Updated on 2024-11-04 GMT+08:00

C Demo Usage Guide


This topic uses C as an example to describe how to connect a device to the platform over MQTTS or MQTT and how to use platform APIs to report properties and subscribe to a topic for receiving commands.

The code snippets in this document are only examples and are for trial use only. To put them into commercial use, obtain the IoT Device SDKs of the corresponding language for integration by referring to Obtaining Resources.



  • Compiling the OpenSSL library
    1. Visit the OpenSSL website (https://www.openssl.org/source/), download the latest OpenSSL version (for example, openssl-1.1.1d.tar.gz), upload it to the Linux compiler (for example, to the /home/test directory), and run the following command to decompress the package:
      tar -zxvf openssl-1.1.1d.tar.gz
    2. Generate a makefile.
      Run the following command to access the OpenSSL source code directory:
      cd openssl-1.1.1d
      Run the following configuration command:
      ./config shared --prefix=/home/test/openssl --openssldir=/home/test/openssl/ssl

      In this command, prefix is the installation directory, openssldir is the configuration file directory, and shared is used to generate a dynamic-link library (.so library).

      If an exception occurs during the compilation, add no-asm to the configuration command (indicating that the assembly code is not used).

      ./config no-asm shared --prefix=/home/test/openssl --openssldir=/home/test/openssl/ssl

    3. Generate library files.

      Run the following command in the OpenSSL source code directory:

      make depend

      Run the following command for compilation:


      Install OpenSSL.

      make install

      Find the lib directory in home/test/openssl under the OpenSSL installation directory.

      The library files libcrypto.so.1.1, libssl.so.1.1, libcrypto.so, and libssl.so are generated. Copy these files to the lib folder of the demo and copy the content in /home/test/openssl/include/openssl to include/openssl of the demo.

      Note: Some compilation tools are 32-bit. If these tools are used on a 64-bit Linux computer, delete -m64 from the makefile before the compilation.

  • Compiling the Eclipse Paho library file
    1. Visit https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.c to download the source code paho.mqtt.c.
    2. Decompress the package and upload it to the Linux compiler.
    3. Modify the makefile.
      1. Run the following command to edit the makefile:
        vim Makefile
      2. Search for the string.
      3. Add the following two lines (customized OpenSSL header files and library files) under /DOXYGEN_COMMAND =doxygen:
        CFLAGS += -I/home/test/openssl/include
        LDFLAGS += -L/home/test/openssl/lib -lrt

      4. Replace the OpenSSL addresses of CCDLAGS_SO, LDFLAGS_CS, LDFLAGS_AS and FLAGS_EXES to the actual ones.

    4. Start the compilation.
      1. Run the following command:
        make clean
      2. Run the following command:
    5. After the compilation is complete, you can view the libraries that are compiled in the build/output directory.

    6. Copy the Paho library file.

      Currently, only libpaho-mqtt3as is used in the SDK. Copy the libpaho-mqtt3as.so and libpaho-mqtt3as.so.1 files to the lib folder of the demo. Go back to the Paho source code directory, and copy MQTTAsync.h, MQTTClient.h, MQTTClientPersistence.h, MQTTProperties.h, MQTTReasonCodes.h, and MQTTSubscribeOpts.h in the src directory to the include/base directory of the demo.

      Some Paho versions have the MQTTExportDeclarations.h header file. You are advised to add all MQTT-related header files to the folder.

Importing Sample Code

  1. Download the sample code quickStart(C).
  2. Copy the code to the Linux running environment. The following figure shows the code file hierarchy.

    Description of the directories:

    • src: source code directory

      mqtt_c_demo: core source code of the demo

      util/string_util.c: utility resource file

    • conf: certificate directory

      rootcert.pem is used by the device to verify the platform identity when the device connects to the platform. For not basic edition instance, copy the content of the c/ap-southeast-1-device-client-rootcert.pem file in the certificate file to the conf/rootcert.pem file.

