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Deploying a WordPress StatefulSet in a CCE Cluster
StatefulSets are a specific type of workload in Kubernetes that are designed to manage stateful applications. Unlike Deployments, StatefulSets are ideal for applications that require data consistency and durability. Each application instance has its own unique identifier and must be deployed and scaled in a specific sequence. Examples of stateful applications include databases (like MySQL) and message queues (such as Kafka). This section uses the WordPress blogging platform and a MySQL database as an example to describe how to deploy a StatefulSet in a CCE cluster.
WordPress started as a blogging platform using PHP and MySQL, but it has evolved into a complete content management system. You can use a CCE cluster to quickly set up your own blog. For more information about WordPress, see the WordPress official website.
WordPress and a database (a MySQL database in this example) are often used together, with WordPress managing content and the database storing website data. In a containerized deployment, WordPress and MySQL typically run in separate containers. WordPress accesses MySQL through a Service.
Step |
Description |
Register a Huawei account and top up the account. |
Step 1: Enable CCE for the First Time and Perform Authorization |
Obtain the required permissions for your account when you use the CCE service in the current region for the first time. |
Create a CCE cluster to provide Kubernetes services. |
Create a node in the cluster to run your containerized applications. |
Create a MySQL workload in the cluster and create a ClusterIP Service for WordPress access. |
Create a WordPress workload in the cluster and create a LoadBalancer Service for the workload for Internet access. |
Access the WordPress website from the Internet to start your blog. |
To avoid additional charges, delete the cluster resources promptly if you no longer require them after practice. |
- Before starting, register a Huawei account and complete real-name authentication. For details, see Signing up for a HUAWEI ID and Enabling Huawei Cloud Services and Getting Authenticated.
Step 1: Enable CCE for the First Time and Perform Authorization
CCE works closely with multiple cloud services to support computing, storage, networking, and monitoring functions. When you log in to the CCE console for the first time, CCE automatically requests permissions to access those cloud services in the region where you run your applications. If you have been authorized in the current region, skip this step.
- Log in to the CCE console using your HUAWEI ID.
- Click
in the upper left corner on the displayed page and select a region.
- When you log in to the CCE console in a region for the first time, wait for the Authorization Statement dialog box to appear, carefully read the statement, and click OK.
After you agree to delegate the permissions, CCE creates an agency named cce_admin_trust in IAM to perform operations on other cloud resources and grants it the Tenant Administrator permissions. Tenant Administrator has the permissions on all cloud services except IAM. The permissions are used to call the cloud services on which CCE depends. The delegation takes effect only in the current region. You can go to the IAM console, choose Agencies, and click cce_admin_trust to view the delegation records of each region. For details, see Account Delegation.
CCE may fail to run as expected if the Tenant Administrator permissions are not assigned. Therefore, do not delete or modify the cce_admin_trust agency when using CCE.
Step 2: Create a Cluster
- Log in to the CCE console.
- If you have no clusters, click Buy Cluster on the wizard page.
- If you have CCE clusters, choose Clusters in the navigation pane, click Buy Cluster in the upper right corner.
- Configure basic cluster parameters.
Only mandatory parameters are described in this example. You can keep the default values for most other parameters. For details about the parameter configurations, see Buying a CCE Standard/Turbo Cluster.
CCE Standard Cluster
CCE allows you to create various types of clusters for diverse needs. It provides highly reliable, secure, business-class container services.
You can select CCE Standard Cluster or CCE Turbo Cluster as required.
- CCE standard clusters provide highly reliable, secure, business-class containers.
- CCE Turbo clusters use high-performance cloud native networks and provide cloud native hybrid scheduling. Such clusters have improved resource utilization and can be used in more scenarios.
For details about cluster types, see Comparison Between Cluster Types.
Billing Mode
Select a billing mode for the cluster.
- Yearly/Monthly: a prepaid billing mode. Resources will be billed based on the service duration. This cost-effective mode is ideal when the duration of resource usage is predictable.
If you choose this billing mode, you will need to set the desired duration and decide whether to enable automatic subscription renewal. Monthly subscriptions renew automatically every month, while yearly subscriptions renew automatically every year.
- Pay-per-use: a postpaid billing mode. It is suitable for scenarios where resources will be billed based on usage frequency and duration. You can provision or delete resources at any time.
For details, see Billing Modes.
Cluster Name
Name of the cluster to be created
Enterprise Project
Enterprise projects facilitate project-level management and grouping of cloud resources and users. For more details, see Enterprise Management.
This parameter is displayed only for enterprise users who have enabled Enterprise Project Management.
Cluster Version
The recommended version, for example, v1.29
Select the latest commercial release for improved stability, reliability, new functionalities. CCE offers various versions of Kubernetes software.
Cluster Scale
Nodes: 50
Configure the parameter as required. This parameter controls the maximum number of worker nodes that the cluster can manage. After the cluster is created, it can only be scaled out.
