หน้านี้ยังไม่พร้อมใช้งานในภาษาท้องถิ่นของคุณ เรากำลังพยายามอย่างหนักเพื่อเพิ่มเวอร์ชันภาษาอื่น ๆ เพิ่มเติม ขอบคุณสำหรับการสนับสนุนเสมอมา
SMS Sending API
This API is used to send SMSs with the same content to one or more mobile numbers.
- You have created an SMS application and obtained Application Key, Application Secret, Application Access Address, and Channel No. (except the channel number of Chinese mainland SMSs).
- (Mandatory only for Chinese mainland SMSs) You have applied for an SMS signature and obtained a channel number.
- You have applied for an SMS template and obtained the template ID.
- When an SMS is sent to a group of recipients, if the numbers in the to parameter contain characters other than digits and plus signs (+), the SMS cannot be sent to any of the numbers. If the to parameter contains only numbers and plus signs (+) but some of the numbers are invalid, status codes will identify the numbers to which the SMS fails to be sent and other valid numbers will not be affected. Numbers must be separated by commas (,). Each number contains a maximum of 21 characters. A maximum of 500 numbers are supported. If there are more than 500 numbers, the SMS fails to be sent to any of the numbers.
- A long SMS may be split into multiple short messages with a fixed length. For details about how an SMS is split, see SMS Sending Rules.
- When X-WSSE authentication is used, the difference between the time when a random number is generated and the local time when the request is sent cannot exceed 24 hours. Otherwise, the authentication will fail.
- Parameters in the request body must be converted using urlencode.
- When AK/SK authentication is used, the difference between the time when a random number is generated and the local time when the request is sent cannot exceed 15 minutes. Otherwise, the authentication will fail.
Method |
/sms/batchSendSms/v1 |
Communications Protocol |
Request Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Default Value |
Description |
Content-Type |
Yes |
String |
None |
The fixed value is application/x-www-form-urlencoded. |
Authorization |
Yes |
String |
None |
SDK-HMAC-SHA256 Access="Value of app_key", SignedHeaders="Headers used for signature (lowercase)", Signature="Value calculated using the signature algorithm". For details, see Adding the Signature to the Request Header.
No (mandatory for X-WSSE authentication) |
String |
None |
The value is UsernameToken Username="Value of app_key", PasswordDigest="Value of PasswordDigest", Nonce="Random string", Created="Time when the random string is generated".
X-Sdk-Date |
No (mandatory for AK/SK authentication) |
String |
None |
Format: yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'. The difference between the value and the local time when the request is sent cannot exceed 15 minutes. Otherwise, the authentication will fail. |
Host |
No |
String |
None |
Destination address of API calling for AK/SK authentication, for example, smsapi.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com:443. |
Programming Language |
Time Format |
Java |
yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' |
Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z |
Python |
%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ |
C# |
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ |
Node.js |
toISOString().replace(/.[0-9]+\Z/, 'Z') Note: In Node.js, delete ms from the time format converted by using toISOString(). |
Go |
2006-01-02T15:04:05Z |
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Default Value |
Description |
from |
Yes |
String (1 to 21 characters) |
None |
Number from which an SMS is sent.
to |
Yes |
String (1 to 21,999 characters) |
None |
SMS recipient number. The standard format is +{Country code}{Area code}{Terminal number}.
Separate multiple recipient numbers with commas (,). Each number contains a maximum of 21 characters, and a maximum of 500 numbers are supported. |
templateId |
Yes |
String (1 to 32 characters) |
None |
Unique SMS template ID. Obtain the template ID when applying for an SMS template. templateId must be used together with the templateParas parameter. The signature type corresponding to the Chinese mainland SMS channel number must be the same as the template type corresponding to the template ID. |
templateParas |
No |
String |
None |
Optional when a non-variable template is used. List of SMS template variables, used to configure the variables specified in templateId. This parameter is in the JSONArray format. For details, see Template and Variable Specifications. The number and the length of variables must be consistent with those defined in the template specified by the templateId parameter. For example, if the template specified by templateId contains two variables with lengths of 5 and 6, the variable list must contain two corresponding variables with lengths not exceeding 5 and 6, respectively. If the template content is "You have ${NUM_5} parcels delivered to ${TXT_6}, this parameter can be set to '["3","Gate of People's Park"]'. |
statusCallback |
No |
String (1 to 1,024 characters) |
None |
Callback address of the user for receiving the SMS status report, for example http://my.com/receiveSMSReport.
