Updated on 2023-09-25 GMT+08:00

Change History

Released On



This is the nineteenth official release.

Added section What Can I Do If an Error Is Reported When an Account Key Is Created or Upgraded for the First Time?

Added section How Do I Enable Public Access to a Dedicated HSM Instance?

Modified section How Do I Handle the Failure in Binding a Key Pair?How Do I Handle the Failure in Replacing a Key Pair?How Do I Handle the Failure in Resetting a Key Pair?How Do I Handle the Failure in Unbinding a Key Pair?. Added the description about the execution failure caused by ECS firewall rules.


This is the eighteenth official release.

Added What Is the Relationship Between the Ciphertext and Plaintext Returned by the encrypt-data API?


This is the seventeenth official release.

Modified the patching command in Why Can't I Wrap Asymmetric Keys by Using -id-aes256-wrap-pad in OpenSSL?.


This is the sixteenth official release.

Added Why Cannot I Delete the Version Status of a Secret?

Added Are Credentials Scheduled to Be Deleted Billed?


This is the fifteenth official release.

Added What Are a Private Key Pair and an Account Key Pair?


This is the fourteenth official release.

Added What Should I Do If KMS Failed to Be Requested and Error Code 401 Is Displayed?


This is the thirteen official release.

Improved the billing description in Pricing.


This is the twelfth official release.


This is the eleventh official release.

Modified Can a Key Pair Be Shared by Multiple Users?


This is the tenth official release.

Added How Do I Access the Functions of DEW?


This is the ninth official release.

Added the following FAQs:


This is the eighth official release.

Added Do I Need to Restart Servers After Replacing Its Key Pair?


This is the seventh official release.

Added What Are Regions and AZs?


This is the sixth official release.

  • The following FAQs are deleted:
    • What Are the Conditions for Resetting, Replacing, Unbinding, or Binding a Key Pair?
    • What Can I Do If a Key Pair Failed to Be Bound, Reset, or Replaced for an ECS?
    • How Do I Convert the Private Key File in .ppk Format to the .pem Format?


This is the fifth official release.

Added general FAQ What Is a Quota?


This is the fourth official release.

Added the following FAQs:
  • How Do I Enable the Password Login Mode for an ECS?
  • What Can I Do If a Key Pair Failed to Be Bound, Reset, or Replaced for an ECS?
  • How Do I Convert the Private Key File in .ppk Format to the .pem Format?


This is the third official release.

Added the following FAQs:


This is the second official release.


This is the first official release.