Master Nodes
3 Masters
Select the number of master nodes. The master nodes are automatically hosted by CCE and deployed with Kubernetes cluster management components such as kube-apiserver, kube-controller-manager, and kube-scheduler.
- 3 Masters: Three master nodes will be created for high cluster availability.
- Single: Only one master node will be created in your cluster.
This parameter cannot be changed after the cluster is created.
- Configure network parameters.
Select a VPC for the cluster.
If no VPC is available, click Create VPC to create one. After the VPC is created, click the refresh icon. For details about how to create a VPC, see Creating a VPC and Subnet.
Node Subnet
Select a subnet. Nodes in the cluster are assigned with the IP addresses in the subnet.
Network Model
VPC network
Select VPC network or Tunnel network. By default, the VPC network model is selected.
For details about the differences between different container network models, see Container Network.
Container CIDR Block
Configure the CIDR block used by containers. It controls how many pods can run in the cluster.
Service CIDR Block
Configure the ClusterIP CIDR block for the cluster. It controls how many Services can be created in the cluster and cannot be changed after configuration.
- Click Next: Select Add-on. On the page displayed, select the add-ons to be installed during cluster creation.
This example only includes the mandatory add-ons that are automatically installed.
- Click Next: Add-on Configuration. There is no need to set up the add-ons that are installed by default.
- Click Next: Confirm configuration, confirm the resources on the page displayed, and click Submit.
Wait until the cluster is created. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to create a cluster.
The created cluster will be displayed on the Clusters page, and there are zero nodes in it.
Figure 1 Cluster created
Step 3: Create a Node Pool and Nodes in the Cluster
- Log in to the CCE console and click the cluster name to access the cluster console.
- In the navigation pane, choose Nodes. On the Node Pools tab, click Create Node Pool in the upper right corner.
- Configure the node pool parameters.
Only mandatory parameters are described in this example. You can keep the default values for most other parameters. For details about the configuration parameters, see Creating a Node Pool.
Node Type
Elastic Cloud Server (VM)
Select a node type based on service requirements. Then, the available node flavors will be automatically displayed in the Specifications area for you to select.
4 vCPUs | 8 GiB
Select a node flavor that best fits your service needs.
For optimal performance of the cluster components, you are advised to set up the node with a minimum of 4 vCPUs and 8 GiB of memory.
Container Engine
Select a container engine based on service requirements. For details about the differences between container engines, see Container Engines.
Huawei Cloud EulerOS 2.0
Select an OS for the node.
Login Mode
A custom password
- Password: Enter a password for logging in to the node and confirm the password. The default username is root.
Keep the password secure. If you forget the password, the system is unable to retrieve it.
- Key Pair: Select a key pair for logging to the node and select the check box to acknowledge that you have obtained the key file and without this file you will not be able to log in to the node.
A key pair is used for identity authentication when you remotely log in to a node. If no key pair is available, click Create Key Pair to create one. For details, see Creating a Key Pair on the Management Console.
- Password: Enter a password for logging in to the node and confirm the password. The default username is root.
- Configure parameters in Storage Settings and Network Settings. In this example, you can keep the default values for the parameters. You only need to select I have confirmed that the security group rules have been correctly configured for nodes to communicate with each other. and click Next: Confirm.
- Check the node specifications, read the instructions on the page, and click Submit.
- Locate the row containing the target node pool and click Scaling. There are zero nodes in the created node pool by default.
- Set the number of nodes to be added to 2, which means two more nodes will be created in the node pool.
- Wait until the nodes are created. It takes about 5 to 10 minutes to complete the node creation.
- Log in to the CCE console.
- Click the name of the target cluster to access the cluster console.
- In the navigation pane, choose Workloads. Then, click Create Workload in the upper right corner.
- Configure the basic information about the workload.
In this example, configure the following parameters and keep the default values for other parameters. For details about the configuration parameters, see Creating a StatefulSet.
Workload Type
In Kubernetes clusters, a workload refers to an application that is currently running. There are various built-in workloads available, each designed for different functions and application scenarios. For details about workload types, see Workloads.
Workload Name
Enter a workload name.
In a Kubernetes cluster, a namespace is a conceptual grouping of resources or objects. Each namespace provides isolation for data from other namespaces.
After a cluster is created, a namespace named default is generated by default. You can directly use the namespace.
Enter the number of pods.
- Configure the basic information about the container.
Image Name
A mysql image of version 8.0
In the Container Settings area, click Basic Info and click Select Image. In the dialog box displayed, select Open Source Images, search for mysql, select the mysql image, and select 8.0 from the drop-down list for Image Tag.
CPU Quota
Request: 0.25 cores; Limit: 0.25 cores
- Request: Enter the number of CPUs pre-allocated to the container. The default value is 0.25 cores.
- Limit: Enter the maximum number of CPUs that can be used by the container. The default value is the same as that of the resource request. If the resource limit is greater than the resource request, it indicates that the pre-allocated resource limit can be temporarily exceeded in burst scenarios.