extend |
No |
String (1 to 128 characters) |
None |
Extended parameter returned in the status report. Spaces and braces {} are not allowed. |
signature |
No |
String (0 to 32 characters) |
None |
(For Chinese mainland SMSs only) SMS signature name, which must be approved and consistent with the template type. This parameter is valid and must be specified only when a general template is specified. It specifies the signature before the SMS content in the general template. |
Response Parameters
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Default Value |
Description |
code |
Yes |
String (1 to 7 characters) |
None |
Result code returned after the request is sent. |
description |
Yes |
String (1 to 512 characters) |
None |
Description of the result code. |
result |
No |
SmsID [1-1000] |
None |
SMS ID list. When multiple recipient numbers are required, the platform returns an SMS ID for each recipient number. This parameter is not carried when a response exception occurs. |
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Default Value |
Description |
smsMsgId |
Yes |
String (1 to 50 characters) |
None |
Unique SMS ID. |
from |
Yes |
String (1 to 21 characters) |
None |
Number from which an SMS is sent. |
originTo |
Yes |
String (1 to 21 characters) |
None |
Number to which an SMS is sent. |
status |
Yes |
String (1 to 7 characters) |
None |
SMS status code. The following describes some SMS status codes. For details about the handling suggestions, see API Error Codes.
createTime |
Yes |
String (1 to 20 characters) |
None |
Time when the SMS resource was created, that is, the UTC time when the Message & SMS platform received an SMS request from a user. Format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' |
countryId |
No |
String (1 to 3 characters) |
None |
Country code of the SMS recipient number. |
total |
No |
Integer |
None |
Number of split SMSs. |
Result Codes
Response Code |
Result Code |
Message |
Description |
Solution |
200 |
000000 |
Success. |
The request is sent successfully. |
No action is required. |
400 |
E000000 |
System error. |
The system is abnormal. |
Check whether the templateParas parameter is set correctly according to the code example. If the problem persists, contact the administrator. |
E000001 |
Authorization not contained in the HTTP header. |
Authorization is not contained in the HTTP header. |
Check whether the HTTP message header contains the Authorization field. |
E000002 |
realm not contained in Authorization. |
realm is not contained in Authorization. |
Check whether the Authorization field contains the realm attribute. |
E000003 |
profile not contained in Authorization. |
profile is not contained in Authorization. |
Check whether the Authorization field contains the profile attribute. |
E000004 |
The value of realm in Authorization must be SDP. |
The value of realm in Authorization must be SDP. |
Check whether the value of realm in the Authorization field is SDP. |
E000005 |
The value of profile in Authorization must be UsernameToken. |
The value of profile in Authorization must be UsernameToken. |
Check whether the value of profile in the Authorization field is UsernameToken. |
E000006 |
The value of type in Authorization must be app_key. |
The value of type in Authorization must be Appkey. |
Check whether the value of type in the Authorization field is Appkey. |
E000007 |
type not contained in Authorization. |
type is not contained in Authorization. |
Check whether the Authorization field contains the type attribute. |
E000008 |
WSSE not contained in Authorization. |
WSSE is not contained in Authorization. |
Check whether the Authorization field contains WSSE. |
E000020 |
X-WSSE not contained in the HTTP header. |
X-WSSE is not contained in the HTTP header. |
Check whether the HTTP message header contains the X-WSSE field. |
E000021 |
UserName not contained in X-WSSE. |
UserName is not contained in X-WSSE. |
Check whether the X-WSSE field contains the UserName attribute. |
E000022 |
Nonce not contained in X-WSSE. |
Nonce is not contained in X-WSSE. |
Check whether the X-WSSE field contains the Nonce attribute. |
E000023 |
Created not contained in X-WSSE. |
Created is not contained in X-WSSE. |
Check whether the X-WSSE field contains the Created attribute. |
E000024 |
PasswordDigest not contained in X-WSSE. |
PasswordDigest is not contained in X-WSSE. |
Check whether the X-WSSE field contains the PasswordDigest attribute. |
E000025 |
The format of Created is incorrect. |
The format of Created is incorrect. |
Check whether the format of the Created attribute in the X-WSSE field is correct. |
E000026 |
UsernameToken not contained in X-WSSE. |
UsernameToken is not contained in X-WSSE. |
Check whether the X-WSSE field contains the UsernameToken attribute. |
E000027 |
Invalid request. |
The request is invalid. |
Check whether the parameters in the request are valid based on the parameter description and requirements in the API reference. |
E000040 |
The value of ContentType must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded. |
The value of ContentType must be application/x-www-form-urlencoded. |
Check whether the value of the ContentType header field is application/x-www-form-urlencoded. |
E000041 |
X-Sdk-Date header is empty. |
X-Sdk-Date is empty. |
For special AK/SK authentication, check the value of X-Sdk-Date in the HTTP message header. |
E000042 |
The format of X-Sdk-Date header is invalid. |
Incorrect X-Sdk-Date format. |
For special AK/SK authentication, check the format of X-Sdk-Date in the HTTP message header. The format is yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss'Z'. |
E000043 |
