {2}. |
ModBus策略不存在, 设备ID:{0}, ModBus连接点ID:{1}, ModBus策略ID:{2} |
检查是否对应存在ModBus策略,如果不存在则创建ModBus策略;存在则联系技术支持工程师协助解决; |
500 |
ROMA.00111022 |
The Modbus policy name {2} (device ID: {0}; connection point ID: {1}) already exists. Change the Modbus policy name. |
ModBus策略名称重复, 设备ID:{0}, ModBus连接点ID:{1}, ModBus策略名称:{2},请修改ModBus策略名称 |
更换ModBus策略名称。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111023 |
All node paths in the imported file already exist. |
导入文件中的所有节点路径都已经存在 |
更换导入文件中的节点路径。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111024 |
The OPC UA connection point does not exist. Device ID: {0}; connection point ID: {1}. |
OPCUA连接点不存在, 设备ID:{0}, OPCUA连接点ID:{1} |
检查是否存在对应的Opcua连接点;如果不存在则创建连接点;存在则联系技术支持工程师协助解决; |
500 |
ROMA.00111025 |
The OPC UA connection point name {1} (device ID: {0}) already exists. Change the OPC UA connection point name. |
OPCUA连接点名称重复, 设备ID:{0}, OPCUA连接点名称:{1},请修改OPCUA连接点名称 |
更换连接点名称。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111026 |
The OPC UA node does not exist. Device ID: {0}; connection point ID: {1}; node ID: {2}. |
OPCUA节点不存在,设备ID:{0}, OPCUA连接点ID:{1}, OPCUA节点ID:{2} |
检查是否存在对应的Opcua节点;如果不存在则创建节点;存在则联系技术支持工程师协助解决; |
500 |
ROMA.00111027 |
The OPC UA node does not belong to the current device. Node ID: {0}; device ID: {1}. |
OPCUA节点不属于当前设备,OPCUA节点ID:{0},设备ID:{1} |
检查是否存在对应的Opcua节点;如果不存在则创建节点;存在则联系技术支持工程师协助解决; |
500 |
ROMA.00111028 |
The node_path {2} (device ID: {0}; connection point ID: {1}) already exists. Change the node path of the OPC UA node. |
node_path重复,设备ID:{0}, OPCUA连接点ID:{1},OPCUA node_path:{2},请修改OPCUA节点的节点路径 |
修改设备下的Opcua配置中对应的连接点。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111029 |
The Modbus connection point (device ID: {0}; connection point name: {1}) already exists. Change the Modbus connection point name. |
ModBus连接点已经存在, 设备ID:{0}, ModBus连接点名称:{1},请修改ModBus连接点名称 |
更换ModBus连接点名称。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111030 |
The Modbus connection point name {1} (device ID: {0}) already exists. Change the Modbus connection point name. |
ModBus连接点名称重复,设备ID:{0}, ModBus连接点名称:{1},请修改ModBus连接点名称 |
根据提示信息修改ModBus连接点名称。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111031 |
Failed to deliver the command to Edgeshell. |
Edgeshell命令下发失败 |
检查Link实例是否有异常。若无法自行解决,请联系技术支持工程师协助解决。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111032 |
Failed to deliver commands to the offline Edgeshell. Bring Edgeshell online and try again. |
不能向离线的Edgeshell下发命令,请在设备上线后重试 |
检查设备是否在线,若未在线,请上线设备。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111033 |
The specified service ID or command ID does not exist. Check whether the entered service ID or command ID is correct. |
命令下发指定的服务ID、命令ID无效,请检查是否填写正确 |
检查服务ID、命令ID是否是此设备所属产品下真实存在的服务、命令。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111034 |
{0} OPC UA nodes to be exported, which exceeds the upper limit {1}. |
导出的OPCUA节点数量:{0}超过允许的最大值:{1} |
选择导出的OPCUA节点的数量超过允许导出的最大值,其中最大值会在页面提示中显示。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111035 |
{0} OPC UA nodes to be imported, which exceeds the upper limit {1}. |
导入的OPCUA节点数量:{0}超过允许的最大值:{1} |
选择导入的OPCUA节点的数量超过允许导入的最大值,其中最大值会在页面提示中显示。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111036 |
The imported OPC UA node file is empty. Select a valid file. |
导入的OPCUA节点文件为空,请选择一个合法的文件 |
选择一个合法的文件。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111038 |
The total number of node paths exceeds the quota. Ensure that the total number of imported nodes and existing nodes under the same OPC UA connection point is less than the quota. |
总的节点路径超过节点路径的配额,请确保同一个Opcua连接点下导入的节点数加上已经存在的节点数少于节点的配额 |
减少导入的节点数或联系管理员申请配额。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111039 |
The topic {0} used for command delivery does not meet the "%s/in/%s" rule. |
命令下发使用的topic:{0}不满足"%s/in/%s"规则 |
检查命令下发使用的topic是否满足规则。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111040 |
