Updated on 2024-09-30 GMT+08:00

Creating a Deployment


Deployments are workloads (for example, Nginx) that do not store any data or status. You can create Deployments on the CCE console or by running kubectl commands.


  • A cluster is available. For details about how to create a cluster, see Buying a CCE Autopilot Cluster.
  • VPC endpoints for accessing SWR and OBS have been configured. For details, see Configuring VPC Endpoints for Accessing SWR and OBS.
  • A Service of the LoadBalancer type has been created if the workload needs to be accessed by external networks.

    If a pod has multiple containers, the ports used by the containers cannot conflict with each other. If there is a conflict, the Deployment will fail to be created.

Using the CCE Console

  1. Log in to the CCE console.
  2. Click the cluster name to go to the cluster console, choose Workloads in the navigation pane on the left, and click the Create Workload in the upper right corner.
  3. Set basic information about the workload.

    Basic Info
    • Workload Type: Select Deployment.
    • Workload Name: Enter a name for the workload. Enter 1 to 63 characters starting with a lowercase letter and ending with a lowercase letter or digit. Only lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens (-) are allowed.
    • Namespace: Select a namespace. The default value is default. You can also click Create Namespace to create one. For details, see Creating a Namespace.
    • Pods: Enter the number of pods of the workload.
    Container Settings
    • Container Information
      A pod can have more than one container. You can click Add Container on the right to configure multiple containers.
      • Basic Info: Configure basic information about each container.



        Container Name

        Enter a name for the container.

        Pull Policy

        Image update or pull policy. If you select Always, the image is pulled from the image repository each time. If you do not select Always, the existing image of the node is preferentially used. If the image does not exist, the image is pulled from the image repository.

        Image Name

        Click Select Image and select the image used by the container.

        To use a third-party image, see Using Third-Party Images.

        Image Tag

        Select the image tag to be deployed.

        CPU Quota

        CPU limit, which is the maximum CPU available for the container to prevent excessive resource usage.

        Memory Quota

        Memory limit, which is the maximum memory available for the container. When the container's memory usage exceeds the memory limit, the container will be terminated.

        (Optional) Init Container

        Whether the container will be used as an init container. An init container does not support health check.

        An init container is a special container that runs before other app containers in a pod are started. Each pod can contain multiple containers. In addition, a pod can contain one or more init containers. Application containers in a pod are started and run only after the running of all init containers completes. For details, see Init Containers.

      • (Optional) Lifecycle: Configure operations to be performed in a specific phase of the container lifecycle, such as Startup Command, Post-Start, and Pre-Stop. For details, see Configuring the Container Lifecycle.
      • (Optional) Health Check: Set the liveness probe, ready probe, and startup probe as required. For details, see Setting Health Check for a Container.
      • (Optional) Environment Variables: Configure variables for the container running environment using key-value pairs. These variables transfer external information to containers running in pods and can be flexibly modified after application deployment. For details, see Configuring Environment Variables.
      • (Optional) Data Storage: Mount local storage or cloud storage to the container. The application scenarios and the ways for mounting the volumes vary with the storage type. For details, see Storage.
      • (Optional) Security Context: Assign container permissions to protect the system and other containers from being affected. Enter the user ID to assign container permissions and prevent systems and other containers from being affected.
    • Image Access Credential: Select the credential used for accessing the image repository. The default value is default-secret. You can use default-secret to access images in SWR. For details about default-secret, see default-secret.

    (Optional) Service Settings

    A Service provides external access for pods. With a static IP address, a Service forwards the traffic to pods and automatically balances load for these pods.

    You can also create a Service after creating a workload. For details about Services of different types, see Service.

    (Optional) Advanced Settings
    • Upgrade: Specify the upgrade mode and upgrade parameters of the workload. Rolling upgrade and Replace upgrade are supported. For details, see Configuring the Workload Upgrade Policy.
    • Labels and Annotations: Add labels or annotations for pods using key-value pairs. After entering the key and value, click Confirm. For details about how to use and configure labels and annotations, see Configuring Labels and Annotations.
    • DNS: Configure a DNS policy for the workload. For details, see DNS Configuration.

  4. Click Create Workload in the lower right corner.

Using kubectl

Nginx is used as an example here to describe how to create a workload using kubectl.

Node affinity and anti-affinity are not available for CCE Autopilot clusters. When you use kubectl to create a workload, do not configure the affinity field to prevent pod creation failures.

  1. Use kubectl to connect to the cluster. For details, see Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl.
  2. Create and edit the nginx-deployment.yaml file. nginx-deployment.yaml is an example file name. You can rename it as required.

    vi nginx-deployment.yaml

    The following is an example YAML file. For more information about Deployments, see Kubernetes documentation.

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
      name: nginx
      replicas: 1
          app: nginx
        type: RollingUpdate
            app: nginx
          - image: nginx    # If you use an image from an open-source image registry, enter the image name. If you use an image in My Images, obtain the image path from SWR.
            imagePullPolicy: Always
            name: nginx
          - name: default-secret

    For details about the parameters, see Table 1.

    Table 1 Deployment YAML parameters





    API version.


    Set this parameter based on the cluster version.

    • For clusters of v1.17 or later, the apiVersion format of Deployments is apps/v1.
    • For clusters of v1.15 or earlier, the apiVersion format of Deployments is extensions/v1beta1.



    Type of a created object.



    Metadata of a resource object.



    Name of the Deployment.



    Detailed description of the Deployment.



    Number of pods.



    Determines container pods that can be managed by the Deployment.



    Upgrade mode. Possible values:

    • RollingUpdate
    • ReplaceUpdate

    By default, rolling update is used.



    Detailed description of a created container pod.






    metadata.labels: Container labels.




    • image (mandatory): Name of a container image.
    • imagePullPolicy (optional): Policy for obtaining an image. The options include Always (attempting to download images each time), Never (only using local images), and IfNotPresent (using local images if they are available; downloading images if local images are unavailable). The default value is Always.
    • name (mandatory): Container name.



    Name of the secret used during image pulling. If a private image is used, this parameter is mandatory.

    • To pull an image from the Software Repository for Container (SWR), set this parameter to default-secret.
    • To pull an image from a third-party image repository, set this parameter to the name of the created secret.


  3. Create a Deployment.

    kubectl create -f nginx-deployment.yaml

    If the following information is displayed, the Deployment is being created.

    deployment "nginx" created

  4. Query the Deployment status.

    kubectl get deployment

    If the following information is displayed, the Deployment is running.

    NAME           READY     UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE 
    nginx          1/1       1            1           4m5s

    Parameter description

    • NAME: Name of the application running in the pod.
    • READY: indicates the number of available workloads. The value is displayed as "the number of available pods/the number of expected pods".
    • UP-TO-DATE: indicates the number of replicas that have been updated.
    • AVAILABLE: indicates the number of available pods.
    • AGE: period the Deployment keeps running

  5. If the Deployment will be accessed through a ClusterIP or NodePort Service, add the corresponding Service. For details, see Service.