    • include: header files

      base: dependent Paho header files

      openssl: dependent OpenSSL header files

      util: header files of the dependent tool resources

    • lib: dependent library file

      libcrypto.so*/libssl.so*: OpenSSL library file

      libpaho-mqtt3as.so*: Paho library file

    • Makefile: Makefile

Establishing a Connection

To connect a device or gateway to the platform, upload the device information to bind the device or gateway to the platform.

  1. Set parameters.
    char *uri = "ssl://iot-mqtts.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com:8883";
    int port = 8883;
    char *username = "********"; //deviceId
    char *password = "********";

    Note: MQTTS uses port 8883 for access. If MQTT is used for access, the URL is tcp://Domain name space:1883 and the port is 1883. For details about how to obtain the domain name space, see Platform Connection Information. The default heartbeat interval is 120 seconds. To change it, modify the keepAliveInterval parameter. For details about the heartbeat interval range, see Constraints.

  2. Start the connection.
    • Add -lm to the end of the 15th line in Makefile and run the make command for compilation. Delete -m64 from the makefile in a 32-bit OS.
    • Run export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib/ to load the library file.
    • Run ./MQTT_Demo.o.
      int ret = mqtt_connect();
      if (ret != 0) {
      	printf("connect failed, result %d\n", ret);
  3. If the connection is successful, the message "connect success" is displayed. The device is also displayed as Online on the console.

    Figure 1 Device list - Device online status

    If the connection fails, the mqtt_connect_failure function executes backoff reconnection. The example code is as follows:

    void mqtt_connect_failure(void *context, MQTTAsync_failureData *response) {
    	printf("connect failed: messageId %d, code %d, message %s\n", response->token, response->code, response->message);
    	// Backoff reconnection
    	int lowBound =  defaultBackoff * 0.8;
    	int highBound = defaultBackoff * 1.2;
    	int randomBackOff = rand() % (highBound - lowBound + 1);
    	long backOffWithJitter = (int)(pow(2.0, (double)retryTimes) - 1) * (randomBackOff + lowBound);
    	long waitTImeUntilNextRetry = (int)(minBackoff + backOffWithJitter) > maxBackoff ? (minBackoff + backOffWithJitter) : maxBackoff;
    	int ret = mqtt_connect();
    	if (ret != 0) {
    		printf("connect failed, result %d\n", ret);

Subscribing to a Topic

Only devices that subscribe to a specific topic can receive messages about the topic published by the broker. For details on the preset topics, see Topics.

Subscribe to a topic.

char *cmd_topic = combine_strings(3, "$oc/devices/", username, "/sys/commands/#");
ret = mqtt_subscribe(cmd_topic);
cmd_topic = NULL;
if (ret < 0) {
	printf("subscribe topic error, result %d\n", ret);

If the subscription is successful, the message "subscribe success" is displayed in the demo.

Reporting Properties

Devices can report their properties to the platform. For details, see Reporting Device Properties.

//publish data
char *payload = "{\"services\":[{\"service_id\":\"parameter\",\"properties\":{\"Load\":\"123\",\"ImbA_strVal\":\"456\"}}]}";
char *report_topic = combine_strings(3, "$oc/devices/", username, "/sys/properties/report");
ret = mqtt_publish(report_topic, payload);
report_topic = NULL;
if (ret < 0) {
	printf("publish data error, result %d\n", ret);

If the property reporting is successful, the message "publish success" is displayed in the demo.

The reported properties are displayed on the device details page.

Figure 2 Viewing reported data - parameter

If no latest data is displayed on the device details page, modify the services and properties in the product model to ensure that the reported services and properties are the same as those defined in the product model. Alternatively, go to the product details page and delete all services.

Receiving a Command

After subscribing to a command topic, you can deliver a synchronous command on the console. For details, see Command Delivery to an Individual MQTT Device.

If the command delivery is successful, the command received is displayed in the demo:

The code for receiving commands in the demo is as follows:

//receive message from the server
int mqtt_message_arrive(void *context, char *topicName, int topicLen, MQTTAsync_message *message) {
	printf( "mqtt_message_arrive() success, the topic is %s, the payload is %s \n", topicName, message->payload);
	return 1; //can not return 0 here, otherwise the message won't update or something wrong would happen

Synchronous commands require device responses. For details, see Upstream Response Parameters.