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Help Center/ Live/ Cloud Live/ Functions of the Console

Functions of the Console

Updated on 2024-12-06 GMT+08:00

On the Live console, you can quickly configure basic functions such as the management of domain names and livestreams, transcoding, and recording. In addition, resource monitoring facilitates your real-time data analysis.


Log in to the Live console. The Dashboard page is displayed.

Figure 1 Dashboard

On this page, you can check the following information. You can also click Quick Links in the upper right corner to read the documentation.

  • Today
    • Downstream Traffic: total downstream traffic used by all streaming domain names on the current day
    • Downstream Peak Bandwidth: peak value of the downstream bandwidth used by all streaming domain names on the current day
  • You can check the recent livestreaming resource usage trend.
    • Downstream Traffic: total downstream traffic used by all streaming domain names in a specific period
    • Downstream Bandwidth: total downstream bandwidth used by all streaming domain names in a specific period
    • Upstream Bandwidth: total upstream bandwidth used by the streaming device of a selected streaming domain name in a specific period

    You can point to the chart to view the specific value or scroll the mouse wheel to zoom in or out on the X-axis within a time range.

  • Billing Mode displays the current CDN billing mode. You can click Change to change the CDN billing mode. You can also click Buy Package to purchase a package at a lower price.


You can choose the functions in the navigation pane of the Live console.

Table 1 Functions of the console




Streaming management


You can manage ongoing streams and historical streams, such as disabling and resuming livestreams.

This function is available only in AP-Singapore and CN North-Beijing4.

Domain name management

Adding Domain Names

You can add and manage your own domain names, configure CNAME records, referer validation, URL validation, and access control lists (ACLs) for domain names, and configure snapshot and transcoding templates.

Stream push


You can transcode livestreams into video streams with different resolutions and bitrates to meet a broad range of requirements.

Creating a Recording Template

You can configure recording templates, record livestreams based on the templates, and store the recordings in OBS.

This function is unavailable in AP-Bangkok.

Snapshot Capturing

You can configure snapshot templates, capture snapshots from livestreams based on the templates, and store the snapshots in OBS.

In AP-Bangkok, submit a service ticket to request for template review. The template takes effect only after it is approved.

Stream Status Notifications

You can configure callback URLs so that you can be notified of stream status in real time.

In AP-Bangkok, submit a service ticket to request for template review. The template takes effect only after it is approved.

Stream Authentication

You can configure URL validation and ACLs to identify and filter out malicious streaming requests.


Configuring Stream Delay

You can configure the delay for RTMP and HTTP-FLV streaming.

Configuring Origin Pull

You can pull live content from your own origin server to Huawei Cloud Live origin server for accelerated delivery.

Configuration Method

You can enable HTTPS secure acceleration for streaming domain names to encrypt your live content during transmission.


You can configure referer validation, URL validation, and ACLs to identify and filter out malicious visitors.

Usage statistics

Usage Statistics

You can check the downstream bandwidth/traffic of all streaming domain names, and the total transcoding duration, maximum number of concurrent recording streams, and number of snapshots of all ingest domain names.

Service monitoring

Service Monitoring

You can check data of a streaming domain name, such as the downstream bandwidth/traffic, stream playback profile, status codes returned in the response, and the number of online viewers of the corresponding livestream. You can also check data of the ingest domain name, such as the upstream bandwidth/traffic, total number of streams, pushed stream details, and frame rate/bitrate of a pushed stream.

Log management

Offline Log Download

You can check logs about requests to a streaming domain name and query and download log files over the past 90 days.


Signed URL Generation Tool

You can quickly generate signed URLs for streaming and ingest domain names.

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