Help Center> Virtual Private Cloud> User Guide> VPC Peering Connection> Creating a VPC Peering Connection with a VPC in Another Account
Updated on 2024-07-02 GMT+08:00

Creating a VPC Peering Connection with a VPC in Another Account


If two VPCs from the same region cannot communicate with each other, you can use a VPC peering connection. This section describes how to create a VPC peering connection between two VPCs in different accounts.

This following describes how to create a VPC peering connection between VPC-A in account A and VPC-B in account B to enable communications between ECS-A01 and RDS-B01.


Step 1: Create a VPC Peering Connection

Step 2: Peer Account Accepts the VPC Peering Connection Request

Step 3: Add Routes for the VPC Peering Connection

Step 4: Verify Network Connectivity

Figure 1 Networking diagram of a VPC peering connection between VPCs in different accounts

Currently, VPC peering connections are free of charge.

Notes and Constraints

  • Only one VPC peering connection can be created between two VPCs at the same time.
  • A VPC peering connection can only connect VPCs in the same region.
    • A VPC peering connection can enable a VPC created on the Huawei Cloud Chinese Mainland website and the other created on the Huawei Cloud International website to communicate, but the VPCs must be in the same region. For example, one VPC on the Chinese Mainland website is in CN-Hong Kong region, and the other VPC on the International website is also in CN-Hong Kong region.
    • If you want to connect VPCs in different regions, you can use Cloud Connect.
    • If you only need few ECSs in different regions to communicate with each other, you can assign and bind EIPs to the ECSs.
  • If the local and peer VPCs have overlapping CIDR blocks, the VPC peering connection may not take effect.

    In this case, you can refer to networking configuration examples.

  • For a VPC peering connection between VPCs in different accounts:
    • If account A initiates a request to create a VPC peering connection with a VPC in account B, the VPC peering connection takes effect only after account B accepts the request.
    • To ensure network security, do not accept VPC peering connections from unknown accounts.


You have two VPCs in the same region, but they are from different accounts. If you want to create one, see Creating a VPC and Subnet.

Step 1: Create a VPC Peering Connection

  1. Go to the VPC peering connection list page.
  2. In the upper right corner of the page, click Create VPC Peering Connection.

    The Create VPC Peering Connection page is displayed.

  3. Configure the parameters as prompted.

    For details, see Table 1.

    Figure 2 Create VPC Peering Connection

    Table 1 Parameters for creating a VPC peering connection



    Example Value



    The region where the VPC peering connection belongs. Select the region nearest to you to ensure the lowest latency possible.

    CN-Hong Kong

    VPC Peering Connection Name


    Enter a name for the VPC peering connection.

    The name can contain a maximum of 64 characters, including letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).




    Enter the description of the VPC peering connection in the text box as required. The description can contain a maximum of 255 characters and cannot contain angle brackets (< or >).

    peering-AB connects VPC-A and VPC-B.

    Local VPC


    VPC at one end of the VPC peering connection. You can select one from the drop-down list.


    Local VPC CIDR Block

    CIDR block of the selected local VPC



    • Options: My account and Another account
    • Select Another account.

    Another account

    Peer Project ID

    This parameter is mandatory because Account is set to Another account.

    The project ID of the region that the peer VPC resides. For details about how to obtain the project ID, see Obtaining the Peer Project ID of a VPC Peering Connection.

    Project ID of VPC-B in region A:


    Peer VPC ID

    This parameter is mandatory because Account is set to Another account.

    ID of the VPC at the other end of the VPC peering connection. For details about how to obtain the ID, see Obtaining a VPC ID.

    VPC-B ID:


  4. Click OK.
    • If the message "Invalid VPC ID and project ID." is displayed, check whether the project ID and VPC ID are correct.
      • Peer Project ID: The value must be the project ID of the region where the peer VPC resides.
      • The local and peer VPCs must be in the same region.
    • If the status of the created VPC peering connection is Awaiting acceptance, go to Step 2: Peer Account Accepts the VPC Peering Connection Request.
      Figure 3 Awaiting acceptance

Step 2: Peer Account Accepts the VPC Peering Connection Request

After you create a VPC peering connection with a VPC in another account, you need to contact the peer account to accept the VPC peering connection request. In this example, account A notifies account B to accept the request. Account B needs to:

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and choose Networking > Virtual Private Cloud.

    The Virtual Private Cloud page is displayed.

  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Virtual Private Cloud > VPC Peering Connections.

    The VPC peering connection list is displayed.