For details, see Configuring Container Specifications.
Memory Quota
Request: 512 MiB; Limit: 512 MiB
- Request: Enter the number of memory resources pre-allocated to the container. The default value is 512 MiB.
- Limit: Enter the maximum number of memory resources that can be used by the container. The default value is the same as that of the resource request. If the resource limit is greater than the resource request, it indicates that the pre-allocated resource limit can be temporarily exceeded in burst scenarios.
For details, see Configuring Container Specifications.
- Click Environment Variables and add four environment variables. For details about the environment variables supported by MySQL, see MySQL.
Environment Variable
A custom password
Password of the root user of the MySQL database, which can be customized
Name of the database to be created when the image is started, which can be customized
Database username, which can be customized
A custom password
Database user password, which can be customized
- Click Data Storage, click Add Volume, select VolumeClaimTemplate (VTC) from the drop-down list, and add an EVS disk for MySQL.
Click Create PVC and configure the following parameters: (Keep the default values for other parameters.)
PVC Type
Select a type for the underlying storage volume used by the PVC.
PVC Name
Enter a custom PVC name, for example, mysql.
Storage Classes
The default value is csi-disk.
Select an AZ. The EVS disk can only be attached to nodes in the same AZ. After an EVS disk is created, the AZ where the disk locates cannot be changed.
Disk Type
General-purpose SSD
Select a proper type as required.
Capacity (GiB)
10 GiB
Enter the capacity as required. The default value is 10 GiB.
Click Create and enter the path for mounting the storage volume to the container. The default path used by MySQL is /var/lib/mysql.
- In the Headless Service Parameters area, configure a headless Service.
The headless Service is used for networking between StatefulSet pods. It generates a domain name for each pod for accessing a specific StatefulSet pod. For a MySQL database that has master/slave relationship and multiple replicas, a headless Service is needed to read and write data from and into the MySQL database server (known as a source) and copy the data to other replicas. In this example, MySQL is deployed in one pod. For details about how to deploy MySQL in multiple pods, see Run a Replicated Stateful Application.
Service Name
Enter a custom headless Service name.
Port Name
Enter a custom port name, which is used to distinguish different ports in the same Service. In this example, only one port is used.
Service Port
Enter a custom port number. This port is used by the Service for external access. In this example, the port is the same as the container port.
Container Port
The actual listening port of the application in the container. It is determined by the port opened by the application image. For example, the MySQL database open port is 3306.
- Click Create Workload.
Wait until the workload is created. After it is created, it will be displayed on the StatefulSets tab.
You need to create an ECS bound with an EIP in the same VPC as the cluster first.
- Install kubectl on the ECS.
You can check whether kubectl has been installed by running kubectl version. If kubectl has been installed, you can skip this step.
The Linux environment is used as an example to describe how to install and configure kubectl. For more installation methods, see kubectl.
- Download kubectl.
cd /home curl -LO https://dl.k8s.io/release/{v1.29.0}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
{v1.29.0} specifies the version. You can replace it as required.
- Install kubectl.
chmod +x kubectl mv -f kubectl /usr/local/bin
- Download kubectl.
- Configure a credential for kubectl to access the Kubernetes cluster.
- Log in to the CCE console and click the cluster name to access the cluster console. Choose Overview in the navigation pane.
- On the cluster overview page, locate the Connection Info area. Click Configure next to kubectl and view the kubectl connection information.
- In the window that slides out from the right, locate the Download the kubeconfig file. area, select Intranet access for Current data, and download the corresponding configuration file.
- Log in to the VM where the kubectl client has been installed and copy and paste the configuration file (for example, kubeconfig.yaml) downloaded in the previous step to the /home directory.
- Save the kubectl authentication file to the configuration file in the $HOME/.kube directory.
cd /home mkdir -p $HOME/.kube mv -f kubeconfig.yaml $HOME/.kube/config
- Run the kubectl command to see whether the cluster can be accessed.
For example, to view the cluster information, run the following command:
kubectl cluster-info
Information similar to the following is displayed:
Kubernetes master is running at https://*.*.*.*:5443 CoreDNS is running at https://*.*.*.*:5443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/coredns:dns/proxy To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
- Create a description file named mysql.yaml. mysql.yaml is an example file name. You can rename it as required.
