Updated on 2024-02-08 GMT+08:00

Change History

Release Date



This issue is the thirty-second official release.

Added Billing.


This issue is the thirty-first official release.

Added Getting Started with Common Practices.


This issue is the thirtieth official release.

Added Event Monitoring.


This issue is the twenty-ninth official release.

Added Sessions of an Instance.

Added Renaming Commands.


This issue is the twenty-eighth official release.

Added Enabling Password-Free Access.

Added Managing Accounts.


This issue is the twenty-seventh official release.

In Instance Specifications, added the description about reducing the minimum persistent storage per node to half of the original storage (GB).

In GeminiDB Redis Metrics, added metrics edis669_connection_usage and redis670_hit_rate.


This issue is the twenty-sixth official release.

Added Updating the OS of an Instance.


This issue is the twenty-fifth official release.

Added the description of Bloom filters in Compatible Commands.


This issue is the twenty-fourth official release.

Added the description of the fast configure method in Buying a Cluster Instance.

In Buying a Cluster Instance, added the description of proxy-based general purpose instances and instance versions 5.0 and earlier.

In Connecting to an Instance Using a Load Balancer Address (Recommended), added the description of viewing the port corresponding to a load balancer IP address.


This issue is the twenty-third official release.

Updated Client Program Demo.


This issue is the twenty-second official release.

Added Connecting to an Instance on the Console.

Added Keyspace Notification.


This issue is the twenty-first official release.

Added FAQ Does the GeminiDB Redis API Support Multiple Databases?.


This issue is the twentieth official release.

Added the description of changing the specifications of yearly/monthly instances.

Added the description of batch renewing, subscribing, changing from pay-per-use to yearly/monthly and from yearly/monthly to pay-per-use.


This issue is the nineteenth official release.

Updated usage constraints.


This issue is the eighteenth official release.

Supported SSL encrypted connection in Buying a Cluster Instance, Connecting to an Instance Using a Private IP Address, Connecting to an Instance Using an EIP, and Configuring an SSL Connection.


This issue is the seventeenth official release.

Supported changing security groups of GeminiDB Redis instances in Changing a Security Group.

Modified the naming rule description of the GeminiDB Redis instance in Buying a Cluster Instance.


This issue is the sixteenth official release.

Adjusted the document structure.


This issue is the fifteenth official release, which incorporates the following changes:

Added the minimum storage capacity supported by instances of different specifications in Instance Specifications.

Changed the upper limit of the storage space from four times of the memory to eight times of the memory in Instance Specifications.


This issue is the fourteenth official release.

Adjusted the document structure.

Updated monitoring metrics of GeminiDB Redis

Optimized the page for purchasing GeminiDB Redis instances.


This issue is the thirteenth official release.

Supported binding and unbinding EIPs to and EIP from GeminiDB Redis instances.

Optimized the page for purchasing GeminiDB Redis instances.

Supported changing instance class, adding nodes to an instance, and scaling up storage capacity.


This issue is the twelfth official release.

Supported load balancer IP addresses for GeminiDB Redis.


This issue is the eleventh official release.

Added the commands restricted by GeminiDB Redis.


This issue is the tenth official release.

  • Supported up to 20 tags per instance.
  • Allowed users to select at least 1 GB each time they scale up.
  • Supported advanced O&M for GeminiDB Redis.
  • Allowed users to reset GeminiDB Redis password on the console.


This issue is the eighth official release.

Supported the following functions of GeminiDB Redis:

  • Supported instance name modifications.
  • Supported instance recycle bin.
  • Supports the yearly/monthly billing mode.
  • Added monitoring metrics.


This issue is the sixth official release, which incorporates the following change:

Supported cross-AZ DR for GeminiDB Redis.


This issue is the sixth official release.

  • Supported scaling up of storage for GeminiDB Redis.
  • Supported instance restart for GeminiDB Redis.
  • Supported restoring a full backup to a new GeminiDB Redis instance.
  • Supported automated backups for GeminiDB Redis.
  • Supports manual backups for GeminiDB Redis.


This issue is the second official release.

Supported GeminiDB Redis open beta testing.