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Compiling Knowledge

Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00


  • The Knowledge Base feature has been enabled for the tenant space, and the operator has the Knowledge Base > Knowledge Management > Knowledge Column menu permission.
  • A column has been configured under the current tenant.
  • Extended attributes can be configured for knowledge items. For details about how to manage extended attributes, see Managing Extended Attributes.


  1. Sign in to the AICC as a knowledge compiler and choose Knowledge Base > Knowledge Column.

    Figure 1 Knowledge list
    • indicates a column, and indicates a knowledge item.
    • You can search for existing knowledge information by knowledge column name, modifier, modification start time, modification end time, column type, knowledge type, and knowledge status.

      When Category Type is set to Knowledge, you can set Knowledge Type and Knowledge Status.

    • Historical and valid normal columns are displayed on the left.
      • For normal columns, column names are displayed.
      • For historical columns, column names are in Column name(History) format.
    • Subcolumns and valid knowledge items in the selected column are displayed on the right by default.
      • Click to display historical subcolumns and expired knowledge items in the selected column.
      • Click to display normal subcolumns and valid knowledge items in the selected column.

      The preceding operations are not supported for historical columns.

  2. Select a new column and click Add Knowledge.
  3. Configure knowledge content.

    1. Configure basic knowledge information.
      Figure 2 Basic Information
      Table 1 Parameters on the Basic Information tab page



      Knowledge Name

      Mandatory. The value can contain a maximum of 80 characters.


      Path of a knowledge item to be added or modified, which cannot be modified.

      browse group

      Group to which the personnel who can browse the current knowledge item belong.


      Mandatory. The options are as follows:

      • Common knowledge: You can use an editor to edit knowledge content, such as texts, tables, images, audio, and videos, and set their formats.
      • Q&A knowledge: You need to configure at least one question and one answer. A question can have multiple answers.

      Display on Front Page

      Mandatory. Whether to display a knowledge item on the knowledge base home page after it is published. The options are as follows:

      • Yes
      • No

      Validity Period Start/Validity Period End

      Mandatory. The time zone of the validity period must be the same as that of the browser.

      Upon Expiration

      Mandatory. The options are as follows:

      • Mark: After a knowledge item expires, its status is updated to Expired, and its name is displayed as Knowledge name[expired].
      • Delete: Move a knowledge item to the recycle bin.

        (When a column and its subcolumns are deleted, only the parent column is moved to the recycle bin.)

      • Move to History: Move a knowledge item to a specified historical column.

      Move to History

      Mandatory when Upon Expiration is set to Move to History.

      You can specify the column to which a knowledge item is moved upon expiration.


      The value can contain a maximum of 256 characters.


      Keywords used to search for knowledge content. Use semicolons (;) to separate multiple keywords.

      Knowledge Association

      A maximum of 20 published knowledge items can be associated.

      Publish Mode

      Mandatory. The options are as follows:

      • Publish directly: A knowledge item is directly published to the knowledge base home page without secondary approval.
      • Review then publish: A knowledge item needs to be approved before being published to ensure the accuracy and security of knowledge content.

      Reviewed By

      Mandatory when Publish Mode is set to Review then publish.


      Click and upload a local file.

    2. After confirming that the information is correct, perform the following operations as required:
      • Click Close to cancel the knowledge creation.
      • Click Save and NextStep and go to the Content tab page.
    3. Configure knowledge content.
      • Configure common knowledge content.

        When Type is set to Common knowledge, configure the content based on the following description:

        You can edit common knowledge content, such as texts, tables, images, audio, and videos, and set their formats in an editor.
        Figure 3 Common knowledge content
        • : Insert or edit a multimedia file. Local videos cannot be uploaded.
          • General: Set the multimedia URL and the width and height. The multimedia URL is the URL of a media resource that can be downloaded.

          • Embed: Paste the multimedia embedded code.
          • Advanced: Set the alternative multimedia URL and media poster (image URL). The alternative multimedia URL is the URL of a media resource that can be downloaded. The media poster is the URL of an image that can be previewed.