vi mysql.yaml
The file content is as follows:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: name: mysql namespace: default spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: mysql version: v1 template: metadata: labels: app: mysql version: v1 spec: containers: - name: container-1 image: mysql:8.0 env: - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD # Password of the root user of MySQL, which can be customized value: ***** - name: MYSQL_DATABASE # Name of the database to be created when the image is started, which can be customized value: database - name: MYSQL_USER # Database username, which can be customized value: db_user - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD # Database user password, which can be customized value: ***** resources: requests: cpu: 250m memory: 512Mi limits: cpu: 250m memory: 512Mi volumeMounts: - name: mysql mountPath: /var/lib/mysql imagePullSecrets: - name: default-secret serviceName: mysql volumeClaimTemplates: # Dynamically attach the EVS disk to the workload. - apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: mysql namespace: default annotations: everest.io/disk-volume-type: SSD # EVS disk type labels: failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/region: ap-southeast-1 #Region where the EVS disk is in failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone: #AZ where the EVS disk is in. It must be the same as the AZ of the node that runs the workload. spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce # ReadWriteOnce for an EVS disk resources: requests: storage: 10Gi storageClassName: csi-disk # Storage class name. The value is csi-disk for an EVS disk. --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: mysql namespace: default labels: app: mysql version: v1 spec: selector: app: mysql version: v1 clusterIP: None ports: - name: mysql protocol: TCP port: 3306 targetPort: 3306 type: ClusterIP
- Create a MySQL workload.
kubectl apply -f mysql.yaml
If information similar to the following is displayed, the workload is being created:
statefulset "mysql" created
- Check the workload status.
kubectl get statefulset
If information similar to the following is displayed, the workload has been created:
NAME READY AGE mysql 1/1 4m5s
- Check the Service.
kubectl get svc
If information similar to the following is displayed, the workload's access mode has been configured:
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 3d mysql ClusterIP None <none> 3306/TCP 51s
- Log in to the CCE console.
- Click the name of the target cluster to access the cluster console.
- In the navigation pane, choose Workloads. Then, click Create Workload in the upper right corner.
- Configure the basic information about the workload.
In this example, configure the following parameters and keep the default values for other parameters. For details about the configuration parameters, see Creating a StatefulSet.
Workload Type
In Kubernetes clusters, a workload refers to an application that is currently running. There are various built-in workloads available, each designed for different functions and application scenarios. For details about workload types, see Workloads.
Workload Name
Enter a workload name.
In a Kubernetes cluster, a namespace is a conceptual grouping of resources or objects. Each namespace provides isolation for data from other namespaces.
After a cluster is created, a namespace named default is generated by default. You can directly use the namespace.
Enter the number of pods.
- Configure the basic information about the container.
Image Name
A mysql image of version 8.0
In the Container Settings area, click Basic Info and click Select Image. In the dialog box displayed, select Open Source Images, search for mysql, select the mysql image, and select 8.0 from the drop-down list for Image Tag.
CPU Quota
Request: 0.25 cores; Limit: 0.25 cores
- Request: Enter the number of CPUs pre-allocated to the container. The default value is 0.25 cores.
- Limit: Enter the maximum number of CPUs that can be used by the container. The default value is the same as that of the resource request. If the resource limit is greater than the resource request, it indicates that the pre-allocated resource limit can be temporarily exceeded in burst scenarios.
For details, see Configuring Container Specifications.
Memory Quota
Request: 512 MiB; Limit: 512 MiB
- Request: Enter the number of memory resources pre-allocated to the container. The default value is 512 MiB.
- Limit: Enter the maximum number of memory resources that can be used by the container. The default value is the same as that of the resource request. If the resource limit is greater than the resource request, it indicates that the pre-allocated resource limit can be temporarily exceeded in burst scenarios.
For details, see Configuring Container Specifications.
- Click Environment Variables and add four environment variables. For details about the environment variables supported by MySQL, see MySQL.
Environment Variable
A custom password
Password of the root user of the MySQL database, which can be customized
Name of the database to be created when the image is started, which can be customized
Database username, which can be customized
A custom password
Database user password, which can be customized
- Click Data Storage, click Add Volume, select VolumeClaimTemplate (VTC) from the drop-down list, and add an EVS disk for MySQL.
Click Create PVC and configure the following parameters: (Keep the default values for other parameters.)
PVC Type
Select a type for the underlying storage volume used by the PVC.
PVC Name
Enter a custom PVC name, for example, mysql.
Storage Classes
The default value is csi-disk.
Select an AZ. The EVS disk can only be attached to nodes in the same AZ. After an EVS disk is created, the AZ where the disk locates cannot be changed.
Disk Type
General-purpose SSD
Select a proper type as required.
Capacity (GiB)
10 GiB
Enter the capacity as required. The default value is 10 GiB.
Click Create and enter the path for mounting the storage volume to the container. The default path used by MySQL is /var/lib/mysql.
- In the Headless Service Parameters area, configure a headless Service.
The headless Service is used for networking between StatefulSet pods. It generates a domain name for each pod for accessing a specific StatefulSet pod. For a MySQL database that has master/slave relationship and multiple replicas, a headless Service is needed to read and write data from and into the MySQL database server (known as a source) and copy the data to other replicas. In this example, MySQL is deployed in one pod. For details about how to deploy MySQL in multiple pods, see Run a Replicated Stateful Application.
Service Name
Enter a custom headless Service name.
