Global Accelerator
Global Accelerator allows users around the world to access cloud applications faster through anycast IP addresses and highly reliable, low-latency networks.
Progressive Knowledge
Global Accelerator knowledge for users from beginner level to expert level

Helps you get a quick view about the service, its application scenarios, and some important concepts.
Service Overview

Describes how you can view, modify, or delete your resources, or perform other operations.
User Guide

Provides procedures for using Global Accelerator in different scenarios.
Getting Started
Learn more about common issues and solutions.
Typical Cases
How Will I Be Billed for Global Accelerator?
How Do I Increase the Global Accelerator Quotas?
What Types of Endpoints Can Be Added to a Global Accelerator?
What Are the Statuses and Health Check Results of Endpoints?
What Do I Do If an Endpoint Is Unhealthy?
Why Do I Need a Cross-Border Permit?
How Long Will a Cross-Border Permit Be Approved?
Who Will Approve My request for a Cross-Border Permit?
Does Huawei Cloud Need to Sign and Stamp the Seal on the Materials for Cross-Border Permit Application?