        • : Insert special characters. The following types of special characters are provided: Currency, Text, Quotations, Mathematical, Extended Latin, Symbols, and Arrows.
        • : Preview the knowledge display effect during editing.
        • : Reference a published content template.
          • After a content template is used, the content you are editing will be overwritten. Exercise caution when performing this operation.
          • After a content template is used, the editing specifications related to the content template are displayed. The Editing Specifications dialog box can be moved and collapsed, but cannot be closed.

      • Configure Q&A knowledge content.

        When Type is set to Q&A knowledge, configure the content based on the following description:

        A Q&A knowledge item is displayed in the form of one question and one answer. Only the text format is supported. A question can have one or more answers, and a Q&A knowledge item can have one or more FAQ groups.
        Figure 4 Q&A knowledge content
        • Add Question: Add FAQ groups.
        • Delete Q&A: Delete an unnecessary FAQ group if there are multiple FAQ groups. There must be at least one FAQ group.
        • Up/Down: Sort FAQ groups.
        • Question (mandatory): The value can contain a maximum of 500 characters.
        • Answer (mandatory): The value can contain a maximum of 500 characters.
        • Add Answer/Delete Answer: A question can have multiple answers and must have at least one answer.
    4. After confirming that the information is correct, perform the following operations as required:
      • Click Submit. The knowledge item is compiled successfully, and the knowledge status becomes Published.
      • Click Pre Step to return to the Basic Information tab page.
      • Click Save And NextStep to go to the Extended Information tab page.
      • Click Close to save the current knowledge content. The knowledge status becomes New.
    5. Configure extended knowledge information.
      Figure 5 Extended Information
      • Inherit Parent Category Attribute (mandatory): Determine whether to inherit the extended attributes of the parent column.
      • Add: Click this button and select a configured extended attribute. For details about extended attributes, see Managing Extended Attributes.

        You can perform the following operations on configured extended attributes:

        • Click Delete to delete unnecessary an extended attribute.
        • Click Up or Down to determine the display position of an attribute.
    6. After confirming that the information is correct, perform the following operations as required:
      • Click Close to save the current knowledge content. The knowledge status becomes New.
      • Click Submit. The knowledge item is compiled successfully, and the knowledge status becomes Published.

  4. (Optional) Select the new knowledge item.

    • Click Modify and modify basic knowledge information by referring to Table 1. Path and Type cannot be modified.
    • Click Delete to move the knowledge item to the recycle bin.
    • Click Unlock and unlock the locked knowledge item.
      If a knowledge item is edited and submitted again, or the editing is interrupted due to reasons such as sign-out and the knowledge item is not saved, the knowledge item is locked. In this case, the value of Locked By is the account of the operator who locks the knowledge item.

      Only the operator who has locked the knowledge item can unlock it.

    • Click Permanently Delete to delete the knowledge item directly instead of moving it to the recycle bin.

      Before permanently deleting the knowledge item, ensure that it is no longer needed. Deleted data cannot be retrieved.

    • Click More and choose Move. In the dialog box that is displayed, select the target column and click Submit to move the knowledge item to the column.
    • Click More and choose Publish to publish the new knowledge item. You can publish knowledge items in batches.
    • Click More and choose Copy. On the Knowledge Compilation page, configure knowledge content by referring to 3.
    • Click More and choose Modify Attribute. In the Batch Modify Attributes dialog box, modify Display on Front Page, Validity Period Start, and Validity Period End.
    • Click More, choose Sort, and click Up, Down, or Pin as required. Alternatively, click Adjust to, select the target knowledge item, and move the knowledge item before or after the target knowledge item.

  5. (Optional) Compare knowledge items. You can compare only two common knowledge items.

    To compare knowledge items, use either of the following methods:

    • Select two common knowledge items and click .
    • Click . On the knowledge selection page, add common knowledge items to the comparison list and click .
      Figure 6 Selecting knowledge items for comparison

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