Updated on 2024-04-29 GMT+08:00


The first step of using the IoT platform is to create a product on the IoTDA console. A product is a collection of devices with the same capabilities or features.


  1. Access the IoTDA service page and click Access Console.
  2. Choose Products in the navigation pane and click Create Product on the left. Set the parameters as prompted and click OK.

    Set Basic Info

    Resource Space

    Select a resource space from the drop-down list box. If a resource space does not exist, create it first.

    Product Name

    Define a product name. The product name must be unique in the same resource space. The value can contain up to 64 characters. Only letters, digits, and special characters (_?'#().,&%@!-) are allowed.


    • MQTT: MQTT is used by devices to access the platform. The data format can be binary or JSON. If the binary format is used, the codec must be deployed.
    • LwM2M over CoAP: LwM2M/CoAP is used only by NB-IoT devices with limited resources (including storage and power consumption). The data format is binary. The codec must be deployed to interact with the platform.
    • Modbus: Modbus is used by devices to access the platform. Devices that use the Modbus protocol to connect to IoT edge nodes are called indirectly connected devices. For details about the differences between directly connected devices and indirectly connected devices, see Gateways and Child Devices.
    • HTTP/HTTP2 (TLS encryption), OPC UA, OPC DA, and other: IoT Edge is used for connection.

    Data Type

    • JSON: JSON is used for the communication protocol between the platform and devices.
    • Binary: You need to develop a codec on the IoTDA console to convert binary code data reported by devices into JSON data. The devices can communicate with the platform only after the JSON data delivered by the platform is parsed into binary code.


    Set this parameter based on service requirements.

    Device Type

    Set this parameter based on service requirements.

    Advanced Settings

    Product ID

    Set a unique identifier for the product. If this parameter is specified, the platform uses the specified product ID. If this parameter is not specified, the platform allocates a product ID.


    Provide a description for the product. Set this parameter based on service requirements.

    You can click Delete to delete a product that is no longer used. After the product is deleted, its resources such as the product models and codecs will be cleared. Exercise caution when deleting a product.

Follow-Up Procedure

  1. In the product list, click the name of a product to access its details. On the product details page displayed, you can view basic product information, such as the product ID, product name, device type, data format, resource space, and protocol type.

  2. On the product details page, you can develop a product model, develop a codec, perform online debugging, and customize topics.