The format of Authorization header is incorrect. |
Incorrect Authorization format. |
For special AK/SK authentication, check the format of Authorization in the HTTP message header. |
E000044 |
X-Sdk-Date is expired. |
X-Sdk-Date expires. |
For special AK/SK authentication, check the time of X-Sdk-Date in the HTTP header. The difference between the time and the local time when the request is sent cannot exceed 15 minutes. Otherwise, the authentication fails. |
E000045 |
Authorization verify failed. |
Authorization verification failed. |
For special AK/SK authentication, check the Signature field in Authorization of the HTTP message header. |
E000503 |
The parameter format is incorrect. |
The parameter format is incorrect. |
Check whether the parameter format is correct. |
E000510 |
The SMS fails to be sent. For details, see Status. |
Failed to send the SMS. For details, see the description of the status parameter. |
Check the value of status in the response parameter to determine the cause of the failure, modify the parameter value, and resend the SMS. |
401 |
E000101 |
Authentication failed. |
Authentication failed. |
Check whether the values of Authorization and X-WSSE are correct. |
E000102 |
Invalid app_key. |
app_key is invalid. |
Check whether app_key in the request is correct. If app_key is correct, check whether the application access address (obtained from the Application Management page on the console) is correct. |
E000103 |
The status of the app_key is unavailable. |
app_key is unavailable. |
Contact the administrator to check whether the app_key status is normal. |
E000104 |
Invalid app_secret. |
app_secret is invalid. |
Check whether app_secret in the request is correct. |
E000105 |
Invalid digest. |
PasswordDigest is invalid. |
Check whether PasswordDigest in the request is correct. |
E000106 |
The app_key is not allowed to invoke this API. |
The app_key does not have the permission to call this API. |
Contact the administrator to check whether the application corresponding to the app_key supports SMS capability exposure. |
E000109 |
The user status is deactivated. |
The user is deactivated. |
Contact the administrator to activate the user. |
E000110 |
Time out limit. |
The time exceeds the limit. |
When X-WSSE authentication is used, make sure that there is not too much difference between the time when the random string is generated and the local time when the request is sent. For details, contact the administrator. |
E000111 |
Incorrect username or password. |
Incorrect username or password. |
The user information corresponding to app_key cannot be found. Contact the administrator. |
E000112 |
The subscriber status is frozen. |
The user is frozen. |
If the account is frozen due to arrears, top up the account by referring to Topping Up an Account (Prepaid Direct Customers). Then, the account is automatically unfrozen. If the account is frozen due to violation, modify the service and contact the operations manager to apply for account unfreezing. |
403 |
E000620 |
The app client ip is not in ip white list. |
The peer application IP address is not in the whitelist. |
E000623 |
Number of SMSs sent by the SP reached the limit. |
Number of SMSs sent by the SP reached the limit. |
Contact the operations manager to increase the maximum number of SMSs sent by the SP. |
E000630 |
Number of SMSs sent by the SP reached the country/region limit. |
Number of SMSs sent by the SP reached the country/region limit. |
You can set a limit for the number of accumulated SMSs sent to a country or region. When this limit is reached, new SMSs will fail to be sent. You can modify or delete the limit on the general setting page by referring to Traffic Threshold. Contact the operations manager to increase the maximum number of SMSs sent by the SP. |
API Example
- Example request 1 (X-WSSE authentication)
POST /sms/batchSendSms/v1 HTTP/1.1 x-real-ip: x-real-port: 10443 host: ompap.inner content-length: 184 date: Fri, 13 Apr 2018 06:31:39 GMT authorization: WSSE realm="SDP",profile="UsernameToken",type="Appkey" x-wsse: UsernameToken Username="ZRBRz4bAXoFgEH7o4Ew308eXc1RA",PasswordDigest="NDA1MWIwNjI2ZTkyNWFlM2FhMTE5NDE1YTk5NjU1YWE4NjNlZTY1MmRhYzkxZGViNzczZjdjMjkzZWQ4ZjAwNA==",Nonce="ac1c911c4792492687f8f6b2264a491e",Created="2018-05-26T00:35:30Z" accept: application/json content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded from=1069031221280012&to=%2B8615512345678&templateId=abcdefghabcdefghabcdefghabcdefgh&templateParas=%5B%22520520%22%5D&statusCallback=http%3A%2F%2F205%2E145%2E111%2E168%3A9330%2Freport
- Example request 2 (AK/SK authentication)
POST /sms/batchSendSms/v1 HTTP/1.1 Host: smsapi.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com:443 content-length: 184 X-Sdk-Date: 20230519T005038Z Authorization: SDK-HMAC-SHA256 Access=uxOF5yvM0H3C0t5G0xc272g7hA2I, SignedHeaders=content-type;host;x-sdk-date, Signature=082f05bcd561e291a7469939980c022f721a581967cc30eb3725c7aea4bd634d Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded from=1069********0012&to=%2B86155****5678&templateId=abcdefghabcdefghabcdefghabcdefgh&templateParas=%5B%22520520%22%5D&statusCallback=http%3A%2F%2F205%2E145%2E111%2E168%3A9330%2Freport
- Response Example
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2018 06:29:08 GMT Server: WebServer Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 247 {"result":[{"originTo":"+8615512345678","createTime":"2018-05-25T16:34:34Z","from":"1069031221280012","smsMsgId":"d6e3cdd0-522b-4692-8304-a07553cdf591_8539659","status":"000000","countryId":"CN","total":2}],"code":"000000","description":"Success"}
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