Port Name
Enter a custom port name, which is used to distinguish different ports in the same Service. In this example, only one port is used.
Service Port
Enter a custom port number. This port is used by the Service for external access. In this example, the port is the same as the container port.
Container Port
The actual listening port of the application in the container. It is determined by the port opened by the application image. For example, the MySQL database open port is 3306.
- Click Create Workload.
Wait until the workload is created. After it is created, it will be displayed on the StatefulSets tab.
You need to create an ECS bound with an EIP in the same VPC as the cluster first.
- Install kubectl on the ECS.
You can check whether kubectl has been installed by running kubectl version. If kubectl has been installed, you can skip this step.
The Linux environment is used as an example to describe how to install and configure kubectl. For more installation methods, see kubectl.
- Download kubectl.
cd /home curl -LO https://dl.k8s.io/release/{v1.29.0}/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl
{v1.29.0} specifies the version. You can replace it as required.
- Install kubectl.
chmod +x kubectl mv -f kubectl /usr/local/bin
- Download kubectl.
- Configure a credential for kubectl to access the Kubernetes cluster.
- Log in to the CCE console and click the cluster name to access the cluster console. Choose Overview in the navigation pane.
- On the cluster overview page, locate the Connection Info area. Click Configure next to kubectl and view the kubectl connection information.
- In the window that slides out from the right, locate the Download the kubeconfig file. area, select Intranet access for Current data, and download the corresponding configuration file.
- Log in to the VM where the kubectl client has been installed and copy and paste the configuration file (for example, kubeconfig.yaml) downloaded in the previous step to the /home directory.
- Save the kubectl authentication file to the configuration file in the $HOME/.kube directory.
cd /home mkdir -p $HOME/.kube mv -f kubeconfig.yaml $HOME/.kube/config
- Run the kubectl command to see whether the cluster can be accessed.
For example, to view the cluster information, run the following command:
kubectl cluster-info
Information similar to the following is displayed:
Kubernetes master is running at https://*.*.*.*:5443 CoreDNS is running at https://*.*.*.*:5443/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/coredns:dns/proxy To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use 'kubectl cluster-info dump'.
- Create a description file named mysql.yaml. mysql.yaml is an example file name. You can rename it as required.
vi mysql.yaml
The file content is as follows:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: name: mysql namespace: default spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: mysql version: v1 template: metadata: labels: app: mysql version: v1 spec: containers: - name: container-1 image: mysql:8.0 env: - name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD # Password of the root user of MySQL, which can be customized value: ***** - name: MYSQL_DATABASE # Name of the database to be created when the image is started, which can be customized value: database - name: MYSQL_USER # Database username, which can be customized value: db_user - name: MYSQL_PASSWORD # Database user password, which can be customized value: ***** resources: requests: cpu: 250m memory: 512Mi limits: cpu: 250m memory: 512Mi volumeMounts: - name: mysql mountPath: /var/lib/mysql imagePullSecrets: - name: default-secret serviceName: mysql volumeClaimTemplates: # Dynamically attach the EVS disk to the workload. - apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: mysql namespace: default annotations: everest.io/disk-volume-type: SSD # EVS disk type labels: failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/region: ap-southeast-1 #Region where the EVS disk is in failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone: #AZ where the EVS disk is in. It must be the same as the AZ of the node that runs the workload. spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce # ReadWriteOnce for an EVS disk resources: requests: storage: 10Gi storageClassName: csi-disk # Storage class name. The value is csi-disk for an EVS disk. --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: mysql namespace: default labels: app: mysql version: v1 spec: selector: app: mysql version: v1 clusterIP: None ports: - name: mysql protocol: TCP port: 3306 targetPort: 3306 type: ClusterIP
- Create a MySQL workload.
kubectl apply -f mysql.yaml
If information similar to the following is displayed, the workload is being created:
statefulset "mysql" created
- Check the workload status.
kubectl get statefulset
If information similar to the following is displayed, the workload has been created:
NAME READY AGE mysql 1/1 4m5s
- Check the Service.
kubectl get svc
If information similar to the following is displayed, the workload's access mode has been configured:
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 3d mysql ClusterIP None <none> 3306/TCP 51s
- Log in to the CCE console.
- Click the name of the target cluster to access the cluster console.
- In the navigation pane, choose Workloads. Then, click Create Workload in the upper right corner.
- Configure the basic information about the workload.
In this example, configure the following parameters and keep the default values for other parameters. For details about the configuration parameters, see Creating a StatefulSet.
Workload Type
In Kubernetes clusters, a workload refers to an application that is currently running. There are various built-in workloads available, each designed for different functions and application scenarios. For details about workload types, see Workloads.
Workload Name
Enter a workload name.
In a Kubernetes cluster, a namespace is a conceptual grouping of resources or objects. Each namespace provides isolation for data from other namespaces.
After a cluster is created, a namespace named default is generated by default. You can directly use the namespace.
Enter the number of pods.