  4. In the upper part of the VPC peering connection list, locate the VPC peering connection request to be accepted.
    Figure 4 Accept Request
  5. Locate the row that contains the target VPC peering connection and click Accept Request in the Operation column.

    After the status of the VPC peering connection changes to Accepted, the VPC peering connection is created.

  6. Go to Step 3: Add Routes for the VPC Peering Connection.

Step 3: Add Routes for the VPC Peering Connection

To enable communications between VPCs connected by a VPC peering connection, you need to add forward and return routes to the route tables of the VPCs. For details, see VPC Peering Connection Usage Examples.

Both accounts need to add a route to the route table of their VPC. In this example, account A adds a route to the route table of VPC-A, and account B adds a route to the route table of VPC-B.

  1. Add routes to the route table of the local VPC:
    1. In the VPC peering connection list of the local account, click the name of the target VPC peering connection.

      The page showing the VPC peering connection details is displayed.

    2. In the lower part of the VPC peering connection details page, click Add Route.

      The Add Route dialog box is displayed.

      Figure 5 Add Route
    3. Add routes to the route tables as prompted.

      Table 2 describes the parameters.

      Table 2 Parameter description



      Example Value


      The default value is the VPC connected by the VPC peering connection in the current account. You do not need to select a VPC.


      Route Table

      Select the route table of the VPC. The route will be added to this route table.

      Each VPC comes with a default route table to control the outbound traffic from the subnets in the VPC. In addition to the default route table, you can also create a custom route table and associate it with the subnets in the VPC. Then, the custom route table controls outbound traffic of the subnets.
      • If there is only the default route table in the drop-down list, select the default route table.
      • If there are both default and custom route tables in drop-down list, select the route table associated with the subnet connected by the VPC peering connection.

      rtb-VPC-A (Default route table)


      An IP address or address range in the other VPC connected by the VPC peering connection. The value can be a VPC CIDR block, subnet CIDR block, or ECS IP address. For details about the route configuration example, see VPC Peering Connection Usage Examples.

      VPC-B CIDR block:

      Next Hop

      The default value is the current VPC peering connection. You do not need to specify this parameter.



      Supplementary information about the route. This parameter is optional.

      The description can contain a maximum of 255 characters and cannot contain angle brackets (< or >).

      Route from VPC-A to VPC-B

    4. Click OK.

      You can view the routes in the route list.

  2. Add routes to the route table of the peer VPC:
    1. In the VPC peering connection list of the peer account, click the name of the target VPC peering connection.

      The page showing the VPC peering connection details is displayed.

    2. In the lower part of the VPC peering connection details page, click Add Route.

      The Add Route dialog box is displayed.

      Figure 6 Add Route
    3. Add routes to the route table as prompted.

      Table 3 describes the parameters.

      Table 3 Parameter description



      Example Value


      The default value is the VPC connected by the VPC peering connection in the current account. You do not need to select a VPC.


      Route Table

      Select the route table of the VPC. The route will be added to this route table.

      Each VPC comes with a default route table to control the outbound traffic from the subnets in the VPC. In addition to the default route table, you can also create a custom route table and associate it with the subnets in the VPC. Then, the custom route table controls outbound traffic of the subnets.
      • If there is only the default route table in the drop-down list, select the default route table.
      • If there are both default and custom route tables in drop-down list, select the route table associated with the subnet connected by the VPC peering connection.

      rtb-VPC-B (Default route table)


      An IP address or address range in the other VPC connected by the VPC peering connection. The value can be a VPC CIDR block, subnet CIDR block, or ECS IP address. For details about the route configuration example, see VPC Peering Connection Usage Examples.

      VPC-A CIDR block:

      Next Hop

      The default value is the current VPC peering connection. You do not need to specify this parameter.



      Supplementary information about the route. This parameter is optional.

      The description can contain a maximum of 255 characters and cannot contain angle brackets (< or >).

      Route from VPC-B to VPC-A.

    4. Click OK.

      You can view the route in the route list.

Step 4: Verify Network Connectivity

After you add routes for the VPC peering connection, verify the communication between the local and peer VPCs.
  1. Log in to ECS-A01 in the local VPC.

    Multiple methods are available for logging in to an ECS. For details, see Logging In to an ECS.

  2. Check whether ECS-A01 can communicate with RDS-B01.

    ping IP address of RDS-B01

    Example command:


    If information similar to the following is displayed, ECS-A01 and RDS-B01 can communicate with each other, and the VPC peering connection between VPC-A and VPC-B is successfully created.
    [root@ecs-A02 ~]# ping
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.849 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.455 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.385 ms
    64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.372 ms
    --- ping statistics ---