Help Center/ Cognitive Engagement Center/ User Guide/ Tenant Administrator Guide/ Enabling Manual Services/ Voice and Video Services/ Associating an Allocated Agent ID with a Business Account and Skill Queue
Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Associating an Allocated Agent ID with a Business Account and Skill Queue


A tenant has been created.


  1. Sign in to the AICC as a tenant administrator and choose Configuration Center > Employee Center > Agent Management.
  2. Select an agent ID and click Configure in the Operation column. The Agent Info Configuration page is displayed.
  3. Configure a business account and skill queue.

    Figure 1 Agent Info Configuration page
    • Platform Role (mandatory): Select an agent role. Select Common agent for the manual voice business.
      • Common agent: This role can answer or transfer inbound calls from customers.
      • Quality checker: This role can intervene in calls between common agents and customers. For example, this role can perform operations, such as insertion, interception, and forcible busy state setting, to coach and supervise agents' handling of inbound calls.
      • Callout agent: This role can answer, transfer, or reject inbound calls from customers.
    • Agent Type (mandatory): Select an agent type based on the type of businesses to be handled. Select Audio agent for the manual voice business.
      • Voice agent
      • Video agent
      • Multimedia agent
      • Versatile agent
    • Agent Mobile/Fixed-Line Number: Enter a mobile number or fixed-line phone number used by the agent. Leave this parameter empty for the manual voice business.
    • Account: Select a created employee account. For details, see Configuring Employee Information. You can use the tenant administrator account created during tenant creation first.
    • Authentication Mode: Select a softphone authentication mode. Retain the default value UAP Authentication.
      • UAP Authentication: A softphone number and password need to be used to log in to the OpenEye.
      • Unified authentication: The system automatically authenticates a softphone.
    • Password Validity Period (Days): Enter the validity period of the agent ID password, in days. Retain the default value.
    • Intelligent Recognition: Configure whether the agent is an intelligent agent. This switch is turned off by default. In addition to basic voice control functions, intelligent agents support real-time ASR and related intelligent recommendation functions. Before turning on this switch, ensure that the number of agents for which intelligent recognition is enabled does not exceed the number of intelligent agents allocated when the tenant is created.
    • Automatic Session Summary: This switch is turned off by default. After this function is enabled, the system can intelligently summarize the call content, issue resolution result, and customer satisfaction when Call Reason is configured on the workbench.

      This parameter is available only when the Automatic Conversation Summary feature is enabled and the Intelligent Recognition function is enabled.

    • Smart Form Filling: This switch is turned off by default. After this switch is turned on, the system automatically extracts the information from the dialog text between a customer and an agent when the agent creates a case on the workbench. The system fills the information in the corresponding case form to complete the case filling task, so that the agent does not need to manually enter the information.

      This parameter is available only when the tenant parameter Enabling the Intelligent TT Filling Feature is set to Yes.

      To turn on Smart Form Filling, turn on Intelligent Recognition first.

    • Reply polishing: This switch is turned off by default. After this switch is turned on, online agents can polish the plain text in the text box during a session on the workbench. An agent can use the scripts to improve service professionalism.

      This parameter is available only for multimedia agents or versatile agents for whom Reply polishing and Intelligent Recognition are enabled.

    • Phone–Only Agent: After this switch is turned on, an agent can dial a specified access code to access an IVR flow, press a key as prompted to enter the agent ID and password to sign in, and answer calls on a mobile phone. When this switch is turned on, system O&M personnel need to customize the phone–only agent process for the tenant based on the platform, and the tenant needs to provide number resources for accessing the phone–only agent process.
    • Agent Number Anonymization Flag: Flag for a third-party to mark whether an agent has the anonymization feature. This is not a feature switch. The anonymization feature enables agents to customize the calling number displayed on the customer side (the calling number displayed to the customer) and the calling number displayed on the agent side (the calling number displayed to the agent).
    • Skill Type: Select Skill Queue and click to set the skill queues of the agent. Alternatively, select Skill Queue Group and set the skill queue group of the agent. If multiple skill queues need to be added, ensure that the media types of all the skill queues are the same, except for versatile agents. For example, the media types of all the skill queues are voice and video, or multimedia. Click default to specify the default skill queue.
    • Multiple default skill queues can be set, but only one default skill queue can be set for each skill queue type.
    • If Agent Type is set to Video agent, set the number of video agents allowed when applying for tenant resources.
    • If Agent Type is set to Multimedia agent, set the number of multimedia agents allowed when applying for tenant resources.
    • If Agent Type is set to Versatile agent, set the number of versatile agents allowed when applying for tenant resources.
    • To add more business accounts, choose Configuration Center > Employee Center > Employee.

  4. Click Save. The business account and skill queue are associated with the agent ID.
  5. (Optional) Click Configure in the upper right corner of the page. On the Batch Agent Info Configuration page, configure agent information in batches.

    Figure 2 Batch Agent Info Configuration page
    • Batch Select: Select agents to be configured by agent ID or agent ID segment.
    • Agent Info Configuration: Set parameters by referring to 3.

  6. (Optional) Select some agents and click to export agent information in batches, or directly click to export all agent information.

    The exported data contains personal data. Exercise caution when processing the exported data to prevent personal data leakage and abuse.

    If the tenant parameter Specifies whether to set the password of the compressed file for exporting data. is set to No, an export task can be added without entering a compression password.

Follow-up Procedure

The tenant administrator needs to reset the agent's softphone password. The system randomly generates a password. The agent can change the password later.

  1. Sign in to the system as a tenant administrator and choose Configuration Center > Employee Center > Agent Management.
  2. Select an agent ID and click Reset Softphone Password in the upper right corner of the page.

    Remember the softphone number bound to the agent ID, which will be used during verification.

    Verification Code is available only when Two-factor Authentication Method is set to SMS verification code or Email verification code. You can click Obtain to obtain a verification code.

  3. Set Current Account Password and click OK.

After the configuration of a signed-in agent is modified, the agent needs to sign in again for the modification to take effect.