- Configure the basic information about the container.
Image Name
The wordpress image of the latest version
In the Container Information area, click Basic Info and click Select Image. In the dialog box displayed, select Open Source Images, search for wordpress, select the wordpress image, and select latest from the drop-down list for Image Tag.
CPU Quota
Request: 0.25 cores; Limit: 0.25 cores
- Request: Enter the number of CPUs pre-allocated to the container. The default value is 0.25 cores.
- Limit: Enter the maximum number of CPUs that can be used by the container. The default value is the same as that of the resource request. If the resource limit is greater than the resource request, it indicates that the pre-allocated resource limit can be temporarily exceeded in burst scenarios.
For details, see Configuring Container Specifications.
Memory Quota
Request: 512 MiB; Limit: 512 MiB
- Request: Enter the number of memory resources pre-allocated to the container. The default value is 512 MiB.
- Limit: Enter the maximum number of memory resources that can be used by the container. The default value is the same as that of the resource request. If the resource limit is greater than the resource request, it indicates that the pre-allocated resource limit can be temporarily exceeded in burst scenarios.
For details, see Configuring Container Specifications.
- Click Environment Variables and add environment variables listed in the table to add the MySQL database information to WordPress.
Environment Variable
IP address for accessing the database. In this example, you need to enter the access mode of the MySQL workload, that is, the headless Service in Step 4: Deploy MySQL. You can use the internal domain name mysql.default.svc.cluster.local:3306 of the cluster to access the workload. You can omit .default.svc.cluster.local and simply use mysql:3306.
Username for accessing data. The value must be the same as that of MYSQL_USER in Step 4: Deploy MySQL. This username is used to establish a connection with the MySQL database.
A custom database password
Password for accessing the database. The value must be the same as that of MYSQL_PASSWORD in Step 4: Deploy MySQL.
Name of the database to be accessed. The value must be the same as that of MYSQL_DATABASE in Step 4: Deploy MySQL.
- Click Data Storage, click Add Volume, select PVC, and add an EVS disk as the MySQL storage.
Click Create PVC and configure the following parameters: (Keep the default values for other parameters.)
PVC Type
Select a type for the underlying storage volume used by the PVC.
PVC Name
Enter a custom PVC name.
Creation Method
Dynamically provision
In this example, select Dynamically provision. The PVC, PV, and underlying storage volume will be automatically created. This method is ideal when no underlying storage volume is available.
Storage Classes
The default value is csi-disk.
Select an AZ. The EVS disk can only be attached to nodes in the same AZ. After an EVS disk is created, the AZ where the disk locates cannot be changed.
Disk Type
General-purpose SSD
Select a proper type as required.
Capacity (GiB)
10 GiB
Enter the capacity as required. The default value is 10 GiB.
Click Create and enter the path for mounting the storage volume to the container. The default path used by WordPress is /var/www/html.
- Configure access settings.
In the Service Settings area, click the plus sign (+) and create a Service for accessing the workload from external networks. This example shows how to create a LoadBalancer Service. You can configure the following parameters in the window that slides out from the right.
Service Name
Enter a Service name.
Service Type
Select a Service type, which refers to the Service access mode. For details about the differences between Service types, see Service.
Load Balancer
- Dedicated
- AZ: at least one AZ, for example, AZ1
- EIP: Auto create
Keep the default values for other parameters.
Select Use existing if there is one.
If no load balancer is available, select Auto create to create one and bind an EIP to it. For details about the parameters, see Creating a LoadBalancer Service.
- Protocol: TCP
- Container Port: 80
- Service Port: 8080
- Protocol: Select a protocol for the load balancer listener.
- Container Port: Enter the listening port of the containerized application. The value must be the same as the listening port provided by the application for external systems. If the wordpress image is used, set this parameter to 80.
- Service Port: Enter a custom port. Load balancer will use this port to create a listener and provide an entry for external traffic. You can customize the port for external access.
- Click Create Workload.
Wait until the workload is created. After it is created, it will be displayed on the Deployments tab.
- Log in to the ECS where kubectl has been installed.
- Create a description file named wordpress-deployment.yaml. wordpress-deployment.yaml is an example file name. You can rename it as required.
vi wordpress-deployment.yaml
The file content is as follows:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: wordpress namespace: default spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: wordpress version: v1 template: metadata: labels: app: wordpress version: v1 spec: containers: - name: container-1 image: wordpress:latest env: - name: WORDPRESS_DB_HOST value: mysql:3306 - name: WORDPRESS_DB_USER value: db_user - name: WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD value: ***** - name: WORDPRESS_DB_NAME value: database resources: requests: cpu: 250m memory: 512Mi limits: cpu: 250m memory: 512Mi volumeMounts: - name: wordpress readOnly: false mountPath: /var/www/html imagePullSecrets: - name: default-secret volumes: - name: wordpress persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: wordpress --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: wordpress namespace: default annotations: everest.io/disk-volume-type: SSD everest.io/enterprise-project-id: '0' labels: failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/region: ap-southeast-1 # Region where the EVS disk is in failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone: # AZ where the EVS disk is in. It must be the same as the AZ of the node that runs the workload. spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi storageClassName: csi-disk
- Create the WordPress workload.