The attribute value of the device shadow is invalid. Check the parameter and try again. |
设备影子属性值不合法,请检查参数后重试 |
检查输入的设备影子属性值是否合法。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111041 |
The exported device data is empty. Export at least one device data record. |
导出设备为空,请至少导出一条设备数据 |
至少选择一条设备数据导出。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111042 |
The number of exported devices cannot exceed the upper limit {0}. |
导出设备数不能超过最大值:{0} |
减少导出的设备数,重新执行导出操作。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111043 |
The customized topic {0} already exists. Change the topic name and try again. |
设备自定义topic已存在:{0},请更换topic名称后重试 |
更换topic名称后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111044 |
Devices using the Modbus or OPC UA protocol cannot be added as subdevices. |
ModBus和OPCUA协议设备不能添加为子设备 |
选择其它协议的设备。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111045 |
Subdevice registration does not support products using the Modbus or OPC UA protocol. |
子设备注册不支持ModBus和OPCUA协议产品 |
注册子设备时,更换其他协议的产品。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111046 |
Connection point {0} can be created only for common devices. Check the device type. |
只有普通设备才能创建{0}连接,请检查设备类型 |
检查设备类型是否是普通设备,若不是请修改。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111047 |
All the devices to be imported already exist or the devices do not have corresponding products. |
所有要导入的设备都已存在或设备没有对应的产品 |
检查设备是否都已存在;检查设备是否存在对应的产品。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111048 |
The number of imported devices exceeds the upper limit {0}. |
导入的设备数超过最大值:{0} |
根据页面提示的允许导入设备的最大值,减少文件中设备数量。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111049 |
The imported field does not match the title. Import correct data based on the title {0}. |
导入的字段与标题不匹配,请按照标题{0}导入正确的数据 |
请按照标题字段导入正确的数据。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111050 |
The device name {0} already exists in the product {1}. |
设备名称:{0} 已经在产品:{1}中存在 |
更换设备名称。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111051 |
The device {0} does not exist. Check the parameters and try again. |
设备:{0}不存在,请检查参数后重试 |
新注册设备或更换其他设备。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111052 |
Invalid topic permission. Change the permission to pub or sub and try again. |
非法的topic权限,必须是pub或者sub,请更改之后重试 |
更改topic权限后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111053 |
The device topic {0} does not exist. Check the parameters and try again. |
设备Topic:{0}不存在,请检查参数后重试 |
检查Topic是否存在。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111054 |
The device password cannot be empty. Check information of the device ID {0}. |
设备密码不能为空,请检查!设备标识:{0} |
检查文件中的设备密码是否为空。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111055 |
Incorrect Enable field. Enter 0 (indicating that the device is enabled) or 1 (indicating that the device is disabled). |
Enable字段不正确,请填写0或1,其中0表示启动,1表示停止,请检查!您填写的Enable:{0} |
检查文件中的设备Enable字段是否正确。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111056 |
The topic_perm field cannot be empty when devices with customized topics are exported. Log in to the database and check the device whose client ID is {0}. |
导出带有自定义topic的设备时,不允许topic_perm字段为空,请登录数据库检查clientId为{0}的设备 |
根据提示的设备clientId,检查设备对应的自定义topic的topic_perm字段是否为空,并更改为pub或sub,重新执行导出操作。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111301 |
The group name {0} already exists. Change the name and try again. |
分组名称已经存在: {0},请更换名称后重试 |
请更换名称后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111302 |
The current group is associated with devices and cannot be deleted. Delete the devices first. |
当前分组下关联了设备,无法被删除,请删除分组下关联的设备之后重试 |
删除分组下关联的设备之后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111303 |
The parent group {0} does not exist. Change the parent group and try again. |
父分组不存在:{0},请更换父分组后重试 |
更换父分组后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111304 |
