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Change History

Updated on 2025-02-28 GMT+08:00

What's New

Released On

This issue is the sixty-second official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the sixty-first official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the relative_order_id field to responses of the V2 API for querying resource expenditure. The field indicates the ID of the customer order.
  • Added the be_id field to responses of the V2 API for viewing resource usage details. The field indicates the Huawei Cloud business entity ID.
  • Changed the permission for querying yearly/monthly resources to bss:renewal:view|bss:order:view (to be brought offline) and that for unsubscribing from yearly/monthly resources to bss:unsubscribe:update|bss:order:update (to be brought offline).

    The permission for querying resource package usage details is changed to bss:bill:view|bss:billDetail:view (to be brought offline).

    The permission for querying resource expenditures is changed to bss:bill:view|bss:billDetail:view (to be brought offline).

    For details about more permissions, see API Access Permission (Customer).

  • Added the sub_order_infos field to the order_infos field in the response of the V2 API for querying the order list.
  • Added the sub_order_infos field to the order_infos field in the response of the V2 API for querying order details. Added the order_id field (order ID) to the order_line_items response field.


This issue is the sixtieth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the fifty-ninth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added response parameters product_spec_desc (product specifications), spec_size (product instance size), and spec_size_measure_id (unit of the product instance size) to the V2 API for querying yearly/monthly resources.
  • Added the pending_payment_end_time and base_product_info response parameters to the V2 API for querying order details. pending_payment_end_time indicates the payment end time of an unpaid order, and base_product_info indicates the product information in the order line before the change.


This issue is the fifty-eighth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the fifty-seventh official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

Added an enumerated value (3: By details) to the statistic_type request parameter of the V2 API for querying resource details. Added the response parameters: effective_time and expire_time.

Changed the description of query_type: The information type, DAILY, is returned only when the statistic_type is set to 2 or 3.


This issue is the fifty-sixth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Starting from September 1, 2024 00:00:00 GMT+08:00, Huawei Cloud optimizes the billing cycle calculation rules based on the user agreement. After the optimization, the billing cycle will be associated with the expenditure time.

For more details, see How Does Huawei Cloud Calculate the Billing Cycle?


This issue is the fifty-fifth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

  • The description "The return value of this parameter is manually entered by the user when placing a resource order. Internationalization is not supported" was added for the resource_name and sub_resource_name parameters for the Viewing Resource Expenditures API. And the description "The return value of this parameter is manually entered by users. Internationalization is not supported" was added for the enterprise_project_name parameter.
  • The parameter payer_account_id (the account ID of the payer) was added to the V2 API for Viewing Resource Usage Details.


This issue is the fifty-fourth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added error code CBC.18000053, "Insufficient permissions. Contact your enterprise master", to the V4 API for querying costs.
  • Added the CBC.30010035 error code, "Resource deleted", and the CBC.30000067 error code, "Unsubscription not supported. This resource has been deleted or the subscription to this resource has not been synchronized to CBC", to the V1 and V2 for unsubscribing from yearly/monthly resources.
  • Added the following description to the V2 API for querying prices of pay-per-use products: You can use the price calculator to determine product prices. You can also use the price calculator to get the value of the product_infos request parameter when you call the API for querying product prices. For more details, see price inquiry examples.
  • Added the following description, "You can use the price calculator to determine product prices", to the V2 API for querying prices of yearly/monthly products. You can also use the price calculator to get the value of the product_infos request parameter when you call the API for querying product prices. For more details, see price inquiry examples.
  • Added an enumeration (5: withdrawn) to the request parameter, status in the V2 API for querying coupons.
  • Added an enumeration (3: closed) to the request parameter, status_list in the V2 API for querying customers' yearly/monthly resources.


This issue is the fifty-third official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the request parameter, include_relative_resources (whether to include associated resources for the query), to the V2 API for querying the renewal price of a yearly/monthly resource. Added a description for the response parameter, RenewInquiryResultInfo.resource_id. This parameter indicates that if the request contains the include_relative_resources field, the renewal amount of the associated primary resource will be returned.
  • Added the request parameters, service_type_code (the ID of the cloud service type), to the V2 API for listing yearly/monthly resources.
  • Added the CBC.30010069 error code to the V2 API for renewing yearly/monthly subscriptions. This error code indicates that the renewal period does not exist.
  • Added the CBC.99003154 error code to the V1 API for renewing subscriptions to yearly/monthly resources. This error code indicates that the subscription period plus the renewal is too long, so a shorter renewal needs to be selected.
  • Added request parameter service_type_code_list to the V3 API for listing resource packages. This parameter is used to specify the IDs of cloud service types, and the values are case-insensitive.
  • Added parameters and descriptions to the V2 API for querying resource purchase records:

    bill_date_begin&bill_date_end: This field does not take effect when statistics are collected by billing cycle type.

    id: This value of the unique ID will not be returned when statistics are collected by billing cycle type.

    usage: If the resource type is yearly/monthly resources, resource usage is not returned.

    usage_measure_id: If the resource type is yearly/monthly resources, the resource usage measurement unit is not returned.

    unit: When statistic_type is set to 1, the unit of yearly/monthly product price will not be returned.

    formula: When statistic_type is set to 1 (by billing cycle type), the formula for calculating the actual payment amount will not be returned.

  • Added the header parameter, X-Language (language) to the V2 API for querying resource usage details.


This issue is the fifty-second official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the fifty-first official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added the SPLIT_ITEM_NAME parameter to the V4 API for querying costs.

When the cost type is ORIGINAL_COST, split items cannot be used to query costs.