kubectl apply -f wordpress-deployment.yaml
Check the workload status.
kubectl get deployment
If information similar to the following is displayed, the workload has been created:
NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE wordpress 1/1 1 1 4m5s
- Create a description file named wordpress-service.yaml. wordpress-service.yaml is an example file name. You can rename it as required.
vi wordpress-service.yaml
The file content is as follows:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: wordpress namespace: default annotations: kubernetes.io/elb.class: union kubernetes.io/elb.autocreate: '{ "type": "public", "bandwidth_name": "cce-wordpress", "bandwidth_chargemode": "bandwidth", "bandwidth_size": 5, "bandwidth_sharetype": "PER", "eip_type": "5_bgp" }' spec: selector: app: wordpress externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster ports: - name: cce-service-0 targetPort: 80 nodePort: 0 port: 8080 protocol: TCP type: LoadBalancer
- Create a Service.
kubectl create -f wordpress-service.yaml
If information similar to the following is displayed, the Service has been created:
service/wordpress created
- Check the Service.
kubectl get svc
If information similar to the following is displayed, the workload's access mode has been configured. You can use the LoadBalancer Service to access the WordPress workload from the Internet. **.**.**.** specifies the EIP of the load balancer, and 8080 indicates the access port.
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 3d mysql ClusterIP <none> 3306/TCP 8m wordpress LoadBalancer **.**.**.** 8080:31540/TCP 51s
- Log in to the CCE console.
- Click the name of the target cluster to access the cluster console.
- In the navigation pane, choose Workloads. Then, click Create Workload in the upper right corner.
- Configure the basic information about the workload.
In this example, configure the following parameters and keep the default values for other parameters. For details about the configuration parameters, see Creating a StatefulSet.
Workload Type
In Kubernetes clusters, a workload refers to an application that is currently running. There are various built-in workloads available, each designed for different functions and application scenarios. For details about workload types, see Workloads.
Workload Name
Enter a workload name.
In a Kubernetes cluster, a namespace is a conceptual grouping of resources or objects. Each namespace provides isolation for data from other namespaces.
After a cluster is created, a namespace named default is generated by default. You can directly use the namespace.
Enter the number of pods.
- Configure the basic information about the container.
Image Name
The wordpress image of the latest version
In the Container Information area, click Basic Info and click Select Image. In the dialog box displayed, select Open Source Images, search for wordpress, select the wordpress image, and select latest from the drop-down list for Image Tag.
CPU Quota
Request: 0.25 cores; Limit: 0.25 cores
- Request: Enter the number of CPUs pre-allocated to the container. The default value is 0.25 cores.
- Limit: Enter the maximum number of CPUs that can be used by the container. The default value is the same as that of the resource request. If the resource limit is greater than the resource request, it indicates that the pre-allocated resource limit can be temporarily exceeded in burst scenarios.
For details, see Configuring Container Specifications.
Memory Quota
Request: 512 MiB; Limit: 512 MiB
- Request: Enter the number of memory resources pre-allocated to the container. The default value is 512 MiB.
- Limit: Enter the maximum number of memory resources that can be used by the container. The default value is the same as that of the resource request. If the resource limit is greater than the resource request, it indicates that the pre-allocated resource limit can be temporarily exceeded in burst scenarios.
For details, see Configuring Container Specifications.
- Click Environment Variables and add environment variables listed in the table to add the MySQL database information to WordPress.
Environment Variable
IP address for accessing the database. In this example, you need to enter the access mode of the MySQL workload, that is, the headless Service in Step 4: Deploy MySQL. You can use the internal domain name mysql.default.svc.cluster.local:3306 of the cluster to access the workload. You can omit .default.svc.cluster.local and simply use mysql:3306.
Username for accessing data. The value must be the same as that of MYSQL_USER in Step 4: Deploy MySQL. This username is used to establish a connection with the MySQL database.
A custom database password
Password for accessing the database. The value must be the same as that of MYSQL_PASSWORD in Step 4: Deploy MySQL.
Name of the database to be accessed. The value must be the same as that of MYSQL_DATABASE in Step 4: Deploy MySQL.
- Click Data Storage, click Add Volume, select PVC, and add an EVS disk as the MySQL storage.
Click Create PVC and configure the following parameters: (Keep the default values for other parameters.)
PVC Type
Select a type for the underlying storage volume used by the PVC.
PVC Name
Enter a custom PVC name.
Creation Method
Dynamically provision
In this example, select Dynamically provision. The PVC, PV, and underlying storage volume will be automatically created. This method is ideal when no underlying storage volume is available.
