Help Center> Cloud Trace Service> User Guide> Supported Services and Operations
Updated on 2024-06-13 GMT+08:00

Supported Services and Operations

Table 1 Supported services and operations


Cloud Service



Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)

ECS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Image Management Service (IMS)

IMS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Auto Scaling (AS)

AS operations that can be recorded by CTS


FunctionGraph operations that can be recorded by CTS

Cloud Phone (CPH)

CPH operations that can be recorded by CTS


Cloud Server Backup Service (CSBS)

CSBS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Object Storage Service (OBS)

OBS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Elastic Volume Service (EVS)

EVS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Volume Backup Service (VBS)

VBS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Scalable File Service (SFS)

SFS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Storage Disaster Recovery Service (SDRS)

SDRS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Cloud Backup and Recovery (CBR)

CBR operations that can be recorded by CTS


Direct Connect (DC)

DC operations that can be recorded by CTS

Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

VPC operations that can be recorded by CTS

Elastic Load Balance (ELB)

ELB operations that can be recorded by CTS

NAT Gateway

NAT Gateway operations that can be recorded by CTS

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

VPN operations that can be recorded by CTS

VPC Endpoint (VPCEP)

VPCEP operations that can be recorded by CTS

Global Accelerator (GA)

GA operations that can be recorded by CTS

Cloud Connect (CC)

CC operations that can be recorded by CTS

Enterprise Router (ER)

ER operations that can be recorded by CTS


Cloud Container Engine (CCE)

CCE operations that can be recorded by CTS

Application Orchestration Service (AOS)

AOS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Software Repository for Container (SWR)

SWR operations that can be recorded by CTS


Object Storage Migration Service (OMS)

OMS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Cloud Data Migration (CDM)

CDM operations that can be recorded by CTS

Server Migration Service (SMS)

SMS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Management & Governance

Cloud Eye Service (CES)

CES operations that can be recorded by CTS

Cloud Trace Service (CTS)

CTS operations that can be recorded by itself

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

IAM operations that can be recorded by CTS

Tag Management Service (TMS)

TMS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Resource Access Manager (RAM)

RMS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Log Tank Service (LTS)

LTS operations that can be recorded by CTS


Config operations that can be recorded by CTS

Application Operations Management (AOM)

AOM operations that can be recorded by CTS

Application Performance Management (APM)

APM operations that can be recorded by CTS

Simple Message Notification (SMN)

SMN operations that can be recorded by CTS

Applications and Middleware

Cloud Service Engine (CSE)

CSE operations that can be recorded by CTS

Distributed Message Service for Kafka (DMS for Kafka)

DMS for Kafka operations that can be recorded by CTS

Distributed Message Service for RabbitMQ (DMS for RabbitMQ)

DMS for RabbitMQ operations that can be recorded by CTS

DMS for RocketMQ

DMS for RocketMQ operations that can be recorded by CTS

Distributed Cache Service (DCS)

DCS operations that can be recorded by CTS

API Gateway (APIG)

API Gateway operations that can be recorded by CTS


Relational Database Service (RDS)

RDS for MySQL operations that can be recorded by CTS

RDS for PostgreSQL operations that can be recorded by CTS

RDS for SQL Server operations that can be recorded by CTS

Document Database Service (DDS)

DDS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Data Replication Service (DRS)

DRS operations that can be recorded by CTS


GaussDB operations that can be recorded by CTS


GeminiDB Redis operations that can be recorded by CTS

GeminiDB Influx operations that can be recorded by CTS

GeminiDB Cassandra operations that can be recorded by CTS

GeminiDB Mongo operations that can be recorded by CTS

GaussDB(for MySQL)

GaussDB(for MySQL) operations that can be recorded by CTS

Data Admin Service (DAS)

DAS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Distributed Database Middleware (DDM)

DDM operations that can be recorded by CTS

Database and Application Migration UGO (UGO)

UGO operations that can be recorded by CTS

Development and O&M


ServiceStage operations that can be recorded by CTS

CodeArts PerfTest

PerfTest operations that can be recorded by CTS


Data Encryption Workshop (DEW)

DEW operations that can be recorded by CTS

Cloud Firewall (CFW)

CFW operations that can be recorded by CTS

Anti-DDoS Service (AAD)

AAD operations that can be recorded by CTS

Web Application Firewall (WAF)

WAF operations that can be recorded by CTS

Database Security Service (DBSS)

DBSS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Host Security Service (HSS)

HSS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Data Security Center (DSC)

DSC operations that can be recorded by CTS

Cloud Bastion Host (CBH)

CBH operations that can be recorded by CTS


SecMaster operations that can be recorded by CTS

Enterprise Application

ROMA Connect

ROMA Connect operations that can be recorded by CTS

Domain Name Service (DNS)

DNS operations that can be recorded by CTS


Blockchain Service (BCS)

BCS operations that can be recorded by CTS


Face Recognition Service (FRS)

FRS operations that can be recorded by CTS


ModelArts operations that can be recorded by CTS

Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

OCR operations that can be recorded by CTS

Big Data

MapReduce Service (MRS)

MRS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Data Lake Insight (DLI)

DLI operations that can be recorded by CTS


GaussDB(DWS) operations that can be recorded by CTS

Cloud Search Service (CSS)

CSS operations that can be recorded by CTS

DataArts Studio

DataArts Studio operations that can be recorded by CTS

Content Delivery & Edge Computing

Content Delivery Network (CDN)

CDN operations that can be recorded by CTS

Intelligent EdgeFabric (IEF)

IEF operations that can be recorded by CTS

User Service

Enterprise Project Management (EPS)

EPS operations that can be recorded by CTS

Internet of Things (IoT)

Global SIM Link (GSL)

GSL operations that can be recorded by CTS