The group supports a maximum of five levels. Create subgroups under other groups. |
分组最多只支持5个层级,请在其它分组下创建子分组。 |
更换父分组后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111601 |
The rule name {0} already exists. Change the rule name and try again. |
规则名称已经存在: {0},请更换规则名称后重试 |
更换规则名称后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111602 |
The product at the source does not exist. Select an existing product and try again. |
数据源中的产品不存在,请选择存在的产品后重试 |
选择存在的产品后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111603 |
The device at the source does not exist. Select an existing device and try again. |
数据源中的设备不存在,请选择存在的设备后重试 |
选择存在的设备后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111605 |
Invalid data parsing parameter. If data parsing is enabled, the query field cannot be left blank. If data parsing is disabled, the query field and search criteria must be left blank. |
规则数据解析参数不合法,当启用数据解析时,查询字段不能为空,当关闭数据解析时,查询字段和查询条件必须为空,请修正后重试 |
检查规则数据解析参数是否合法。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111606 |
If the destination type is KAFKA or ROMA_MQS and supports SSL connections, the value of mqs_sasl_ssl must be true and the username and password cannot be left empty. |
当目标端KAFKA或ROMA_MQS支持SSL连接时,mqs_sasl_ssl值为true,且用户名和密码不能为空 |
检查参数是否满足规则,确保mqs_sasl_ssl值为true时,用户名和密码不为空。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111607 |
The topic {0} of the destination KAFKA or ROMA_MQS does not meet the rule. Enter 3 to 200 characters, including only digits, letters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). |
目标端KAFKA或ROMA_MQS的topic:{0}不满足"支持数字、字母、下划线、中划线,长度3-200"的规则,请修正后重试 |
检查topic是否满足规则,并进行修正。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111608 |
The connection address {0} of the destination does not meet the rule. Enter 10 to 200 characters, including digits, colons (:), periods (.), and commas (,). |
目标端的连接地址:{0} 不满足"支持数字、冒号、点号、逗号,长度10-200"的规则,请修正后重试 |
检查连接地址是否满足规则。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111609 |
The application ID of the device is inconsistent with that of the rule. Enter a correct application ID. |
设备的appId与规则appId不一致,请输入正确的appId |
输入正确的设备appId。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111610 |
If the destination type is KAFKA or ROMA_MQS, the destination_type, app_id, server and topic fields must be specified. |
目标端选择KAFKA或ROMA_MQS时,必须填写destination_type、app_id、server、topic,请检查参数后重试 |
检查参数后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111611 |
Failed to connect to the destination {0}. Check whether the connection information is correct or whether the destination address is reachable. |
目标端:{0}连接失败,请确认连接信息是否正确或目标端地址是否可达,其中用户名和密码分别对应topic所属应用的appKey和appSecret,请检查后重试 |
请确认连接信息是否正确或目标端地址是否可达,其中用户名和密码分别对应topic所属应用的appKey和appSecret,请检查后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111612 |
The device-level topic {0} at the source does not meet the "/v1/devices/device ID/datas" or "product serial number/out/device ID" rule. |
数据源中的设备级topic:{0}不满足"/v1/devices/设备标识/datas"或"产品序列号/out/设备标识"规则,请检查topic后重试 |
检查topic是否满足规则后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111613 |
The product-level topic {0} at the source does not meet the "/v1/products/product serial number/datas" or "product serial number/out/+" rule. |
数据源中的产品级topic:{0}不满足"/v1/products/产品序列号/datas"或"产品序列号/out/+"规则,请检查topic后重试 |
检查topic是否满足规则后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111614 |
The topic {0} at the source already exists. Check the topic and try again. |
数据源中的topic:{0}已被添加,请检查topic后重试 |
更换topic后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111615 |
If the destination type is DEVICE, multiple destinations can be added. If not, only one destination can be added. Check the destination type and try again. |
添加目标端报错,当目标端类型为DEVICE时,可以添加多条目标端,当目标端为非DEVICE类型时,仅支持添加一条目标端,请检查目标端类型后重试 |
检查目标端类型,并修改目标端添加条数。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111616 |