Storage Classes
The default value is csi-disk.
Select an AZ. The EVS disk can only be attached to nodes in the same AZ. After an EVS disk is created, the AZ where the disk locates cannot be changed.
Disk Type
General-purpose SSD
Select a proper type as required.
Capacity (GiB)
10 GiB
Enter the capacity as required. The default value is 10 GiB.
Click Create and enter the path for mounting the storage volume to the container. The default path used by WordPress is /var/www/html.
- Configure access settings.
In the Service Settings area, click the plus sign (+) and create a Service for accessing the workload from external networks. This example shows how to create a LoadBalancer Service. You can configure the following parameters in the window that slides out from the right.
Service Name
Enter a Service name.
Service Type
Select a Service type, which refers to the Service access mode. For details about the differences between Service types, see Service.
Load Balancer
- Dedicated
- AZ: at least one AZ, for example, AZ1
- EIP: Auto create
Keep the default values for other parameters.
Select Use existing if there is one.
If no load balancer is available, select Auto create to create one and bind an EIP to it. For details about the parameters, see Creating a LoadBalancer Service.
- Protocol: TCP
- Container Port: 80
- Service Port: 8080
- Protocol: Select a protocol for the load balancer listener.
- Container Port: Enter the listening port of the containerized application. The value must be the same as the listening port provided by the application for external systems. If the wordpress image is used, set this parameter to 80.
- Service Port: Enter a custom port. Load balancer will use this port to create a listener and provide an entry for external traffic. You can customize the port for external access.
- Click Create Workload.
Wait until the workload is created. After it is created, it will be displayed on the Deployments tab.
- Log in to the ECS where kubectl has been installed.
- Create a description file named wordpress-deployment.yaml. wordpress-deployment.yaml is an example file name. You can rename it as required.
vi wordpress-deployment.yaml
The file content is as follows:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: wordpress namespace: default spec: replicas: 1 selector: matchLabels: app: wordpress version: v1 template: metadata: labels: app: wordpress version: v1 spec: containers: - name: container-1 image: wordpress:latest env: - name: WORDPRESS_DB_HOST value: mysql:3306 - name: WORDPRESS_DB_USER value: db_user - name: WORDPRESS_DB_PASSWORD value: ***** - name: WORDPRESS_DB_NAME value: database resources: requests: cpu: 250m memory: 512Mi limits: cpu: 250m memory: 512Mi volumeMounts: - name: wordpress readOnly: false mountPath: /var/www/html imagePullSecrets: - name: default-secret volumes: - name: wordpress persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: wordpress --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: wordpress namespace: default annotations: everest.io/disk-volume-type: SSD everest.io/enterprise-project-id: '0' labels: failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/region: ap-southeast-1 # Region where the EVS disk is in failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/zone: # AZ where the EVS disk is in. It must be the same as the AZ of the node that runs the workload. spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi storageClassName: csi-disk
- Create the WordPress workload.
kubectl apply -f wordpress-deployment.yaml
Check the workload status.
kubectl get deployment
If information similar to the following is displayed, the workload has been created:
NAME READY UP-TO-DATE AVAILABLE AGE wordpress 1/1 1 1 4m5s
- Create a description file named wordpress-service.yaml. wordpress-service.yaml is an example file name. You can rename it as required.
vi wordpress-service.yaml
The file content is as follows:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: wordpress namespace: default annotations: kubernetes.io/elb.class: union kubernetes.io/elb.autocreate: '{ "type": "public", "bandwidth_name": "cce-wordpress", "bandwidth_chargemode": "bandwidth", "bandwidth_size": 5, "bandwidth_sharetype": "PER", "eip_type": "5_bgp" }' spec: selector: app: wordpress externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster ports: - name: cce-service-0 targetPort: 80 nodePort: 0 port: 8080 protocol: TCP type: LoadBalancer
- Create a Service.
kubectl create -f wordpress-service.yaml
If information similar to the following is displayed, the Service has been created:
service/wordpress created
- Check the Service.
kubectl get svc
If information similar to the following is displayed, the workload's access mode has been configured. You can use the LoadBalancer Service to access the WordPress workload from the Internet. **.**.**.** specifies the EIP of the load balancer, and 8080 indicates the access port.
NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE kubernetes ClusterIP <none> 443/TCP 3d mysql ClusterIP <none> 3306/TCP 8m wordpress LoadBalancer **.**.**.** 8080:31540/TCP 51s
Step 6: Access WordPress
- Obtain the external access address of WordPress.
Click the WordPress workload name to enter its details page. On the page displayed, click the Access Mode tab, view the IP address of WordPress. The public IP address is the external access address.
- Enter {External access address:Port} in the address box of a browser to access the application. The port number is the value of Service port configured in 8, which is 8080.
Follow-up Operations: Releasing Resources
To avoid additional charges, make sure to release resources promptly if you no longer require the cluster. For details, see Deleting a Cluster.
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