This issue is the fiftieth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added the error code, CBC.99003647 (Unsubscription not supported for this pay-per-use package.), to the V2 API for renewing yearly/monthly subscriptions. "


This issue is the forty-ninth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the error code, CBC.99000092 (Incorrect subscription period.), to the V2 API for renewing yearly/monthly subscriptions.
  • The V1 API for canceling unpaid orders was taken offline.


This issue is the forty-eighth official release.

The V1 API for paying yearly/monthly bills was taken offline.


This issue is the forty-seventh official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Removed the API (V1) for querying prices by product specification.


This issue is the forty-sixth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the forty-fifth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added response parameters, pre_order_id, az_code_infos, and az_code to the API of Viewing Resource Usage Details for querying the original order ID, AZ information list, and AZ codes.


This issue is the forty-fourth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added the API for querying the renewal price of a yearly/monthly resource. Customers can query the renewal price of yearly/monthly resources by criteria.


This issue is the forty-third official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added the response parameter fail_resource_infos (for querying the resources that fail to be subscribed to or unsubscribed from) to the APIs for renewing subscriptions to yearly/monthly resources and unsubscribing from yearly/monthly resources.


This issue is the forty-second official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the forty-first official release.

This release incorporates the following change:


This issue is the fortieth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Brought the V1 API for enabling automatic subscription renewal for yearly/monthly resources offline.
  • Brought the V1 API for disabling automatic subscription renewal for yearly/monthly resources offline.


This issue is the thirty-ninth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added the V3 API for paying yearly/monthly product orders, and moved the V2 API for paying yearly/monthly product orders to APIs to Be Taken Offline.


This issue is the thirty-eighth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added response parameters root_resource_id, parent_resource_id, trade_id, and product_spec_desc to the API for querying resource usage details.


This issue is the thirty-seventh official release,

This release incorporates the following change:

A value of the response parameter feeSourceOperation of the API for viewing resource expenditures has been changed to 20: Refund - change (entire server), and the value 21: Refund – change (specification downgrade) is added.


This issue is the thirty-sixth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Add the API for querying cost data. Customers can query the cost data on their self-built platform through this API.


This issue is the thirty-fifth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Changed Marketplace to KooGallery.


This issue is the thirty-fourth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the thirty-third official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

Added the following description for the API in Unsubscribing from Yearly/Monthly Resources: Confirm the resource information and the refund before unsubscribing from in-use resources. After being unsubscribed from, the resources not in the recycle bin cannot be restored. If you wan to continue using these resources, unsubscribe from the subscription term renewed but not used yet.


This issue is the thirty-second official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the thirty-first official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

  • The transaction model name in Chinese for Referral has been changed, but the English name remains unchanged.
  • Added the enumerated value 7: Deposit for the account_type parameter in the response of the V2 API for querying the account balance.


This issue is the thirtieth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added error code CBC.99003605 in the response of the V2 API for canceling automatic renewal for yearly/monthly resources.


This issue is the twenty-ninth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added the enumerated value 20: refund-change for the bill_type parameter of the API for querying resource usage details.


This issue is the twenty-eighth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the twenty-seventh official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the twenty-sixth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the twenty-fifth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Change the description of the error message for CBC.99003016 to "The resources have expired and been deleted or do not exist." in Renewing Subscription to Yearly/Monthly Resources.


This issue is the twenty-fourth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the twenty-third official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Added error code CBC.30000010 to the API for paying yearly/monthly product orders.
  • Added a description for the Unit parameter in Viewing Resource Expenditures to differentiate the unit of the linear products from that of non-linear products.


This issue is the twenty-second official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Moved Querying the Package Usage (Old) to APIs to Be Taken Offline.


This issue is the twenty-first official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added user_name in the response parameters of the API in Querying Order Details to specify the order creator returned by the API for querying order details.


This issue is the twentieth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the nineteenth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added Querying Available Discounts of an Order. You can invoke this API to query available discounts when paying an order.


This issue is the eighteenth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Modified Viewing Resource Usage Details. Specifically, added parameters sku_code and region_name, which are used to return the SKU attribute and cloud service region, respectively, in the response message during an API call.
  • Modified Viewing Resource Expenditures. Request parameters bill_date_begin and bill_date_end are added to customize the dates for querying consumption records in a billing cycle and response parameter region_name is added to return the cloud service region during an API call.


This issue is the seventeenth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

  • Modified the V2 interface in Viewing Resource Expenditures. Specifically, parameter charge_mode is changed from mandatory to optional. The enumerated value 17: expenditure-difference amount (min. guaranteed-actual) is added for parameter bill_type.


This issue is the sixteenth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added the parameter discount_infos and table DiscountSimpleInfo for the API that is used for paying yearly/monthly product orders to query available discounts that can be used for paying yearly/monthly orders.


This issue is the fifteenth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the fourteenth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

Added Querying Cloud Service Types (Old) for querying cloud service types.

Added Querying Resource Types (Old) for querying resource types.

Added Querying Resources by Cloud Service Type for querying resource list by cloud service type.


This issue is the thirteenth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

Added parameter trade_id in Viewing Resource Expenditures to identify transaction or order ID.


This issue is the twelfth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

Supported the function of querying bill data of only a sub customer of an enterprise or a customer itself.


This issue is the eleventh official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the tenth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the ninth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added a V2 API in Querying the Account Balance.


This issue is the eighth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the seventh official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the sixth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:


This issue is the fifth official release.

This release incorporates the following changes:

Added Querying the Price of a Pay-Per-Use Product and Querying the Price of a Yearly/Monthly Product.


This issue is the fourth official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added Querying Package Usage.


This issue is the third official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added Querying the Invoice List.


This issue is the second official release.

This release incorporates the following change:

Added the following response parameters in Querying Summary Bills: total_amount, debt_amount, coupon_amount, cashcoupon_amount, storedcard_amount, debit_amount, credit_amount, and measure_id.


This issue is the first official release.


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