Failed to obtain the data source from FDI. Check whether the data source name and application name are correct and whether FDI is normal. |
获取fdi中的数据源出错,请检查数据源名称、应用名称是否正确,fdi的服务是否正常,若仍未解决,请联系技术支持协助解决。 |
检查数据源名称、应用名称是否正确;检查fdi的服务是否正常。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111617 |
Failed to parse the application SQL. Enter the correct SQL field and try again. |
应用SQL解析失败,请输入正确的SQL字段后重试 |
输入正确的SQL字段或SQL条件后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111618 |
If the destination KAFKA or ROMA_MQS does not support SSL connections, the value of mqs_sasl_ssl must be false (default value), and the username and password must be left blank. |
当目标端KAFKA或ROMA_MQS不支持SSL连接时,mqs_sasl_ssl值为false,且user_name和password为空,请检查参数后重试 |
检查目标端为KAFKA或ROMA_MQS时的参数后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111619 |
If the destination type is MQS, the destination_type, app_id, server, token, and topic fields must be specified. |
目标端为MQS时,必须填写destination_type、app_id、server、token、topic,请检查参数后重试 |
根据提示检查参数是否符合要求。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111620 |
If the destination type is DEVICE, the destination_type, server, token, topic, and tag fields must be specified. |
目标端为DEVICE时,必须填写destination_type、server、token、topic、tag,其中server存储productName,tag存储deviceName,token存储clientId,请检查参数后重试 |
根据提示检查参数是否符合要求。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111621 |
If the destination type is DIS, the destination_type, tag, and topic fields must be specified. |
目标端为DIS时,必须填写destination_type、tag、topic,其中tag存委托服务,topic存通道列表,请检查参数后重试 |
根据提示检查参数是否符合要求。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111622 |
The connection address {0} of the destination does not meet the rule. Enter 10 to 200 characters, consisting only digits, colons (:), periods (.), and semicolons (;). |
目标端的连接地址:{0} 不满足"支持数字、冒号、点号、分号,长度10-200"的规则,请修正后重试 |
检查并修正目标端的连接地址。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111623 |
The Topic Level parameter at the source of the rule is invalid. If the device name is specified, Topic Level must be Device-level. If the device name is not specified, Topic Level must be Product-level. |
数据源中规则的级别参数不合法,当设备名称非空,规则级别应为device,当设备名称为空,规则级别应为product,请检查参数后重试 |
检查级别参数后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111624 |
The Topic Name parameter at the source of the rule is invalid. If the device name is specified, Topic Name must be specified. If the device name is left blank, Topic Name can be left blank. |
数据源中规则的topic参数不合法,当设备名称非空,topic必填,当设备名称为空,topic不填,请检查参数后重试 |
检查topic参数合法性后重试。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111625 |
The application ID {0} is inconsistent with the ID of the application to which the rule {1} belongs. Check the rule name and application ID and try again. |
应用ID:{0}和规则:{1}所属的应用ID不一致,请检查规则名称和应用ID后重试 |
检查规则名称所属的应用ID和请求中的应用ID是否一致,若不一致则修改请求中的应用ID或规则名称。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111626 |
The application ID is empty. When the rule does not exist, the application ID must be specified. |
应用ID为空,当系统中规则不存在时,应用ID必填,请检查参数后重试 |
检查系统中规则是否存在,当规则不存在时,请求中填写正确的应用ID。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111627 |
The application ID of the product is inconsistent with that of the rule. Enter a correct application ID. |
产品的appId与规则appId不一致,请输入正确的appId |
输入正确的产品appId。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111637 |
The current data plane instance version: {0} does not support this destination data source type: {1}, if you need to use this function, please upgrade the data plane to version 1.8.0 or higher. |
当前版本的数据面实例不支持配置此数据源类型为数据目的端。 |
当需要使用此功能时请将数据面实例升级到更高版本支持此功能。 |
500 |
ROMA.00111901 |
The destination configuration of the subscription type already exists in the current application. Cancel the enabled destination configuration and try again. |
当前应用下,该订阅类型的目标端配置已存在,请取消已启用的目标端配置后重试 |
取消已启用的目标端配置后重试。 |